project 3. need to be regraded/fixed. gla thing project. have set up ahead of time.
I have both the linear scan and priority queue and adaptively choose between the two.
If you get an error like undefined reference to `Function::GrowFromParseTree(FuncOperator*, Schema&)’ undefined reference to `SomeClass::Somefunction(ParameterOne, ParameterTwo…)’
Then consider your makefiles. You may not be linking in the object files that contain the definitions. Or you may be linking them in the wrong order.
if you intend to use STL directly, and with the objects being copied in, make sure to have a copy constructor and an assignment operator defined, because some of the objects have pointer members.
otherwise, you can use pointers and you don’t need to.
valgrind complains about these, but if you initialized the buffers it kills performance. the program is written to take care of this problem so that it doesn’t effect the output. It does however make it impossible to hash the files and know you have the same output.
memory leak from using strdup
also not freeing other pointers
the relation data structure in the test header files, needs to call delete on the schema pointer it contains
there is an implicit MoveFirst on open. at least, the way it is used in later tests implies this is true.
generically, make sure the comparison function works.
know that runs in is not necessarily equal to the runs out, so record where your runs start and stop.
highly suggest overloading the stream insert and stream extract operators of c++
don’t use Function.tar, broken
Function.Apply, updates whichever of it’s arguments is appropriates with the value. This value needs to be added to a running total, it is not updated by Apply, meerly overwritten with whatever value needs to be taken care of by the caller of this funciton. The return value is the Type (Int or Double) that is appropriate for the function.
select pipe looks okay select file, just uses select pipe, looks fine project looks evil, cause we have to deconstruct and reconstruct records. join looks like a pain in the ass, but not evil duplicate remove requires another ordermaker, uggh sum looks okay, maybe group by looks annoying. write out doesn’t look too bad.