This project hosts a sample Gradle project you may use as a starting point to provide your implementation of the Kafka Connector Metadata Adapter class.
To customize, build, and deploy an adapter implementation, follow the steps:
Edit the file by implementing the required hook methods or provide your completely new custom class that must extend
Add all required dependencies to the build.gradle file in the dependencies
Build the project with the command:
$ ./gradlew build
which generated the file build/libs/custom-kafka-connector-adapter.jar
Update the LS_HOME/adapters/lightstreamer-kafka-connector-<version>/adapters.xml
file by editing the parameter adapter_class as follows:
Copy the generated jar file - along with all dependencies - under the LS_HOME/adapters/lightstreamer-kafka-connector-<version>/lib
Start Lighststreamer Server and verify that the console log shows something similar:
12.Mar.24 16:51:36,169 < INFO> Loading Metadata Adapter for Adapter Set KafkaConnector
###### Custom KafkaConnector Adapter initialized ######
12.Mar.24 16:51:36,256 < INFO> Finished loading Metadata Adapter for Adapter Set KafkaConnector