This application provides several ways to save a movie title into your MongoDB Atlas cluster using MongoDB Stitch.
- Twilio text message,
- Using the Stitch Javascript SDK in a website hosted on Stitch.
Once we have our movie saved in our collection, a trigger is used to enrich our document automatically with data from the OMDB API.
Then another trigger detects the movie ratings so we calculate stats when a movie is updated or deleted.
- Create a free cluster in MongoDB Atlas. Save the name of it, you will need it later.
- Install Stitch CLI.
- Setup the API key + whitelist your IP address in Atlas.
- Add the following environment variable in your env.
export STITCH_USERNAME="<your Atlas login email>"
- [Optional] To make the website work,
- Go to Google Authentication,
- Create a Google OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret (see details below).
- [Optional] To be able to send movie title from your phone,
- Setup Twilio,
- You will need the Twilio SID and auth token.
- Then when the app is created, you will need to forward the text messages from Twilio to the Stitch webhook provided in the IMDB_Twilio service.
- Generate a free API key for OMDB API. They will send you an email in which you need to click the validation link.
- Start the
script and follow the instructions.- If you don't have something, just hit enter, you can fix it later in Stitch.
- Secrets are not echoed in the shell so don't be surprised.
- Add the following environment variable in your env. You can find your APPID in the Stitch website or at the end of the previous script output.
export STITCH_APPID="myproject-abcde"
- You can now use the scripts 2 & 3 to work with your own new project now.
It should look like this.
- The first authorized redirect URI is for Stitch Global deployments.
- The second one is for Stitch Local deployment in Ireland.
- Please open Github tickets.
- This is still a work in progress project so please don't judge me too much just yet :-).