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Requirements Document - future EZElectronics

Date: 10/05/2024

Version: V2 - description of EZElectronics in FUTURE form


Informal description

EZElectronics (read EaSy Electronics) is a software application designed to help managers of electronics stores to manage their products and offer them to customers through a dedicated website. Managers can assess the available products, record new ones, and confirm purchases. Customers can see available products, add them to a cart to buy them, see the history of their past purchases, leave reviews of the products they have purchased, and see the reviews of the available products. Admins can assess the status of the system and manage data through delete operations.


Stakeholder name Description
Customer User of the application who buys the available products
Manager User of the application who handles the store by registering products
Admin User of the application who handles the system and checks that everything runs without issues
Developer Person who develops and maintains the application

Context Diagram and interfaces

Context Diagram



Actor Logical Interface Physical Interface
Customer GUI PC
Manager GUI PC
Admin GUI PC
Unlogged User GUI PC

Functional and non functional requirements

Functional Requirements

ID Name
FR1 Manage account
FR1.1 Login
FR1.2 Logout
FR1.3 Create a new user account
FR2 Manage users
FR2.1 Show the list of all users
FR2.2 Show the list of all users with a specific role
FR2.3 Show the information of a single user
FR2.4 Update the information of a single user
FR2.5 Delete a single non Admin user
FR2.6 Delete all non Admin users
FR3 Manage products
FR3.1 Register a set of new products
FR3.2 Update the quantity of a product
FR3.3 Sell a product
FR3.4 Show the list of all products
FR3.4.1 Show the list of all available products
FR3.5 Show the list of all products with the same category
FR3.5.1 Show the list of all available products with the same category
FR3.5 Show the list of all products with the same model
FR3.5.1 Show the list of all available products with the same model
FR3.7 Delete a product
FR3.8 Delete all products
FR4 Manage reviews
FR4.1 Add a new review to a product
FR4.2 Get the list of all reviews assigned to a product
FR4.3 Delete a review given to a product
FR4.4 Delete all reviews of a product
FR4.5 Delete all reviews of all products
FR5 Manage carts
FR5.1 Show the information of the current cart
FR5.2 Add a product to the current cart
FR5.3 Checkout the current cart
FR5.4 Show the history of the paid carts
FR5.5 Remove a product from the current cart
FR5.6 Delete the current cart
FR5.7 See the list of all carts of all users
FR5.8 Delete all carts

Access Rights

FR Unlogged Customer Manager Admin
FR1.1 ✔️
FR1.2 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FR1.3 ✔️
FR2.1 ✔️
FR2.2 ✔️
FR2.3 ✔️ (its own user) ✔️ (its own user) ✔️ (any user)
FR2.4 ✔️ (its own user) ✔️ (its own user) ✔️ (any user)
FR2.5 ✔️ (its own user) ✔️ (its own user) ✔️ (any user)
FR2.6 ✔️
FR3.1 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.2 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.3 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.4 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.4.1 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FR3.5 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.5.1 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FR3.6 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.6.1 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FR3.7 ✔️ ✔️
FR3.8 ✔️ ✔️
FR4.1 ✔️
FR4.2 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
FR4.3 ✔️ (their review)
FR4.4 ✔️ ✔️
FR4.5 ✔️ ✔️
FR5.1 ✔️
FR5.2 ✔️
FR5.3 ✔️
FR5.4 ✔️
FR5.5 ✔️
FR5.6 ✔️
FR5.7 ✔️ ✔️
FR5.8 ✔️ ✔️

Non Functional Requirements

ID Type (efficiency, reliability, ..) Description Refers to
NFR1 Efficiency The application should have a response time lower than 0.5 sec. FR1,FR2,FR3,FR4,FR5
NFR2 Usability At least 95% of average users (no computer professionals with more than 1 year of experience of using PC) can use the application within 1 hour, with no training FR1,FR2,FR3,FR4,FR5

Use case diagram and use cases

Use case diagram


Use Cases

Use Case 1, Login (UC1)

Actors Involved User
Precondition User U is not logged in
Post condition U is logged in
Nominal Scenario Scenario 1.1
Variants None
Exceptions Scenario 1.2, 1.3, 1.4

Scenario 1.1

Scenario 1.1 Successful Login
Precondition U is registered
Post condition U is logged in
Step# Description
1 System: Ask for username, password
2 User: Provide username, password.
3 System: Read username, password.
4 System: Given username, find the user.
5 System: Retrieve password, compare with the one provided. Passwords match, user is auhorized

Scenario 1.2

Scenario 1.2 Wrong password
Precondition U is registered
Post condition U not logged in
Step# Description
1 System: Ask username password.
2 User: Provide username, password.
3 System: Read username, password.
4 System: Given username, find the user.
5 System: Retrieve password, compare with the one provided. Passwords do not match, user is not auhorized

Scenario 1.3

Scenario 1.3 User not registered
Precondition U is not registered
Post condition User not logged in
Step# Description
1 System: Ask username password.
2 User: Provide username, password.
3 System: Read username, password. Check cookie, the user is not logged in.
4 System: Given username, find the user. User is not found. User not authorized

Scenario 1.4

Scenario 1.4 User already logged in
Precondition U is registered
Post condition U is logged in
Step# Description
1 System: Ask username password.
2 User: Provide username, password.
3 System: Read username, password. The user is already logged in.
4 System: Return an error message

Use Case 2, Logout (UC2)

Actors Involved User
Precondition User U exists
Post condition U is not logged in
Nominal Scenario Scenario 2.1
Exceptions Scenario 2.2

Scenario 2.1

Scenario 2.1 Logout
Precondition U is logged in
Post condition U not logged in
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to logout
2 System: Check that U is logged in
3 System: remove user authorization for U
4 System: Show a logout confirmation message.

Scenario 2.2

Scenario 2.2 User already logged out
Precondition U is not logged in
Post condition U is not logged in
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to logout
2 System: Check that U is logged in
3 System: U hasn't performed login yet. Show an error message.

Use Case 3, Create Account (UC3)

Actors Involved User
Precondition The user doesn't have an account
Post condition User registered
Nominal Scenario Scenario 3.1
Variants None
Exceptions Scenario 3.2, 3.3

Scenario 3.1

Scenario 3.1 Registration
Precondition The user doesn't have an account
Post condition User registered
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to register
2 System: ask username, name, surname, role, password
2 User: Provide username, name, surname, role, password
3 System: Read username, name, surname, role, password
4 System: Check that the provided username isn't associated with any account yet. The username hasn't been used yet.
5 System: Create a new user and store their information

Scenario 3.2

Scenario 3.2 Username already in use
Precondition The user has an account
Post condition Registration failed
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to register
2 System: ask username, name, surname, role, password
2 User: Provide username, name, surname, role, password
3 System: Read username, name, surname, role, password
4 System: Check that the provided username isn't associated with any account yet. The username has been used already. Provide error message

Scenario 3.3

Scenario 3.3 User provides empty parameters
Precondition The user does not have an account
Post condition Registration failed
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to register
2 System: ask username, name, surname, role, password
2 User: Provide username, name, surname, role, password
3 System: Read username, name, surname, role, password
4 System: Check that all parameters are filled. At least one parameter is empty. Provide error message.

Use Case 4, View users (UC4)

Actors Involved User
Precondition None
Post condition Information about at least one user is seen
Nominal Scenario Scenario 4.1
Variants Scenario 4.3, Scenario 4.4
Exceptions Scenario 4.2, Scenario 4.5

Scenario 4.1

Scenario 4.1 View the information of one user
Precondition User U exists
Postcondition Information of User U is visualized
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see information of User U
2 System: Ask for U.username
3 User: Provide the username
4 System: Retrieve information of User U
5 System: Display information of User U

Scenario 4.2

Scenario 4.2 Ask to view information of a user who does not exist
Precondition User U does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see information of User U
2 System: Ask for U.username
3 User: Provide the username
4 System: Try to retrieve information of U. U is not found
5 System: Notify that User U does not exist

Scenario 4.3

Scenario 4.3 View the information of all users
Precondition None
Postcondition Information of all users is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see information of all users
2 System: Retrieve information of all users
3 System: Show information of all users

Scenario 4.4

Scenario 4.4 View the information of all users with a specific role (Customer or Manager)
Precondition At least one user U with role R exists
Postcondition Information of all users with the requested role is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see information of all users with role R
2 System: Ask for R
3 User: Provide R
4 System: Retrieve information of all users with user.role = R
5 System: Show information of all users with user.role = R

Scenario 4.5

Scenario 4.5 Ask to view information of users with a role that does not exist
Precondition None
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see information of all users with role R
2 System: Ask for R
3 User: Provide R. R is neither "Customer" nor "Manager"
4 System: Display an error explaining that only "Customer" and "Manager" are allowed roles

Use Case 5, Delete one user (UC5)

Actors Involved User
Precondition At least one user is registered
Postcondition The requested user is deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 5.1
Variants None
Exceptions Scenario 5.2

Scenario 5.1

Scenario 5.1 Delete one user
Precondition User U exists
Postcondition User U is deleted
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to delete User U
2 System: Ask for U.username
3 User: Provide the username
4 System: Retrieve information about U. U is found
5 System: Delete the user

Scenario 5.2

Scenario 5.2 Try to delete a user that does not exist
Precondition User U does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to delete User U
2 System: Ask for U.username
3 User: Provide the username
4 System: Retrieve information about U. U is not found
5 System: Notify User U does not exist

Use Case 6, Register products (UC6)

Actors Involved Manager
Precondition Manager M exists
Postcondition New products are registered
Nominal Scenario Scenario 6.1
Variants Scenario 6.4
Exceptions Scenario 6.2, 6.3, 6.5

Scenario 6.1

Scenario 6.1 Register a new product
Precondition M is logged in, P.model does not exist
Postcondition P.model recorded
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to register a new product P
2 System: Ask forP.model, P.category, P.sellingPrice, P.details, P.quantity, and arrivalDate
3 Manager: Provide the requested information
4 System: Validate the input parameters. All parameters are valid
5 System: Create product P. The available quantity is set to P.quantity

Scenario 6.2

Scenario 6.2 Try to register a product that already exists
Precondition M is logged in, P.model exists
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to register Product P2
2 System: Ask for product P2.model, P2.category, P2.sellingPrice, P2.details, P2.model, and P2.arrivalDate
3 Manager: Provide the requested information, P2.model == P.model
4 System: Validate the input parameters.
5 System: Display an error stating that P2.model is already in use

Scenario 6.3

Scenario 6.3 Try to register a product with invalid input parameters
Precondition M is logged in
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to register Product P
2 System: Ask for product P.model, P.category, P.sellingPrice, P.details, P.quantity, and P.arrivalDate
3 Manager: Provide the requested information
4 System: Validate the input parameters. At least one parameter is invalid (e.g. empty string, category is not "Smartphone", "Laptop", "Appliance", quantity = 0)
5 System: Display an error explaining the issue

Scenario 6.4

Scenario 6.4 Update the quantity of a product
Precondition M is logged in, P.model exists, n >= 0
Postcondition P.quantity (post)= P.quantity (pre) + n
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to increase the quantity of P
2 System: Ask for P.model, the increase in quantity and the date of increase
3 Manager: Provide the requested information
4 System: Validate input parameters. P exists, the quantity is a valid number, the date is valid. Increase P's quantity
5 System: Display a message confirming the increase in quantity

Scenario 6.5

Scenario 6.5 Try to increase the quantity of a product that does not exist
Precondition Manager M exists and is logged in, P.model does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to increase the quantity of product P
2 System: Ask for P.model, the increase in quantity, and the date of increase
3 Manager: Provide the requested parameters
4 System: Validate input parameters. P does not exist
5 System: Display an error message explaining that P does not exist

Use Case 7, Sell a product (UC7)

Actors Involved Manager
Precondition Manager M exists, a product is purchased in the store
Postcondition A product's available quantity is reduced
Nominal Scenario Scenario 7.1
Variations None
Exceptions Scenario 7.2, Scenario 7.3

Scenario 7.1

Scenario 7.1 Sell a product after an in-store purchase
Precondition M is logged in, P.model exists, P.quantity >=Q, Q>0
Postcondition P's available quantity is reduced
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to sell P
2 System: Ask for P.model and the sold quantity Q
3 Manager: Provide P.model and Q
4 System: Validate input parameters. P exists and P.quantity >= Q
5 System: Reduce P.quantity by Q. Display a message confirming the sale

Scenario 7.2

Scenario 7.2 Try to sell a product that does not exist
Precondition M is logged in, P.model does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to sell product P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Manager: Provide P.model
4 System: Retrieve information about P.
5 System: Display an error explaining that P.model does not represent a product

Scenario 7.3

Scenario 7.3 Try to sell an unavailable product
Precondition M is logged in, Product P.model, P.quantity = 0, Q >0
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to sell Q instances of P
2 System: Ask for P.model and Q
3 Manager: Provide P.model and Q
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P is not available (P.quantity = 0)
5 System: Display an error explaining that P is not available

Use Case 8, View products (UC8)

Actors Involved User
Precondition User U exists
Postcondition Information about at least one product is seen
Nominal Scenario Scenario 8.1
Variants Scenario 8.3, Scenario 8.4, Scenario 8.5, Scenario 8.7, Scenario 8.8, Scenario 8.9
Exceptions Scenario 8.2, Scenario 8.6

Scenario 8.1

Scenario 8.1 View information of a single product
Precondition P.model exists, U is logged in
Postcondition Information about product P is seen
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 User: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P exists
5 System: Display information about P

Scenario 8.2

Scenario 8.2 Try to view information of a product that does not exist
Precondition U is logged in, P.model does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of product P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 User: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P does not exist
5 System: Display an error explaining that P does not exist

Scenario 8.3

Scenario 8.3 View information of all products
Precondition U is logged in, at least one Product exists
Postcondition Information of all products is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all product
2 System: Retrieve the information of all products
3 System: Display information about all products

Scenario 8.4

Scenario 8.4 View information of all products of the same category
Precondition U is logged in, at least one Product P with category C exists
Postcondition Information of all products with category C is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all product with category C
2 System: Ask for C
3 User: Provide C
4 System: Retrieve the information of all products with P.category = C
5 System: Display information about all products with P.category = C

Scenario 8.5

Scenario 8.5 Try to view information of all products with a category that does not exist
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all product with category C
2 System: Ask for C
3 User: Provide C
4 System: Validate C. C is not one of ["Smartphone", "Laptop", "Appliance" ]
5 System: Display an error explaining that C can only be one of ["Smartphone", "Laptop", "Appliance"]

Scenario 8.6

Scenario 8.6 View information of all products with the same model
Precondition User U is logged in, at least one product with model M exists
Postcondition Information of all products with model M is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all product with model M
2 System: Ask M
3 User: Provide M
4 System: Retrieve the information of all products with P.model = M
5 System: Display information about all products with P.model = M

Scenario 8.7

Scenario 8.7 View information of all available products
Precondition User U is logged in, at least one Product exists
Postcondition Information of all available products is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all product
2 System: Retrieve the information of all products
3 System: Display information about all products

Scenario 8.8

Scenario 8.8 View information of all available products of the same category
Precondition User U is logged in, at least one Product P with category C exists
Postcondition Information of all available products with category C is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all available product with category C
2 System: Ask for C
3 User: Provide C
4 System: Retrieve the information of all available products with P.category = C
5 System: Display information about all available products with P.category = C

Scenario 8.9

Scenario 8.9 View information of all available products with the same model
Precondition User U is logged in, at least one product with model M exists
Postcondition Information of all available products with model M is shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to view information of all available product with model M
2 System: Ask M
3 User: Provide M
4 System: Retrieve the information of all available products with P.model = M
5 System: Display information about all available products with P.model = M

Use Case 9, Delete one product (UC9)

Actors Involved Manager, User
Precondition Manager M exists
Postcondition One product is deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 9.1
Variants None
Exceptions Scenario 9.2

Scenario 9.1

Scenario 9.1 Delete one product
Precondtion Manager M is logged in, P.model exists
Postcondition P is deleted
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to delete P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Manager: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. Delete P
5 System: Display a message confirming that P has been deleted

Scenario 9.2

Scenario 9.2 Try to delete a product that does not exist
Precondtion Manager M is logged in
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Manager: Ask to delete product P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Manager: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P does not exist
5 System: Display an error explaining that P does not exist

Use Case 10, Manage carts (UC11)

Actors Involved Customer
Precondition Customer C exists
Postcondition C updates their current cart
Nominal Scenario Scenario 10.1
Variants Scenario 10.2, Scenario 10.3, Scenario 10.6, Scenario 10.9
Exceptions Scenario 10.4, Scenario 10.5, Scenario 10.7, Scenario 10.8, Scenario 10.10, Scenario 10.11, Scenario 10.12

Scenario 10.1

Scenario 10.1 View information of the current cart (not paid yet)
Precondition C is logged in, C has a cart that has not been paid yet
Postcondition Information about the cart is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to see information about the current cart
2 System: Retrieve information about the current cart
3 System: Display the products of the current cart

Scenario 10.2

Scenario 10.2 View the history of already paid carts
Precondition C is logged in, C has at least one paid cart
Postcondition Information about cart history is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to see information about cart history
2 System: Retrieve past carts of U
3 System: Display cart history (purchase date, total cost, products)

Scenario 10.3

Scenario 10.3 Add a product to the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, P.model exists
Postcondition P is added to the cart
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to add 1 instance of P to their current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P.
5 System: Add P to the current cart

Scenario 10.4

Scenario 10.4 Try to add a product that does not exist to the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, P.model does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to add a product P to their current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P.
5 System: Display an error explaining that P does not exist

Scenario 10.5

Scenario 10.5 Try to add a product that is not available to the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, P.model exists, P.quantity = 0
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to add P to the current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P.
5 System: Display an error

Scenario 10.6

Scenario 10.6 Pay for the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, C has an unpaid cart with at least one product
Postcondition C is set to paid
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to pay for their current cart
2 System: Retrieve information about the current cart.
3 System: Set paid to true for the current cart

Scenario 10.7

Scenario 10.7 Try to pay for an empty cart
Precondition U is logged in, C has an unpaid cart that is empty
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to pay for their current cart
2 System: Retrieve information about the current cart.
3 System: Display an error explaining that the cart is empty

Scenario 10.8

Scenario 10.8 Try to pay for a cart that does not exist
Precondition U is logged in, C does not have an unpaid cart
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to pay for their current cart
2 System: Retrieve information about the current cart.
3 System: Display an error explaining that U does not have a cart

Scenario 10.9

Scenario 10.9 Remove one product instance product from the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, C has an unpaid cart, P.exists, P contains at least one instance of C
Postcondition One instance of P is removed from the cart
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to remove P from their current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P exists
5 System: Retrieve cart information.
6 System: Remove one instance of P from the cart

Scenario 10.10

Scenario 10.10 Try to remove a product that does not exist from the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, C has an unpaid cart, P.model does not exist
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to remove P from their current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P.
5 System: Display an error explaining that P does not exist

Scenario 10.11

Scenario 10.11 Try to remove a product from a cart that does not exist
Precondition C is logged in, C does not have an unpaid cart, P.model exists
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to remove a Product P from their current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P exists
5 System: Retrieve cart information. C does not have an unpaid cart
6 System: Display an error explaining that C does not have a cart

Scenario 10.12

Scenario 10.12 Try to remove a product that is not in the current cart
Precondition C is logged in, C has an unpaid cart, P.model exists, P.model is not in C.cart
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to remove P from the current cart
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 Customer: Provide the model
4 System: Retrieve information about P. P exists
5 System: Retrieve cart information. The cart exists but does not contain P
6 System: Display an error explaining that the cart does not contain P

Use Case 11, Delete the current cart (UC11)

Actors Involved Customer, User
Precondition At least one cart exists
Postcondition A cart is deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 11.1
Variants None
Exceptions Scenario 11.2

Scenario 11.1

Scenario 11.1 Delete the current cart
Precondition Customer C exists and is logged in, C has an unpaid cart
Postcondition The current cart is deleted
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to delete their current cart
2 System: Retrieve cart information. The cart exist
3 System: Delete the current cart

Scenario 11.2

Scenario 11.2 Try to delete the current cart when there is none
Precondition Customer C exists and is logged in, C does not have an unpaid cart
Postcondition An error is shown
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to delete the current cart
2 System: Retrieve cart information. There is no cart
3 System: Display an error

Use Case 12, Edit user information

Actors Involved User
Precondition User U exists
Postcondition User U changes their information
Nominal Scenario Scenario 12.1
Variants None
Exceptions None

Scenario 12.1

Scenario 12.1 Edit user information
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition U changes their information
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to edit their information
2 System: Ask for new name, surname, address, and birthdate
3 User: Provide the requested information
4 System: Validate input parameters. All parameters are valid. Update user information.
5 System: Display a message confirming the information update

Use Case 13, Delete all non-Admin users (UC13)

Actors Involved Admin
Precondition Admin A exists
Postcondition All non-Admin users are deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 13.1
Variants None
Exceptions None

Scenario 13.1

Scenario 13.1 Delete all non-Admin users
Precondition A is logged in
Postcondition All non-Admin users are deleted
Step# Description
1 Admin: Ask to delete all non-Admin users
2 System: Delete all non-Admin users
3 System: Display a message confirming the deletion

Use Case 14, Delete all products (UC14)

Actors Involved Admin, Manager
Precondition User U exists, U is either an Admin or a Manager
Postcondition All products are deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 14.1
Variants None
Exceptions None

Scenario 14.1

Scenario 14.1 Delete all products
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition All products are deleted
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to delete all products
2 System: Delete all products
3 System: Display a message confirming the deletion

Use Case 15, View all carts (UC15)

Actors Involved Admin, Manager
Precondition User U exists, U is either an Admin or a Manager
Postcondition Information about all carts is visualized
Nominal Scenario Scenario 15.1
Variants None
Exceptions None

Scenario 15.1

Scenario 15.1 View all carts
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition Information about all carts is visualized
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see information about all carts
2 System: Retrieve information about all carts
3 System: Display information about all carts (customer, payment date, total cost, products)

Use Case 16, Delete all carts (UC16)

Actors Involved Admin, Manager
Precondition User U exists, U is either an Admin or a Manager
Postcondition All carts are deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 16.1
Variants None
Exceptions None

Scenario 16.1

Scenario 16.1 Delete all carts
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition All carts are deleted
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to delete all carts
2 System: Delete all carts
3 System: Display a message confirming the deletion

Use Case 17, Manage reviews (UC12)

Actors Involved Customer
Precondition Customer C exists, Product P exists, C has purchased P
Postcondition C has changed the review of P
Nominal Scenario Scenario 17.1
Variants Scenario 17.2
Exceptions None

Scenario 17.1

Scenario 17.1 Add a review to a product
Precondition C is logged in, P.model exists, there is no review R made by C for P
Postcondition There is a review R made by C for P
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to review P
2 System: Ask for P.model, the review score (between 1 and 5), and the review comment
3 Customer: Provide the requested information
4 System: Validate the input parameters. Score and comment are valid
5 System: Create a new review. Display a message confirming the successful review

Scenario 17.2

Scenario 17.2 Delete review given to a product
Precondition C is logged in, P.model exists, a review R made by C for P exists
Postcondition There is no longer a review R made by C for P
Step# Description
1 Customer: Ask to delete their review of P
2 System: Ask for P's model
3 Customer: Provide P's model
4 System: Delete the review
5 System: Display a message confirming the deletion of the review

Use Case 18, View reviews (UC13)

Actors Involved Customer, Manager, Admin
Precondition User U exists, Product P exists, P has a review
Postcondition The reviews assigned to a product are shown
Nominal Scenario Scenario 18.1
Variants Scenario 18.2
Exceptions None

Scenario 18.1

Scenario 18.1 View the reviews of a product
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition The reviews assigned to a product are shown
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to see the reviews of P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 User: Provide P.model
4 System: Validate P. P exists. Retrieve P's reviews
5 System: Display P's reviews

Use Case 19, Delete reviews (UC19)

Actors Involved Admin, Manager
Precondition User U exists, U is either an Admin or a Manager, Product P exists, P has at least one review
Postcondition One (or more) product review is deleted
Nominal Scenario Scenario 19.1
Variants Scenario 19.2
Exceptions None

Scenario 19.1

Scenario 19.1 Delete all reviews of one product
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition All reviews of P are deleted
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to delete all reviews given to P
2 System: Ask for P.model
3 User: Provide P.model
4 System: Validate P. P exists and has at least one review. Delete all reviews given to P
5 System: Display a message confirming the deletion of the reviews

Scenario 19.2

Scenario 19.2 Delete all reviews of all products
Precondition U is logged in
Postcondition All reviews are deleted
Step# Description
1 User: Ask to delete all reviews
2 System: Delete all reviews
3 System: Display a message confirming the deletion of all reviews



Deployment Diagram
