Fixtures are generated using zenstruck/foundry and Doctrine Fixtures Bundle.
make db.fixtures
will generate the fixtures in the database, erasing previous data.
symfony console make:factory --namespace=Infra\\Fixtures\\Factory --all-fields
Hint: do not provide default value for uid fields, but let your classes' constructor generate one for dev fixtures.
For writing & loading fixtures in tests, see Using fixtures in your tests .
Basically, most of your test cases should define a dedicated story
in a [test-case-path]/[test-class-name]/fixtures
directory and be loaded like this:
+use App\Tests\Functional\GraphQL\ListTest\fixtures\ListStory;
+use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\Factories;
+use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\ResetDatabase;
class ListTest extends GraphQLTestCase
+ use ResetDatabase;
+ use Factories;
public function testFind(): void
+ ListStory::load(); // Loading your story fixtures
$this->executeGraphQL(['uid' => '01G8K8HGD0R2PKD4W2RZMX259M']);
On contrary of the fixtures for the dev env, you should avoid using random values from Faker, but set specific values for each of the properties you'd like to test in your test cases.