Truffle uses lerna to manage multi-package repositories. Each Truffle module is defined in its own npm package in the packages/
The entry point of these modules is truffle-core
. This is where the command line parser is setup.
Install lerna:
$ npm install -g lerna
$ npm install -g yarn
The heart of Truffle lies in the truffle-core
package. Whenever a command is run, truffle-core/cli.js
gets run with everything following truffle
(on the command line) being passed in as arguments. In other words, if you run truffle migrate --network myNetwork
, then truffle-core/cli.js
gets run with "migrate" and "--network myNetwork" as arguments.
Throughout the course of running truffle-core/cli.js
, Truffle parses out what commands and options the user has provided, instantiates an instance of the Command
class, and calls the run
method on that instance. The run
method is the interface that cli.js
uses for ALL commands. You can find all of the specific command files (one file for each command) at truffle-core/lib/commands
. From the run method of each command you should be able to trace the command lifecycle to libraries and modules in truffle-core
as well as other packages in the monorepo.
$ lerna create truffle-mycmd
$ lerna add truffle-mycmd --scope=truffle-core
Create a new file in packages/truffle-core/lib/commands/
, let's call it mycmd.js
$ cat << EOF > truffle-core/lib/commands/mycmd.js
const command = {
command: "mycmd",
description: "Run mycmd",
builder: {},
help: {
usage: "truffle mycmd",
options: []
run: function(options, done) {
const mycmd = require("truffle-mycmd");
// TODO: write the run command here, something like:
// mycmd(options, done)
module.exports = command;
--- packages/truffle-core/lib/commands/index.js
+++ packages/truffle-core/lib/commands/index.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
module.exports = {
+ mycmd: require("./mycmd"),
From there, you should see it in the help screen:
$ cd packages/truffle-core
$ node cli.js
Truffle v5.0.0-beta.1 - a development framework for Ethereum
Usage: truffle <command> [options]
mycmd Run mycmd
build Execute build pipeline (if configuration present)
The setup is done, you can now write your command and organize your module as you want in: packages/truffle-mycmd/
. You can have a look at packages/truffle-box/
which is a good starting example to follow.