Out of the box Gatsby Theme for creating documentation websites easily and quickly.
Features • Getting started • Docs • Contributing • License
- 📝 MDX for docs;
- 🛣 Yaml-based sidebar navigation;
- 📱 Responsive and mobile friendly;
- 🖥 Code highlighting with prism-react-renderer and react-live support;
- 🥇 SEO (Sitemap, schema.org data, Open Graph and Twitter tags).
- 📈 Google Analytics support;
- 📄 Custom docs schema;
- 🖱 Table of Contents;
- ⚡️ Offline Support & WebApp Manifest;
- and much more 🔥
Create the website.
npx gatsby new rocketdocs https://github.com/jpedroschmitz/gatsby-starter-rocketdocs
Start developing.
cd rocketdocs gatsby develop
Are you ready for launch? 🚀
Your site is now running at
Looking for docs? Check our live demo and documentation website.
Thanks for being interested in contributing! We’re so glad you want to help! Please take a little bit of your time and look at our contributing guidelines and our code of conduct! All type of contributions are welcome, such as bug fixes, issues or feature requests.
All notable changes to this project will be documented on the CHANGELOG file.
Licensed under the MIT License.
Made with 💜 by João Pedro