diff --git a/Theme.cfc b/Theme.cfc
index fcdf2ba..3ebfce1 100644
--- a/Theme.cfc
+++ b/Theme.cfc
@@ -1,100 +1,265 @@
-* ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform
-* Copyright since 2012 by Ortus Solutions, Corp
-* www.ortussolutions.com/products/contentbox
-* ---
-* A theme is composed of the following pieces
-* /ThemeDirectory
-* + Theme.cfc (The CFC that models your theme implementation)
-* / layouts (The folder that contains layouts in your theme)
-* + blog.cfm (Mandatory layout used for all blog views by convention)
-* + pages.cfm (Mandatory layout used for all pages by convention)
-* + maintenance.cfm (Optional used when in maintenance mode, else defaults to pages)
-* + search.cfm (Optional used when doing searches, else defaults to pages)
-* / views (The folder that contains views for rendering)
-* + archives.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out blog archives.)
-* + entry.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out a single blog entry with comments, etc.)
-* + error.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to display errors when they ocurr in your blog or pages)
-* + index.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out the home page where all blog entries are rendered)
-* + notfound.cfm (The view used to display messages to users when a blog entry requested was not found in our system.)
-* + page.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out individual pages.)
-* + maintenance.cfm (OPTIONAL: Used when in maintenance mode)
-* / templates (The folder that contains optional templates for collection rendering that are used using the quick rendering methods in the CB Helper)
-* + category.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entry categories using coldbox collection rendering)
-* + comment.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entry or page comments using coldbox collection rendering)
-* + entry.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entries in the home page using coldbox collection rendering)
-* / widgets (A folder that can contain layout specific widgets which override core ContentBox widgets)
-* Templates
-* Templates are a single cfm template that is used by ContentBox to iterate over a collection (usually entries or categories or comments) and
-* render out all of them in uniformity. Please refer to ColdBox Collection Rendering for more information. Each template recevies
-* the following:
-* _counter (A variable created for you that tells you in which record we are currently looping on)
-* _items (A variable created for you that tells you how many records exist in the collection)
-* {templateName} The name of the object you will use to display: entry, comment, category
-* Layout Local CallBack Functions:
-* onActivation()
-* onDelete()
-* onDeactivation()
-* Settings
-* You can declare settings for your layouts that ContentBox will manage for you.
-* this.settings = [
-* { name="Title", defaultValue="My Awesome Title", required="true", type="text", label="Title:" },
-* { name="Colors", defaultValue="blue", required="false", type="select", label="Color:", options="red,blue,orange,gray" }
-* ];
-* The value is an array of structures with the following keys:
-* - name : The name of the setting (required), the setting is saved as cb_layoutname_settingName
-* - defaultValue : The default value of the setting (required)
-* - required : Whether the setting is required or not. Defaults to false
-* - type : The type of the HTMl control (text=default, textarea, boolean, select, color)
-* - label : The HTML label of the control (defaults to name)
-* - title : The HTML title of the control (defaults to empty string)
-* - options : The select box options. Can be a list or array of values or an array of name-value pair structures
-* - optionsUDF : The select box options. This points to a UDF that returns a list or array of values or an array of name-value pair structures. Example: getColors not getColors()
-* - group : lets you group inputs under a Group name - settings should be in order for groupings to work as expected
-* - groupIntro : Lets you add a description for a group of fields
-* - fieldDescription : Lets you add a description for an individual field
-* - fieldHelp : Lets you add a chunk of HTML for a Modal, openable by the User by clicking on question mark next to the field label. Recommended use is to readFiles from the ./includes/help directory, with a helper function, for example: loadHelpFile( 'cbBootswatchTheme.html' );
+ * ContentBox - A Modular Content Platform
+ * Copyright since 2012 by Ortus Solutions, Corp
+ * www.ortussolutions.com/products/contentbox
+ * ---
+ * A theme is composed of the following pieces
+ *
+ * /ThemeDirectory
+ * + Theme.cfc (The CFC that models your theme implementation)
+ * / layouts (The folder that contains layouts in your theme)
+ * + blog.cfm (Mandatory layout used for all blog views by convention)
+ * + pages.cfm (Mandatory layout used for all pages by convention)
+ * + maintenance.cfm (Optional used when in maintenance mode, else defaults to pages)
+ * + search.cfm (Optional used when doing searches, else defaults to pages)
+ * / views (The folder that contains views for rendering)
+ * + archives.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out blog archives.)
+ * + entry.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out a single blog entry with comments, etc.)
+ * + error.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to display errors when they ocurr in your blog or pages)
+ * + index.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out the home page where all blog entries are rendered)
+ * + notfound.cfm (The view used to display messages to users when a blog entry requested was not found in our system.)
+ * + page.cfm (MANDATORY: The view used to render out individual pages.)
+ * + maintenance.cfm (OPTIONAL: Used when in maintenance mode)
+ * / templates (The folder that contains optional templates for collection rendering that are used using the quick rendering methods in the CB Helper)
+ * + category.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entry categories using coldbox collection rendering)
+ * + comment.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entry or page comments using coldbox collection rendering)
+ * + entry.cfm (The template used to display an iteration of entries in the home page using coldbox collection rendering)
+ * / widgets (A folder that can contain layout specific widgets which override core ContentBox widgets)
+ *
+ * Templates
+ * Templates are a single cfm template that is used by ContentBox to iterate over a collection (usually entries or categories or comments) and
+ * render out all of them in uniformity. Please refer to ColdBox Collection Rendering for more information. Each template recevies
+ * the following:
+ *
+ * _counter (A variable created for you that tells you in which record we are currently looping on)
+ * _items (A variable created for you that tells you how many records exist in the collection)
+ * {templateName} The name of the object you will use to display: entry, comment, category
+ *
+ * Layout Local CallBack Functions:
+ * onActivation()
+ * onDelete()
+ * onDeactivation()
+ *
+ * Settings
+ * You can declare settings for your layouts that ContentBox will manage for you.
+ *
+ * this.settings = [
+ * { name="Title", defaultValue="My Awesome Title", required="true", type="text", label="Title:" },
+ * { name="Colors", defaultValue="blue", required="false", type="select", label="Color:", options="red,blue,orange,gray" }
+ * ];
+ *
+ * The value is an array of structures with the following keys:
+ *
+ * - name : The name of the setting (required), the setting is saved as cb_themeName_settingName
+ * - defaultValue : The default value of the setting (required)
+ * - required : Whether the setting is required or not. Defaults to false
+ * - type : The type of the HTMl control (text=default, textarea, boolean, select, color)
+ * - label : The HTML label of the control (defaults to name)
+ * - title : The HTML title of the control (defaults to empty string)
+ * - options : The select box options. Can be a list or array of values or an array of name-value pair structures
+ * - optionsUDF : The select box options. This points to a UDF that returns a list or array of values or an array of name-value pair structures. Example: getColors not getColors()
+ * - group : lets you group inputs under a Group name - settings should be in order for groupings to work as expected
+ * - groupIntro : Lets you add a description for a group of fields
+ * - fieldDescription : Lets you add a description for an individual field
+ * - fieldHelp : Lets you add a chunk of HTML for a Modal, openable by the User by clicking on question mark next to the field label. Recommended use is to readFiles from the ./includes/help directory, with a helper function, for example: loadHelpFile( 'cbBootswatchTheme.html' );
+ */
// Layout Variables
this.name = "Skokov";
this.description = "Content box theme Skokov";
- this.version = "2.0";
+ this.version = "3.0";
this.author = "Lucid Outsourcing Solutions Pvt. Ltd.";
- this.authorURL = "https://lucidsolutions.in/";
+ this.authorURL = "https://lucidoutsourcing.com/";
// Screenshot URL, can be absolute or locally in your layout package.
this.screenShotURL = "screenshot.png";
// Layout Settings
this.settings = [
- { name="headerLogo", group="Header", defaultValue="", type="text", label="Logo URL:", groupIntro="Customize the header section of your theme. You can change the logo and the search field.", fieldDescription="Enter a relative or full url for the website logo. This image is not scaled with html or css, so please size it accordingly. Resize the image to approximately 300x50." },
- // { name="shareLinks", group="Header", defaultValue="ra-59ddfdcc3948e67d", type="text", label="Shows Share Link"},
- { name="aboutUs", group="Footer", defaultValue="Coldfusion Development Company In Jodhpur, India - Lucid Outsourcing Solutions Pvt Ltd provides services like website development jodhpur India", type="textarea", label="About Us Text:", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialFB", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Facebook Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialg+", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Google+ Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialTwitter", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Twitter Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialLN", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Linkedin Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialYT", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Youtube Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialbloger", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Bloger Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialrss", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="RSS Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="socialdribble", group="Footer", defaultValue="https://lucidsolutions.in/", type="text", label="Dribble Link", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="contactInfo", group="Footer", defaultValue="STPI, Plot No. CYB-I, Cyber Park ,RIICO Heavy Industrial Area, Near Saras Dairy, Jodhpur-342003", type="textarea",label="Contact Info", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="numberInfo", group="Footer", defaultValue="+15035935119 ,+91-291-3192333", type="textarea",label="Number Info", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="emailInfo", group="Footer", defaultValue="info@lucidsolutions.in", type="text", label="Email Info", groupIntro="Customize the footer of your site." },
- { name="entrySocialicons", group="Footer", defaultValue="true", type="boolean",label="Show Social options in single entry", required="false" },
- { name="showCategoriesBlogSide", group="Blog Sidebar Options", defaultValue="true", type="boolean", label="Show Categories in Blog Sidebar", required="false", groupIntro="By default, you have lots of widgets displayed in the Blog Sidebar. Enable or Disabled those items below." },
- { name="showRecentEntriesBlogSide", group="Blog Sidebar Options", defaultValue="true", type="boolean", label="Show Recent Enties in Blog Sidebar", required="false" },
- { name="showSiteUpdatesBlogSide", group="Blog Sidebar Options", defaultValue="true", type="boolean", label="Show Site Updates in Blog Sidebar", required="false" },
- { name="showEntryCommentsBlogSide", group="Blog Sidebar Options", defaultValue="true", type="boolean", label="Show Entry Comments in Blog Sidebar", required="false" },
- { name="showArchivesBlogSide", group="Blog Sidebar Options", defaultValue="true", type="boolean", label="Show Archives in Blog Sidebar", required="false" },
- { name="showEntriesSearchBlogSide", group="Blog Sidebar Options", defaultValue="true", type="boolean", label="Show Entries Search in Blog Sidebar", required="false" }
+ {
+ name : "cssStyleOverrides",
+ group : "Colors",
+ defaultValue : "",
+ type : "textarea",
+ label : "CSS Style Overrides:",
+ fieldDescription : "Enter CSS you would like added to your Theme to override the defaults from your Bootswatch"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "headerLogo",
+ group : "Header",
+ defaultValue : "",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Logo URL:",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the header section of your theme. You can change the logo and the search field.",
+ fieldDescription : "Enter a relative or full url for the website logo. This image is not scaled with html or css, so please size it accordingly. Resize the image to approximately 300x50."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showSiteSearch",
+ group : "Header",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Search Form Field in Header",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "aboutUs",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "Coldfusion Development Company In Jodhpur, India - Lucid Outsourcing Solutions Pvt Ltd provides services like website development jodhpur India",
+ type : "textarea",
+ label : "About Us Text:",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialFB",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Facebook Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialg+",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Google+ Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialTwitter",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Twitter Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialLN",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Linkedin Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialYT",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Youtube Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialbloger",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Bloger Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialrss",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "RSS Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "socialdribble",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "https://lucidoutsourcing.com",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Dribble Link",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "contactInfo",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "STPI, Plot No. CYB-I, Cyber Park ,RIICO Heavy Industrial Area, Near Saras Dairy, Jodhpur-342003",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Contact Info",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "numberInfo",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "+15035935119 ,+91-291-3192333",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Number Info",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "emailInfo",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "info@lucidsolutions.in",
+ type : "text",
+ label : "Email Info",
+ groupIntro : "Customize the footer of your site."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "entrySocialicons",
+ group : "Footer",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Social options in single entry",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "rssDiscovery",
+ group : "Homepage",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Active RSS Discovery Links",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showCategoriesBlogSide",
+ group : "Blog Sidebar Options",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Categories in Blog Sidebar",
+ required : "false",
+ groupIntro : "By default, you have lots of widgets displayed in the Blog Sidebar. Enable or Disabled those items below."
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showRecentEntriesBlogSide",
+ group : "Blog Sidebar Options",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Recent Enties in Blog Sidebar",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showSiteUpdatesBlogSide",
+ group : "Blog Sidebar Options",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Site Updates in Blog Sidebar",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showEntryCommentsBlogSide",
+ group : "Blog Sidebar Options",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Entry Comments in Blog Sidebar",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showArchivesBlogSide",
+ group : "Blog Sidebar Options",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Archives in Blog Sidebar",
+ required : "false"
+ },
+ {
+ name : "showEntriesSearchBlogSide",
+ group : "Blog Sidebar Options",
+ defaultValue : "true",
+ type : "boolean",
+ label : "Show Entries Search in Blog Sidebar",
+ required : "false"
+ }
diff --git a/layouts/blog.cfm b/layouts/blog.cfm
index 756ba64..8083b50 100644
--- a/layouts/blog.cfm
+++ b/layouts/blog.cfm
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
#cb.event( "cbui_afterBodyStart" )#
- #cb.quickView( view='_header' )#
+ #cb.quickView( '_header' )#
#cb.event( "cbui_beforeContent" )#
diff --git a/views/_blogIncludes.cfm b/views/_blogIncludes.cfm
index 8c8a3cc..5ec072b 100644
--- a/views/_blogIncludes.cfm
+++ b/views/_blogIncludes.cfm
@@ -26,6 +26,11 @@
Copyright © #cb.siteName()#. All rights reserved.
-Powered by ContentBox v#cb.getContentBoxVersion()#