- explore-clip.ipynb: assesses CLIP's understanding of the chair domain to evaluate its potential integration with PartGlot.
- noisy_mesh.ipynb: assesses different strategies for improving noisy meshes.
- explore-shapenet.ipynb: assesses ShapeNet mesh quality.
- extract-rendered-images.ipynb: extracts differential renders produced views.
- extract-shapenet-mesh.ipynb: contains a script to find corresponding ShapeNet mesh ids from PartGlot's point cloud using Chamfer Distance.
- experiment-with-point-cloud-segmentation.ipynb: assesses the part maps produced by our PartGlot's wrapper, where we implemented the part map inference in runtime.
- explore-parglot-transform.ipynb: visualizes PartGlot's preprocessing transformation for debugging purposes.
- explore-partglot-email-data.ipynb: assesses PartGlot's datasets provided by authors for preprocessing script.
- explore-partglot-pointcloud.ipynb: explores PartGlot's input data.
- explore-partglot.ipynb: preliminarily assesses test and train methods of PartGlot.
- load-partglot-sseg-and-meshes.ipynb: explores PartGlot's dumped files.
- test_dataset.ipynb: visualizes PartGlot's dataset part maps.
- explore-bspnet-input.ipynb: explores BSPNet input data for assessing integration of PartGlot's preprocessing script.
- explore-bspnet-output.ipynb: visualizes supersegments produced by BSPNet.
- explore-bspnet-partglot-preprocess.ipynb: explores PartGlot's preprocessing script with BSPNet usage.