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Basic Concepts and Tools

Introduction to C++

Any programming language can be broken down into two high level concepts:

  • Data, and
  • Operations on data.
  • Top-down manner:从上层的编程概念以及技巧,到下层逐步的学习方式。

  • 主函数:In C++, the starting point of execution is the “main” function, which is called main.

  • main 会告诉你的电脑从哪里开始执行你的程序。其用最简单的 C++ 代码来表示:

    int main(int argc, char ** argv){


  • Hello wolrd 代码!

    #include <iostream>
    int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    	std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
    >>> g++ -o hello_world hello_world.cpp
    >>> ./hello_world
  • 在 C++ 编程语言中,有两个基本概念贯彻其中:Function, and of Class. 从 C 语言开始,模块化(modularity) 就是很重要特点。此外,在 C 语言里,一切都是 function. 通常会有两个基本组成部分:一个核心语言,描述了基本数据类型和逻辑关系,以及一堆预定义好的库(libraries)。在 C++ 里,会在此基础上,增加一个新的叫做“类”(class) 的基本结构。

  • Function 和 Class 的区别:函数是算法的进一步抽象(abstractions of algorithms),而类是数据及数据操作的进一步抽象(abstraction of data and operations on that data)。

  • Function:

    • 一个函数的三大要素:input, output, and contract (or algorithm).

    • 每个函数分两步走:function declaration, and function definition.

      • 函数声明(function declaration)的格式:

        float f(float x);

      • 函数声明的位置,要么会加到头文件中(the header files with a .h extension),要么就会在主函数(main) 之前。

        A function must be declared before it can be used.

      • Within the argument list (the list of inputs and outputs given as arguments to the function), the names specified are irrelevant. 在函数的声明里,输入输出的变量名字并不重要,只需要确保数据类型被声明出来即可:

        float f(float);

        那为啥有时候人们会多此一举呢?因为懒人爱用之“复制-粘贴”大法啊!在函数定义(function definition)的时候,其格式和函数的声明很像,但变量名字是必要的:

        float f(float x){
            float y;
            y = x*x*x - x*x + 2;
            return y;
      • 函数定义好后,就可以很容易调用了:

        float w;
        w = f(2);
    • 这里对函数(function)做一个小结:

    • Every function must have a function declaration and definition.
    • Function declarations specify the name of the function and the data types of the inputs and outputs.
    • Function definitions specify the implementation of the algorithm used to carry out the contract of the function.
    • Variable names in function declarations do not matter.
    • Variable names in function definitions do matter because they specify how the data is to be referred to in the implementation of the function.
    • Variables passed to C++ functions are passed by value unless otherwise specified.
    • 接下来,综上给出一个完整的代码例子:

      #include <iostream>		// inclusion of library header file
      						// for use of cout
      float f(float x);		// function declaration
      int main(int argc, char ** argv){
          float w;
          w = f(2);
          std::cout << "The value of w is: " << w << std::endl;
      float f(float x){		// function definition
          float y;
          y = x*x*x - x*x +2;
          return y;
  • Class: