Landing page & blog for National Taiwan University Open Source Community. This repository holds the ground-up site source.
This website is generated using Pelican. To install all the Python dependencies, simply run the following command:
[sudo] pip install pelican Markdown Fabric
If you're tweaking the site stylesheet, make sure to install Bower and Sass:
[sudo] npm install -g bower
[sudo] gem install sass
And run
bower install
to fetch all the required frontend components.
Fabric is used to do all the automation works. To list available commands, try:
fab --list
And run either fab build
or fab serve
to generate pages or run the site locally.
fab sass
compiles SCSS stylesheets into compressed CSS. Here are some possible usages:
fab sass
fab sass:watch
fab sass:compile,force build serve
fab sass:,,style=expanded,sourcemap=auto
See SASS and Fabric documentation for more options.
One of bower dependencies of the site, Modernizer, is not a regular bower package. You will get the repo directly when installing, and you have to build it yourself before building (before pelican copies its assets). Currently there is no simply workarounds to automate this process, so watch out when deploying.
Here we build all components of Modernizr, which is generally unnecessary.
cd vender/modernizr
npm install
./bin/modernizr -c lib/config-all.json
Copying the whole repo of Modernizr into output/
directory is also a stupid idea, which is an issue to be fixed.
Before publishing the site, make sure you've set up correct git
remote branches already:
git remote add github
Note that weʻre deploying to root GitHub Pages repository. To change the behavior, modify
in the project directory as your wish.
When you‘re all set, run the following command,
fab github
to publish the site on GitHub Pages.
Except noted individually, the site itself is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. Hope you could make something useful out of our materials.
Authored by Poren Chiang 2014.