A module that generates changelogs based on git tags. It uses conventional commits (conventionalcommits.org) to read and scope commits. Markdown is used for formating.
$ pychangelog generate [<path>] [--branch=<string>] [--types=<list>] [--bodytags=<list>]
- generates new CHANGELOG.md file at the repo root
- overrides old CHANGELOG.md
$ pychangelog add [<path>] [--branch=<string>] [--types=<list>] [--bodytags=<list>]
- keeps the content of old CHANGELOG.md while appending new versions
$ pychangelog printout [<path>] [--branch=<string>] [--types=<list>] [--bodytags=<list>]
- prints the generated changelog in the terminal instead of writing it in the CHANGELOG.md
- does not touch CHANGELOG.md
Option | Format | Description | Default |
path | TEXT | path to root of the git repository | . |
--branch | TEXT | git branch | main |
--types | TEXT comma seperated list | commit types to show in changelog | feat,fix,chore,docs,refactor,test |
--bodytags | TEXT comma seperated list | body tags that schould be shown in changelog | BREAKING CHANGE,MAJOR |
You can install the changelog generator via PyPI:
pip install python-changelog