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IndexByDate.txt Support

Richard Thomson edited this page Oct 25, 2019 · 2 revisions

Manx can assist in ingesting new documents from a site by fetching a file named IndexByDate.txt from the site and parsing the lines in the file to represent documents at the site. This is based on the structure of the bitsavers archive. The IndexByDate.txt file has a structure like this:

2019-10-25 16:24:59 microdata/periph/reflex/Reflex_II_Video_Training_Workbook.pdf
2019-10-25 16:24:58 microdata/periph/reflex/81-1091B_Reflex_II_Technical_Manual_1981.pdf
2019-10-25 03:50:29 ibm/370/CICS/SC33-0096-2_IBM_3270_Data_Stream_Device_Guide_Jul1987.pdf
2019-10-25 03:49:47 ibm/datacomm/GA27-3093-4_SDLC_Concepts_May1992.pdf

This consists of a date/time stamp and the path to the document, relative to the IndexByDate.txt file. Manx can parse this file to identify documents that are not yet in its database and provide a browsing interface to simplify adding these documents.

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