diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 930d0ec..c702328 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ The application is divided into 5 main classes. Check out the sources for further explanations. -**NOTE: At this stage, the demo is based on a version of LS .NET SDK that is currently available only as a pre-release. Skip the notes below and refer to the "for_Lightstreamer_5.1.1" tag for a demo version suitable for building and deploying.** +**NOTE: At this stage, the demo is based on a version of LS .NET SDK that is currently available only as a pre-release. Skip the notes below and refer to the [for_Lightstreamer_5.x](https://github.com/Weswit/Lightstreamer-example-StockList-adapter-dotnet/tree/for_Lightstreamer_5.1.1) tag for a demo version suitable for building and deploying.**