This is a small Iterable which has the ability to crawl Websites and output all the links found.
For the HTTP communication it uses HttpUnit by Russel Gold.
This project was developed as a little school project to show how the Java Iterator
NOTE: This project uses Maven as Build-Management-Tool, so import it as Maven project using Eclipse or IntelliJ Idea
A working demo is available in the source, called App.java
Import at least
import com.meterware.httpunit.HttpUnitOptions;
import com.meterware.httpunit.WebLink;
and all the different Exceptions you need to use. Then just create a new WebCrawler object with two parameters, the full URL String and the depth it should crawl
WebCrawler exampleCrawler = new WebCrawler("www.example.com",4);
Then you can use the iterator to get a whole bunch of links(every single one that is not javascript
for(WebLink link : exampleCrawler) {
//do what you want...