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madjin edited this page Nov 27, 2023 · 2 revisions


The Save component is a part of a React application that provides a user interface for saving a character. It includes buttons for going back, merging options, exporting, and minting. The component also interacts with several contexts to manage view modes, language, sound, and audio settings.

In layman's terms, this component is like a control panel for a character in a game or app. It allows the user to save their character, go back to previous steps, export their character's image, and perform a process called "minting". It also adjusts its behavior based on the user's language and sound settings. Here's a breakdown of what it doesn:

  1. Imports: The component imports several dependencies at the top of the file. These include React itself, some CSS styles, other components (ExportMenu, CustomButton, MergeOptions), and several contexts (ViewContext, LanguageContext, SoundContext, AudioContext).

  2. Function Component: The Save function is a React component that receives getFaceScreenshot as a prop.

  3. Contexts: Inside the component, it uses the useContext hook to access the values from the imported contexts. These values include translation function (t), sound playing function (playSound), mute status (isMute), and a function to set the view mode (setViewMode).

  4. Functions: It defines two functions, back and mint, which are used to change the view mode and play a sound if the audio is not muted.

  5. Render: In the render return, it uses the imported components and contexts to create a user interface. This includes a title, two CustomButton components, a MergeOptions component, and an ExportMenu component. The CustomButton components have onClick handlers that trigger the back and mint functions when clicked.

  6. Export: At the end of the file, it exports the Save component as a default export, so it can be imported and used in other parts of the application.

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