Adaptation of the CRITICAL plasticity rule, available at, for neuromorphic devices. This is the code for the preprint available at
The required python packages are listed in requirements.txt, and can be installed with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Most experiments can be executed using the command line interface:
cd pcritical
python -m scripts.random_poisson
Other datasets and experiments can be created using primarily the PCritical torch module:
import torch
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from networkx import DiGraph
from torch.nn import Sequential
from modules.pcritical import PCritical
from modules.utils import OneToNLayer, display_spike_train
# Reservoir can be constructed using networkx's Directed Graphs
topology = DiGraph()
for i in range(31):
topology.add_edge(i, i+1, weight=np.random.random())
# Input and reservoir layers of a liquid state machine:
NFeatures = 10
lsm = Sequential(
OneToNLayer(1, NFeatures, 32), # Input layer of 10 neurons randomly connected to 10 out of 32 neurons (one-to-one)
PCritical(1, topology=topology)
duration = 120
input_spike_train = torch.tensor(np.random.poisson(
lam=0.5, size=(1, NFeatures, duration)
).clip(0, 1)).float()
output_spikes = [lsm(input_spike_train[:, :, t]) for t in range(duration)]
output_spikes = torch.stack(output_spikes, dim=2)
© Copyright (August 2020) Ismael Balafrej, prof. Jean Rouat. University of Sherbrooke. NEuro COmputational & Intelligent Signal Processing Research Group (NECOTIS)