- v 0.9.6 Catch sql connection errors on init so that the site doesn't break
- v 0.9.5 Register traverser with wrapped fti
- Fix wrong variable when saving sql folder attribute of dx type.
- v 0.9.4 Use custom sqlachemy table naming to be able to get more than one foreign key table between two same tables
- v 0.9.3 Fix
- v 0.9.2 Use an unique name for relations as there can be multiple foreign keys linking the same two tables.
- Fix to be sure all sql_id are strings and not integers
- v 0.9.1 Fixed The SQLContent publisher to get Folder container from RelationValue. Get it from
- standard path might throw security issues.
- v 0.9 Use name instead of url to store sql_connection, so it's possible to change the url
- in saconnect without losing its reference in type definition.
- v 0.8 Allow SQL DX item to be added in site (ZODB) and get par of its content from SQL.
- Fix sqlalchemy session handling, several bug fixes
- v 0.7 Allow the use of relational table to get simple data as tuple (like keywords)
- v 0.4 Allow selection of all kind of columns for ID if SQL table type is a view
- v 0.3 Make possible the use of relations (Foreign Keys) many to one and many to many