- Updated to Compose 1.4.2
- Updated to Kotlin 1.8.20
- Updated to Dagger2 to 2.45
- Updated to Compose 1.2.1
- Updated to Kotlin 1.7.10
- Updated to Dagger2 to 2.43.2
- Updated to Compose 1.1.0
- Updated to Dagger2 to 2.41
- Updated to Compose 1.1.0-rc01
- Updated to Kotlin 1.6.10
- Updated to Compose 1.0.5
- Updated to Compose 1.0.4
- Updated to Kotlin 1.5.31
- Updated to Compose 1.0.3
- Updated to Kotlin 1.5.30
- Updated to Compose 1.0.2
- Simplified compiler implementation and more closely aligned with Dagger Hilt extensions specification.
- Updated to Compose 1.0.1
- Updated to Dagger2 to 2.38.1
- Updated to Kotlin to 1.5.21
- Updated to Compose 1.0.0-rc-02
- Updated to Compose 1.0.0-rc-01
- Updated to Compose 1.0.0-beta-09
- Updated to Dagger2 to 2.37
- Updated to Compose 1.0.0-beta-08
- Updated to Dagger2 to 2.36
- Updated to Kotlin to 1.5.10
- Updated to Compose 1.0.0-beta-07