Advanced Sampler Config ?These settings control alternative samplers configurations. They are inactive by default, you usually do not need to change them.
Multiline Replies ?Whether to allow multiple lines in AI responses. Disable this if the AI starts generating rubbish.
Multiline Replies ?Whether to allow multiple lines in AI responses. Disable this if the AI starts generating rubbish.
Mirostat (If supported) ?Replaces your samplers with mirostat, an alternative sampling method. May not be available depending on backend, not supported on Horde.
Mirostat Not Supported
Continue Bot Replies ?Allow incomplete AI chat replies, which can be continued by pressing submit again. Not recommended for newbies.
User Mods ?Allows you to load third-party user created mods (caution).
Smp.Order ?The order by which all 7 samplers are applied, separated by commas. 0=top_k, 1=top_a, 2=top_p, 3=tfs, 4=typ, 5=temp, 6=rep_pen
Additional Configs ?Grammar Sampling (KCPP) - Allows you to constrain output to fit specific structures. Resets grammar state every generation unless Retain is checked.
EOS Token Ban ?Allow the End-Of-Stream (EOS) token and potentially other restricted special tokens to be generated.
@@ -17136,15 +17226,80 @@
Multiline Replies ?Whether to allow multiple lines in AI responses (Chat/Adventure). Disable this if the AI starts generating rubbish.
Continue Bot Replies ?Allow incomplete AI chat mode replies, which can be continued by pressing submit again. Not recommended for newbies.
Chat PrePrompt ?Modifies the context, injecting tokens to improve chat quality for new chats.
Adventure PrePrompt ?Modifies the context, injecting tokens to improve adventure quality for new adventures.
Enable Markdown ?Allows the UI to use markdown formatting such as quotes and code blocks.
Trim Sentences ?Trims incomplete sentences in AI output.
Trim Whitespace ?Removes trailing whitespace in AI output.
Compress Newlines ?Compresses multiple newlines into one newline in AI output.
Inject Timestamps ?Injects timestamps into context (Chat/Instruct), allowing the AI to have a sense of time.
Inject ChatNames ?Appends chat names after every instruct tag, a hybrid chat mode.
Assistant Jailbreak ?Automatically injects a jailbreak message after every instruct query, to make the AI more likely to obey you.
Generate Images ?Use the AI Horde or a local A1111 instance to insert AI generated images into your story.
@@ -17244,6 +17399,11 @@
@@ -17278,32 +17438,6 @@
Trim Sentences ?Trims incomplete sentences in AI output.
Trim Whitespace ?Removes trailing whitespace in AI output.
Compress Newlines ?Compresses multiple newlines into one newline in AI output.
EOS Token Ban ?Allow the End-Of-Stream (EOS) token and potentially other restricted special tokens to be generated.
Never Escape HTML ?Avoids escaping any HTML tags, allowing HTML injections. Not recommended!
@@ -17386,158 +17520,9 @@
Advanced Sampler Config ?These settings control alternative samplers configurations. They are inactive by default, you usually do not need to change them.
Mirostat (If supported) ?Replaces your samplers with mirostat, an alternative sampling method. May not be available depending on backend, not supported on Horde.
Mirostat Not Supported
User Mods ?Allows you to load third-party user created mods (caution).
Smp.Order ?The order by which all 7 samplers are applied, separated by commas. 0=top_k, 1=top_a, 2=top_p, 3=tfs, 4=typ, 5=temp, 6=rep_pen
Additional Configs ?Grammar Sampling (KCPP) - Allows you to constrain output to fit specific structures. Resets grammar state every generation unless Retain is checked.
Chat PrePrompt ?Modifies the context, injecting tokens to improve chat quality for new chats.
Inject Timestamps ?Injects timestamps into context, allowing the AI to have a sense of time.
Adventure PrePrompt ?Modifies the context, injecting tokens to improve adventure quality for new adventures.
Enable Markdown ?Allows the UI to use markdown formatting such as quotes and code blocks.
Inject Timestamps ?Injects timestamps into context, allowing the AI to have a sense of time.
Inject ChatNames ?Appends chat names after every instruct tag, a hybrid chat mode.
Assistant Jailbreak ?Automatically injects a jailbreak message after every query to make the AI more likely to obey you.