CECD service code for libctru
Requires existing devkitPro install.
Add libctru-cecd/source/3ds/services/cec to your makefile SOURCES, and libctru-cecd/include/3ds/services/cec and libctru-cecd/include/ to your INCLUDES to compile. Then #include "3ds/services/cecd.h" to start using.
This aims to fill in the missing service code, and enable CECTool to function.
When it is more complete it should be added into libctru, but in the meantime this will do.
- Open
- Read
- ReadMessage
- ReadMessageWithHMAC
- Write
- WriteMessage
- WriteMessageWithHMAC
- Delete
- SetData
- ReadData
- Start
- Stop
- GetCecInfoBuffer
- GetCecdState
- GetCecInfoEventHandle
- GetChangeStateEventHandle
- OpenAndWrite
- OpenAndRead
- GetEventLog
- GetEventLogStart
- cecd:ndm
- cecd:s/CecSys
- CecControl
- CecControlSys
- MessageId
- Message
- MessageBox
- And whatever else I may still find
and cecdExit()
must be called to initialize and finalize CecControl. They default to using the cecd:u service.
cecdOpen(programId, pathType, flag, size);
cecdRead(readSize, readBuf, readBufSize);
cecdReadMessage(programId, isOutBox, msgId, msgIdSize, readSize, readBuf, readBufSize);
cecdReadMessageWithHmac(programId, isOutBox, msgId, msgIdSize, readSize, readBuf, readBufSize, hmacKey);
cecdWrite(writeBuf, writeBufSize);
cecdWriteMessage(programId, isOutBox, msgId, msgIdSize, writeBuf, writeBufSize);
cecdWriteMessageWithHmac(programId, isOutBox, msgId, msgIdSize, writeBuf, writeBufSize, hmacKey);
cecdDelete(programId, pathType, isOutBox, msgId, msgIdSize);
cecdSetData(programId, dataBuf, dataBufSize, option);
cecdReadData(destBuf, destBufSize, option, paramBuf, paramBufSize);
cecdGetCecInfoBuffer(programId, buf, bufSize);
cecdOpenAndWrite(writeBuf, writeBufSize, programId, pathType, fileFlag);
cecdOpenAndRead(readBuf, readBufSize, readSize, programId, pathType, fileFlag);
cecdGetEventLog(eventLogBuf, end, start, size);