How to setup SSH Agent on Windows and use it from WSL2 Ubuntu.
- Chocolatey
- Installed Git on windows
- Generated SSH keys on windows machine default location
- Installed WSL2 and running ubuntu bash with zsh
Its a two step process
- Windows 10+
- WSL2 ubuntu
Run this script as administrator once
npiperelay is used in Ubuntu in WSL2 to foward request to windows SSH Agent.
Note: Must be run as adminstrator
# Set the sshd service to be started automatically
Get-Service -Name ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
# Now start the sshd service
Start-Service ssh-agent
# Add ssh private keys to agent
choco install npiperelay -y
Run this script once to install dependencies and append .zshrc
Output shall result in:
[Success] - WSL connected to SSH Agent in Windows
sudo apt install socat
# Add script to ~/.zshrc that redirect ssh connection to ssh agent on windows
cat >> $HOME/.zshrc <<'EOF'
# Configure ssh forwarding
export SSH_AUTH_SOCK=$HOME/.ssh/agent.sock
# need ps -ww to get non-truncated command for matching
# use square brackets to generate a regex match for the process we want but that doesn't match the grep command running it!
ALREADY_RUNNING=$(ps -auxww | grep -q "[n]piperelay.exe -ei -s //./pipe/openssh-ssh-agent"; echo $?)
if [[ $ALREADY_RUNNING != "0" ]]; then
if [[ -S $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]]; then
# not expecting the socket to exist as the forwarding command isn't running (
echo "removing previous socket..."
echo "Starting SSH-Agent relay..."
# setsid to force new session to keep running
# set socat to listen on $SSH_AUTH_SOCK and forward to npiperelay which then forwards to openssh-ssh-agent on windows
(setsid socat UNIX-LISTEN:$SSH_AUTH_SOCK,fork EXEC:"npiperelay.exe -ei -s //./pipe/openssh-ssh-agent",nofork &) >/dev/null 2>&1
source $HOME/.zshrc
check_ssh() {
local result
local Red='\033[0;31m' # Red
local Green='\033[0;32m' # Green
local Color_End='\033[0m'
result="$(ssh -T [email protected] 2>&1)"
if [[ $? == 1 ]] && [[ "$result" == *"successfully authenticated"* ]]; then
echo -e "[${Green}Success${Color_End}] - WSL connected to SSH Agent in Windows"
return 0
echo -e "[${Red}Failed${Color_End}] - WSL did not succeed in connecting to SSH Agent in Windows"
return 1
How to configure and reuse SSH agent from windows in a Docker.
docker run -v ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/agent.sock --env SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/agent.sock
version: "3.8"
image: hello-world:
- SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/agent.sock
- ${SSH_AUTH_SOCK}:/agent.sock
docker-compose run
Description how to setup the agent and add the keys snippets here are based on these sources
If you need GPG i also found this