Create .env file and complete it with your values from metamask
cp .env.sample .env
To compile the contract
npx hardhat compile
To start localhost network run the following (network will live in the terminal session, when closing it the network will be destroyed)
npx hardhat node
To deploy to localhost
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
To generate a nft
npx hardhat --network localhost generate {selectedAddress}
To add a student by task
npx hardhat --network localhost addStudent {selectedAddress}
To grade a student by task
npx hardhat --network localhost gradeStudent {selectedAddress} {grade} {subject}
- npx hardhat --network localhost addStudent 0xbcd4042de499d14e55001ccbb24a551f3b954096
- npx hardhat --network localhost gradeStudent 0xbcd4042de499d14e55001ccbb24a551f3b954096 8 Programming