- Education
- The focus of this study is to understand why education is successful in some countries as well as why it is failing in other countries
- To understand the challenges and profer vaible solution(s) to these challenges so all people from all over the world irrespective of where they live can have access to a quality and affordable education.
- How to make education globally accessible regardless of gender, race, and geography?
- Why is education successful in some countries and failing in other countries?
- What are the effects of wars and politics on Education?
- How to create a globally accepted curriculum to make credit transfer easier.
Cognitive & Affective Trust:
- Encourage open communication, active listening, and reliability. Acknowledge and celebrate successes.
- Address issues openly and honestly, seek to understand perspectives, and work towards rebuilding trust through actions, not just words.
Discussion & Debate:
- Define when each is appropriate; for instance, use discussion for idea generation and debate for critical decision points.
- Be open to adapting the balance based on the nature and urgency of the task.
Meeting Times and Agendas:
- Agree on regular meeting times to accommodate everyone and stick to agendas to maximize efficiency.
- Be open to adjusting schedules when necessary, considering time zones and individual commitments.
- Meetings will be held at the same time as the workshops but on days that we do not have workshops considering team members commitments and time zone differences.
Communication Channels:
- All the project-related communication for our team will happen through the following platforms: Whatsapp, Slack, and Email.
- All members should demonstrate respectful considerations, such as active listening, acknowledging others' perspectives, and giving credit where it's due.
- it is important to address disrespectful behavior privately initially. If the issue is not resolved through private discussion it can be brought up in a group meeting.
🔰 Learning Goals:
- Working effectively as a cross-functional team in a remote setting.
- Develop the capability to conduct thorough research and analyze project related data
- Learning to implement knowledge in real-life research and analysis scenarios.
- Gain practical, hands-on experience in applying data science concepts and techniques.
- Learning Github .
- Gain project management skills.
- Time Zone difference
- Team members availability
- Time constraints of the project milestones
🌏 Communication Plan:
- Regular meetings twice a week (One during the week, one on weekend, more if necessary)
- Daily communication on Whatsapp/Slack