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Quick Start with Confluent Cloud

This folder contains a variant of the Quick Start app configured to use Confluent Cloud as the target Kafka cluster.

The docker-compose.yml file has been revised to realize the integration with Confluent Cloud as follows:

  • Removal of the broker service, because replaced by the remote Kafka cluster.

  • kafka-connector:

    • Definition of new environment variables to configure the remote endpoint, credentials, and topic name in the adapters.xml through the variable-expansion_ feature of Lightstreamer.

        - bootstrap_server=${bootstrap_server}
        - api_key=${api_key}
        - secret=${secret}
    • Adaption of adapters.xml to include:

      • New Kafka cluster address retrieved from the environment variable bootstrap_server:

        <param name="bootstrap.servers">$env.bootstrap_server</param>
      • Encryption settings:

        <param name="encryption.enable">true</param>
        <param name="encryption.protocol">TLSv1.2</param>
        <param name="encryption.hostname.verification.enable">true</param>
      • Authentication settings, with credentials retrieved from environment variables api_key and secret:

        <param name="authentication.enable">true</param>
        <param name="authentication.mechanism">PLAIN</param>
        <param name="authentication.username">$env.api_key</param>
        <param name="authentication.password">$env.secret</param>

      NOTE This example assumes that the topic name is topic_0 (the default topic provided by Confluent Cloud). If required, update the topic mapping setting by replacing <confluent_topic_name> with the appropriate value, as follows (because variable-expansion is not available in the name attribute):

      <param name="map.<confluent_topic_name>.to">item-template.stock</param>
  • producer:

    • Parameter --boostrap-servers retrieved from the environment variable bootstrap_server.
    • Provisioning of the configuration file to enable SASL/PLAN over TLS, with username and password retrieved from the environment variables api_key and secret:
    # Configure SASL/PLAIN mechanism
    # Enable SSL encryption
    # JAAS configuration required username="${api_key}" password="${secret}";

    NOTE If required, update the parameter --topic in the command attribute with the appropriate value.


From this directory, run follow the command:

api_key=<API.key> secret=<secret> bootstrap_server=<bootstrap_server> topic=<topic> ./ 


  • API.key and secret are the credentials generated on the Confluent CLI or from the Confluent Cloud Console.
  • bootstrap_server is the Kafla cluster address.

Then, point your browser to http://localhost:8080/QuickStart.