* Fallback to SDK key in Android Manifest and Info.plist if not passed programmatically.
* Pass `"countryCode"` in initialization callback.
* Fix ad callbacks not returning.
* Remove `getAdInfo(adUnitId)` API in lieu of ad callbacks.
* Return more data in ad callbacks in addition to `ad.adUnitId` (e.g. `adInfo.creativeId`, `adInfo.networkName`, `adInfo.placement`, `adInfo.revenue`).
* Ensure exported iOS methods are invoked on the main queue.
* Initial support for MAX consent flow. Please see our documentation for instructions on enabling it.
* Add `AppLovinMAX.setCreativeDebuggerEnabled()` API to enable the creative debugger button.
* Revert from using the hardcoded SDK value of 10.1.1 to using +.
* Fix MRec ad expanded event not working on Android.
* Hardcode Android SDK version to 10.1.1.
* Fix React Native version not being passed through to native SDKs.
* Remove need to define Android product flavors in `build.gradle`.
* Fix Android native UI banners rendering issues when mounting / unmounting.
* Add support for setting test device(s) using the advertising identifier (GAID / IDFA) printed in the initialization logs.
* Attempt fix for `loadInterstitial()` or `loadRewardedAd()` due to current Activity being null.
* Fix `removeEventListener()` not working by explicitly calling `remove()`.
* Fix Android banners not working for fast refreshes.
* FIx iOS module's podspec pointing to invalid tag.
* Ensure values such as user id is set before initializing SDK.
* Add workaround for `getCurrentActivity()` returning `null`.
* Fix `ConsentDialogState.UNKNOWN` being returned for `getConsentDialogState()` on iOS.
* Fix `AppLovinMAX.removeEventListener()` crash.
* Add support for native banner / MREC UI components via `<AppLovinMAX.AdView adUnitId={...} adFormat={...} />`.
* Initial release with support for interstitials, rewarded ads, banners, and MRECs.