BlockCommand is a plugin similiar to the ServerSigns bukkit plugin which allows to add commands to blocks which get executed when the player interacts with the block.
- Run any command as player or server
- Send or broadcast a message
- Supports all blocks and pressure plates (Configurable, default is signs)
/bcmd add <command>
- Adds a command to the block you are looking at/bcmd list
- Lists the commands of the block you are looking at
- Allows command usageblockcommand.admin
- Allows breaking blocks with commands
Placeholder | Description |
<player;name> |
Name of the interacting player |
<uuid> |
UUID of the interacting player |
<server;srv;s> |
Defines the command to be run as server/console |
<message;msg;m> |
Defines it to be a message send to the player |
<broadcast;bcast;b> |
Defines it to be a message send to all players |
/bcmd add <srv> give <player> stone
Runs the give command as server and replaces <player>
with the name of the interacting player.
/bcmd add help
Runs the help command as player.
/bcmd add <msg> Hello <player>
Sends a message to the interacting player.