final binding = TwoWayBinding<String>()
// Please close the 2-way binding if it is not useful anymore.
await binding.close();
A generic class able to localize and translate messages to the GUI (users).
Data rules
Here the list of all possible data rules.
* `ConfirmedRule`, a bool is true.
* `EmailRule`, an email is syntactically correct.
* `MaxRule`, max value possible.
* `MinRule`, min value possible.
* `RegexRule`, define a regex for validating.
* `RequiredRule`, data required.
* `SameRule`, same data of another field.
* `SizeRule`, size value possible.
* `TrimRule`, get the string without any leading and trailing whitespace.
* `TwoWayBindingUtils.validate()`, perform a validation against the provided bindings.