SpriteRendering aims to provide a rendering backend for 2d entities inside Unity's ECS.
Instead of focussing on 'maximum performance' this package is oriented at giving the user an easy experience while not constraining him to seemingly arbitrary constraints.
To install the package through the package manager use this url https://github.com/LukasKastern/SpriteRendering.git
After installing the package the conversion process takes care of creating 2d entities out of SpriteRenderers.
We pass a per instance vector property called _SpriteTransform to the shader which specifies the transform of the instance to draw.
The utility method ObjectToClipPos2D inside SpriteRenderingCG.cginc can be used to transform a vertex by the SpriteTransform.
SpriteRenderering currently supports float and vector shader properties.
To create a new property add the RegisterInstancedProperty(shaderKeyword, defaultValue) attrribute to an IComponentData.
To give an example SpriteRendering uses SpriteColor to create a per instance color value:
[RegisterInstancedProperty("_Color", 1, 1, 1, 1)]
public struct SpriteColor : IComponentData
public Color Value;
Tilemaps and Sprite masks are currently not supported.
Missing optimization for static entities.
No URP/HDRP shaders included.
No Culling