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Video Management System


The Video Managment Systems (VMS) pipeline is currntely optimized and supported only for Ubuntu 22.04 OS (GStreamer 1.20), on previous Ubuntu releases you will encounter some failures or performance issues, and thefore it is required to run this pipeline from either an Ubuntu 22.04 host, or from the Ubuntu 22.04 TAPPAS Docker.

Overview demonstrates model scheduling between 5 different networks, while performing different tasks: The first task is to detect and track People (yolov5s_personface) and Faces (scrfd_2.5g) across multiple streams, then the streams are divided into 3 groups:

  • Person Attributes: for the detected persons, a network switch is made to a resnet_v1_18 based network that classifies person attributes.
  • Face Attributes: for the detected faces, a network switch is made to a resnet_v1_18 based network that classifies face attributes.
  • Face Recognition: for the detected faces, a network switch is made to a arface based network that performs face recognition.

Once the person/face attributes are classified and and a match is found, the pipeline updates the corresponding hailotracker JDE Tracking element upstream with the attributes for the corresponding Person/Face. From there the persons / faces are tracked along with thier attributes/name, and is omitted from being re-inferred on new frames (The face is re-inferred every 60 frames in order to get more accurate attributes). The logic for the network switching is handled by the hailonet elements behind the scenes.


./ [--show-fps] [--num-of-sources NUM]
  • --show-fps is an optional flag that enables printing FPS on screen.
  • --num-of-sources sets the number of video sources to use by given input. the default, recommended value is 4 and maximal value in this pipeline is 8 sources"
  • --face-attr-streams list of streames to perform face attributes on (default is 'sink_1,sink_4')"
  • --person-attr-streams list of streames to perform person attributes on (default is 'sink_0,sink_3,sink_6,sink_7')"
  • --face-recognition-streams list of streames to perform face recognition on (default is 'sink_2,sink_5')"


The yolo and scrfd post processes parameters can be configured by a json file located in $TAPPAS_WORKSPACE/apps/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/video_management_system/resources/configs


Exporting TAPPAS_WORKSPACE environment variable is a must before running the app.

cd $TAPPAS_WORKSPACE/apps/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/video_management_system/

The output should look like:



The networks that are used on TAPPAS differ from the Model-Zoo model: - They have an additional RGBX->RGB layer - More information on the retraining section

How the application works

This section explains the network switching.

The app builds a gstreamer pipeline (that is explained below) and utilises the scheduling-algorithm property of its hailonet elements. This lets the hailonet elements know that we wish to switch networks on the same device. The hailonets perform network switching by blocking their sink pads when it is time to switch: turning off one hailonet and turning on the other. Before turning a hailonet element on, it has to flush the buffers out of the element, this is all handled internaly. read more about hailonet

How the pipeline works

This section is optional and provides a drill-down into the implementation of the Video Management System` app with a focus on explaining the ``GStreamer pipeline.

Pipeline diagram


The following elements are the structure of the pipeline:

  • Pre-Models (Detectors and Trackers)
    • filesrc Reads data from a file in the local file system.
    • qtdemux Demuxes the sources and extracts the video.
    • vaapidecodebin Decodes the video using VA-API.
    • hailoroundrobin Aggregates the streams into 1 stream using roundrobin method.
    • Model 1 - Face Detection and Tracking.
      • hailocropper Filters face configured streams and bypass the FHD.
      • videoscale Scales the picture to the detector resolution.
      • hailonet Performs the inference on the Hailo-8 device.
        This intance of hailonet performs scrfd_2.5g network inference for face detection and landmarks.
      • hailofilter Performs the given postprocess, chosen with the so-path property. This instance is in charge of face detection and landmarks processing.
      • hailoaggregator waits for all crops belonging to the original frame to arrive and merges all metas into their original frame. So, for example, if the upstream hailocropper cropped 4 faces from the original frame, then this hailoaggregator will wait to recieve 4 buffers along with he original frame.
      • hailotracker Performs JDE Tracking using a kalman filter, applying a unique id to tracked persons.
        This element also receives updates of person/face attributes and associates them to their corresponding tracked person/face.
    • Model 2 - Person Detection and Tracking.
      • hailocropper Filters person configured streams and bypass the FHD.
      • videoscale Scales the picture to the detector resolution.
      • hailonet This intance of hailonet performs yolov5s network inference for person/face detection.
      • hailofilter Performs the given postprocess (yolo detction).
      • hailoaggregator waits for all crops belonging to the original frame
      • hailotracker Performs JDE Tracking using a kalman filter, applying a unique id to tracked face.
    • hailogallery - Enables the user to save and compare embeddings(HailoMatrix) that represents recogintion, in order to track objects across multiple streams.
      In this case, the gallery is used to track pre-saved faces.
    • tee - Splits the piepline into two branches. While one buffer continues the drawing and displaying, the other continues to person/face attributes and face recognition.
  • Display branch
    • videoscale Scales the picture to the compositing resolution.
    • hailostreamrouter Deaggregated streams into mutliple streams.
    • hailooverlay draws the postprocess results on each frame.
    • videoconvert Converts the format of the image.
    • compositor Composites multiple streams into one big picture containing an image from each stream.
    • fpsdisplaysink Outputs video onto the screen, and displays the current and average framerate.
  • Model 3 - Person Attributes
    • hailocropper Crops person detections from the original full HD image and resizes them to the input size of the following hailonet (Person Attributes). Extra classifications are applied to only pass persons that have not had classified person attributes yet.
    • hailonet This intance of hailonet performs resnet_v1_18 network inference for Person Attributes classification.
    • hailofilter This instance of hailofilter is in charge of Person attributes post processing. The so in this filter is also in charge of updating the tracker with the post-processed classifications of person attributes.
    • hailoaggregator waits for all crops belonging to the original frame to arrive and merges all metas into their original frame. So, for example, if the upstream hailocropper cropped 4 persons from the original frame, then this hailoaggregator will wait to recieve 4 buffers along with he original frame.
    • fakesink Redirects the image to a fake sink since this image is no longer needed.
  • Model 4 - Face Attributes
    • hailocropper Crops Face detections from the original full HD image and resizes them to the input size of the following hailonet (Face Attributes). Extra classifications are applied to only pass faces that have not had classified Face Attributes yet.
    • hailonet This intance of hailonet performs resnet_v1_18 network inference for Face Attributes classification.
    • hailofilter This instance of hailofilter is in charge of Face attributes post processing. The so in this filter is also in charge of updating the tracker with the post-processed classifications of face attributes.
    • hailoaggregator waits for all crops belonging to the original frame to arrive and merges all metas into their original frame. So, for example, if the upstream hailocropper cropped 4 faces from the original frame, then this hailoaggregator will wait to recieve 4 buffers along with he original frame.
    • fakesink Redirects the image to a fake sink since this image is no longer needed.
  • Model 5 - Face Recognition
    • hailocropper Crops Face detections from the original full HD image and resizes them.
    • hailofilter Performs face alignment that ensures that the face is consistently positioned in the same way.
    • hailonet This intance of hailonet performs arcface network inference to generate an embedding matrix for each aligned face.
    • hailofilter This instance of hailofilter is in charge of arcface face embedding post-process.
    • hailoaggregator waits for all crops belonging to the original frame to arrive and merges all metas into their original frame. So, for example, if the upstream hailocropper cropped 4 faces from the original frame, then this hailoaggregator will wait to recieve 4 buffers along with he original frame.
    • fakesink Redirects the image to a fake sink since this image is no longer needed.

    read more about Face Recogntion pipeline

Use your own videos and faces in Face Recognition

To use your own video sources and faces, use Face Recgonition Pipeline - script. For further instructions see Face Recogntion pipeline documentation.

Replace the resources/face_recognition_local_gallery.json file with your own face gallery file.

you can copy the new file in face_recognition app to the following path like this:

cp apps/gstreamer/general/face_recognition/resources/gallery/face_recognition_local_gallery.json apps/gstreamer/x86_hw_accelerated/video_management_system/resources/gallery/face_recognition_local_gallery.json

How to use Retraining to replace models


It is recommended to first read the Retraining TAPPAS Models page.

You can use Retraining Dockers (available on Hailo Model Zoo), to replace the following models with ones that are trained on your own dataset:

  • yolov5s_personface_rgbx
    • Retraining docker
    • TAPPAS changes to replace model:
      • Update HEF_PATH on the .sh file
      • Update configs/yolov5_personface.json with your new post-processing parameters (NMS)
  • scrfd_2.5g_rgbx
    • No retraining docker is available.
    • Post process CPP file edit update post-processing:
      • Update face_detection.cpp (scrfd() fucttion) with your new paremeters, then recompile to create
  • arcface_mobilefacenet_rgbx
    • Retraining docker
    • TAPPAS changes to replace model:
      • Update HEF_PATH on the .sh file
      • Update arcface.cpp with your new paremeters, then recompile to create
  • face_attr_resnet_v1_18_rgbx
  • person_attr_resnet_v1_18_rgbx