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Jira Telegram Bot

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Jira-telegram-bot is a Spring Boot application which handing Jira webhook events and sends notifications via Telegram bot.

Key features

  • processing Jira webhook issue events
  • notification templating (using Apache FreeMarker template engine)
  • support several databases (PostgreSQL (v 9+), MySQL (v 5.7+), H2)
  • Jira OAuth
  • monitoring using Prometheus
  • holding secrets with HashiCorp Vault
  • sending notifications by tags


Build from source

You can build application using following command:

./gradlew clean build


JDK >= 1.8

Unit tests

You can run unit tests using following command:

./grdlew test

Mutation tests

You can run mutation tests using following command:

./grdlew pitest

You will be able to find pitest report in build/reports/pitest/ folder.

Integration tests

You can run integration tests using following command:

./grdlew testIntegration

Running jira-telegram-bot

After the build you will get fully executable jar archive

You can run application using following commands:

java -jar jira-telegram-bot.jar



Building and running app with Docker and docker-compose

  • For building the application and creation Docker image run

     docker-compose build
  • Customise configs with you preferred editor

    place configs in ./config directory

  • Add to docker-compose.yaml your preferred database service

  • Run the docker image

     docker-compose up -d


You can see all the necessary configuration properties in the file example/

According to Spring Docs you can override default application properties by put custom file in one of the following locations:

  • a /config subdirectory of the current directory
  • the current directory

Custom properties
whether the user should receive their self-created events
jira instance url for building browse link in notification message
telegram bot secret token
telegram bot name
id of telegram bot admin
http proxy host
http proxy port
timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established
timeout in milliseconds used when requesting a connection
the socket timeout in milliseconds, which is the timeout for waiting for data or, put differently, a maximum period inactivity between two consecutive data packets)

Jira Webhooks

To receive jira webhooks you may to configure your jira instance. See jira docs


Jira-telegram-bot supports only issue events at the moment

By default jira-telegram-bot process only following issue events:

  • issue_created
  • issue_updated
  • issue_generic
  • issue_commented
  • issue_assigned

If you want to process any other issue event or change default template you can modify corresponding row in jira-telegram-bot database table called templates.


Jira-telegram-bot using Apache FreeMarker template engine. All templates by default stored in jira-telegram-bot database table called templates. Each template must be a message in properly telegram markdown style.

In example/templates folder you can find default jira event templates.

Jira user registration

To register jira user to receive webhook events you should add corresponding row into jira-telegram-bot database table called chats.

You should specify jira_id (jira user login) and telegram_id (telegram chat id) unique fields.

To find out your telegram chat id you should write simple command "/me" to telegram bot.

Telegram bot commands

Telegram bot supports following text commands:

  • /me - prints telegram chat id
  • /jira_login - prints attached jira login to this telegram chat id
  • /help - prints help message

Admin commands:

  • /users_list - prints list of users
  • /add_user jiraLogin telegramId - add new user to bot
  • /remove_user jiraLogin - remove user from bot

Jira oauth commands:

  • /auth - starts jira authorization
  • /my_issues - shows list of unresolved issues assigned to user

Jira OAuth

Please read Jira OAuth to understand how to configure Jira before using Jira OAuth in jira-telegram-bot.

You must provide next properties to use Jira OAuth in jira-telegram-bot :

your jira instance url
jira authorization url, {jira.oauth.baseUrl}/plugins/servlet/oauth/authorize
jira access token url, {jira.oauth.baseUrl}/plugins/servlet/oauth/access-token
jira request token url, {jira.oauth.baseUrl}/plugins/servlet/oauth/request-token
consumer key
client RSA public key
client RSA private key

/auth telegram command will be allowed after all properties configured properly .

Notify issues watchers

To notify issues watchers about events jira-telegram-bot must get watchers list via Jira REST API.

You must provide next properties to use Jira REST API in jira-telegram-bot :

your jira user login
your jira user password
jira url for calling REST API


Monitoring using Prometheus

You can access prometheus metrics by url:


Jira bot comes with next custom counter metrics:

number of incoming events
number of incoming events with an error

Holding secrets with HashiCorp Vault

Integration with Vault was made using spring-cloud-vault.

By default jira-telegram-bot integration with Vault disabled.

To enable integration with Vault pass following arguments to jira-telegram-bot run command:

java -jar jira-telegram-bot.jar<your vault uri><your vault token><vault application name>

Sending notifications by tags

You can add any tag to table tags.

Any tag can be linked to any user via chats_tags table.

Issue commented with message hello @devs will be recieved to all users with tag devs.

There are only one tag exist by default - @everyone. Using @everyone you can send notification to all users.


jira-telegram-bot bot provides simple REST API under /api mapping.

Supported requests:

  • POST /api/send/all - sends message to all users.


   "message" : "any supported telegram markdown message"


Feel free to contribute. New feature proposals and bug fixes should be submitted as GitHub pull requests. Fork the repository on GitHub, prepare your change on your forked copy, and submit a pull request.


Before contributing please read about Conventional Commits / Conventional Commits RU