The Java dataset gathered in this work is reused in the new study: Thinking Like a Developer? Comparing the Attention of Humans with Neural Models of Code.
We are interested in the attention weights produced by the neural model during inference, thus we use the model for inference and extract the weights for the entire testing dataset of the ten projects.
We used the following setup:
- Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
- Kernel: Linux 4.15.0-136-generic
- Architecture: x86-64
- conda 4.9.2
- x2 GPUs: Tesla T4 with 16 GB each
- RAM: 252 GB
- Nvidia driver (as reported by nvidia-smi command): NVIDIA-SMI 450.102.04 Driver Version: 450.102.04 CUDA Version: 11.0
- Nvidia drivers in folder: /usr/local/cuda-10.2
Check the requirements_conda.txt file that includes all the packages that we used for our study. We dumped them with: conda list -e > requirements_conda.txt
. To create a new conda environment to reproduce our setup run this from the project folder:
conda create --name condaenv --file requirements_conda.txt
where condaenv is an arbitrary name for the folder with your dependencies. Make sure to have the two channels (conda-forge and anaconda) by checking conda config --show channels
. If you do not have them run the following:
conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda config --append channels anaconda
we assume that you downloaded the data from the original paper in the folder dataset_convolutional-attention as a sibling of the folder containing this project.
We use the model ConvolutionalCopyAttentionalRecurrentLearner in the file We keep the same train and test split and all the training hyperparameters unchanged.
To run the analysis we use the two files in the main project folder:
- to train and test on a single project
- to train and test on all the ten projects
- to create a json containing all the attention weight for the prediction on the test set for all ten projects.
For all of them we have to make sure they have execution rights:
chmod +x
For all of them modify the first line with the your absolute path:
To train the model (without testing):
THEANO_FLAGS="optimizer_excluding=conv_dnn" python2 ../dataset_convolutional-attention/json/libgdx_train_methodnaming.json 10 128
To train and test the model:
THEANO_FLAGS="optimizer_excluding=conv_dnn" python2 ../dataset_convolutional-attention/json/libgdx_train_methodnaming.json 1000 128 ../dataset_convolutional-attention/json/libgdx_test_methodnaming.json
To run the train and test on all ten projects automatically:
- export theano flags to disable cudnn (since it doesn't work with my setup)
export THEANO_FLAGS="optimizer_excluding=conv_dnn"
- start the background process to train all the ten models (note that the two path to the datasets will be overridden at runtime by the python script):
nohup ./ ../dataset_convolutional-attention/json/libgdx_train_methodnaming.json 1000 128 ../dataset_convolutional-attention/json/libgdx_test_methodnaming.json &
The run will be in the background and it will create log files and trained models in the main project folder.
To extract the attention for all ten projects automatically:
- export theano flags to disable cudnn (since it doesn't work with my setup)
export THEANO_FLAGS="optimizer_excluding=conv_dnn"
- start the background process to extract the attention all the ten models:
nohup ./ &
The run will create files in the main project folder with the prefix GPU that contains the attention weights for every predicted token and for all methods in the relative testing dataset of that project. It will also create logs starting with visualizer located in the main project folder.
The project is well-organized and the files autodocumented. The major difficulty in the project is to set up the dependencies since in 2021 it was difficult to find some of the dependencies from 2016.
Missing object. When running the models thy try to log their results with this object that is not present, therefore we created a very simple version of it that prints to the screen few important informations to log.
class ExperimentLogger(object): def __init__(self, model_name, params): self.model_name = model_name self.params = params def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, a, b, c): return def record_results(self, dict_metrics): print "Model name:" print self.model_name print "Model parameters:" print self.params print "Performance Metrics:" print dict_metrics
Cuda drivers not compatible with cudnn required by the project. The solution was to run the train with cudnn option switched off.
THEANO_FLAGS="optimizer_excluding=conv_dnn" python2 etc...