Releases: Mythical-Atlas/sonic-fan-game
Releases · Mythical-Atlas/sonic-fan-game
Version 0.14.1
Same as last version, but it's been optimized and now runs at 60 fps with no issues.
Version 0.14
Now in OpenGL!
There are definitely still some issues with optimization, but it does successfully run.
- Added basic HUD elements
- Capped at 30 FPS due to performance issues
- Using OpenGL rather than Java's native Java2D library
- Menu and test levels inaccessible for now (temporary)
- Unable to view collision masks (temporary)
- Removed fullscreen (temporary)
- Window resizable (so fullscreen technically still supported, just not undecorated)
- Left + Right Arrows = Move Sonic
- Space Bar = Jump
- Down Arrow = Crouch
- Space Bar While Crouching = Spindash (space again to charge, release down arrow to release)
- Shift = Debug Boost (debug feature, will not be present in final game)
- Escape = Quit
Version 0.13
Change log:
- added ability to view player and tile collision masks
- slightly tweaked physics values (jump height, gravity, acceleration, etc)
- implemented layers
- implemented loops
- further mapped Leaf Forest
- implemented smooth slopes to Leaf Forest (previously just a bunch of triangles to mimic them)
- other minor bug fixes
Version 0.12
First build designed with other users in mind.
- Added turning animations
- Progress on Leaf Forest Act 1
- Added controls on menu screen
- Some optimizations
Version 0.11
First executable JAR file build (previous builds have issues with accessing resources).
Mostly finished physics + Sonic animations. 2 test levels + extremely unfinished Leaf Forest Act 1 port.