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MQTT Discovery


Can be controlled using pulses from FB_INPUT_PUSHBUTTON_MQTT, maintains output state through powercycles. Sets the driver fade time and fade rate setting. Allows dimming via a long persistent push on a pushbutton. Performs periodic writes to the DALI address to avoid state issues.

DALI configuration via the Wago DALI tool and creation of the typBallast is explained pretty well in this video.

Block diagram


  • BALLAST: input to configure the typBallast that should be linked to this function block.
  • TOGGLE: input to connect to one or multiple SINGLE from one or multiple FB_INPUT_PUSHBUTTON_MQTT.
  • P_LONG: input to connect to one or multiple P_LONG from one or multiple FB_INPUT_PUSHBUTTON_MQTT.
  • PRIO_HIGH: when high the output Q is set to high with a maximum brightness, has priority over the other inputs.
  • PRIO_LOW: when high the output Q is set to low, has priority over the other inputs.


  • STATUS_LED: high when light intensity > 0, off otherwise.


  • InitMQTT: enables MQTT events on the FB, an overview of the parameters:

    • MQTTPublishPrefix: datatype POINTER TO STRING, pointer to the MQTT publish prefix that should be used for publishing any messages/events for this FB. Suffix is automatically set to FB name.
    • MQTTSubscribePrefix: datatype POINTER TO STRING, pointer to the MQTT subscribe prefix that should be used for publishing any messages/events to this FB. Suffix is automatically set to FB name.
    • pMqttPublishQueue: datatype POINTER TO FB_MqttPublishQueue, pointer to the MQTT queue to publish messages.
    • pMqttPublishQueue: datatype POINTER TO FB_MqttPublishQueue, pointer to the MQTT queue to publish messages.
    • pMqttCallbackCollector: datatype _POINTER TO MQTT.CallbackCollector, pointer to the MQTT callback collector to receive subscribe messages.
  • ConfigureFunctionBlock: configures the dimmer with your preferred configurations, an overview of the parameters and their default values.

    • FadeTime: BYTE value setting the fade time.
    • FadeRate: BYTE value setting the fade rate.
  • PublishReceived: callback method called by the callbackcollector when a message is received on the subscribed topic by the callbackcollector.

Fade Time and Fade Rate

Can be configured using ConfigureFunctionBlock method call.

Value Fade time [s] Fade rate [fades/s]
0 Extended fade not applicable
1 0.707 357.796
2 1.0 253.0
3 1.414 178.898
4 2.0 126.5
5 2.828 89.449
6 4.0 63.25
7 5.657 44.725
8 8.0 31.625
9 11.314 22.362
10 16.0 15.813
11 22.627 11.181
12 32.0 7.906
13 45.255 5.591
14 64.0 3.953
15 90.51 2.795

Note: table has been extracted from WagoAppDALI library documentation.

MQTT publish behavior

Requires method call InitMQTT to enable MQTT capabilities.

Event Description MQTT payload QoS Retain flag Published on startup
Light intensity value changes Light intensity value changes 0-100 2 TRUE yes
light intensity values changes to 0 or 100 Light intensity value changes to minimum or maximum value, published on BRIGHTNESS subtopic. ON/OFF 2` TRUE yes, if light intensity value > 0

(*): MQTT publish topic is a concatenation of the publish prefix variable, the function block name and the name of the output.

MQTT subscribe behavior

Requires method call InitMQTT to enable MQTT capabilities. Commands are executed by the FB if the topic MQTTSubscribeTopic matches the MQTT topic and the payload exists in the table below.

Command Description expected payload Additional notes
Turn on Turns the dimmer on to maximum brightness ON Command executed when PRIO_HIGH and PRIO_LOW inputs are low.
Turn off Turns the dimmer off OFF Command executed when PRIO_HIGH and PRIO_LOW inputs are low.
Set brightness value Request to set specific brightness value. value expected on BRIGHTNESS subtopic. 0-100 Command executed when PRIO_HIGH and PRIO_LOW inputs are low.

MQTT subscription topic is a concatenation of the subscribe prefix variable and the function block name. Note that the function block also accepts float values for setting the dimmer output value, the float value will get rounded to the nearest integer value.

Code example

  • DALI global variable initiation:
	M1_Light1: typBallast:=(bAddress:=0,xIsGroup:=FALSE,bPortDALI:=1);
  • variables initiation:
MqttPubDimmerPrefix			:STRING(100) := 'Devices/PLC/House/Out/Dimmers/';
MqttSubDimmerPrefix			:STRING(100) := 'Devices/PLC/House/In/Dimmers/';
M1_DALIMASTER				    :FbDaliMaster;
  • Init MQTT method call (called once during startup):
FB_DALI_1_ADR0.InitMqtt(MQTTPublishPrefix:= ADR(MqttVariables.MqttPubDimmerPrefix),				
	MQTTSubscribePrefix:= ADR(MqttVariables.MqttSubDimmerPrefix),									
	pMqttPublishQueue := ADR(MqttVariables.fbMqttPublishQueue),						
	pMqttCallbackCollector := ADR(MqttVariables.collector_FB_DIMMER_MQTT)						

The MQTT publish topic in this code example will be Devices/PLC/House/Out/Dimmers/FB_DALI_1_ADR0 (MQTTPubSwitchPrefix variable + function block name). The subscription topic will be Devices/PLC/House/In/Dimmers/FB_DALI_1_ADR0 (MQTTSubSwitchPrefix variable + function block name).

  • checking for events to switch the DALI output (cyclic):
// Run the master before anything else
// Run individual DALI FB
	BALLAST := DALIVariables.M1_Light1,
	STATUS_LED => DO_002);

The above illustrates an integration with FB_INPUT_PUSHBUTTON_MQTT.

  • MQTT discovery:
    name := '001. Office strip cold',				(* The name show in Home Assistant frond-end*)
    Device := ADR(PLC_Device),							(* The device show in Home Assistant *)

Home Assistant YAML

If MQTT discovery is not working for you, you can use the YAML code below in your MQTT lights config:

  - name: "Kitchen"
    state_topic: "Devices/PLC/House/Out/Dimmers/FB_DALI_1_ADR0"
    command_topic: "Devices/PLC/House/In/Dimmers/FB_DALI_1_ADR0"
    brightness_command_topic: "Devices/PLC/House/In/Dimmers/FB_DALI_1_ADR0/BRIGHTNESS"
    brightness_state_topic: "Devices/PLC/House/Out/Dimmers/FB_DALI_1_ADR0/BRIGHTNESS"
    on_command_type: "brightness"
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    optimistic: false
    brightness_scale: 100
    qos: 2
    availability: "Devices/PLC/House/availability"
    payload_not_available: "offline"
    payload_available: "online"