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File metadata and controls

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d3.js plugin that gives a very scalable GUI component to see data in any type of wide spectrums ranges (Numeric renage, Time range and any other range you can think of) Including Navigating, Zooming, Sliding and more... And it Supports a very wide ranges (up to 500,000 Cells in a single html page divied to 6 spectrums (My biggest test))

Example Page

What is it???

Ex Pic 1

This is a d3.js Based plugin that can be added to your page inside any empty <div> element you create in your page...
This plugin gives you a GUI component to present Data (In this case simple rectangels with text in it) in any range of data that you want!!!
Note: This GUI Component is a <svg> html element

How To Use??? Very Simple...


just import the jquery.js,d3.js and the DSpec.js to your html page like so:

<script src=".../jquery.js"></script>
<script src=".../d3.js"></script>
<script src=".../DSpec.js"></script>


After that you create you place to put the spectrum in by creating an empty <div> with an id in the html like so:

<html ...>
    <div id="MyId">

Now you are ready to start...


First of all you have to get some data in this formation:
A javascript object that containes Vals Property that containes an array of objects with X,Val an optional Y Properies, For example:

data = {
    {X: 224, Val:4533},
    {X: 225, Val:43},
    {X: 226, Val:225},
    {X: 226, Val:4543},
    {X: 226, Val:999},
    {X: 226.025, Val:124},
    {X: 226.025, Val:3552},
    {X: 225.975, Val:9333},
    {X: 225.950, Val:93},
    {X: 225.950, Val:9334},
    {X: 227, Val:3},

This will provied us with the data in the spectrum (You can see the first image above)


This plugin containes Options for drawing the spectrum (Controls it size, cells, data formating, spacing, range, Inc size and alot more...), this is the Deafult options:

  //defaults values...
  //maxHeight: Maximum height of the spectrum itself (without the nevigator above)
  //will be ignored if the the calculated spectrum height will be smaller
  maxHeight: 300, 
  //nevigatorHeight: Height of the nevigator (above the spectrum)
  nevigatorHeight: 80,
  //nevigatorRectSize: Size of a nevigator data rect (represents a scaled data cell of the data spectrum cell)
  nevigatorRectSize: 10,
  //width: Width of the DataSpectrum svg
  width: 1000,
  //cellWidth: Width of a data rect in the data spectrum
  cellWidth: 130,
  //cellHeight: Height of a data rect in the data spectrum
  cellHeight: 50,
  //minCellWidth: Minimum size of data rect in the data spectrum (min zoomout rect size)
  minCellWidth: 30,
  //maxCellWidth: Maximum size of data rect in the data spectrum (max zoomin rect size)
  maxCellWidth: 150,
  //cellSpacing: Cell spacing between data rect in the data spectrum and the nevigator
  cellSpacing: 2,
  //padding: Padding between the spectrum itself to it surrounding rect
  padding: 15,
  //dataFontSize: Font size for the text of data inside the data rect
  dataFontSize: 12,
  //varsDomain: Range of numbers of the spectrum
  varsDomain: [224,400],
  //diffSize: The jumps between the 2 numbers in the varsDomain
  diffSize: 0.025,
  //The xFormatFunction to create X text from the val
  xFormatFunction: function(xVal) { return xVal; },
  //manualY: tell if the Y is given by user data or needs to be calculated (via the __prepereData Function)
  //if manualY is true, the user need to provide the the Y attribute in the Vals array (Y start from 1 (not 0))
  manualY: false,
  //yTextArray: if manualY is true, the user need to provide the yTextArray that containes the names of the Y axis text 
  //2 options provieded:
  //1. by the order from bottom to top (from 1 to YMax): for example yTextArray = ['Y1', 'Y Text 2', 'Bla Bla', '4 GGG']
  //2. by the Y id ([id, YText]): for example yTextArray = [[150, 'Desk1'], [155, 'Desk2'], [159, 'Desk3 - Special']]
  yTextArray: []

If you provide an Options object with one of the above properties you will override the default.
When you want to change the range (25 till 100) and the jump between units (jumps of 5 for cell) you will create the following options:

var myOptions = {
  varsDomain: [25,100],
  diffSize: 5

Draw it!!!

To initialize the spectrum write the following (usualy in the document.load function):

'Getting the data from the server or any external place:
data = ...

'Initializing the spectrum
var NumSpectrum ='#MyId').DataSpectrum();
'Drawing the spectrum with provided data
NumSpectrum.draw(data, myOptions);

And Thats it!!!
Now you can see a Spectrum with your range and your data in it...

Gestures (Zoom, pan, slide and etc)

This GUI Component Supports in:
Pan: you can click on the spectrum and drag it to any direction
Slide (like in touch): You can click on the spectrum and drag it for a short time for 1 direction and the spectrum will slide regard to your drag distance and the time clicked...
Zoom: You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out the data in the spectrum
Navigation: you use the nevigator (the top part of the spectrum) to go to any point by clicking it or drag the middle rect to any direction

Modular and scalible

Our options provided in this plugin gives us alot of freedom to decide how to show the data in the spectrum.

Spectrum Sizes

You can control all of this sizing options:

//maxHeight: Maximum height of the spectrum itself (without the nevigator above)
//will be ignored if the the calculated spectrum height will be smaller
maxHeight: 300, 
//nevigatorHeight: Height of the nevigator (above the spectrum)
nevigatorHeight: 80,
//nevigatorRectSize: Size of a nevigator data rect (represents a scaled data cell of the data spectrum cell)
nevigatorRectSize: 10,
//width: Width of the DataSpectrum svg
width: 1000,
//cellWidth: Width of a data rect in the data spectrum
cellWidth: 130,
//cellHeight: Height of a data rect in the data spectrum
cellHeight: 50,
//minCellWidth: Minimum size of data rect in the data spectrum (min zoomout rect size)
minCellWidth: 30,
//maxCellWidth: Maximum size of data rect in the data spectrum (max zoomin rect size)
maxCellWidth: 150,
//cellSpacing: Cell spacing between data rect in the data spectrum and the nevigator
cellSpacing: 2,
//padding: Padding between the spectrum itself to it surrounding rect
padding: 15,
//dataFontSize: Font size for the text of data inside the data rect
dataFontSize: 12,

Note: by default the spectrum width is 1000 and the spectrum draws width regardles the parent div...

Axis and Data

//varsDomain: Range of numbers of the spectrum
varsDomain: [224,400],
//diffSize: The jumps between the 2 numbers in the varsDomain
diffSize: 0.025,
//The xFormatFunction to create X text from the val
xFormatFunction: function(xVal) { return xVal; },
//manualY: tell if the Y is given by user data or needs to be calculated (via the __prepereData Function)
//if manualY is true, the user need to provide the the Y attribute in the Vals array (Y start from 1 (not 0))
manualY: false,
//yTextArray: if manualY is true, the user need to provide the yTextArray that containes the names of the Y axis text 
//2 options provieded:
//1. by the order from bottom to top (from 1 to YMax): for example yTextArray = ['Y1', 'Y Text 2', 'Bla Bla', '4 GGG']
//2. by the Y id ([id, YText]): for example yTextArray = [[150, 'Desk1'], [155, 'Desk2'], [159, 'Desk3 - Special']]
yTextArray: []

varsDomain: is the range of the spectrum ([MinValue, MaxValue])
diffSize: is the jumping between the range value (5 or 1 or 0.025 or 10...)
xFormatFunction: is a function that gets the X value and returns it with your format (By default is returning itself)
For example if you want to show the X Axe in an hour format you can provied this function in the options: ```javascript myOptions = { xFormatFunction: function(xVal) { var hourPart = Math.floor(xVal / 60); var minPart = xVal % 60; return hourPart + ":" + ((minPart<10)?('0' + minPart):minPart); }, varsDomain: [480,720], diffSize: 10 } ``` Now the spectrum containes a X Axe from hour: 8:00 to 12:00 that every cell is 10 Minutes
manualY: if this propery is true, you must provied an Y property in the data objects with the Y ID
yTextArray: When manualY is true you need to provide a Y Dictionary that translate Y ID to Y Text,
For example if you provide yTextArray = ['Y Text 1', 'Y text 2','Other Y Text'] you will see 3 rows of data with those texts and the data objects must containes Y with ID of 1,2 or 3 value (Y Starts from 1 and not from 0)...
Or you can provied the Y ID itself for example: [[150, 'Desk1'], [155, 'Desk2'], [159, 'Desk3 - Special']] and the data objects must containes Y with ID of 150,155 or 159 value...