Purpose of the project is to create a extension to provide the Editorial , Companies List and other premimum data of leetcode using the public data available.
Note : Please refer to the issues section for the following issues.
To maintain the extension to keep working the backend code is not provided but as said API calls are live you can use the following routes :
https://manrajmann.pythonanywhere.com/problem [ To Get the Problem Code Data ]
GET - Just a test method.
{ "message": "GET METHOD CALLED" }
POST - Send 'url' of problem of format 'https://leetcode.com/problems/132-pattern/' in form data.
{ "message": "Success", "data": { "id": 456, "name": "132 Pattern", "difficulty": "Medium", "Have Solution": true, "Have Premium": true, "Problem": "Html of Problem here...", "Solution": "Html of the Editorial here...", "Companies": { "amazon": 3, "apple": 2, "google": 2, "microsoft": 2, "walmart-labs": 2 } } }
https://manrajmann.pythonanywhere.com/topcompany [ To Get the TOP 50 Questions Data According to Companies ]
GET - Just a test method.
{ "message": "GET METHOD CALLED" }
POST - Send 'company' of problem of format 'facebook' or 'google' or 'amazon' or 'microsoft' in form data.
{ "message": "Success", "data": "[ [1.0, 1.0, \"Two Sum\", 0.492, \"https://leetcode.com/problems/two-sum/\", \"Easy\"], [13.0, 0.994627, \"Roman to Integer\", 0.582, \"https://leetcode.com/problems/roman-to-integer/\", \"Easy\"], [56.0, 0.900737, \"Merge Intervals\", 0.46, \"https://leetcode.com/problems/merge-intervals/\", \"Medium\"], [62.0, 0.600655, \"Unique Paths\", 0.624, \"https://leetcode.com/problems/unique-paths/\", \"Medium\"], [68.0, 0.764938, \"Text Justification\", 0.37, \"https://leetcode.com/problems/text-justification/\", \"Hard\"] ]" }