diff --git a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/META-INF/web-fragment.xml b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/META-INF/web-fragment.xml
index 8d1b101d1..456c1f4f7 100644
--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/META-INF/web-fragment.xml
+++ b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/META-INF/web-fragment.xml
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
- /servlets/DozBibServlet
+ /servlets/DozBibServletDozBibServlet
- /servlets/DozBibServlet/*
+ /servlets/DozBibServlet/*
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- /servlets/NewPublicationWizard
+ /servlets/NewPublicationWizard
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
- /servlets/DozBibEntryServlet
+ /servlets/DozBibEntryServlet
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
- /servlets/RelationEditorServlet
+ /servlets/RelationEditorServlet
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
- /servlets/DozBibImportServlet
+ /servlets/DozBibImportServlet
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
- /servlets/Results2Basket
+ /servlets/Results2Basket
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
- /servlets/BasketName2PIDEditor
+ /servlets/BasketName2PIDEditor
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
- /identitypicker.html
+ /identitypicker.html
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
- /oai
+ /oai
@@ -105,9 +105,18 @@
- /servlets/EnrichmentDebuggerServlet
+ /servlets/EnrichmentDebuggerServlet
+ DozBibORCIDUserServlet
+ org.mycore.ubo.orcid.DozBibORCIDUserServlet
+ DozBibORCIDUserServlet
+ /servlets/DozBibORCIDUserServlet
diff --git a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_de.properties b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_de.properties
index 899892a88..b34712b7f 100644
--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_de.properties
+++ b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_de.properties
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ button.finish = Beenden
button.hide.authors = {0} Autoren verbergen
button.merge = Daten zusammenf\u00FChren
button.next = Weiter
+button.ok = OK
button.preview = Vorschau
button.print = Drucken
button.rename = Umbenennen
@@ -628,30 +629,51 @@ navigation.ende = \ English
navigation.helpFromAtoZ = Hilfe von A-Z
navigation.notAllowedToSeeThisPage = Sie sind nicht berechtigt, diese Seite anzusehen.
-orcid.integration.confirmed.headline = Ihre ORCID\u00AE iD ist verkn\u00FCpft!
-orcid.integration.confirmed.text = Sie haben die Universit\u00E4tsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen als "Trusted Party" autorisiert,\r\nauf Ihr ORCID Profil zuzugreifen. Sie k\u00F6nnen diese Berechtigung \u00FCbrigens jederzeit in Ihrem ORCID Profil unter [Account Settings] > [Trusted organizations] widerrufen. Wir k\u00F6nnen nun\r\n
-orcid.integration.confirmed.thanks = Vielen Dank
-orcid.integration.import = Publikationsdaten aus Ihrem ORCID Profil in die Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie importieren
-orcid.integration.more = Mehr zu den Vorteilen von ORCID und Autoren-Identifikatoren
-orcid.integration.pending.authorize = und autorisieren Sie die UB Duisburg-Essen als "trusted party", auf Ihr ORCID Profil zuzugreifen. Wir k\u00F6nnen dann
-orcid.integration.pending.headline = ORCID\u00AE iD verkn\u00FCpfen und viele Vorteile nutzen!
-orcid.integration.pending.intro = Ihre ORCID\u00AE iD ist ein dauerhafter, pers\u00F6nlicher Identifikator, der Sie eindeutig von anderen Wissenschaftler*innen unterscheidbar macht und Mechanismen bietet, Ihre Forschungsergebnisse und Aktivit\u00E4ten zu verkn\u00FCpfen. ORCID ist bereits in viele Systeme von F\u00F6rderern, Institutionen, Verlagen, Datenbanken und anderen wissenschaftlichen Diensten integriert.\r\n
-orcid.integration.popup.close = Fenster schlie\u00DFen
-orcid.integration.popup.title = ORCID\u00AE Autorisierung
-orcid.integration.popup.tooltip = \u00F6ffnet neues Fenster zum Login bei ORCID
-orcid.integration.publish = Publikationsdaten aus der Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie in Ihrem ORCID Profil nachtragen, sofern dort nicht vorhanden.
-orcid.integration.rejected.denied = Schade, Sie haben die Universit\u00E4tsbibliothek nicht als Trusted Party autorisiert.\r\nWir k\u00F6nnen daher zuk\u00FCnftig nicht Ihre Publikationsdaten mit der Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie synchronisieren.\r\n
-orcid.integration.rejected.error = Fehlermeldung
-orcid.integration.rejected.headline = ORCID\u00AE Autorisierung nicht erfolgt!
-orcid.integration.rejected.retry = Wollen Sie es noch einmal versuchen? Haben Sie Ihre Meinung ge\u00E4ndert?
-orcid.oauth.link = Registrieren oder verkn\u00FCpfen Sie Ihre ORCID iD hier !
-orcid.publication.action.confirmation = Die Publikation wurde in Ihr ORCID Profil \u00FCbertragen!
-orcid.publication.action.create = ins ORCID Profil \u00FCbertragen
-orcid.publication.action.update = im ORCID Profil aktualisieren
-orcid.publication.inProfile.false = Diese Publikation ist NICHT in Ihrem ORCID-Profil vorhanden
-orcid.publication.inProfile.true = Diese Publikation ist in Ihrem ORCID-Profil vorhanden
+orcid.integration.auto.update.false = ORCID\u00AE-Profil automatisch aktualisieren
+orcid.integration.auto.update.false.msg = Ja, ich m\u00F6chte mein ORCID\u00AE-Profil automatisch aktualisieren lassen.
+orcid.integration.auto.update.true = ORCID\u00AE-Profil nicht automatisch aktualisieren
+orcid.integration.auto.update.true.msg = Nein, ich m\u00F6chte mein ORCID\u00AE-Profil nicht automatisch aktualisieren lassen.
+orcid.integration.confirm.delete.message = Wollen Sie wirklich die Verkn\u00FCpfung Ihrer ORCID\u00AE iD mit der Bibliographie aufheben?
+orcid.integration.confirm.delete.title = ORCID\u00AE iD Verkn\u00FCpfung aufheben
+orcid.integration.confirmed.headline = Ihre ORCID\u00AE iD ist verkn\u00FCpft
+orcid.integration.confirmed.headline.with.update = und ihr Profil wird automatisch aktualisiert
+orcid.integration.confirmed.text = Sie haben die Universit\u00E4tsbibliothek Duisburg-Essen als "Trusted Party" autorisiert,\r\nauf Ihr ORCID Profil zuzugreifen. Sie k\u00F6nnen diese Berechtigung \u00FCbrigens jederzeit in Ihrem ORCID Profil unter [Account Settings] > [Trusted organizations] widerrufen. Wir k\u00F6nnen nun\r\n
+orcid.integration.confirmed.thanks = Vielen Dank
+orcid.integration.import = Publikationsdaten aus Ihrem ORCID Profil in die Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie importieren
+orcid.integration.inlink.error = Die Verkn\u00FCpfung der ORCID\u00AE {0} konnte nicht aufgehoben werden.
+orcid.integration.list = Folgende ORCID\u00AE-IDs sind mit Ihrem Benutzerkonto verkn\u00FCpft:
+orcid.integration.more = Mehr zu den Vorteilen von ORCID und Autoren-Identifikatoren
+orcid.integration.pending.authorize = und autorisieren Sie die UB Duisburg-Essen als "trusted party", auf Ihr ORCID Profil zuzugreifen. Wir k\u00F6nnen dann
+orcid.integration.pending.headline = ORCID\u00AE iD verkn\u00FCpfen und viele Vorteile nutzen!
+orcid.integration.pending.intro = Ihre ORCID\u00AE iD ist ein dauerhafter, pers\u00F6nlicher Identifikator, der Sie eindeutig von anderen Wissenschaftler*innen unterscheidbar macht und Mechanismen bietet, Ihre Forschungsergebnisse und Aktivit\u00E4ten zu verkn\u00FCpfen. ORCID ist bereits in viele Systeme von F\u00F6rderern, Institutionen, Verlagen, Datenbanken und anderen wissenschaftlichen Diensten integriert.\r\n
+orcid.integration.popup.close = Fenster schlie\u00DFen
+orcid.integration.popup.title = ORCID\u00AE Autorisierung
+orcid.integration.popup.tooltip = \u00F6ffnet neues Fenster zum Login bei ORCID
+orcid.integration.publish = Publikationsdaten aus der Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie in Ihrem ORCID Profil nachtragen, sofern dort nicht vorhanden.
+orcid.integration.rejected.denied = Schade, Sie haben die Universit\u00E4tsbibliothek nicht als Trusted Party autorisiert.\r\nWir k\u00F6nnen daher zuk\u00FCnftig nicht Ihre Publikationsdaten mit der Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie synchronisieren.\r\n
+orcid.integration.rejected.error = Fehlermeldung
+orcid.integration.rejected.headline = ORCID\u00AE Autorisierung nicht erfolgt!
+orcid.integration.rejected.retry = Wollen Sie es noch einmal versuchen? Haben Sie Ihre Meinung ge\u00E4ndert?
+orcid.integration.settings.alwaysUpdateWork = Ihre Publikationen, die aus der Bibliographie in Ihr ORCID\u00AE-Profil \u00FCbertragen wurden, werden auch im ORCID\u00AE-Profil aktualisiert, wenn in der Bibliographie \u00C4nderungen vorgenommen wurden. Wenn diese Option nicht aktiviert ist, bleiben die Publikationen im ORCID\u00AE-Profil unver\u00E4ndert.\r\n
+orcid.integration.settings.createDuplicateWork = Wenn in Ihrem ORCID\u00AE-Profil zu einer Publikation bereits eine identische Publikation vorhanden ist, wird diese dennoch in Ihr ORCID\u00AE-Profil \u00FCbermittelt und als Duplikat eingetragen. Wenn diese Option nicht aktiviert ist, wird die Publikation nicht in Ihr ORCID\u00AE-Profil \u00FCbertragen.\r\n
+orcid.integration.settings.createFirstWork = Ihre Publikationen, die in der Bibliographie verzeichnet sind, werden (immer) automatisiert in Ihr ORCID\u00AE-Profil \u00FCbertragen.
+orcid.integration.settings.error = Die Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden.
+orcid.integration.settings.intro = Sie k\u00F6nnen in der Bibliographie f\u00FCr jede Ihrer Publikationen individuell entscheiden, ob diese in Ihr ORCID\u00AE-Profil \u00FCbertragen werden sollen. Dar\u00FCber hinaus gibt es folgende automatisierte M\u00F6glichkeiten:
+orcid.integration.settings.recreateDeletedWork = Publikationen, die in Ihrem ORCID\u00AE-Profil gel\u00F6scht wurden, werden wieder dort eingetragen, sobald diese in der Bibliographie erneut gespeichert wurden. Wenn diese Option nicht aktiviert ist, bleiben in Ihrem ORCID\u00AE-Profil gel\u00F6schte Publikationen dort dauerhaft entfernt.
+orcid.integration.settings.success = Die Einstellungen wurden erfolgreich gespeichert.
+orcid.integration.settings.title = ORCID\u00AE Einstellungen
+orcid.integration.unlink = ORCID\u00AE Verkn\u00FCpfung aufheben
+orcid.integration.unlink.confirmation = Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Verkn\u00FCpfung der ORCID\u00AE {0} aufheben wollen?
+orcid.integration.unlink.success = Die Verkn\u00FCpfung der ORCID\u00AE {0} wurde aufgehoben.
+orcid.oauth.link = Registrieren oder verkn\u00FCpfen Sie Ihre ORCID iD hier !
+orcid.publication.action.confirmation = Die Publikation wurde in Ihr ORCID Profil \u00FCbertragen!
+orcid.publication.action.create = zu ORCID\u00AE \u00FCbertragen
+orcid.publication.action.update = im ORCID Profil aktualisieren
+orcid.publication.inProfile.false = Diese Publikation ist NICHT in Ihrem ORCID-Profil vorhanden
+orcid.publication.inProfile.true = Diese Publikation ist in Ihrem ORCID-Profil vorhanden
person.datatoform = Daten in Personenangaben-Felder eintragen
+person.information = Personenangaben
person.search = Suche
person.search.help1 = Um Autor*innen oder Herausgeber*innen einzutragen, geben Sie bitte hier Name und Vorname ein. Alternativ k\u00F6nnen Sie den Namen auch im Online-Personalverzeichnis der Hochschule suchen und die Daten dann in die Felder hier \u00FCbertragen bzw. gleich direkt \u00FCbernehmen, falls keine Anpassungen mehr n\u00F6tig sein sollten.\r\nSollte es sich nicht um Hochschulangeh\u00F6rige handeln, oder die Person nicht gefunden werden, k\u00F6nnen Sie Vor- und Nachname ohne Personen-ID-Zuordnung \u00FCbernehmen.
person.search.help2 = Sie k\u00F6nnen hier den Namen im Online-Personalverzeichnis der Hochschule suchen, und dann direkt \u00FCbernehmen oder in die Maske "Personenangaben" \u00FCbertragen um dort vor der \u00DCbernahme noch Anpassungen vorzunehmen.
@@ -965,11 +987,15 @@ ubo.export.format.ris.description = Das RIS-Format ist ein Standar
ubo.export.more = (mehr)
ubo.extent = Umfang
ubo.extent.placeholder = z. B. "50 Seiten"
+ubo.fundingType = F\u00F6rderungstyp
ubo.genre = Publikationstyp
+ubo.help.accessrights = Geben Sie hier bitte die Zugangsrechte (Access Rights) der Publikation an. Eine genauere Erkl\u00E4rung der Zugangsrechte finden Sie im Abschnitt FAQ der Seite Informationen zur Bibliographie.
ubo.help.department = Struktureinheit der Hochschule, an der die Publikation entstanden ist
ubo.help.oa = W\u00E4hlen Sie den Open Access-Publikationsweg aus
ubo.help.partOf = Die Publikation soll bei der Auswertung zu statistischen Zwecken gez\u00E4hlt werden (Zweitver\u00F6ffentlichungen sollten ebenfalls hier nicht gez\u00E4hlt werden).
+ubo.help.peerreviewed = Die Publikation wurde durch externe Fachkolleg*innen inhaltlich begutachtet
ubo.help.status = Bearbeitungsstand der Publikation
+ubo.help.typeOfResource = Form des Inhaltes
ubo.host = enthalten in
ubo.identifier = Identifikator
ubo.identifier.arxiv = arXiv.org ID
@@ -1004,6 +1030,7 @@ ubo.identifier.url = URL
ubo.identifier.urn = URN
ubo.identifier.urn.validation = Ein Uniform Resource Name muss mit "urn:nbn:" beginnen!
ubo.identifier.zdb = ZDB ID
+ubo.interviewer.abbreviated = Itw
ubo.issue = Heft
ubo.jop = Verf\u00FCgbarkeit online & gedruckt anzeigen
ubo.language = Sprache des Textes
@@ -1042,6 +1069,7 @@ ubo.newest = Neueste Publikationen
ubo.note = Notiz
ubo.numPublicationsTotal = Derzeit sind {0} Publikationen verzeichnet.
ubo.oa = Open Access?
+ubo.orcid.require.publication = Wenn Sie Ihren Nutzeraccount mit ORCID\u00AE verkn\u00FCpfen m\u00F6chten, hinterlegen Sie bitte mindestens eine Publikation und verkn\u00FCpfen Sie diese mit Ihrem Nutzeraccount \u00FCber die Personenauswahl.
ubo.pages = Seiten
ubo.pages.abbreviated.multiple = S.
ubo.pages.abbreviated.single = S.
@@ -1053,6 +1081,11 @@ ubo.partOf.validation = Bitte geben Sie an, ob die Pub
ubo.partner = Praxispartner*in
ubo.patent.application = Jahr der Erstanmeldung
ubo.peerreviewed = Peer Reviewed
+ubo.person.affiliation = Affiliation
+ubo.person.connected = der Hochschule zugeordnete*r Autor*in
+ubo.person.connected.sup = HSB
+ubo.person.corresponding = korrespondierende*r Autor*in
+ubo.person.other = Sonstiges
ubo.place = Erscheinungsort
ubo.place.country = Anmeldeland
ubo.placeholder.abstract.link = WWW-Link zum Abstract
@@ -1202,14 +1235,17 @@ user.profile.id.gnd = GND
user.profile.id.local = Lokale ID
user.profile.id.lsf = LSF iD
user.profile.id.orcid = ORCID iD
+user.profile.id.researcherid = ResearcherID
user.profile.id.scopus = SCOPUS Autoren-iD
user.profile.publications = Publikationen
user.profile.publications.num.multiple = {0} Publikationen
user.profile.publications.num.none = keine Publikationen
user.profile.publications.num.one = eine Publikation
-user.profile.publications.orcid.intro = Ihr ORCID-Profil enth\u00E4lt
-user.profile.publications.ubo.intro = Die Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie enth\u00E4lt
+user.profile.publications.orcid.intro = Ihr ORCID\u00AE-Profil mit der ID {0} enth\u00E4lt
+user.profile.publications.ubo.intro = Die Universit\u00E4tsbibliographie enth\u00E4lt
user.profile.publications.ubo.outro = \ mit diesem Profil eindeutig zugeordneter LSF ID
+user.profile.publications.ubo.outro.plural.false = \ mit Ihnen eindeutig zugeordneter LSF ID
+user.profile.publications.ubo.outro.plural.true = \ mit Ihnen eindeutig zugeordneter LSF ID
user.profile.publications.ubo.published.extro.plural.false = im Status redaktionell gepr\u00FCft.
user.profile.publications.ubo.published.extro.plural.true = im Status redaktionell gepr\u00FCft.
user.profile.publications.ubo.published.intro.plural.false = Davon ist
diff --git a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_en.properties b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_en.properties
index a40b15be6..d478e7d13 100644
--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_en.properties
+++ b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/messages_en.properties
@@ -1,1190 +1,1218 @@
-MCRUploadApplet.altsel = or enter an absolute path:
-MCRUploadApplet.choose = Select files or directories
-MCRUploadApplet.dirsel = Select files or directories
-MCRUploadApplet.noplug = Your browser is missing the required Java-Plug-in to start the upload applet.
-MCRUploadApplet.select = select
-MCRUploadApplet.submit = submit
+MCRUploadApplet.altsel = or enter an absolute path:
+MCRUploadApplet.choose = Select files or directories
+MCRUploadApplet.dirsel = Select files or directories
+MCRUploadApplet.noplug = Your browser is missing the required Java-Plug-in to start the upload applet.
+MCRUploadApplet.select = select
+MCRUploadApplet.submit = submit
-accesskey.input.button = Access key
+accesskey.input.button = Access key
-action.done = Complete action?
+action.done = Complete action?
-admin.and = and
-admin.changedata = Change data
-admin.changepw = Change password
-admin.documentPublished = published
-admin.documentSubmitted = submitted
-admin.faculty = Faculty:
-admin.facultySelect = (please select)
-admin.groups = Groups:
-admin.max = \ (10 characters max.)
-admin.max16 = \ (16 characters max., only a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
-admin.owner = Owner:
-admin.password = Password:
-admin.passwordChange = Change my password:
-admin.passwordChangeConfirm = The password of this user account was changed successfully.
-admin.passwordIdentically = (please repeat identically)
-admin.passwordNew = New password:
-admin.passwordNotice = Password notice:
-admin.passwordRepeat = Repeat password:
-admin.personAssigned = Assigned person:
-admin.readAccount = Create read account
-admin.user = Change user data
-admin.user.lastLogin = Last login at:
-admin.userAccount = User account:
-admin.userAccount1 = User account
-admin.userChange = Change user's data
-admin.userCreate = Create user account
-admin.userData = Personal data:
-admin.userDelete = Owns users, which will be deleted:
-admin.userDeleteConfirm = The user account was deleted including with all access permissions and group memberships.
-admin.userDeleteExplain = The user account will be deleted including with all access permissions and group memberships.
-admin.userDeleteExplainRead1 = Also the read users (
-admin.userDeleteExplainRead2 = , see below) which this user owns, will be deleted!
-admin.userDeleteRequest = Are you sure that you want to delete this user?
-admin.userDeleteYes = Delete user
-admin.userDisplay = Display user data:
-admin.userGroup = Group(s):
-admin.userIndependent = User is\u0009independent
-admin.userNone = None registered!
-admin.userOwn = owns:
-admin.userOwner = Owner:
-admin.userOwns = Owns user:
-admin.userRemove = (remove)
-admin.userRight = Rights
-admin.userRights = Access permissions of user
-admin.userRightsAll = To see all permission entries you click please here!
-admin.userRightsDisplay = entries are displayed.
-admin.userRightsDocs = has access permissions on
-admin.userRightsDocsMore = more than
-admin.userRightsDocuments = documents.
-admin.userRightsDocuments1 = documents
-admin.userRightsOn = \ User has access permissions on
-admin.userRightsOnly = Only
-admin.userRightsPersons = personal entries.
-admin.userSelect = Select user and action
-admin.userSelectFirst = 1. Step: Select user
-admin.userSelectSecond = 2. Step: Select action
+admin.and = and
+admin.changedata = Change data
+admin.changepw = Change password
+admin.documentPublished = published
+admin.documentSubmitted = submitted
+admin.faculty = Faculty:
+admin.facultySelect = (please select)
+admin.groups = Groups:
+admin.max = \ (10 characters max.)
+admin.max16 = \ (16 characters max., only a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
+admin.owner = Owner:
+admin.password = Password:
+admin.passwordChange = Change my password:
+admin.passwordChangeConfirm = The password of this user account was changed successfully.
+admin.passwordIdentically = (please repeat identically)
+admin.passwordNew = New password:
+admin.passwordNotice = Password notice:
+admin.passwordRepeat = Repeat password:
+admin.personAssigned = Assigned person:
+admin.readAccount = Create read account
+admin.user = Change user data
+admin.user.lastLogin = Last login at:
+admin.userAccount = User account:
+admin.userAccount1 = User account
+admin.userChange = Change user's data
+admin.userCreate = Create user account
+admin.userData = Personal data:
+admin.userDelete = Owns users, which will be deleted:
+admin.userDeleteConfirm = The user account was deleted including with all access permissions and group memberships.
+admin.userDeleteExplain = The user account will be deleted including with all access permissions and group memberships.
+admin.userDeleteExplainRead1 = Also the read users (
+admin.userDeleteExplainRead2 = , see below) which this user owns, will be deleted!
+admin.userDeleteRequest = Are you sure that you want to delete this user?
+admin.userDeleteYes = Delete user
+admin.userDisplay = Display user data:
+admin.userGroup = Group(s):
+admin.userIndependent = User is\u0009independent
+admin.userNone = None registered!
+admin.userOwn = owns:
+admin.userOwner = Owner:
+admin.userOwns = Owns user:
+admin.userRemove = (remove)
+admin.userRight = Rights
+admin.userRights = Access permissions of user
+admin.userRightsAll = To see all permission entries you click please here!
+admin.userRightsDisplay = entries are displayed.
+admin.userRightsDocs = has access permissions on
+admin.userRightsDocsMore = more than
+admin.userRightsDocuments = documents.
+admin.userRightsDocuments1 = documents
+admin.userRightsOn = \ User has access permissions on
+admin.userRightsOnly = Only
+admin.userRightsPersons = personal entries.
+admin.userSelect = Select user and action
+admin.userSelectFirst = 1. Step: Select user
+admin.userSelectSecond = 2. Step: Select action
-az.index = Index
-az.start = To top of the list
+az.index = Index
+az.start = To top of the list
-basket = Basket
+basket = Basket
-basket.containsMany = Your basket contains {0} entries.
-basket.containsNone = Your basket currently contains no entries.
-basket.containsOne = Your basket currently contains one entry.
-basket.introduction = You can collect up to 500 selected publications in this basket to export them in various formats afterwards. Please note that the basket is bound to your browser session and therefore will be lost afer 30 minutes of inactivity.
+basket.containsMany = Your basket contains {0} entries.
+basket.containsNone = Your basket currently contains no entries.
+basket.containsOne = Your basket currently contains one entry.
+basket.introduction = You can collect up to 500 selected publications in this basket to export them in various formats afterwards. Please note that the basket is bound to your browser session and therefore will be lost afer 30 minutes of inactivity.
-button.access = Access permissions
-button.action = Action complete
-button.addFiles = Add files
-button.addFilespace = Add another filespace
-button.addLink = Add WWW link
-button.adoptDe = \
-button.adoptEn = \ adopt
-button.back = Back
-button.basketAdd = add to basket
-button.cancel = Cancel
-button.cancelNo = No, cancel!
-button.cancelSelect = Cancel selection
-button.change = Change
-button.clear = Clear
-button.contract = Declaration of consent
-button.create = Create
-button.delete = Delete
-button.deleteFileSelected = Delete selected files
-button.deleteFilespace = Delete filespace
-button.deletePublication = Delete this publication?
-button.deleteYes = Yes, delete!
-button.edit = Edit
-button.email = Send e-mail
-button.enter = Enter new
-button.extractHost = Extract host
-button.filter = disable filter
-button.finish = \ Finish
-button.hide.authors = Hide {0} authors
-button.merge = Merge data
-button.next = Next
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-condition.urlRequired = Please, enter the URL! Only letters, numerals or the characters ._-/?=&; 100 characters max.!
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-condition.userExists = This user account already exists, please use a different one!
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+condition.ISSN = Please, enter the ISSN in the format NNNN-NNNN!
+condition.MyCoRe = Please, enter a search term using the query language 5-1000 characters)
+condition.abstract = Please, enter an abstract!
+condition.booksign = Please, enter the signature WITHOUT location and blank, allowed are the characters A-Z 0-9 _d () +-,
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+condition.character100 = Please use only letters, numerals or the characters _-/ (100 characters max.)!
+condition.character16 = Please 16 characters max., enter only letters (a-z) or numbers, no blanks, umlauts or special characters!
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+condition.passwordSame = The two passwords entered do not match!
+condition.person = Please, choose an existing person or enter a new personal entry!
+condition.pid = Please, enter the PID as positive, integer!
+condition.signature = Please, enter the signature INCLUDED location and blank!
+condition.subject = Choose please at least one subject!
+condition.syntax = Syntax error in search term!
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+condition.urlRequired = Please, enter the URL! Only letters, numerals or the characters ._-/?=&; 100 characters max.!
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+condition.userExists = This user account already exists, please use a different one!
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+condition.yearDoz = Please, enter the year in a four-digit format (JJJJ).
+condition.zipNumber = Please, enter the above-mentioned number!
+condition.zipNumberSame = The two numbers do not match!
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+derivate.zipRepeatNumber = Please repeat number:
-document = Document
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-document.consent = We need your written consent so that your online publication can be released on the server. Please, click on the button "declaration of consent"at the top left above the document description. You will thus arrive at a form displaying your name and the title of your publication. Please print it out, sign it and send it to the address at the top. You can also, of course, submit the declaration of consent at the libraries on the two campuses - you can find the
-document.consent.DNB = I also consent to the document being passed on to third-party institutions for publication and filing purposes (e.g. Open Archives Initiative, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) and, if necessary, to make copies to maintain accessibility, and to convert it into other electronic or physical formats for the purpose of filing, while preserving the integrity of its contents.
-document.consent.address = addresses and opening hours
-document.consent.content = I assume responsibility for the contents and affirm that the disseminated documents are of a scientific nature. I am aware of the fact that the university reserves the right, if necessary, to deny access to, or delete, documents.
-document.consent.copyright = I retain the copyright and the unrestricted right to publish and re-use the document elsewhere.
-document.consent.english = (English text version - only for your information)
-document.consent.form = Declaration of consent
-document.consent.from = from
-document.consent.place = Place, date, signature
-document.consent.publishing = for publishing the online publication
-document.consent.right = I herewith grant the University of Duisburg-Essen the non-exclusive right to save this document electronically on the document and publication server of the university, to make it available to the public, disseminate and transmit it, and to file and duplicate it for these purposes.
-document.consent.send = Please, send the form signed to the address called in the head or submit it in the library.
-document.consent.server = on the publication server DuEPublico of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
-document.consent.serverAddress = (http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de)
-document.consent.textEnd = \ on the webpages of the university library.
-document.consent.third = I attest that the provision of this document does not infringe any rights of third parties (e.g. co-authors, publishers, funding organisations), particularly in regard to existing copyright. I also affirm that in cases of doubt, or if any supposed or actual legal obstacles should arise in this regard, I will inform the University of Duisburg-Essen of such without delay. I will indemnify the University of Duisburg-Essen of any claims by third parties.
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-document.date.accepted.b.3 = Date of exam
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-document.date.submitted.b.2 = Date of postdoctoral thesis submission
-document.date.submitted.b.3 = Date of submission
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-document.derivate.show.text = Show text
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-document.keyDelete = Delete this filespace with all files
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-document.license.output.prefix = This work may be used under a
-document.license.output.suffix = license.
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-document.noaccess.key = Access to this document is protected with an access key you have to know.
-document.noaccess.key.link = Please follow this link to enter the key and get access to the content afterwards.
-document.noaccess.login = Access to this document requires login with user ID and password.
-document.partOf = is part of
-document.person = Person(s)
-document.podcast.master.info = This document is a podcast series.
-document.podcast.master.link = Click here to download the complete podcast.
-document.podcast.slave.info = This document is a single podcast contribution in a series.
-document.podcast.slave.link = Click here to go to the complete podcast series.
-document.published = Document published
-document.published.not = This document is not yet published.
-document.published.soon = Document handed in for publication
-document.publishers.many = Publishers
-document.publishers.one = Publisher
-document.references = references
-document.rightsRemarks.many = Rights remarks
-document.rightsRemarks.none = As long as not stated otherwise within the content, all rights are reserved by the authors / publishers of the work. Usage only with permission, except applicable rules of german copyright law.
-document.rightsRemarks.none.help = Notice for authors: You can give other rights remarks yourself in the document description, which may include a license for open comment.
-document.rightsRemarks.one = Rights remarks
-document.sources.many = Sources
-document.sources.one = Source
-document.statistics = Access statistics
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-document.statistics.period = Choose period
-document.statistics.sum = sum
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-document.title.alternative = Alternative title
-document.title.alternative.many = Alternative titles
-document.type = Document type(s)
-document.url = URL for bookmark
-document.urnNo = No URN assigned
+document.bookmark = Bookmark
+document.collection = Collection
+document.collection.coll = Collection
+document.consent = We need your written consent so that your online publication can be released on the server. Please, click on the button "declaration of consent"at the top left above the document description. You will thus arrive at a form displaying your name and the title of your publication. Please print it out, sign it and send it to the address at the top. You can also, of course, submit the declaration of consent at the libraries on the two campuses - you can find the
+document.consent.DNB = I also consent to the document being passed on to third-party institutions for publication and filing purposes (e.g. Open Archives Initiative, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) and, if necessary, to make copies to maintain accessibility, and to convert it into other electronic or physical formats for the purpose of filing, while preserving the integrity of its contents.
+document.consent.address = addresses and opening hours
+document.consent.content = I assume responsibility for the contents and affirm that the disseminated documents are of a scientific nature. I am aware of the fact that the university reserves the right, if necessary, to deny access to, or delete, documents.
+document.consent.copyright = I retain the copyright and the unrestricted right to publish and re-use the document elsewhere.
+document.consent.english = (English text version - only for your information)
+document.consent.form = Declaration of consent
+document.consent.from = from
+document.consent.place = Place, date, signature
+document.consent.publishing = for publishing the online publication
+document.consent.right = I herewith grant the University of Duisburg-Essen the non-exclusive right to save this document electronically on the document and publication server of the university, to make it available to the public, disseminate and transmit it, and to file and duplicate it for these purposes.
+document.consent.send = Please, send the form signed to the address called in the head or submit it in the library.
+document.consent.server = on the publication server DuEPublico of the University of Duisburg-Essen.
+document.consent.serverAddress = (http://duepublico.uni-duisburg-essen.de)
+document.consent.textEnd = \ on the webpages of the university library.
+document.consent.third = I attest that the provision of this document does not infringe any rights of third parties (e.g. co-authors, publishers, funding organisations), particularly in regard to existing copyright. I also affirm that in cases of doubt, or if any supposed or actual legal obstacles should arise in this regard, I will inform the University of Duisburg-Essen of such without delay. I will indemnify the University of Duisburg-Essen of any claims by third parties.
+document.contributors.many = Contributors
+document.contributors.one = Contributor
+document.coverages.many = Coverages
+document.coverages.one = Coverage
+document.creators.many = Authors
+document.creators.one = Author
+document.date.accepted.b.1 = Date of doctoral degree
+document.date.accepted.b.2 = Date of postdoctoral degree
+document.date.accepted.b.3 = Date of exam
+document.date.created = Document created on
+document.date.modified = Files changed on
+document.date.submitted.b.1 = Date of doctoral thesis submission
+document.date.submitted.b.2 = Date of postdoctoral thesis submission
+document.date.submitted.b.3 = Date of submission
+document.date.validFrom = Valid from
+document.date.validTo = Valid to
+document.delete = Delete document:
+document.department = faculty
+document.derivate.details = File list / details
+document.derivate.forbidden = The files in this filespace are not freely accessible.
+document.derivate.loginLink = Click here to log in with additional permissions
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+document.derivate.one = File
+document.derivate.play = Play
+document.derivate.semapp = The start page of this reserve collection is freely accessible. For access to the PDF files, you have to log in as authorized user.
+document.derivate.show = Show files
+document.derivate.show.msa = Show reserve collection contents
+document.derivate.show.ppt = Show presentation
+document.derivate.show.text = Show text
+document.derivate.show.video = Play video
+document.derivate.viewer = PlugIn/Viewer download
+document.derivate.zip = Download as ZIP archive
+document.descriptions.many = Descriptions
+document.descriptions.one = Description
+document.hasPart = is collective title of
+document.hasVersion = has new version in
+document.isReferencedBy = is referenced by
+document.isVersionOf = is new version of
+document.key = Key
+document.keyAdd = Add or replace files
+document.keyDelete = Delete this filespace with all files
+document.keywords.many = Keywords
+document.keywords.one = Keywords
+document.language = Language
+document.last.changed = last changed at
+document.license = License
+document.license.output.prefix = This work may be used under a
+document.license.output.suffix = license.
+document.media = Media type(s)
+document.noaccess.key = Access to this document is protected with an access key you have to know.
+document.noaccess.key.link = Please follow this link to enter the key and get access to the content afterwards.
+document.noaccess.login = Access to this document requires login with user ID and password.
+document.partOf = is part of
+document.person = Person(s)
+document.podcast.master.info = This document is a podcast series.
+document.podcast.master.link = Click here to download the complete podcast.
+document.podcast.slave.info = This document is a single podcast contribution in a series.
+document.podcast.slave.link = Click here to go to the complete podcast series.
+document.published = Document published
+document.published.not = This document is not yet published.
+document.published.soon = Document handed in for publication
+document.publishers.many = Publishers
+document.publishers.one = Publisher
+document.references = references
+document.rightsRemarks.many = Rights remarks
+document.rightsRemarks.none = As long as not stated otherwise within the content, all rights are reserved by the authors / publishers of the work. Usage only with permission, except applicable rules of german copyright law.
+document.rightsRemarks.none.help = Notice for authors: You can give other rights remarks yourself in the document description, which may include a license for open comment.
+document.rightsRemarks.one = Rights remarks
+document.sources.many = Sources
+document.sources.one = Source
+document.statistics = Access statistics
+document.statistics.accessesOn = accesses on
+document.statistics.available = .
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+document.statistics.fileOnly = \ file
+document.statistics.files = \ files
+document.statistics.filesOverall = \ files overall
+document.statistics.filespace = \ filespace
+document.statistics.filespaces = \ all filespaces, only metadata
+document.statistics.for = Access statistics for
+document.statistics.metadata = \ only metadata
+document.statistics.month = \ are available from month
+document.statistics.overall = \ overall
+document.statistics.period = Choose period
+document.statistics.sum = sum
+document.statistics.title.yAxis = Access count
+document.title = Title
+document.title.alternative = Alternative title
+document.title.alternative.many = Alternative titles
+document.type = Document type(s)
+document.url = URL for bookmark
+document.urnNo = No URN assigned
-edit.ID = \ (personal ID in HIS, if known)
-edit.abstract = *Description(s) or abstract(s)
-edit.abstract1 = Description(s) or abstract(s)
-edit.acad = Acad. title
-edit.acad.example = \ ('Prof. Dr.', e.g., only for natural persons)
-edit.born = Born
-edit.born.at = at
-edit.born.date = in
-edit.born.dateOnly = \ (for natural persons only)
-edit.classification = Classification(s)
-edit.comment = Comment
-edit.contact = Contact
-edit.contact.address = Address
-edit.contact.phone = Phone
-edit.contact.publish = Publishing?
-edit.contact.publishNo = No, don't show e-mail address and phone numbers
-edit.contact.publishYes = Yes
-edit.coverage = Spatial/temporal coverage
-edit.created = Created on
-edit.date = Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
-edit.date.placeholder = dd.mm.yyyy
-edit.department = *Department(s)
-edit.diss = Enter new dissertation
-edit.diss.dateDoc = *Date of doctoral degree
-edit.diss.dateSubmitted = *Date of doctoral thesis submission
-edit.diss.edit = Edit dissertation
-edit.diss.referee = Please enter also your thesis advisor!
-edit.document = *Document type(s)
-edit.keyword = Subject heading/keywords
-edit.language = *Language
-edit.legend.delete = If you confirm this process, the user will be deleted.
-edit.legend.enter = Please, enter the data of your publication here.\r\n With (*) marked fields are required fields.\r\n By clicking on [+] you can repeat an input field!
-edit.legend.enterDiss = Please, enter the data of your dissertation here.\r\n With (*) marked fields are required fields.\r\n By clicking on [+] you can repeat an input field!
-edit.legend.enterLuL = Please, enter the data of your material here.\r\n With (*) marked fields are required fields.\r\n By clicking on [+] you can repeat an input field!
-edit.legend.turorial = For further questions to the practise - \r\n here our small tutorial to the view.
-edit.legend.userchange = With this form you can change your password for your user account.
-edit.legend.usercreate = You can create with this form a user account with which you can protect the reading\r\n access to your documents. \r\n Then in the second step you can bet for the area of learning and teaching material\r\n the access rights of your document in such a way that users must announce themselves\r\n at first with this user account and the password given here to be able to look at\r\n the files of your document. \r\n Regarding the other collections (Reserve collections e.g.), please contact our\r\n \r\n DuEPublico contact persons for enabling the read-access rights.
-edit.legend.userselect = With this form you can edit the user accounts created by you, delete user accounts or change the passwords of the users.
-edit.legend.userselectcreators = With this form you can delete the user accounts created by you or change the passwords of the users.
-edit.license = License
-edit.license.link = Help on choosing a Creative Commons license.\r\n(You don't need to copy the HTML code, it is sufficient to select from the list above)\r\n
-edit.links = External WWW link(s)
-edit.lul = Enter new teaching and learning material
-edit.lul.edit = Edit teaching and learning material
-edit.media = *Media type(s)
-edit.modified = Changed on
-edit.name = \ Lastname, firstname
-edit.nameFirst = *First name
-edit.nameLast = *Lastname
-edit.person = *Person(s)
-edit.phone = *Phone
-edit.pub = Enter new publication
-edit.pub.edit = Edit publication
-edit.publication = *Publication
-edit.publicationAccept = I agree
-edit.publicationDeny = I deny
-edit.publicationText = I herewith grant the University of Duisburg-Essen the non-exclusive right to publish this document online on the document and publication server of the University, to disseminate it to third party institutions for publication and filing purposes (e.g. Open Archives Initiative, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) and, if necessary, to convert it into other presentation formats for the purpose of preserving accessibility. I retain the copyright and the unrestricted right to publish and re-use the document elsewhere. I attest that the provision of this document does not infringe any rights of third parties, particularly in regards to the valid copyright.
-edit.reference = References
-edit.referenceDoc = This document
-edit.referenceDocu = document
-edit.remove = remove
-edit.rights = Legal notice
-edit.rights.alternative = Alternatively, you may enter legal information on use and reproduction here
-edit.source = Source(s)
-edit.title = *Title
-edit.translate = Please enter also if possible a title in german translation!
-edit.translateAbstract = Please enter also if possible an abstract in german translation!
-edit.type = Type
-edit.type.corp = \ Corporation, institution
-edit.type.person = \ Natrual person
-edit.validFrom = Valid from
-edit.validTo = Valid to
-edit.year.placeholder = YYYY
+edit.ID = \ (personal ID in HIS, if known)
+edit.abstract = *Description(s) or abstract(s)
+edit.abstract1 = Description(s) or abstract(s)
+edit.acad = Acad. title
+edit.acad.example = \ ('Prof. Dr.', e.g., only for natural persons)
+edit.born = Born
+edit.born.at = at
+edit.born.date = in
+edit.born.dateOnly = \ (for natural persons only)
+edit.classification = Classification(s)
+edit.comment = Comment
+edit.contact = Contact
+edit.contact.address = Address
+edit.contact.phone = Phone
+edit.contact.publish = Publishing?
+edit.contact.publishNo = No, don't show e-mail address and phone numbers
+edit.contact.publishYes = Yes
+edit.coverage = Spatial/temporal coverage
+edit.created = Created on
+edit.date = Date (dd.mm.yyyy)
+edit.date.placeholder = dd.mm.yyyy
+edit.department = *Department(s)
+edit.diss = Enter new dissertation
+edit.diss.dateDoc = *Date of doctoral degree
+edit.diss.dateSubmitted = *Date of doctoral thesis submission
+edit.diss.edit = Edit dissertation
+edit.diss.referee = Please enter also your thesis advisor!
+edit.document = *Document type(s)
+edit.keyword = Subject heading/keywords
+edit.language = *Language
+edit.legend.delete = If you confirm this process, the user will be deleted.
+edit.legend.enter = Please, enter the data of your publication here.\r\n With (*) marked fields are required fields.\r\n By clicking on [+] you can repeat an input field!
+edit.legend.enterDiss = Please, enter the data of your dissertation here.\r\n With (*) marked fields are required fields.\r\n By clicking on [+] you can repeat an input field!
+edit.legend.enterLuL = Please, enter the data of your material here.\r\n With (*) marked fields are required fields.\r\n By clicking on [+] you can repeat an input field!
+edit.legend.turorial = For further questions to the practise - \r\n here our small tutorial to the view.
+edit.legend.userchange = With this form you can change your password for your user account.
+edit.legend.usercreate = You can create with this form a user account with which you can protect the reading\r\n access to your documents. \r\n Then in the second step you can bet for the area of learning and teaching material\r\n the access rights of your document in such a way that users must announce themselves\r\n at first with this user account and the password given here to be able to look at\r\n the files of your document. \r\n Regarding the other collections (Reserve collections e.g.), please contact our\r\n \r\n DuEPublico contact persons for enabling the read-access rights.
+edit.legend.userselect = With this form you can edit the user accounts created by you, delete user accounts or change the passwords of the users.
+edit.legend.userselectcreators = With this form you can delete the user accounts created by you or change the passwords of the users.
+edit.license = License
+edit.license.link = Help on choosing a Creative Commons license.\r\n(You don't need to copy the HTML code, it is sufficient to select from the list above)\r\n
+edit.links = External WWW link(s)
+edit.lul = Enter new teaching and learning material
+edit.lul.edit = Edit teaching and learning material
+edit.media = *Media type(s)
+edit.modified = Changed on
+edit.name = \ Lastname, firstname
+edit.nameFirst = *First name
+edit.nameLast = *Lastname
+edit.person = *Person(s)
+edit.phone = *Phone
+edit.pub = Enter new publication
+edit.pub.edit = Edit publication
+edit.publication = *Publication
+edit.publicationAccept = I agree
+edit.publicationDeny = I deny
+edit.publicationText = I herewith grant the University of Duisburg-Essen the non-exclusive right to publish this document online on the document and publication server of the University, to disseminate it to third party institutions for publication and filing purposes (e.g. Open Archives Initiative, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek) and, if necessary, to convert it into other presentation formats for the purpose of preserving accessibility. I retain the copyright and the unrestricted right to publish and re-use the document elsewhere. I attest that the provision of this document does not infringe any rights of third parties, particularly in regards to the valid copyright.
+edit.reference = References
+edit.referenceDoc = This document
+edit.referenceDocu = document
+edit.remove = remove
+edit.rights = Legal notice
+edit.rights.alternative = Alternatively, you may enter legal information on use and reproduction here
+edit.source = Source(s)
+edit.title = *Title
+edit.translate = Please enter also if possible a title in german translation!
+edit.translateAbstract = Please enter also if possible an abstract in german translation!
+edit.type = Type
+edit.type.corp = \ Corporation, institution
+edit.type.person = \ Natrual person
+edit.validFrom = Valid from
+edit.validTo = Valid to
+edit.year.placeholder = YYYY
-editor.basketComment = Comment on this entry
-editor.fileDelete = Delete or replace with following file
-editor.fileExists = Existing file on the server
-editor.helpButton = ?
+editor.basketComment = Comment on this entry
+editor.fileDelete = Delete or replace with following file
+editor.fileExists = Existing file on the server
+editor.helpButton = ?
# editor.identity.picker.name = LDAP
-editor.identity.picker.lead_id = LSF ID
-editor.identity.picker.name = LSF
-editor.request = Are you sure?
+editor.identity.picker.lead_id = LSF ID
+editor.identity.picker.name = LSF
+editor.request = Are you sure?
# editor.identity.picker.lead_id = ORCID:
-error.editor = Error
-error.intro = An error occured. Your request could not be processed completely. The following section contains more technical data on the problem.
-error.location = Location of error
-error.message = Error message
-error.noChild = Linked publication (child)
-error.noDocument = \ does not exist!
-error.noInfo = There is no further information on this error.
-error.noParent = Linked host (parent)
-error.occurred = An error occurred
-error.requestURI = Request: {0}
-error.stackTrace = Stack trace
-error.title = Error {0}
-error.type = Type of error
+error.editor = Error
+error.intro = An error occured. Your request could not be processed completely. The following section contains more technical data on the problem.
+error.location = Location of error
+error.message = Error message
+error.noChild = Linked publication (child)
+error.noDocument = \ does not exist!
+error.noInfo = There is no further information on this error.
+error.noParent = Linked host (parent)
+error.occurred = An error occurred
+error.requestURI = Request: {0}
+error.stackTrace = Stack trace
+error.title = Error {0}
+error.type = Type of error
-facets.facet.created = entered on
-facets.facet.genre = Publication type
-facets.facet.host_title = Published in
-facets.facet.importID = Import-ID
-facets.facet.modified = last modified
-facets.facet.nid_connection = Person
-facets.facet.nid_lsf = Person (UDE)
-facets.facet.oa = Open Access
-facets.facet.person = Person name
-facets.facet.status = Status
-facets.facet.subject = Subject
-facets.facet.year = Year issued
-facets.filters.false = Filter results
-facets.filters.not = not
-facets.filters.true = Results (filtered)
-facets.multiple = multiple may be assigned
-facets.toggle.less = less
-facets.toggle.more = more
+facets.facet.created = entered on
+facets.facet.genre = Publication type
+facets.facet.host_title = Published in
+facets.facet.importID = Import-ID
+facets.facet.modified = last modified
+facets.facet.nid_connection = Person
+facets.facet.nid_lsf = Person (UDE)
+facets.facet.oa = Open Access
+facets.facet.person = Person name
+facets.facet.status = Status
+facets.facet.subject = Subject
+facets.facet.year = Year issued
+facets.filters.false = Filter results
+facets.filters.not = not
+facets.filters.true = Results (filtered)
+facets.multiple = multiple may be assigned
+facets.toggle.less = less
+facets.toggle.more = more
-file.lastModified = Last change
-file.name = File
-file.nameAndMD5 = Filename/MD5 Checksum
-file.size = Size
-file.size.bytes = bytes
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-file.size.inOneFile = in one file
-file.size.kb = KB
-file.size.mb = MB
-file.type = File type
-file.viewer = Plug-in/viewer
-file.viewer.download = Download plug-in/viewer
-file.zip = ZIP
-file.zip.download = Download all files as ZIP archive
-file.zip.download.short = ZIP
+file.lastModified = Last change
+file.name = File
+file.nameAndMD5 = Filename/MD5 Checksum
+file.size = Size
+file.size.bytes = bytes
+file.size.inManyFiles = in {0} files
+file.size.inOneFile = in one file
+file.size.kb = KB
+file.size.mb = MB
+file.type = File type
+file.viewer = Plug-in/viewer
+file.viewer.download = Download plug-in/viewer
+file.zip = ZIP
+file.zip.download = Download all files as ZIP archive
+file.zip.download.short = ZIP
-form.enter = enter
-form.select.optional = please select if applicable
-form.validation.failed = Validation failed: Please correct the fields marked below!
+form.enter = enter
+form.select.optional = please select if applicable
+form.validation.failed = Validation failed: Please correct the fields marked below!
-format.kBit = #
-format.kb = 0.#
-format.mBit = 0.#
-format.mb = 0.00
+format.kBit = #
+format.kb = 0.#
+format.mBit = 0.#
+format.mb = 0.00
-help.form = Help to the form
-help.window = Close window
+help.form = Help to the form
+help.window = Close window
-index.contain = contains
-index.containStart = starts with
-index.documentShow = [Show documents]
-index.person = People from A-Z
-index.person.datatoeditor = transfer data to publication editor
-index.person.datatoeditor.try.search = try to search a person before you apply
-index.person.datatoform = fill data in person form field
-index.person.found.0 = No person found.
-index.person.found.1 = One person found:
-index.person.found.n = Found {0} names:
-index.person.id.GND = GND
-index.person.id.local = local ID
-index.person.id.lsf = LSF-ID
-index.person.id.orcid = ORCID
-index.person.idtoform = fill only id in person form field
-index.personIntro = This index contains all names of people and corporations who are authors, publishers or other contributors to documents in DuEPublico. Here you can search for names or part of names and select a person.
-index.personShow = [Show personal data]
-index.subselect = Select
+index.contain = contains
+index.containStart = starts with
+index.documentShow = [Show documents]
+index.person = People from A-Z
+index.person.datatoeditor = transfer data to publication editor
+index.person.datatoeditor.try.search = try to search a person before you apply
+index.person.datatoform = fill data in person form field
+index.person.found.0 = No person found.
+index.person.found.1 = One person found:
+index.person.found.n = Found {0} names:
+index.person.id.GND = GND
+index.person.id.local = local ID
+index.person.id.lsf = LSF-ID
+index.person.id.orcid = ORCID
+index.person.idtoform = fill only id in person form field
+index.personIntro = This index contains all names of people and corporations who are authors, publishers or other contributors to documents in DuEPublico. Here you can search for names or part of names and select a person.
+index.personShow = [Show personal data]
+index.subselect = Select
-invalid.captcha = Invalid answer to captcha entered
+invalid.captcha = Invalid answer to captcha entered
-legalEntity.addresses.many = Addresses
-legalEntity.addresses.one = Address
-legalEntity.comment.many = Comments
-legalEntity.comment.one = Comment
-legalEntity.contact.home = Home contact
-legalEntity.contact.none = There is no contact data for this entry!
-legalEntity.contact.office = Office contact
-legalEntity.data = Your personal data record
-legalEntity.data.create = was createt under the
-legalEntity.data.enter = Now you can
-legalEntity.data.enterNow = enter a new document in DuEPublico.
-legalEntity.data.work = . You can edit or, if necessary update this data anytime yourself under the link mentioned here.
-legalEntity.delete = Delete person or corporation
-legalEntity.deleteCant1 = The person
-legalEntity.deleteCant2 = \ cannot be deleted because it is connected with this user account:
-legalEntity.emails.many = E-mail addresses
-legalEntity.emails.one = E-mail address
-legalEntity.faxNumbers.many = Fax
-legalEntity.faxNumbers.one = Fax
-legalEntity.generalInformation = General Information
-legalEntity.institution = Institution
-legalEntity.phoneNumbers.many = Phone
-legalEntity.phoneNumbers.one = Phone
-legalEntity.showDocuments.corporation = All documents of this corporation
-legalEntity.showDocuments.person = All documents of this person
-legalEntity.type.corporation = Corporation
-legalEntity.type.person = Person
-legalEntity.webSites.many = Websites
-legalEntity.webSites.one = Website
+legalEntity.addresses.many = Addresses
+legalEntity.addresses.one = Address
+legalEntity.comment.many = Comments
+legalEntity.comment.one = Comment
+legalEntity.contact.home = Home contact
+legalEntity.contact.none = There is no contact data for this entry!
+legalEntity.contact.office = Office contact
+legalEntity.data = Your personal data record
+legalEntity.data.create = was createt under the
+legalEntity.data.enter = Now you can
+legalEntity.data.enterNow = enter a new document in DuEPublico.
+legalEntity.data.work = . You can edit or, if necessary update this data anytime yourself under the link mentioned here.
+legalEntity.delete = Delete person or corporation
+legalEntity.deleteCant1 = The person
+legalEntity.deleteCant2 = \ cannot be deleted because it is connected with this user account:
+legalEntity.emails.many = E-mail addresses
+legalEntity.emails.one = E-mail address
+legalEntity.faxNumbers.many = Fax
+legalEntity.faxNumbers.one = Fax
+legalEntity.generalInformation = General Information
+legalEntity.institution = Institution
+legalEntity.phoneNumbers.many = Phone
+legalEntity.phoneNumbers.one = Phone
+legalEntity.showDocuments.corporation = All documents of this corporation
+legalEntity.showDocuments.person = All documents of this person
+legalEntity.type.corporation = Corporation
+legalEntity.type.person = Person
+legalEntity.webSites.many = Websites
+legalEntity.webSites.one = Website
-link.up = Top
+link.up = Top
-listWizard.and = and
-listWizard.citation = Citation style
-listWizard.code = Please use and copy the following code
-listWizard.for = for
-listWizard.format = Output format
-listWizard.format.ubo = Result list in university bibliography
-listWizard.iewarning = Unfortunately, this function is not available to you because you are using IE. Please use a different browser to be able to create publication lists.
-listWizard.link = Please use and copy the following link
-listWizard.search = Add person
-listWizard.submit = Create personal publication list
-listWizard.subselect = Select person from LSF
-listWizard.tag = tagged with
-listWizard.tagOrPIDRequired = Please select a person or enter a tag!
-listWizard.title = Personal publication list
-listWizard.users = Create a publication list for the following people
+listWizard.and = and
+listWizard.citation = Citation style
+listWizard.code = Please use and copy the following code
+listWizard.for = for
+listWizard.format = Output format
+listWizard.format.ubo = Result list in university bibliography
+listWizard.iewarning = Unfortunately, this function is not available to you because you are using IE. Please use a different browser to be able to create publication lists.
+listWizard.link = Please use and copy the following link
+listWizard.search = Add person
+listWizard.submit = Create personal publication list
+listWizard.subselect = Select person from LSF
+listWizard.tag = tagged with
+listWizard.tagOrPIDRequired = Please select a person or enter a tag!
+listWizard.title = Personal publication list
+listWizard.users = Create a publication list for the following people
-login.address = Address:
-login.again = Please try it again.
-login.change = DuEPublico: Change user account
-login.changeUser = Change user account:
-login.continue = Click here, to continue!
-login.continue.workFirst = Cancel and continue to work as
-login.continue.workLast = .
-login.cookies = Important information:
-login.cookiesText = For a successful login your browser must be enabled to accept cookies.
-login.currentAccount = You are currently logged in as
-login.department = *Faculty:
-login.failed = Login failed:
-login.guest = Guest
-login.guestUser = as guest user
-login.invalid = User account or password are not correct.\r\n
-login.logOn = Login
-login.logOut = Logout
-login.logon = login
-login.logonAs = Login under
-login.logout = Logout and work
-login.max = \ (16 characters max., only a-z)
-login.openAccess = As guest user, you have open access to all public contents
-login.password = with the password
-login.personal = \ Your personal data:
-login.personalData = Are your personal data still up to date? Are they complete?
-login.personalDataChange = If not, you can change them here.
-login.phone = Phone:
-login.required.password = Please enter your password!
-login.required.user = Please enter your user login!
-login.select = Please select:
-login.text = You get a user account and a password for the access to certain protected documents from the respective lecturer who has provided the material. It does NOT concern your user account for the library or the Internet access of the ZIM.\r\n\r\n
-login.user = the user account
-login.user.accountNew = Your new user account
-login.user.accountNew2 = \ has been generated successfully. With this user account you now can enter new documents in DuEPublico. Your are already logged in with this user account.
-login.userAccount = *User account
-login.userAccount.password = *Password
-login.useraccount = Generate a new personal user account:
-login.useraccountText = If you still have no user account for DuEPublico, here you can generate yourself a personal user account. You need an own, personal user account, however, only if you want to place documents in DuEPublico.
-login.welcome = Welcome,
+login.address = Address:
+login.again = Please try it again.
+login.change = DuEPublico: Change user account
+login.changeUser = Change user account:
+login.continue = Click here, to continue!
+login.continue.workFirst = Cancel and continue to work as
+login.continue.workLast = .
+login.cookies = Important information:
+login.cookiesText = For a successful login your browser must be enabled to accept cookies.
+login.currentAccount = You are currently logged in as
+login.department = *Faculty:
+login.failed = Login failed:
+login.guest = Guest
+login.guestUser = as guest user
+login.invalid = User account or password are not correct.\r\n
+login.logOn = Login
+login.logOut = Logout
+login.logon = login
+login.logonAs = Login under
+login.logout = Logout and work
+login.max = \ (16 characters max., only a-z)
+login.openAccess = As guest user, you have open access to all public contents
+login.password = with the password
+login.personal = \ Your personal data:
+login.personalData = Are your personal data still up to date? Are they complete?
+login.personalDataChange = If not, you can change them here.
+login.phone = Phone:
+login.required.password = Please enter your password!
+login.required.user = Please enter your user login!
+login.select = Please select:
+login.text = You get a user account and a password for the access to certain protected documents from the respective lecturer who has provided the material. It does NOT concern your user account for the library or the Internet access of the ZIM.\r\n\r\n
+login.user = the user account
+login.user.accountNew = Your new user account
+login.user.accountNew2 = \ has been generated successfully. With this user account you now can enter new documents in DuEPublico. Your are already logged in with this user account.
+login.userAccount = *User account
+login.userAccount.password = *Password
+login.useraccount = Generate a new personal user account:
+login.useraccountText = If you still have no user account for DuEPublico, here you can generate yourself a personal user account. You need an own, personal user account, however, only if you want to place documents in DuEPublico.
+login.welcome = Welcome,
-lsf.buttonFree = take this name without LSF link
-lsf.details = Details
-lsf.found = The following persons were found:
-lsf.foundNot = No persons of this name were found in the online register of the university members.
-lsf.foundNotNow = Person not found?
-lsf.name = Last name:
-lsf.nameFirst = First name:
-lsf.nameFree = ... or, in case person is not member of UDE or is not listed in LSF, \r\njust use the button above: "take this name without LSF link"
-lsf.search = Selection of persons in the online register
-lsf.searchCancel = ... cancel the search completely,
-lsf.searchFor = Search for:
-lsf.searchHelp = Enter, if necessary, only one part of the lastname without additions.
-lsf.searchNew = ... start a new search above,
-lsf.searchText.1 = To add authors or publishers of the publication, please enter here the family and given name here. \r\nThe name will be looked up in the online register of university staff (HIS LSF), so that wen can assign name and publication to individual staff.\r\n
-lsf.searchText.2 = If the person is not a member of the University or is not listed in LSF, you have the option to take the name as-is afterwards, without LSF link.
-lsf.select = [Adopt person]
-lsf.selectPerson = Select
+lsf.buttonFree = take this name without LSF link
+lsf.details = Details
+lsf.found = The following persons were found:
+lsf.foundNot = No persons of this name were found in the online register of the university members.
+lsf.foundNotNow = Person not found?
+lsf.name = Last name:
+lsf.nameFirst = First name:
+lsf.nameFree = ... or, in case person is not member of UDE or is not listed in LSF, \r\njust use the button above: "take this name without LSF link"
+lsf.search = Selection of persons in the online register
+lsf.searchCancel = ... cancel the search completely,
+lsf.searchFor = Search for:
+lsf.searchHelp = Enter, if necessary, only one part of the lastname without additions.
+lsf.searchNew = ... start a new search above,
+lsf.searchText.1 = To add authors or publishers of the publication, please enter here the family and given name here. \r\nThe name will be looked up in the online register of university staff (HIS LSF), so that wen can assign name and publication to individual staff.\r\n
+lsf.searchText.2 = If the person is not a member of the University or is not listed in LSF, you have the option to take the name as-is afterwards, without LSF link.
+lsf.select = [Adopt person]
+lsf.selectPerson = Select
-media.player.cannotplay = Can not play the video? Try one of the following alternative playback options:
-media.player.headline = Play with:
-media.player.label.asxgen = Windows Media Player (.asx)
-media.player.label.binary = View in browser
-media.player.label.download = Download
-media.player.label.jwflash = JWPlayer (Flash)
-media.player.label.m3ugen = IPhone Segmented Media (.m3u8)
-media.player.label.ramgen = Real Player (.ram)
-media.player.label.sdpgen = Quicktime Player (.sdp)
-media.player.label.silverlight = Silverlight Player
-media.player.label.zip = ZIP-File
+media.player.cannotplay = Can not play the video? Try one of the following alternative playback options:
+media.player.headline = Play with:
+media.player.label.asxgen = Windows Media Player (.asx)
+media.player.label.binary = View in browser
+media.player.label.download = Download
+media.player.label.jwflash = JWPlayer (Flash)
+media.player.label.m3ugen = IPhone Segmented Media (.m3u8)
+media.player.label.ramgen = Real Player (.ram)
+media.player.label.sdpgen = Quicktime Player (.sdp)
+media.player.label.silverlight = Silverlight Player
+media.player.label.zip = ZIP-File
-metaData.date = yyyy-MM-dd
-metaData.dateTime = yyyy-MM-dd : hh:mm:ss
-metaData.dateYear = yyyy
-metaData.dateYearMonth = MMMM yyyy
-metaData.dateYearMonthDay = EEEE, MMMM d yyyy
+metaData.date = yyyy-MM-dd
+metaData.dateTime = yyyy-MM-dd : hh:mm:ss
+metaData.dateYear = yyyy
+metaData.dateYearMonth = MMMM yyyy
+metaData.dateYearMonthDay = EEEE, MMMM d yyyy
-month.april = April
-month.august = August
-month.december = December
-month.february = February
-month.january = January
-month.juli = Juli
-month.june = June
-month.march = March
-month.may = May
-month.november = November
-month.october = October
-month.september = September
+month.april = April
+month.august = August
+month.december = December
+month.february = February
+month.january = January
+month.juli = Juli
+month.june = June
+month.march = March
+month.may = May
+month.november = November
+month.october = October
+month.september = September
-navigation.Banner.alt = University bibliography
-navigation.Home = University bibliography
-navigation.Language = Auf deutschsprachige Benutzeroberfl\u00E4che wechseln
-navigation.Logo = i/logo.gif
-navigation.Logo.alt = Duisburg-Essen University
-navigation.UB = UB
-navigation.backToHomepage = Go back to homepage
-navigation.contact = Contact
-navigation.ende = \ Deutsch
-navigation.helpFromAtoZ = Help from A-Z
-navigation.notAllowedToSeeThisPage = You are not allowed to see this page.
+navigation.Banner.alt = University bibliography
+navigation.Home = University bibliography
+navigation.Language = Auf deutschsprachige Benutzeroberfl\u00E4che wechseln
+navigation.Logo = i/logo.gif
+navigation.Logo.alt = Duisburg-Essen University
+navigation.UB = UB
+navigation.backToHomepage = Go back to homepage
+navigation.contact = Contact
+navigation.ende = \ Deutsch
+navigation.helpFromAtoZ = Help from A-Z
+navigation.notAllowedToSeeThisPage = You are not allowed to see this page.
-orcid.integration.confirmed.headline = Your ORCID\u00AE iD is connected!
-orcid.integration.confirmed.text = You have authorized Duisburg-Essen University Library as a "Trusted Party" to access your ORCID record. \r\nBy the way, you may revoke this permission any time at your ORCID record under \r\n[Account Settings] > [Trusted organizations]. We now can
-orcid.integration.confirmed.thanks = Thank you
-orcid.integration.import = import publication data from your ORCID record into university bibliography
-orcid.integration.more = More about advantages of ORCID and author identification
-orcid.integration.pending.authorize = and authorize Duisburg-Essen University Library to access your ORCID record as a "trusted party". If you do so, we can
-orcid.integration.pending.headline = Connect your ORCID\u00AE iD and benefit from integrated services!
-orcid.integration.pending.intro = Your ORCID\u00AE iD is a persistent, personal identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers and provides mechanisms for linking your research outputs and activities. ORCID is already integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions and other research-related services. \r\n
-orcid.integration.popup.close = Close window
-orcid.integration.popup.title = ORCID\u00AE Authorization
-orcid.integration.popup.tooltip = opens popup window to login at ORCID
-orcid.integration.publish = complete your ORCID record by adding publications from university bibliography not already listed there.
-orcid.integration.rejected.denied = Sorry, you did not authorize Duisburg-Essen University Library as your trusted party.\r\nWe therefore can't synchronize your publication data between your ORCID record and the university bibliography.\r\n\r\n
-orcid.integration.rejected.error = Error message
-orcid.integration.rejected.headline = ORCID\u00AE authorization failed or rejected
-orcid.integration.rejected.retry = Try again? Changed your mind?
-orcid.oauth.link = Click to Register or Connect your ORCID iD !
-orcid.publication.action.confirmation = The publication ahs been transferred to your ORCID record!
-orcid.publication.action.create = add to my ORCID record
-orcid.publication.action.update = update in my ORCID record
-orcid.publication.inProfile.false = This publication is NOT contained in your ORCID record
-orcid.publication.inProfile.true = This publication is already present in your ORCID record
+orcid.integration.auto.update.false = Automatically update ORCID\u00AE profile
+orcid.integration.auto.update.false.msg = Yes, I would like getting my ORCID\u00AE profile updated automatically
+orcid.integration.auto.update.true = Cancel automatic update of ORCID\u00AE profile
+orcid.integration.auto.update.true.msg = No, I do not like getting my ORCID\u00AE profile updated automatically
+orcid.integration.confirm.delete.message = Do you really want to remove the connection of your ORCID\u00AE iD from the bibliography?
+orcid.integration.confirm.delete.title = Revoke ORCID\u00AE authorization
+orcid.integration.confirmed.headline = Your ORCID\u00AE iD is connected
+orcid.integration.confirmed.headline.with.update = and your profile is getting updated automatically
+orcid.integration.confirmed.text = You have authorized Duisburg-Essen University Library as a "Trusted Party" to access your ORCID record. \r\nBy the way, you may revoke this permission any time at your ORCID record under \r\n[Account Settings] > [Trusted organizations]. We now can
+orcid.integration.confirmed.thanks = Thank you
+orcid.integration.import = import publication data from your ORCID record into university bibliography
+orcid.integration.list = The following ORCID\u00AE IDs are linked to your user account:
+orcid.integration.more = More about advantages of ORCID and author identification
+orcid.integration.pending.authorize = and authorize Duisburg-Essen University Library to access your ORCID record as a "trusted party". If you do so, we can
+orcid.integration.pending.headline = Connect your ORCID\u00AE iD and benefit from integrated services!
+orcid.integration.pending.intro = Your ORCID\u00AE iD is a persistent, personal identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers and provides mechanisms for linking your research outputs and activities. ORCID is already integrated into many systems used by publishers, funders, institutions and other research-related services. \r\n
+orcid.integration.popup.close = Close window
+orcid.integration.popup.title = ORCID\u00AE Authorization
+orcid.integration.popup.tooltip = opens popup window to login at ORCID
+orcid.integration.publish = complete your ORCID record by adding publications from university bibliography not already listed there.
+orcid.integration.rejected.denied = Sorry, you did not authorize Duisburg-Essen University Library as your trusted party.\r\nWe therefore can't synchronize your publication data between your ORCID record and the university bibliography.\r\n\r\n
+orcid.integration.rejected.error = Error message
+orcid.integration.rejected.headline = ORCID\u00AE authorization failed or rejected
+orcid.integration.rejected.retry = Try again? Changed your mind?
+orcid.integration.settings.alwaysUpdateWork = Publications are continuously updated after being created in the ORCID\u00AE profile and changes are made within the application if this option is enabled. Otherwise publications remain unchanged.
+orcid.integration.settings.createDuplicateWork = Publications are created in the ORCID\u00AE profile if an identical publication from another application already exists when this option is enabled. Thus a duplicate is created. If the option is disabled, no duplicate will be created.
+orcid.integration.settings.createFirstWork = Publications are initially created in the ORCID\u00AE profile if this option is activated. Otherwise, the publications must be added manually.
+orcid.integration.settings.intro = You can decide individually in the bibliography for each of your publications whether they should be transferred to your ORCID\u00AE profile or not. In addition there are the following automated options:
+orcid.integration.settings.recreateDeletedWork = Deleted publications are created again in the ORCID\u00AE profile after an update if they no longer exist if this option is activated. Otherwise, deleted publications will remain permanently removed.
+orcid.integration.settings.title = ORCID\u00AE Settings
+orcid.integration.unlink = Unlink ORCID\u00AE Account
+orcid.oauth.link = Click to Register or Connect your ORCID iD !
+orcid.publication.action.confirmation = The publication has been transferred to your ORCID record!
+orcid.publication.action.create = add to my ORCID\u00AE record
+orcid.publication.action.update = update in my ORCID record
+orcid.publication.inProfile.false = This publication is NOT contained in your ORCID record
+orcid.publication.inProfile.true = This publication is already present in your ORCID record
-person.datatoform = fill data in person form field
-person.search = Search
-person.search.help1 = Please fill in the first and the last name for authors and editors. You can also search for the name in the online university register and transfer the information to these input fields or apply it directly if no adjustments are required.\r\nIf the person in question is not an employee of university or cannot be found in the online university register, you can save the choice without a person ID assignment.
-person.search.help2 = You can look for the name of the person in the online register, apply/store the information directly or first transfer it to the input fields \u201CPersonal information\u201D, and adjust it before applying.
-person.search.information = Personal Information
-person.search.instruction1 = Enter, edit or store/apply personal information.
-person.search.instruction2 = Search for the person in the online university register, fill in the fields in \u201CPersonal Information\u201D or apply it directly.
-person.search.invalid.firstName = Please enter first name!
-person.search.invalid.lastName = Please enter last name!
-person.search.invalid.search = Error searching in online university register.
+person.datatoform = fill data in person form field
+person.information = Personal Information
+person.search = Search
+person.search.help1 = Please fill in the first and the last name for authors and editors. You can also search for the name in the online university register and transfer the information to these input fields or apply it directly if no adjustments are required.\r\nIf the person in question is not an employee of university or cannot be found in the online university register, you can save the choice without a person ID assignment.
+person.search.help2 = You can look for the name of the person in the online register, apply/store the information directly or first transfer it to the input fields \u201CPersonal information\u201D, and adjust it before applying.
+person.search.information = Personal Information
+person.search.instruction1 = Enter, edit or store/apply personal information.
+person.search.instruction2 = Search for the person in the online university register, fill in the fields in \u201CPersonal Information\u201D or apply it directly.
+person.search.invalid.firstName = Please enter first name!
+person.search.invalid.lastName = Please enter last name!
+person.search.invalid.search = Error searching in online university register.
-response.sidebar.last14days = within the last 14 days
-response.sidebar.last7days = within the last 7 days
-response.sidebar.lastimported = Lists imported last
-response.sidebar.pubperstate = Publications by status
-response.sidebar.today = today
-response.sidebar.yesterday = yesterday or today
+response.sidebar.last14days = within the last 14 days
+response.sidebar.last7days = within the last 7 days
+response.sidebar.lastimported = Lists imported last
+response.sidebar.pubperstate = Publications by status
+response.sidebar.today = today
+response.sidebar.yesterday = yesterday or today
-result.authorized = To look at this document, you have to log in as authorized user.
-result.back = Back
-result.basket = [add to basket]
-result.changed = , finally changed on
-result.distributed.finished = finished
-result.distributed.firstPage = First page
-result.distributed.hits = Hits:
-result.distributed.lastPage = Last page
-result.distributed.noHit = Your search scored not hits.
-result.distributed.numHits = {0} hits,
-result.distributed.numHitsPage = \ with {0} hits per page.
-result.distributed.pages = Page {0}
-result.distributed.pagesAll = \ of {0}
-result.distributed.runs = runs
-result.distributed.search = Search:
-result.documentMany = {0} documents found.
-result.documentNo = No documents found!
-result.documentOne = One document found.
-result.dozbib.buttonPDF = as PDF
-result.dozbib.buttonSelect = select
-result.dozbib.by.faculty = by faculty
-result.dozbib.by.subject = by subject
-result.dozbib.complete = Correct entry
-result.dozbib.correct = Here you can complete the bibliographic descriptions or correct them.
-result.dozbib.delete = Are your really sure you want to delete this entry?
-result.dozbib.deleteEntry = Delete entry
-result.dozbib.direct = The entry is accepted and is searchable immediately.
-result.dozbib.dissListCorr = If you have correction tips, please contact us:
-result.dozbib.dissListDate = At the reporting date {0} there are
-result.dozbib.dissListDiss = dissertations listed for the doctorate year {0}. The lists published here are updated automatically.
-result.dozbib.dissListGroup = grouped by
-result.dozbib.dissListIntro = This list contains the published dissertations of the doctorate year {0} (year of oral examination). The year of publication may differ from the year of doctorate.
-result.dozbib.dissListUpdate = The lists published here are updated automatically.
-result.dozbib.dissYear = Year of doctorate
-result.dozbib.dissertation = Dissertations
-result.dozbib.edition = Edition
-result.dozbib.editor = (Ed.)
-result.dozbib.entry = Entry no.
-result.dozbib.export = or export this list
-result.dozbib.faculties = faculties
-result.dozbib.fulltext = Full text in DuEPublico
-result.dozbib.info = Details
-result.dozbib.now = How does it go on now?
-result.dozbib.nowAccess = Only then the entry is searchable and generally accessible.
-result.dozbib.nowAdditional = false
-result.dozbib.nowCheck = The university library checks formally your information and must confirm your entry.
-result.dozbib.nowSaved = The entry is saved,
-result.dozbib.nowSavedStrong = but is searchable not yet about the searching functions.
-result.dozbib.number = no.
-result.dozbib.page = p.
-result.dozbib.pdfpage = Page
-result.dozbib.publicationMany = publications found.
-result.dozbib.publicationNo = No publications corresponding to the searching term found.
-result.dozbib.publicationOne = One publication found.
-result.dozbib.registerMore = If you want to register further publications, please follow this link.
-result.dozbib.release = Release entry
-result.dozbib.remove = The entry will be deleted completely and removed from the university bibliographie.
-result.dozbib.results = Search results
-result.dozbib.rev = (Reviewer)
-result.dozbib.signature = Shelfmark:
-result.dozbib.status.detailed.confirmed = This entry is released.
-result.dozbib.status.detailed.deleted = This entry was deleted completely.
-result.dozbib.status.detailed.imported = This entry was imported, but not yet confirmed.
-result.dozbib.status.detailed.review = This entry is in review process and not yet confirmed.
-result.dozbib.status.detailed.submitted = This entry was submitted, but not yet confirmed.
-result.dozbib.subject = Subject:
-result.dozbib.subjectNo = Subject not allocated
-result.dozbib.subjects = subject
-result.dozbib.ths = (Advisor)
-result.dozbib.title = Title:
-result.dozbib.volume = vol.
-result.dozbib.xml = Show XML
-result.edit = You are allowed to edit this document.
-result.forward = Forward
-result.list = Hit-list
-result.page = Result page:
-result.permissions = (Additional permissions required)
-result.results = Search results
-result.size = To display further hits, please increase the maximal number of hits!
+result.authorized = To look at this document, you have to log in as authorized user.
+result.back = Back
+result.basket = [add to basket]
+result.changed = , finally changed on
+result.distributed.finished = finished
+result.distributed.firstPage = First page
+result.distributed.hits = Hits:
+result.distributed.lastPage = Last page
+result.distributed.noHit = Your search scored not hits.
+result.distributed.numHits = {0} hits,
+result.distributed.numHitsPage = \ with {0} hits per page.
+result.distributed.pages = Page {0}
+result.distributed.pagesAll = \ of {0}
+result.distributed.runs = runs
+result.distributed.search = Search:
+result.documentMany = {0} documents found.
+result.documentNo = No documents found!
+result.documentOne = One document found.
+result.dozbib.buttonPDF = as PDF
+result.dozbib.buttonSelect = select
+result.dozbib.by.faculty = by faculty
+result.dozbib.by.subject = by subject
+result.dozbib.complete = Correct entry
+result.dozbib.correct = Here you can complete the bibliographic descriptions or correct them.
+result.dozbib.delete = Are your really sure you want to delete this entry?
+result.dozbib.deleteEntry = Delete entry
+result.dozbib.direct = The entry is accepted and is searchable immediately.
+result.dozbib.dissListCorr = If you have correction tips, please contact us:
+result.dozbib.dissListDate = At the reporting date {0} there are
+result.dozbib.dissListDiss = dissertations listed for the doctorate year {0}. The lists published here are updated automatically.
+result.dozbib.dissListGroup = grouped by
+result.dozbib.dissListIntro = This list contains the published dissertations of the doctorate year {0} (year of oral examination). The year of publication may differ from the year of doctorate.
+result.dozbib.dissListUpdate = The lists published here are updated automatically.
+result.dozbib.dissYear = Year of doctorate
+result.dozbib.dissertation = Dissertations
+result.dozbib.edition = Edition
+result.dozbib.editor = (Ed.)
+result.dozbib.entry = Entry no.
+result.dozbib.export = or export this list
+result.dozbib.faculties = faculties
+result.dozbib.fulltext = Full text in DuEPublico
+result.dozbib.info = Details
+result.dozbib.now = How does it go on now?
+result.dozbib.nowAccess = Only then the entry is searchable and generally accessible.
+result.dozbib.nowAdditional = false
+result.dozbib.nowCheck = The university library checks formally your information and must confirm your entry.
+result.dozbib.nowSaved = The entry is saved,
+result.dozbib.nowSavedStrong = but is searchable not yet about the searching functions.
+result.dozbib.number = no.
+result.dozbib.page = p.
+result.dozbib.pdfpage = Page
+result.dozbib.publicationMany = publications found.
+result.dozbib.publicationNo = No publications corresponding to the searching term found.
+result.dozbib.publicationOne = One publication found.
+result.dozbib.registerMore = If you want to register further publications, please follow this link.
+result.dozbib.release = Release entry
+result.dozbib.remove = The entry will be deleted completely and removed from the university bibliographie.
+result.dozbib.results = Search results
+result.dozbib.rev = (Reviewer)
+result.dozbib.signature = Shelfmark:
+result.dozbib.status.detailed.confirmed = This entry is released.
+result.dozbib.status.detailed.deleted = This entry was deleted completely.
+result.dozbib.status.detailed.imported = This entry was imported, but not yet confirmed.
+result.dozbib.status.detailed.review = This entry is in review process and not yet confirmed.
+result.dozbib.status.detailed.submitted = This entry was submitted, but not yet confirmed.
+result.dozbib.subject = Subject:
+result.dozbib.subjectNo = Subject not allocated
+result.dozbib.subjects = subject
+result.dozbib.ths = (Advisor)
+result.dozbib.title = Title:
+result.dozbib.volume = vol.
+result.dozbib.xml = Show XML
+result.edit = You are allowed to edit this document.
+result.forward = Forward
+result.list = Hit-list
+result.page = Result page:
+result.permissions = (Additional permissions required)
+result.results = Search results
+result.size = To display further hits, please increase the maximal number of hits!
-search.admins = Search for administrators
-search.all = all documents
-search.and = \ and
-search.author = Author
-search.collection = Collection
-search.collection.diss = Dissertations
-search.collection.lul = Learning and teaching material
-search.collection.pup = Publications
-search.collection.sem = Reserve Collections
-search.current = only current documents
-search.date = Date
-search.dateCreate = of creation
-search.dateHelp = (DD.MM.YYYY)
-search.dateModify = of modification
-search.department = Faculty
-search.diss = Search for dissertations of Duisburg-Essen University:
-search.document = Document type
-search.dozbib = Search in University bibliography
-search.dozbib.advisor = Advisor
-search.dozbib.author = Author
-search.dozbib.candidate = Doctoral candidate
-search.dozbib.faculty.select = (since 2010 continuous allocated)
-search.dozbib.fields = All fields
-search.dozbib.journal = Journal
-search.dozbib.mdiss = Search for medical thesis papers
-search.dozbib.mdiss.author = Author
-search.dozbib.origin = Institute/Hospital
-search.dozbib.pid = Person ID
-search.dozbib.publisher = Editor
-search.dozbib.select = (Please select if required)
-search.dozbib.series = Series
-search.dozbib.status = Status
-search.dozbib.status.confirmed = confirmed
-search.dozbib.status.imported = imported
-search.dozbib.status.review = in review
-search.dozbib.status.submitted = submitted
-search.dozbib.subject = Subject
-search.dozbib.term = Search term
-search.dozbib.type = Type of publication
-search.dozbib.year = Year
-search.dozbib.year.disputation = (The year of oral examination is not automatically the year of publication)
-search.dozbib.year.doctorate = Year of doctorate
-search.dozbib.year.period = Period
-search.dozbib.year.publication = Year of publication
-search.dozpers = Lecturer/Person
-search.due = Search in DuEPublico
-search.external = External search with several systems
-search.file = in files
-search.first = First
-search.for = Search for
-search.global = The global search in DuEPublico refers to the full text documents. Entries in the University bibliography can not be found here!
-search.go.back = Back
-search.hits.all = all
-search.hits.max = show maximal
-search.hits.numPerPage = Number of hits per page
-search.hits.page = hits per page
-search.hits.show = hits, with
-search.hits.with = with
-search.jq.datatable = Search for:
-search.keywords = Keywords
-search.language = Language of search terms
-search.last = Last
-search.legend.distributed = About this search mask you can search in parallel in several document servers which pursue different German universities on the basis of the MILESS software.\r\n
-search.linked = linked with
-search.lul = Search for teaching and learning material in DuEPublico
-search.media = Media type
-search.next = Next
-search.only = Search only in
-search.or = or
-search.pub = Search for online publications in DuEPublico
-search.select = (please select)
-search.select.autocomplete = (type ahead or select)
-search.select.oaexact = exactly assigned
-search.select.oawithsubcategories = with subcategories
-search.sort = Sort sequence
-search.sort.asc = ascending
-search.sort.by = by
-search.sort.date = by date
-search.sort.dateAsc = by date - ascending
-search.sort.dateDesc = \ by date - descending
-search.sort.desc = descending
-search.sort.name = by author
-search.sort.nameAsc = by author - ascending
-search.sort.nameDesc = by author - descending
-search.sort.title = by title
-search.sort.titleAsc = by title - ascending
-search.sort.titleDesc = by title - descending
-search.sort.year = by year
-search.statusAll = all
-search.statusPublished = published
-search.statusSubmitted = submitted
-search.title = Title
-search.video = Search for videos in DuEPublico
+search.admins = Search for administrators
+search.all = all documents
+search.and = \ and
+search.author = Author
+search.collection = Collection
+search.collection.diss = Dissertations
+search.collection.lul = Learning and teaching material
+search.collection.pup = Publications
+search.collection.sem = Reserve Collections
+search.current = only current documents
+search.date = Date
+search.dateCreate = of creation
+search.dateHelp = (DD.MM.YYYY)
+search.dateModify = of modification
+search.department = Faculty
+search.diss = Search for dissertations of Duisburg-Essen University:
+search.document = Document type
+search.dozbib = Search in University bibliography
+search.dozbib.advisor = Advisor
+search.dozbib.author = Author
+search.dozbib.candidate = Doctoral candidate
+search.dozbib.faculty.select = (since 2010 continuous allocated)
+search.dozbib.fields = All fields
+search.dozbib.journal = Journal
+search.dozbib.mdiss = Search for medical thesis papers
+search.dozbib.mdiss.author = Author
+search.dozbib.origin = Institute/Hospital
+search.dozbib.pid = Person ID
+search.dozbib.publisher = Editor
+search.dozbib.select = (Please select if required)
+search.dozbib.series = Series
+search.dozbib.status = Status
+search.dozbib.status.confirmed = confirmed
+search.dozbib.status.imported = imported
+search.dozbib.status.review = in review
+search.dozbib.status.submitted = submitted
+search.dozbib.subject = Subject
+search.dozbib.term = Search term
+search.dozbib.type = Type of publication
+search.dozbib.year = Year
+search.dozbib.year.disputation = (The year of oral examination is not automatically the year of publication)
+search.dozbib.year.doctorate = Year of doctorate
+search.dozbib.year.period = Period
+search.dozbib.year.publication = Year of publication
+search.dozpers = Lecturer/Person
+search.due = Search in DuEPublico
+search.external = External search with several systems
+search.file = in files
+search.first = First
+search.for = Search for
+search.global = The global search in DuEPublico refers to the full text documents. Entries in the University bibliography can not be found here!
+search.go.back = Back
+search.hits.all = all
+search.hits.max = show maximal
+search.hits.numPerPage = Number of hits per page
+search.hits.page = hits per page
+search.hits.show = hits, with
+search.hits.with = with
+search.jq.datatable = Search for:
+search.keywords = Keywords
+search.language = Language of search terms
+search.last = Last
+search.legend.distributed = About this search mask you can search in parallel in several document servers which pursue different German universities on the basis of the MILESS software.\r\n
+search.linked = linked with
+search.lul = Search for teaching and learning material in DuEPublico
+search.media = Media type
+search.next = Next
+search.only = Search only in
+search.or = or
+search.pub = Search for online publications in DuEPublico
+search.select = (please select)
+search.select.autocomplete = (type ahead or select)
+search.select.oaexact = exactly assigned
+search.select.oawithsubcategories = with subcategories
+search.sort = Sort sequence
+search.sort.asc = ascending
+search.sort.by = by
+search.sort.date = by date
+search.sort.dateAsc = by date - ascending
+search.sort.dateDesc = \ by date - descending
+search.sort.desc = descending
+search.sort.name = by author
+search.sort.nameAsc = by author - ascending
+search.sort.nameDesc = by author - descending
+search.sort.title = by title
+search.sort.titleAsc = by title - ascending
+search.sort.titleDesc = by title - descending
+search.sort.year = by year
+search.statusAll = all
+search.statusPublished = published
+search.statusSubmitted = submitted
+search.title = Title
+search.video = Search for videos in DuEPublico
-share = Share/Save
+share = Share/Save
-stats.count = Count
-stats.export = Export to raster or vector image
-stats.export.jpg = Download JPG image
-stats.export.pdf = Download PDF document
-stats.export.png = Download PNG image
-stats.export.svg = Download SVG vector image
-stats.hint.show.dialog = Click inside an empty area of target chart to enlarge it.
-stats.hint.title = Hint
-stats.interval.label = between {0} and {1}
-stats.interval.last.label = after {0}
-stats.oa.notOA = unchecked
-stats.oa.title = Percentage of Open Access publications by year
-stats.oa.unspecified = \ (unspecified)
-stats.ofTotal = of total
-stats.page.title = Statistics
-stats.print = Print chart
-stats.results.by.doc.type = Results by document type
-stats.results.by.interval = Results by modified date
-stats.results.by.media.type = Results by media type
-stats.results.by.origin = Results by faculty
-stats.revert.zoom = Reset zoom
-stats.search.title = Search statistics
+stats.count = Count
+stats.export = Export to raster or vector image
+stats.export.jpg = Download JPG image
+stats.export.pdf = Download PDF document
+stats.export.png = Download PNG image
+stats.export.svg = Download SVG vector image
+stats.hint.show.dialog = Click inside an empty area of target chart to enlarge it.
+stats.hint.title = Hint
+stats.interval.label = between {0} and {1}
+stats.interval.last.label = after {0}
+stats.oa.notOA = unchecked
+stats.oa.title = Percentage of Open Access publications by year
+stats.oa.unspecified = \ (unspecified)
+stats.ofTotal = of total
+stats.page.title = Statistics
+stats.print = Print chart
+stats.results.by.doc.type = Results by document type
+stats.results.by.interval = Results by modified date
+stats.results.by.media.type = Results by media type
+stats.results.by.origin = Results by faculty
+stats.revert.zoom = Reset zoom
+stats.search.title = Search statistics
-storeBrowser.back = Back to start page
-storeBrowser.beginning = Objects starting from ID
-storeBrowser.from = Objects with ID between
-storeBrowser.lastModified = last modified
-storeBrowser.object = Object
-storeBrowser.text = This is an automatically generated index of all metadata objects, ordered by ID. This access is intended for indexing by search engines (robots).
-storeBrowser.title = Access for search engines (robots)
-storeBrowser.to = and
+storeBrowser.back = Back to start page
+storeBrowser.beginning = Objects starting from ID
+storeBrowser.from = Objects with ID between
+storeBrowser.lastModified = last modified
+storeBrowser.object = Object
+storeBrowser.text = This is an automatically generated index of all metadata objects, ordered by ID. This access is intended for indexing by search engines (robots).
+storeBrowser.title = Access for search engines (robots)
+storeBrowser.to = and
-structure.editor = Structure editor
-structure.editor.edit = : edit structure
-structure.editor.extractHost = Extract the host of this publication
-structure.editor.extractHostLink = as a separate entry and link it?
-structure.editor.limit = \ Only the first
-structure.editor.limitDisplay = \ are displayed.
-structure.editor.linked = \ publication(s) linked.
-structure.editor.merge = Merge title data of this duplicate
-structure.editor.mergeInto = into this publication
-structure.editor.mergeQMark = ?
-structure.editor.move = Move
-structure.editor.moveHost = \ publication(s) linked to this host
-structure.editor.moveInto = \ into this host
-structure.editor.moveQMark = ?
-structure.editor.orphans = \ orphan(s) found for possible adoption.
-structure.editor.relink = Re-link this publication
-structure.editor.relinkHost = to this host
-structure.editor.relinkQMark = ?
-structure.editor.unlink = Remove the link between this publication
-structure.editor.unlinkHost = and the host
-structure.editor.unlinkQMark = ?
+structure.editor = Structure editor
+structure.editor.edit = : edit structure
+structure.editor.extractHost = Extract the host of this publication
+structure.editor.extractHostLink = as a separate entry and link it?
+structure.editor.limit = \ Only the first
+structure.editor.limitDisplay = \ are displayed.
+structure.editor.linked = \ publication(s) linked.
+structure.editor.merge = Merge title data of this duplicate
+structure.editor.mergeInto = into this publication
+structure.editor.mergeQMark = ?
+structure.editor.move = Move
+structure.editor.moveHost = \ publication(s) linked to this host
+structure.editor.moveInto = \ into this host
+structure.editor.moveQMark = ?
+structure.editor.orphans = \ orphan(s) found for possible adoption.
+structure.editor.relink = Re-link this publication
+structure.editor.relinkHost = to this host
+structure.editor.relinkQMark = ?
+structure.editor.unlink = Remove the link between this publication
+structure.editor.unlinkHost = and the host
+structure.editor.unlinkQMark = ?
-subscribe = Subscribe to RSS feed
+subscribe = Subscribe to RSS feed
-ubo.abstract = Abstract
-ubo.abstract.aslink = as link
-ubo.abstract.in = Abstract in
-ubo.abstract.link = Link to abstract
-ubo.abstract.ortext = or text
-ubo.abstract.placeholder = Abstracts are also protected by copyright! Please only enter abstracts here that you have written yourself or that you are entitled to republish (e.g. on the basis of appropriate licences).
-ubo.abstract.text = Abstract, Description
-ubo.accessrights = Access Rights
-ubo.article_number = Article Number
-ubo.article_number.placeholder = number of online article, eg. 1234-34.67
-ubo.articlenumber = Article
-ubo.authorlink.local.text = Local
-ubo.authorlink.local.title = Local ID
-ubo.category = Category
-ubo.comment = Notes, comments
-ubo.conference = Conference
-ubo.conference.placeholder = Title of the conference with place and date
-ubo.coordinates = Coordinates
-ubo.coordinates.format.decimal = Decimal degrees
-ubo.coordinates.latitude = Latitude
-ubo.coordinates.longitude = Longitude
-ubo.corporate = Corporate
-ubo.corresponding_author = Corresponding author
-ubo.date.accepted = Graduation at
-ubo.date.acceptedHabil = Graduation at
-ubo.date.broadcasted = Date of broadcasting
-ubo.date.issued.10 = Date published
-ubo.date.issued.4 = Year of publication
-ubo.date.issued.4.placeholder = (YYYY)
-ubo.date.issued.4.validation = Please enter the year of publication (four digits)!
-ubo.date.submitted = submitted at
-ubo.department = Department
-ubo.details.issue = No.
-ubo.details.volume.journal = Vol.
-ubo.details.volume.series = Vol.
-ubo.editing.delete = Delete this entry
-ubo.editing.edit = Edit this entry
-ubo.editing.embed = Embed related entry
-ubo.editing.extract = Extract embedded entry
-ubo.editing.related.id = ID of related publication
-ubo.editing.related.select = Choose publication
-ubo.editing.template.names = Add new publication of same person
-ubo.editing.template.related = Add new related entry
-ubo.edition = Edition
-ubo.edition.out = Edition
-ubo.edition.placeholder = e.g. "3rd edition", or label of edition
-ubo.editors.abbreviated = (Eds.)
-ubo.entry.correct = Correct entry
-ubo.entry.correct.colon = :
-ubo.export.choose = Please choose a file format. Nearly all bibliographic reference management software supports one of the following formats:
-ubo.export.format.bibtex = BibTeX
-ubo.export.format.bibtex.description = besides LaTeX, is also supported by many bibliographic reference management software.
-ubo.export.format.endnote = Endnote (tagged refer-format)
-ubo.export.format.endnote.description = for the "Endnote" reference management software (Thomson Reuters) and many others.
-ubo.export.format.mods = MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema)
-ubo.export.format.mods.description = Standard of Library of Congress in XML. Complete export without data loss.
-ubo.export.format.ris = RIS (Reference Manager)
-ubo.export.format.ris.description = The RIS format is a standard that has its origins in the "Reference Manager" software.
-ubo.export.more = (more)
-ubo.extent = Extent
-ubo.extent.placeholder = for example, "50 pages"
-ubo.genre = Type of publication
-ubo.help.department = Select the institution the publication belongs to
-ubo.help.oa = Open access publication type
-ubo.help.partOf = The publication should be counted in the evaluation for statistical purposes. Second publications should also not be counted here.
-ubo.help.status = Processing status of your publication
-ubo.host = published in
-ubo.identifier = Identifier
-ubo.identifier.arxiv = arXiv.org ID
-ubo.identifier.doi = DOI
-ubo.identifier.doi.validation = A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) name must start with "10.", e.g. 10.1000/1234.
-ubo.identifier.duepublico = DuEPublico 1 ID
-ubo.identifier.duepublico.placeholder = Document ID of the full text in DuEPublico 1
-ubo.identifier.duepublico.validation = Please enter the numeric document ID of an existing DuEPublico 1 document.
-ubo.identifier.duepublico2 = DuEPublico 2 ID
-ubo.identifier.duepublico2.placeholder = MyCoRe-ID of the full text in DuEPublico 2
-ubo.identifier.duepublico2.validation = Please enter the MyCoRe-ID (duepublico_mods_00000000) of an existing DuEPublico 2 document.
-ubo.identifier.evaluna = EVALuna Biblio ID
-ubo.identifier.hbz = HBZ HT Number
-ubo.identifier.hdl = Handle
-ubo.identifier.ieee = IEEE ID
-ubo.identifier.importID = ImportID
-ubo.identifier.isbn = ISBN
-ubo.identifier.isbn.validation = The ISBN must be entered using 10 or 13 characters (digits, hyphen, the uppercase X or spaces).
-ubo.identifier.isi = Web of Science ID
-ubo.identifier.issn = ISSN
-ubo.identifier.issn.placeholder = NNNN-NNNN
-ubo.identifier.issn.validation = The ISSN must be entered as NNNN-NNNN (only digits, uppercase X).
-ubo.identifier.mms = Alma MMS ID
-ubo.identifier.oclc = OCLC
-ubo.identifier.patent = Publication number
-ubo.identifier.ppn = PPN
-ubo.identifier.pubmed = PubMed ID
-ubo.identifier.scopus = Scopus ID
-ubo.identifier.uri = URI
-ubo.identifier.url = URL
-ubo.identifier.urn = URN
-ubo.identifier.urn.validation = A uniform resource name must start with "urn:nbn:" !
-ubo.identifier.zdb = ZDB ID
-ubo.issue = Issue
-ubo.jop = Show availability online & print
-ubo.language = Language of text
-ubo.licenses = Licence type
-ubo.link = WWW URL
-ubo.link.object_in_context = Link in context:
-ubo.link.preview = Link table of contents:
-ubo.link.raw_object = Link to the full text:
-ubo.link.validation = URLs must start with http://, https:// or ftp:// and must not contain whitespace characters, up to 250 characters!
-ubo.link.validation.not.doi = Please enter Digital Object Identfier (DOI) in the separate "DOI" field!
-ubo.lsf.pid-link = show in online staff directory and course catalog LSF
-ubo.mediaType = Media
-ubo.more = more
-ubo.nameIdentifier.orcid.validation = ORCIDs must match the pattern 0000-0000-0000-0000!
-ubo.newPublication = Record new publication:
-ubo.newPublicationWizard = Register new publication
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.author.placeholder = Please only enter the family name of the first author
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.choosePublicationType = Choose publication type
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.doi = If you know the DOI or another ID of the publication, we will probably be able to import the data:
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates = Check duplicates
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates.headline = Maybe this publication is already registered
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates.noContinue = No, it is another publication, continue to input form.
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates.pleaseCheck = Please check if the publication you want to register isn't already listed below.
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.notFound = No publication data found
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.notFound.continue = Alternatively, continue by entering title and author
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.notFound.info = Unfortunately we could'nt find publication data for the identifier entered. We currently resolve DOIs from Scopus, PubMed, IEEE, CrossRef and DataCite. Please check the identifier or contact us:
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.publishedIn = published in
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.required = Please enter the DOI or other ID or alternativly BOTH title and author!
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.selectForm.admin = Admin form
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.selectForm.standard = Standard form
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.selectGenre = Please choose the publication type resp. fix the selection!
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.targetForm = Target form
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.title.placeholder = Please enter the main title of the publication
-ubo.newPublicationWizard.titleAuthor = Alternatively, please enter the title and author. Following we will first check if this publication isn't already registered here.
-ubo.newest = Newest publications
-ubo.note = Note
-ubo.numPublicationsTotal = There are currently {0} publications listed.
-ubo.pages = Pages
-ubo.pages.abbreviated.multiple = pp.
-ubo.pages.abbreviated.single = p.
-ubo.pages.from = Pages from:
-ubo.pages.placeholder = from - to information, e.g. "p. 45 - 58"
-ubo.pages.to = to
-ubo.partOf = Part of statistic
-ubo.partOf.validation = Please specify if the publication should count towards the statistics of the bibliography.
-ubo.partner = Practice Partner
-ubo.patent.application = Application date
-ubo.peerreviewed = Peer Reviewed
-ubo.place = Place of publication
-ubo.place.country = Country of registration
-ubo.placeholder.abstract.link = Web link to abstract
-ubo.placeholder.date = YYYY-MM-DD
-ubo.placeholder.name.family = Last name
-ubo.placeholder.name.given = First name
-ubo.placeholder.title.main = Original title
-ubo.placeholder.title.translated = Translated title
-ubo.project.acronym = Acronym
-ubo.project.funder = Funder
-ubo.project.funding_number = Funding Number
-ubo.project.information = Project information
-ubo.project.label = Project:
-ubo.project.search = Search for a project
-ubo.project.title = Project Title
-ubo.publication = Publication
-ubo.publications = Publications
-ubo.publisher = Publisher
-ubo.publisher.station = Broadcasting Station
-ubo.relatedItem.constituent = Constituent
-ubo.relatedItem.doesNotExist = Reference can not be displayed or was deleted
-ubo.relatedItem.host = Appears in
-ubo.relatedItem.host.contains = Contains publications
-ubo.relatedItem.host.contains.publications = publication(s)
-ubo.relatedItem.host.select = Select host
-ubo.relatedItem.host.selectAs = select as host
-ubo.relatedItem.host.separate = Separate host
-ubo.relatedItem.host.unlink = Unlink host
-ubo.relatedItem.in.book = This contribution is contained in:
-ubo.relatedItem.in.common = Published in
-ubo.relatedItem.in.festschrift = This contribution is contained in the following festschrift
-ubo.relatedItem.in.journal = This article was published in the following journal
-ubo.relatedItem.in.lexicon = This entry was published in the following lexicon
-ubo.relatedItem.in.newspaper = This article was published in the following newspaper
-ubo.relatedItem.in.proceedings = This contribution is contained in the following proceedings
-ubo.relatedItem.link = Related
-ubo.relatedItem.list = The following {0} publications link to this publication
-ubo.relatedItem.original = Original
-ubo.relatedItem.preceding = Preceding
-ubo.relatedItem.references = References
-ubo.relatedItem.reviewOf = Review of
-ubo.relatedItem.search = Show related publications as separate result list
-ubo.relatedItem.series = In Series
-ubo.relatedItem.succeeding = Succeeding
-ubo.relatedItem.unknown.type = Unknown type of relation
-ubo.republication = Second publishing
-ubo.results.hitDoesNotExist = This result can not be displayed or was recently deleted.
-ubo.role.advisor = Thesis advisor
-ubo.role.author = Author
-ubo.role.author.validation = Please enter a originating person (e.g. author) or institution of the publication!
-ubo.role.editor = Editor
-ubo.role.honoree = Honoree
-ubo.role.interviewee = Interviewee
-ubo.role.inventor = Inventor
-ubo.role.producer = Producer
-ubo.role.reviewer = Reviewer
-ubo.role.speaker = Speaker
-ubo.role.thesis = Thesis author
-ubo.role.thesisHabil = Thesis author
-ubo.scale = Scale
-ubo.search.all = All fields
-ubo.search.in = Published in
-ubo.search.journalTitle = Journal title
-ubo.search.name = Person
-ubo.search.name.advisor = Thesis advisor
-ubo.search.name.creator = Author
-ubo.search.name.editor = Editor
-ubo.search.name.reviewer = Reviewer
-ubo.search.new = New search
-ubo.search.refine = Refine search
-ubo.search.simple = Search for
-ubo.search.title = Title
-ubo.search.year = Year of publication
-ubo.select = (please select, if necessary)
-ubo.select.collection = a collection
-ubo.select.editor = (editor)
-ubo.select.festschrift = a festschrift
-ubo.select.host = appears in
-ubo.select.journal = a journal
-ubo.select.lexicon = a lexicon
-ubo.select.newspaper = a newspaper
-ubo.select.proceedings = proceedings
-ubo.select.series = a series
-ubo.series.title = in series
-ubo.series.title.placeholder = e. g. "Lecture notes in Computer Science"
-ubo.series.volume = Volume of series
-ubo.series.volume.placeholder = e. g. "124"
-ubo.shelfmark = Library shelfmark
-ubo.shelfmark.search = Search in library catalogue
-ubo.shelfmark.validation = Please fix the format of the library shelfmark:\r\n- for journals: no location, including blank, e. g. "49 Z 872"\r\n- for books: no location, no blanks, e. g. "NXZ3771(5)"
-ubo.sort.name = by name
-ubo.sort.title = by title
-ubo.sort.year = by year
-ubo.status = Status
-ubo.step.deleted = This entry has been deleted.
-ubo.step.embedded = The data of the referenced entry has been embedded into this entry.
-ubo.step.extracted = The data of the embedded entry has been moved to a new, separate entry.
-ubo.step.redirect = Continue
-ubo.subject = Subject
-ubo.subject.topic = Keyword, Topic
-ubo.tab.abstract = Abstract
-ubo.tab.details = Details
-ubo.tab.edit = Edit
-ubo.tab.export = Export
-ubo.tab.links = Links
-ubo.tab.related = {0} related Publication(s)
-ubo.title = Title
-ubo.title.journal = Journal title
-ubo.title.newspaper = Newspaper title
-ubo.title.nonSort = non sort
-ubo.title.partName = Part name
-ubo.title.partNumber = Part number
-ubo.title.subTitle = Subtitle
-ubo.title.thesis = Title of thesis
-ubo.title.thesis.help = Please enter an english translation of the title, too!
-ubo.title.thesisHabil = Title of thesis
-ubo.title.type = Title
-ubo.title.type.abbreviated = abbreviated
-ubo.title.type.alternative = alternative
-ubo.title.type.main = Main title
-ubo.title.type.translated = translated
-ubo.title.type.uniform = Uniform title
-ubo.title.validation = Please enter the title of your publication
-ubo.title.validation.host = Please enter the title of the work hosting your publication!
-ubo.typeOfResource = Type of resource
-ubo.validation.date = Please enter a year (YYYY), year and month (YYYY-MM), or a complete date (YYYY-MM-DD).
-ubo.validation.doi = The DOI must start with "10." (without preceding "http://dx.doi.org/").
-ubo.validation.failed = Please fix the following validation errors in the marked fields:
-ubo.validation.handle = The handle must be entered in the format "/", without preceding "http://hdl.handle.net/".
-ubo.validation.url = Please fix the link (starting with http://, https:// or ftp://).
-ubo.validation.urn = Please fix the URN (urn:nbn:...).
-ubo.volume = Volume
+ubo.abstract = Abstract
+ubo.abstract.aslink = as link
+ubo.abstract.in = Abstract in
+ubo.abstract.link = Link to abstract
+ubo.abstract.ortext = or text
+ubo.abstract.placeholder = Abstracts are also protected by copyright! Please only enter abstracts here that you have written yourself or that you are entitled to republish (e.g. on the basis of appropriate licences).
+ubo.abstract.text = Abstract, Description
+ubo.accessrights = Access Rights
+ubo.article_number = Article Number
+ubo.article_number.placeholder = number of online article, eg. 1234-34.67
+ubo.articlenumber = Article
+ubo.authorlink.local.text = Local
+ubo.authorlink.local.title = Local ID
+ubo.category = Category
+ubo.comment = Notes, comments
+ubo.conference = Conference
+ubo.conference.placeholder = Title of the conference with place and date
+ubo.coordinates = Coordinates
+ubo.coordinates.format.decimal = Decimal degrees
+ubo.coordinates.latitude = Latitude
+ubo.coordinates.longitude = Longitude
+ubo.corporate = Corporate
+ubo.corresponding_author = Corresponding author
+ubo.date.accepted = Graduation at
+ubo.date.acceptedHabil = Graduation at
+ubo.date.broadcasted = Date of broadcasting
+ubo.date.issued.10 = Date published
+ubo.date.issued.4 = Year of publication
+ubo.date.issued.4.placeholder = (YYYY)
+ubo.date.issued.4.validation = Please enter the year of publication (four digits)!
+ubo.date.submitted = submitted at
+ubo.department = Department
+ubo.details.issue = No.
+ubo.details.volume.journal = Vol.
+ubo.details.volume.series = Vol.
+ubo.editing.delete = Delete this entry
+ubo.editing.edit = Edit this entry
+ubo.editing.embed = Embed related entry
+ubo.editing.extract = Extract embedded entry
+ubo.editing.related.id = ID of related publication
+ubo.editing.related.select = Choose publication
+ubo.editing.template.names = Add new publication of same person
+ubo.editing.template.related = Add new related entry
+ubo.edition = Edition
+ubo.edition.out = Edition
+ubo.edition.placeholder = e.g. "3rd edition", or label of edition
+ubo.editors.abbreviated = (Eds.)
+ubo.entry.correct = Correct entry
+ubo.entry.correct.colon = :
+ubo.export.choose = Please choose a file format. Nearly all bibliographic reference management software supports one of the following formats:
+ubo.export.format.bibtex = BibTeX
+ubo.export.format.bibtex.description = besides LaTeX, is also supported by many bibliographic reference management software.
+ubo.export.format.endnote = Endnote (tagged refer-format)
+ubo.export.format.endnote.description = for the "Endnote" reference management software (Thomson Reuters) and many others.
+ubo.export.format.mods = MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema)
+ubo.export.format.mods.description = Standard of Library of Congress in XML. Complete export without data loss.
+ubo.export.format.ris = RIS (Reference Manager)
+ubo.export.format.ris.description = The RIS format is a standard that has its origins in the "Reference Manager" software.
+ubo.export.more = (more)
+ubo.extent = Extent
+ubo.extent.placeholder = for example, "50 pages"
+ubo.fundingType = Type of Funding
+ubo.genre = Type of publication
+ubo.help.accessrights = Please enter the access rights of the publication here. A more detailed explanation of access rights can be found in the FAQ section of the Information about the Bibliography page.
+ubo.help.department = Select the institution the publication belongs to
+ubo.help.oa = Open access publication type
+ubo.help.partOf = The publication should be counted in the evaluation for statistical purposes. Second publications should also not be counted here.
+ubo.help.peerreviewed = Reviewed by external peers
+ubo.help.status = Processing status of your publication
+ubo.help.typeOfResource = Publication\u2019s content type
+ubo.host = published in
+ubo.identifier = Identifier
+ubo.identifier.arxiv = arXiv.org ID
+ubo.identifier.doi = DOI
+ubo.identifier.doi.validation = A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) name must start with "10.", e.g. 10.1000/1234.
+ubo.identifier.duepublico = DuEPublico 1 ID
+ubo.identifier.duepublico.placeholder = Document ID of the full text in DuEPublico 1
+ubo.identifier.duepublico.validation = Please enter the numeric document ID of an existing DuEPublico 1 document.
+ubo.identifier.duepublico2 = DuEPublico 2 ID
+ubo.identifier.duepublico2.placeholder = MyCoRe-ID of the full text in DuEPublico 2
+ubo.identifier.duepublico2.validation = Please enter the MyCoRe-ID (duepublico_mods_00000000) of an existing DuEPublico 2 document.
+ubo.identifier.evaluna = EVALuna Biblio ID
+ubo.identifier.hbz = HBZ HT Number
+ubo.identifier.hdl = Handle
+ubo.identifier.ieee = IEEE ID
+ubo.identifier.importID = ImportID
+ubo.identifier.isbn = ISBN
+ubo.identifier.isbn.validation = The ISBN must be entered using 10 or 13 characters (digits, hyphen, the uppercase X or spaces).
+ubo.identifier.isi = Web of Science ID
+ubo.identifier.issn = ISSN
+ubo.identifier.issn.placeholder = NNNN-NNNN
+ubo.identifier.issn.validation = The ISSN must be entered as NNNN-NNNN (only digits, uppercase X).
+ubo.identifier.mms = Alma MMS ID
+ubo.identifier.oclc = OCLC
+ubo.identifier.patent = Publication number
+ubo.identifier.ppn = PPN
+ubo.identifier.pubmed = PubMed ID
+ubo.identifier.scopus = Scopus ID
+ubo.identifier.uri = URI
+ubo.identifier.url = URL
+ubo.identifier.urn = URN
+ubo.identifier.urn.validation = A uniform resource name must start with "urn:nbn:" !
+ubo.identifier.zdb = ZDB ID
+ubo.interviewer.abbreviated = Itw
+ubo.issue = Issue
+ubo.jop = Show availability online & print
+ubo.language = Language of text
+ubo.licenses = Licence type
+ubo.link = WWW URL
+ubo.link.object_in_context = Link in context:
+ubo.link.preview = Link table of contents:
+ubo.link.raw_object = Link to the full text:
+ubo.link.validation = URLs must start with http://, https:// or ftp:// and must not contain whitespace characters, up to 250 characters!
+ubo.link.validation.not.doi = Please enter Digital Object Identfier (DOI) in the separate "DOI" field!
+ubo.lsf.pid-link = show in online staff directory and course catalog LSF
+ubo.mediaType = Media
+ubo.more = more
+ubo.nameIdentifier.orcid.validation = ORCIDs must match the pattern 0000-0000-0000-0000!
+ubo.newPublication = Record new publication:
+ubo.newPublicationWizard = Register new publication
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.author.placeholder = Please only enter the family name of the first author
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.choosePublicationType = Choose publication type
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.doi = If you know the DOI or another ID of the publication, we will probably be able to import the data:
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates = Check duplicates
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates.headline = Maybe this publication is already registered
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates.noContinue = No, it is another publication, continue to input form.
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.duplicates.pleaseCheck = Please check if the publication you want to register isn't already listed below.
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.notFound = No publication data found
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.notFound.continue = Alternatively, continue by entering title and author
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.notFound.info = Unfortunately we could'nt find publication data for the identifier entered. We currently resolve DOIs from Scopus, PubMed, IEEE, CrossRef and DataCite. Please check the identifier or contact us:
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.publishedIn = published in
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.required = Please enter the DOI or other ID or alternativly BOTH title and author!
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.selectForm.admin = Admin form
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.selectForm.standard = Standard form
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.selectGenre = Please choose the publication type resp. fix the selection!
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.targetForm = Target form
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.title.placeholder = Please enter the main title of the publication
+ubo.newPublicationWizard.titleAuthor = Alternatively, please enter the title and author. Following we will first check if this publication isn't already registered here.
+ubo.newest = Newest publications
+ubo.note = Note
+ubo.numPublicationsTotal = There are currently {0} publications listed.
+ubo.orcid.require.publication = If you would like to link your user account with ORCID\u00AE, please store at least one publication and link it to your user account.
+ubo.pages = Pages
+ubo.pages.abbreviated.multiple = pp.
+ubo.pages.abbreviated.single = p.
+ubo.pages.from = Pages from:
+ubo.pages.placeholder = from - to information, e.g. "p. 45 - 58"
+ubo.pages.to = to
+ubo.partOf = Part of statistic
+ubo.partOf.validation = Please specify if the publication should count towards the statistics of the bibliography.
+ubo.partner = Practice Partner
+ubo.patent.application = Application date
+ubo.peerreviewed = Peer Reviewed
+ubo.person.affiliation = Affiliation
+ubo.person.connected = connected with university
+ubo.person.connected.sup = HSB
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+ubo.person.other = Other
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+ubo.place.country = Country of registration
+ubo.placeholder.abstract.link = Web link to abstract
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+ubo.project.search = Search for a project
+ubo.project.title = Project Title
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+ubo.publications = Publications
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+ubo.relatedItem.constituent = Constituent
+ubo.relatedItem.doesNotExist = Reference can not be displayed or was deleted
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+ubo.relatedItem.host.contains = Contains publications
+ubo.relatedItem.host.contains.publications = publication(s)
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+ubo.relatedItem.in.book = This contribution is contained in:
+ubo.relatedItem.in.common = Published in
+ubo.relatedItem.in.festschrift = This contribution is contained in the following festschrift
+ubo.relatedItem.in.journal = This article was published in the following journal
+ubo.relatedItem.in.lexicon = This entry was published in the following lexicon
+ubo.relatedItem.in.newspaper = This article was published in the following newspaper
+ubo.relatedItem.in.proceedings = This contribution is contained in the following proceedings
+ubo.relatedItem.link = Related
+ubo.relatedItem.list = The following {0} publications link to this publication
+ubo.relatedItem.original = Original
+ubo.relatedItem.preceding = Preceding
+ubo.relatedItem.references = References
+ubo.relatedItem.reviewOf = Review of
+ubo.relatedItem.search = Show related publications as separate result list
+ubo.relatedItem.series = In Series
+ubo.relatedItem.succeeding = Succeeding
+ubo.relatedItem.unknown.type = Unknown type of relation
+ubo.republication = Second publishing
+ubo.results.hitDoesNotExist = This result can not be displayed or was recently deleted.
+ubo.role.advisor = Thesis advisor
+ubo.role.author = Author
+ubo.role.author.validation = Please enter a originating person (e.g. author) or institution of the publication!
+ubo.role.editor = Editor
+ubo.role.honoree = Honoree
+ubo.role.interviewee = Interviewee
+ubo.role.inventor = Inventor
+ubo.role.producer = Producer
+ubo.role.reviewer = Reviewer
+ubo.role.speaker = Speaker
+ubo.role.thesis = Thesis author
+ubo.role.thesisHabil = Thesis author
+ubo.scale = Scale
+ubo.search.all = All fields
+ubo.search.in = Published in
+ubo.search.journalTitle = Journal title
+ubo.search.name = Person
+ubo.search.name.advisor = Thesis advisor
+ubo.search.name.creator = Author
+ubo.search.name.editor = Editor
+ubo.search.name.reviewer = Reviewer
+ubo.search.new = New search
+ubo.search.refine = Refine search
+ubo.search.simple = Search for
+ubo.search.title = Title
+ubo.search.year = Year of publication
+ubo.select = (please select, if necessary)
+ubo.select.collection = a collection
+ubo.select.editor = (editor)
+ubo.select.festschrift = a festschrift
+ubo.select.host = appears in
+ubo.select.journal = a journal
+ubo.select.lexicon = a lexicon
+ubo.select.newspaper = a newspaper
+ubo.select.proceedings = proceedings
+ubo.select.series = a series
+ubo.series.title = in series
+ubo.series.title.placeholder = e. g. "Lecture notes in Computer Science"
+ubo.series.volume = Volume of series
+ubo.series.volume.placeholder = e. g. "124"
+ubo.shelfmark = Library shelfmark
+ubo.shelfmark.search = Search in library catalogue
+ubo.shelfmark.validation = Please fix the format of the library shelfmark:\r\n- for journals: no location, including blank, e. g. "49 Z 872"\r\n- for books: no location, no blanks, e. g. "NXZ3771(5)"
+ubo.sort.name = by name
+ubo.sort.title = by title
+ubo.sort.year = by year
+ubo.status = Status
+ubo.step.deleted = This entry has been deleted.
+ubo.step.embedded = The data of the referenced entry has been embedded into this entry.
+ubo.step.extracted = The data of the embedded entry has been moved to a new, separate entry.
+ubo.step.redirect = Continue
+ubo.subject = Subject
+ubo.subject.topic = Keyword, Topic
+ubo.tab.abstract = Abstract
+ubo.tab.details = Details
+ubo.tab.edit = Edit
+ubo.tab.export = Export
+ubo.tab.links = Links
+ubo.tab.related = {0} related Publication(s)
+ubo.title = Title
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+ubo.title.newspaper = Newspaper title
+ubo.title.nonSort = non sort
+ubo.title.partName = Part name
+ubo.title.partNumber = Part number
+ubo.title.subTitle = Subtitle
+ubo.title.thesis = Title of thesis
+ubo.title.thesis.help = Please enter an english translation of the title, too!
+ubo.title.thesisHabil = Title of thesis
+ubo.title.type = Title
+ubo.title.type.abbreviated = abbreviated
+ubo.title.type.alternative = alternative
+ubo.title.type.main = Main title
+ubo.title.type.translated = translated
+ubo.title.type.uniform = Uniform title
+ubo.title.validation = Please enter the title of your publication
+ubo.title.validation.host = Please enter the title of the work hosting your publication!
+ubo.typeOfResource = Type of resource
+ubo.validation.date = Please enter a year (YYYY), year and month (YYYY-MM), or a complete date (YYYY-MM-DD).
+ubo.validation.doi = The DOI must start with "10." (without preceding "http://dx.doi.org/").
+ubo.validation.failed = Please fix the following validation errors in the marked fields:
+ubo.validation.handle = The handle must be entered in the format "/", without preceding "http://hdl.handle.net/".
+ubo.validation.url = Please fix the link (starting with http://, https:// or ftp://).
+ubo.validation.urn = Please fix the URN (urn:nbn:...).
+ubo.volume = Volume
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-upload.drop.hint = Drop here
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+upload.drop.hint = Drop here
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+upload.successful = Upload successful
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user.profile = Profile
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@@ -1194,12 +1222,13 @@ user.profile.id.gnd = GND
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user.profile.id.scopus = SCOPUS author iD
user.profile.publications = Publications
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user.profile.publications.num.none = no publications
user.profile.publications.num.one = one publication
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+user.profile.publications.orcid.intro = Your ORCID\u00AE record with id {0} contains
user.profile.publications.ubo.intro = The university bibliography contains
user.profile.publications.ubo.outro = \ linked to this LSF ID
user.profile.publications.ubo.published.extro.plural.false = is in state editorially checked.
@@ -1209,22 +1238,22 @@ user.profile.publications.ubo.published.intro.plural.false = Thereof
user.profile.publications.ubo.published.intro.plural.true = Therof
user.profile.realName = Name
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--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/mycore.properties
+++ b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/mycore.properties
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ MCR.Access.Strategy.Class=org.mycore.access.strategies.MCRObjectTypeStrategy
# only allow to edit specific Attributes like id_orcid, empty means all attributes allowed
## Login ##
@@ -431,24 +431,32 @@ MCR.ContentTransformer.import.MODS2MCRObj.Stylesheet=xsl/import-mods2mycoreobjec
# Import publications ("works") from public ORCID profile
+MCR.ContentTransformer.import.ORCID.Class = org.mycore.common.content.transformer.MCRTransformerPipe
+MCR.ContentTransformer.import.ORCID.Steps = import.ORCID2Works,import.MODS2MCRObj
+MCR.ContentTransformer.import.ORCID2Works.Class = org.mycore.ubo.importer.orcid.Orcid2WorksTransformer
+# When publication is created or updated locally, creates/updates the work also in all ORCID profiles
+# of users that have authorized us as trusted party and that occur in the publication's metadata (name identifier match)
+#MCR.EventHandler.MCRObject.018A.Class = org.mycore.orcid2.v3.work.MCRORCIDWorkEventHandlerImpl
# URL to link ORCID IDs, either production/sandbox system
- MCR.ORCID.LinkURL=https://orcid.org/
-# MCR.ORCID.LinkURL=https://sandbox.orcid.org/
+MCR.ORCID2.LinkURL = https://orcid.org/
+#MCR.ORCID2.LinkURL = https://sandbox.orcid.org/
# Base URL of ORCID API to use, either public/sandbox/member API
- MCR.ORCID.BaseURL=https://pub.orcid.org/v2.1
-# MCR.ORCID.BaseURL=https://api.sandbox.orcid.org/v2.1
+MCR.ORCID2.BaseURL = https://orcid.org/
+#MCR.ORCID2.BaseURL = https://sandbox.orcid.org
+# Basic ORCID API (which enables OAuth and allows e.g. revoking an ORCID iD) and optional resource that allows publishing objects.
+MCR.ORCID2.API.Resource.Packages = org.mycore.orcid2.rest.resources,org.mycore.orcid2.v3.rest.resources
-# Base URL of ORCID OAuth API, either public/sandbox/member API
- MCR.ORCID.OAuth.BaseURL=https://orcid.org/oauth
-# MCR.ORCID.OAuth.BaseURL=https://sandbox.orcid.org/oauth
+# Set to true if you want full autosync, no user interaction will be needed to claim a publication
+# MCR.ORCID2.Work.CreateFirstWork = true
# specify link to application specific orcid information
- UBO.ORCID.InfoURL=https://www.uni-due.de/ub/publikationsdienste/orcid.php
+UBO.ORCID2.InfoURL = https://www.uni-due.de/ub/publikationsdienste/orcid.php
+MCR.Rest.JWT.Roles = admin,submitter
# #
@@ -794,7 +802,7 @@ MCR.MODS.EnrichmentResolver.DataSource.ZDB.zdb.URI=xslStyle:import/zdb2mods:http
# for more information see
# https://www.zeitschriftendatenbank.de/services/schnittstellen/journals-online-print/
# Configuration to import data via EnrichmentResolver
diff --git a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-config.json b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-config.json
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--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-config.json
+++ b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-config.json
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"facet.mincount": "1",
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+ "partOf",
+ "connection_nid_text",
+ "origin_exact",
diff --git a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-schema.json b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-schema.json
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--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-schema.json
+++ b/ubo-common/src/main/resources/config/ubo-common/solr/main/solr-schema.json
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
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"indexed": true,
- "stored": false
+ "stored": true
@@ -572,6 +572,15 @@
"stored": true
+ {
+ "add-field": {
+ "name": "fundingType",
+ "type": "ubo_id",
+ "multiValued": true,
+ "indexed": true,
+ "stored": true
+ }
+ },
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@@ -680,6 +689,15 @@
"stored": true
+ {
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+ "indexed": true,
+ "stored": true
+ }
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--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/xsl/basket-bibentries.xsl
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--- /dev/null
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/ubo-common/src/main/resources/xsl/html-layout.xsl
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