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build imagegw

miguelgila edited this page Feb 8, 2016 · 4 revisions

Setting up the ImageGW

this can be done using docker-compose or, on a dedicated system, using the script imagegw/contrib/shifter-imagegw_build_env.

It can then be run using an init.d script similar to imagegw/contrib/shifter-imagegw_init_d

Manual set-up on a RHEL 6 system with root access

Get it

export APPS=/opt
export ROOT_TREE=${APPS}/system/opt/shifter/15.12.0/imageGW
export SRC_TREE="${ROOT_TREE}/berkeleylab-shifter-a5f1dbaeb86b"   #a5f1dbaeb86b is the hash of the release 15.12.0
export PYTHON_VENV="${ROOT_TREE}/imagegw_venv"
wget ''
tar xjf 15.12.0.tar.bz2 

Install dependencies

DEP_RPM_LIST="mongodb-server mongodb redis zlib zlib-devel munge munge-devel openssl openssl-devel"
sudo yum install -y ${DEP_RPM_LIST}
sudo /etc/init.d/mongod 
sudo /etc/init.d/redis start

Build Python 2.7.9

wget ''
tar xzf Python-2.7.9.tgz
cd Python-2.7.9/
./configure --prefix=$MYPYTHONPATH
make -j4 && make install
cd ..
find ./Python-2.7.9 -exec rm -rf {} \;

Install virtualenv

wget ''
tar xzvf virtualenv-13.1.2.tar.gz
virtualenv-13.1.2/ imagegw_venv --python=$MYPYTHONPATH/bin/python2.7

Install required Python packages

source ${PYTHON_VENV}/bin/activate
pip install -r ${SRC_TREE}/imagegw/src/requirements.txt
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