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RDF based Search Engine

Diego Collarana edited this page Jun 13, 2016 · 4 revisions


The hybrid search engine provides an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows the user interface and other applications to communicate and access the data and results produced by the engine.

1. Search

FuhSen engine provides the following API services to manage the search activity.

Start a search session

POST /engine/api/searches?<parameters> HTTP/1.1

Name Value Default Required Description
query "query string" No Yes Term(s) to be searched.

Get the results

GET /engine/api/searches/<uid>/results?<parameters> HTTP/1.1

Name Value Default Required Description
entityType "entity type string" person Yes Type of the entities from which you want the results: person, product, organization, and website.
uid unique identifier No Yes Unique identifier of the search activity to be deleted. it is generated in the start session service.
Accept application/rdf+xml , text/turtle text/turtle No Specifies the format of the accepted data. Every request needs to be sent with a valid Accept Header defining the requested response format. Otherwise, the response to the request will be a 406 - Not acceptable status code.

End a search session

DELETE /engine/api/searches/<uid> HTTP/1.1

Name Value Default Required Description
uid unique identifier No Yes Unique identifier of the search activity to be deleted. it is generated in the start session service.

2. Facets

3. RDF-wrapper

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