P-Label | Meaning (microbenchmarks with data races) | P-Label | Meaning (microbenchmarks without data races) |
Y1 | Unresolvable dependencies | N1 | Embarrassingly parallel or single thread execution |
Y2 | Missing data sharing clauses | N2 | Use of data sharing clauses |
Y3 | Missing synchronization | N3 | Use of synchronization |
Y4 | SIMD data races | N4 | Use of SIMD directives |
Y5 | Accelerator data races | N5 | Use of accelerator directives |
Y6 | Undefined behavior | N6 | Use of special language features |
Y7 | Numerical kernel data races | N7 | Numerical kernels |
Microbenchmark | P-Label | Description | Source |
DRB001-antidep1-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | Anti-dependence within a single loop | New |
DRB002-antidep1-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | Anti-dependence within a single loop | New |
DRB003-antidep2-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | Anti-dependence within a two-level loop nest | New |
DRB004-antidep2-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | Anti-dependence within a two-level loop nest | New |
DRB005-indirectaccess1-orig-yes.f95 | Y7 | Indirect access with overlapped index array elements | New |
DRB006-indirectaccess2-orig-yes.f95 | Y7 | Overlapping index array elements when 36 or more threads are used | New |
DRB007-indirectaccess3-orig-yes.f95 | Y7 | Overlapping index array elements when 60 or more threads are used | New |
DRB008-indirectaccess4-orig-yes.f95 | Y7 | Overlapping index array elements when 180 or more threads are used | New |
DRB009-lastprivatemissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Data race due to a missing lastprivate() clause | New |
DRB010-lastprivatemissing-var-yes.f95 | Y2 | Data race due to a missing lastprivate() clause | New |
DRB011-minusminus-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Unprotected decrement operation, var = var - 1 | New |
DRB012-minusminus-var-yes.f95 | Y3 | Unprotected decrement operation, var = var - 1 | New |
DRB013-nowait-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Missing barrier due to a wrongfully used nowait | New |
DRB014-outofbounds-orig-yes.f95 | Y6 | Out of bound access of the 2nd dimension of array | New |
DRB015-outofbounds-var-yes.f95 | Y6 | Out of bound access of the 2nd dimension of array | New |
DRB016-outputdep-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | Output dependence and true dependence within a loop | New |
DRB017-outputdep-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | Output dependence and true dependence within a loop | New |
DRB018-plusplus-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | increment operation on array index variable, var = var + 1 | New |
DRB019-plusplus-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | increment operation on array index variable, var = var + 1 | New |
DRB020-privatemissing-var-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing private() for a temp variable | New |
DRB021-reductionmissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing private() for a temp variable | New |
DRB022-reductionmissing-var-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing reduction() for a variable | New |
DRB023-sections1-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing reduction() for a variable | New |
DRB024-simdtruedep-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Unprotected data writes in parallel sections | New |
DRB025-simdtruedep-var-yes.f95 | Y1,Y4 | SIMD instruction level data races | New |
DRB026-targetparallelfor-orig-yes.f95 | Y1,Y4 | SIMD instruction level data races | New |
DRB027-taskdependmissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y1,Y5 | Data races in loops offloaded to accelerators | New |
DRB028-privatemissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Unprotected data writes in two tasks | New |
DRB029-truedep1-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence among multiple array elements within a single level loop | New |
DRB030-truedep1-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence among multiple array elements within a single level loop | New |
DRB031-truedepfirstdimension-(orig|var)-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence of first dimension for a 2-D array accesses | New |
DRB032-truedepfirstdimension-(orig|var)-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence of first dimension for a 2-D array accesses | New |
DRB033-truedeplinear-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | Linear equation as array subscript | New |
DRB034-truedeplinear-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | Linear equation as array subscript | New |
DRB035-truedepscalar-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence due to scalar | New |
DRB036-truedepscalar-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence due to scalar | New |
DRB037-truedepseconddimension-(orig|var)-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence on 2nd dimension of a 2-D array accesses | New |
DRB038-truedepseconddimension-(orig|var)-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence on 2nd dimension of a 2-D array accesses | New |
DRB039-truedepsingleelement-(orig|var)-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence due to a single array element | New |
DRB040-truedepsingleelement-(orig|var)-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence due to a single array element | New |
DRB073-doall2-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing private() for inner loop nest's loop index variable | New |
DRB074-flush-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Reduction using a shared variable, extracted from an official OpenMP example | New |
DRB075-getthreadnum-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | Work sharing within one branch of a if statement | New |
DRB080-func-arg-orig-yes.f95 | Y6 | Function arguments passed by reference, inheriting shared attribute | New |
DRB082-declared-in-func-orig-yes.f95 | Y6 | A variable declared within a function called by a parallel region | New |
DRB084-threadprivatemissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing threadprivate for a global var, not referenced within a construct | New |
DRB086-static-data-member-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing threadprivate for a static member, not referenced within a construct | New |
DRB087-static-data-member2-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing threadprivate for a static member, referenced within a construct | New |
DRB088-dynamic-storage-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Data race for a dynamica storage variable, not referenced within a construct | New |
DRB089-dynamic-storage2-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Data race for a dynamica storage variable, referenced within a construct | New |
DRB090-static-local-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Data race for a locally declared static variable | New |
DRB092-threadprivatemissing2-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing threadprivate for a variable referenced within a construct | New |
DRB095-doall2-taskloop-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing protection for inner loop's loop variable | New |
DRB106-taskwaitmissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Missing taskwait to ensure correct order of calculations | New |
DRB109-orderedmissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Missing the ordered clause, causing data races | New |
DRB111-linearmissing-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Missing linear for a shared variable, causing data races | New |
DRB114-if-orig-yes.f95 | Y1 | True data dependence within a single level loop, with if() clause | New |
DRB115-forsimd-orig-yes.f95 | Y1,Y4 | Both thread and instruction level data races due to omp loop simd | New |
DRB116-target-teams-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Master threads of two teams do not have synchronization, causing data races | New |
DRB117-taskwait-waitonlychild-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Thread encountering the taskwait is only waiting for the child task's completion, not the descendant tasks. | New |
DRB119-nestlock-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Missing omp_set_nest_lock() on a function called at multiple points. | New |
DRB123-taskundeferred-orig-yes.f95 | Y6 | A single thread spawning multiple tasks due to missing if(0) | New |
DRB124-master-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Master construct does not have an implicit barrier. | New |
DRB129-mergeable-taskwait-orig-yes.f95 | Y2 | Created task will access different instances of a variable depending on the mergeable status. Missing shared clause. | New |
DRB131-taskdep4-orig-omp45-yes.f95 | Y3 | Accessing a variable before the completion of the operation. Missing taskwait. | New |
DRB134-taskdep5-orig-omp45-yes.f95 | Y1 | Operation depends on two variables, but the depend clause is mentioned only for one variable. | New |
DRB136-taskdep-mutexinoutset-orig-yes.f95 | Y1,Y6 | Missing mutexinoutset dependence type on a variable. Undefined execution order. | OpenMP Official Examples |
DRB138-simdsafelen-orig-yes.f95 | Y6 | Parameter for safelen() clause having a value lesser than required for a defined execution. | New |
DRB140-reduction-barrier-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | Asynchronous update by master directive and usage in reduction clause. | New |
DRB142-acquirerelease-orig-omp50-yes.f95 | Y3 | Missing implicit flush after critical construct. | New |
DRB144-critical-missingreduction-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | Asynchronous update of a variable across teams due to improper critical and atomic construct usage. | New |
DRB148-critical1-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | Due to different locks, addition and subtraction interleave. | New |
DRB150-missinglock1-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | distribute parallel do directive executes across teams. omp_set_lock() ensures synchronization only within a team. | New |
DRB151-missinglock3-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | Missing synchronization in teams distribute parallel do construct among a team of threads. | New |
DRB153-missinglock2-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y2 | Concurrent access of a variable in an intra region with locks leading to intra region data race. | New |
DRB156-missingordered-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y6 | Execution on accelerators with missing ordered directive causes data race. | New |
DRB157-missingorderedsimd-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y4 | Missing synchronization on accelerator due to simd directive. | New |
DRB160-nobarrier-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | Missing implicit barrier due to distribute directive. | New |
DRB161-nolocksimd-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | Concurrent access on a counter with no lock with simd—atomicity Violation. | New |
DRB164-simdmissinglock1-orig-gpu-yes.f95 | Y5,Y3 | Concurrent access on a counter with no lock with simd across teams. Inter-region data race | New |
DRB165-taskdep4-orig-omp50-yes.f95 | Y3 | Missing taskwait. Accessing a variable before task completion. | OpenMP Official Examples |
DRB168-taskdep5-orig-omp50-yes.f95 | Y1 | OpenMP depend clause for only one variable in a bivariate equation. | OpenMP Official Examples |
DRB169-workshare-orig-yes.f95 | Y3 | nowait clause nullifying the workshare directive's implicit barrier. | New |
DRB171-input-dependence-var-yes.f95 | Y1 | Input dependence race | OMPRacer |
DRB172-thread-sensitivity-yes.f95 | Y6 | Conflicting writes to same address | New |
Microbenchmark | P-Label | Description | Source |
DRB043-adi-parallel-no.F95 | N2 | Alternating Direction Implicit solver, non-optimized version | New |
DRB044-adi-tile-no.F95 | N2,N4 | Alternating Direction Implicit solver, with tiling and nested SIMD | New |
DRB045-doall1-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Classic DOAll loop operating on a one dimensional array | New |
DRB046-doall2-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Classic DOAll loop operating on a two dimensional array | New |
DRB047-doallchar-orig-no.f95 | N1,N3 | Classic DOAll loop operating on a character array | New |
DRB048-firstprivate-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Example use of firstprivate | New |
DRB049-fprintf-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Use of write() | New |
DRB050-functionparameter-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Arrays passed as function parameters | New |
DRB051-getthreadnum-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Single thread execution using if (omp_get_thread_num()==0) | New |
DRB052-indirectaccesssharebase-orig-no.f95 | N7 | Indirect array accesses using index arrays without overlapping | New |
DRB053-inneronly1-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Two-level nested loops, inner level is parallelizable. Anti dependence on outer level | New |
DRB054-inneronly2-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Two-level nested loops, inner level is parallelizable. True dependence on outer level | New |
DRB057-jacobiinitialize-orig-no.f95 | N7 | The array initialization parallel loop in Jacobi | New |
DRB058-jacobikernel-orig-no.f95 | N7 | Parallel Jacobi stencil computation kernel with array copying and reduction | New |
DRB059-lastprivate-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Example use of lastprivate | New |
DRB060-matrixmultiply-orig-no.f95 | N7 | Classic i-k-j order matrix multiplication using OpenMP | New |
DRB061-matrixvector1-orig-no.f95 | N7 | Matrix-vector multiplication parallelized at the outer level loop | New |
DRB062-matrixvector2-orig-no.f95 | N7 | Matrix-vector multiplication parallelized at the inner level loop with reduction | New |
DRB063-outeronly1-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Two-level nested loops, outer level is parallelizable. Anti dependence on inner level | New |
DRB064-outeronly2-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Two-level nested loops, outer level is parallelizable. True dependence on inner level | New |
DRB065-pireduction-orig-no.f95 | N7 | PI calculation using reduction | New |
DRB066-pointernoaliasing-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Pointers assigned by different malloc calls, without aliasing | New |
DRB067-restrictpointer1-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Equivalent to restrict pointers used for array initialization, no aliasing | New |
DRB068-restrictpointer2-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Equivalent to restrict pointers used for array computation, no aliasing | New |
DRB069-sectionslock1-orig-no.f95 | N3 | OpenMP parallel sections with a lock to protect shared data writes | New |
DRB070-simd1-orig-no.f95 | N1,N4 | OpenMP SIMD directive to indicate vectorization of a loop | New |
DRB071-targetparallelfor-orig-no.f95 | N1,N5 | No data races in loops offloaded to accelerators | New |
DRB072-taskdep1-orig-no.f95 | N3 | OpenMP task with depend clauses to avoid data races | New |
DRB076-flush-orig-no.f95 | N2 | OpenMP private clause to avoid data races | New |
DRB077-single-orig-no.f95 | N1 | OpenMP single directive to use only one thread for execution | New |
DRB078-taskdep2-orig-no.f95 | N3 | OpenMP task depend clause to avoid data races | New |
DRB079-taskdep3-orig-no.f95 | N3 | OpenMP task depend clause to avoid data races | New |
DRB081-func-arg-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Function arguments passed by value, private | New |
DRB083-declared-in-func-orig-no.f95 | N6 | A variable declared within a function called by a parallel region | New |
DRB085-threadprivate-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use threadprivate to protect a file scope variable, not referenced within a construct | New |
DRB091-threadprivate2-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use threadprivate to protect a file scope variable, referenced within a construct | New |
DRB093-doall2-collapse-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use collapse(n) to control the number of associated loops of omp do | New |
DRB094-doall2-ordered-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use ordered(n) to control the number of associated loops of omp do | New |
DRB096-doall2-taskloop-collapse-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use ordered(n) to control the number of associated loops of taskloop | New |
DRB097-target-teams-distribute-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Predetermined attribute rule for loop variable associated with distribute | New |
DRB098-simd2-orig-no.f95 | N1,N2 | OpenMP SIMD directive to indicate vectorization of two nested loops | New |
DRB099-targetparallelfor2-orig-no.f95 | N1,N5 | Loops offloaded to accelerators: array sections derived from pointer | New |
DRB100-task-reference-orig-no.f95 | N1 | OpenMP 4.5 feature: orphaned task generating construct using pass-by-reference | New |
DRB101-task-value-orig-no.f95 | N1 | In a task generating construct, a variable without applicable rules is firstprivate | New |
DRB102-copyprivate-orig-no.f95 | N2 | threadprivate+copyprivate, a variable without applicable rules is firstprivate | New |
DRB103-master-orig-no.f95 | N1 | master directive to ensure only one thread will execute data accesses | New |
DRB104-nowait-barrier-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Use barrier to ensure correct order of initialization and assignment phases | New |
DRB105-taskwait-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Use taskwait to ensure correct order of tasks | New |
DRB107-taskgroup-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Use taskgroup to ensure correct order of tasks | New |
DRB108-atomic-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Use atomic to protect shared accesses to a variable | New |
DRB110-ordered-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Proper use of the ordered clause to avoid data races | New |
DRB112-linear-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use linear to privatize a variable | New |
DRB113-default-orig-no.f95 | N1 | default(none) to enforce explicitly listing variables in data-sharing clauses | New |
DRB118-nestlock-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Use of omp_set_nest_lock to be able to lock several times. Extracted from an official OpenMP example | OpenMP Official Example |
DRB120-barrier-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Use barrier to ensure the correct order of increment ops. | New |
DRB121-reduction-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use reduction clause to get the correct sum within a parallel region. | New |
DRB122-taskundeferred-orig-no.f95 | N6 | Undeferred all the tasks using if(0) | OpenMP Official Example |
DRB125-single-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Single construct usage to have implicit barrier, private. | New |
DRB126-firstprivatesections-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Use of firstprivate and omp_set_num_threads() to ensure that the same thread executes both the sections. | New |
DRB127-tasking-threadprivate1-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Order execution is undefined. There is a race condition but no data race. | New |
DRB128-tasking-threadprivate2-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Restricting update to a threadprivate variable. | New |
DRB130-mergeable-taskwait-orig-no.f95 | N2 | Use of mergeable construct on a shared variable ensures that the outcome does not depend on task's merged status. | New |
DRB132-taskdep4-orig-omp45-no.f95 | N3, N1 | Accessing a variable safely after taskwait directive, two variables. OpenMP 4.5 compliant. | New |
DRB133-taskdep5-orig-omp45-no.f95 | N3 | Accessing a variable safely after taskwait directive, single variable. OpenMP 4.5 compliant. | New |
DRB135-taskdep-mutexinoutset-orig-omp50-no.f95 | N1 | Use of mutexinoutset in depend clause to avoid data race. | OpenMP Official Example |
DRB137-simdsafelen-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Use of safelen construct to avoid udnefined behavior. | New |
DRB139-worksharingcritical-orig-no.f95 | N1 | Use of single directive inside a nested parallel region within a critical construct. | New |
DRB141-reduction-barrier-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Addition of explicit barrier to ensure completion of initialization of a variable before encountering a parallel region. | New |
DRB143-acquirerelease-orig-omp50-no.f95 | N3 | Use of flush after critical construct to avoid data race. | New |
DRB145-atomiccritical-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N2 | Use of reduction construct to synchronize across teams. | New |
DRB146-atomicupdate-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N3, N1 | Use of atomic update construct to have synchronization across teams. | New |
DRB147-critical1-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N1 | To have synchronization across distribute parallel loop across teams, usage of atomic construct. | New |
DRB149-missingdata1-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5 | Classic i-k-j matrix multiplication on accelerator. | New |
DRB152-missinglock2-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N3 | Use of omp_set_lock() to synchronize within a team. | New |
DRB154-missinglock3-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N3 | Use omp_set_lock() and reduction construct to avoid atomicity violations across teams on accelerators. | New |
DRB155-missingordered-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N1 | Proper use of the ordered clause to avoid data races, ensuring sequential consistency. | New |
DRB158-missingtaskbarrier-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N1 | Use of depend clause to ensure correct execution sequence. | New |
DRB159-nobarrier-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N3 | Vector addition and multiplication employing the same variable should have a barrier in between. | New |
DRB162-nolocksimd-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N4 | Use reduction clause to avoid concurrent access on a variable due to exceeding permitted threads usage per warp limit. | New |
DRB163-simdmissinglock1-orig-gpu-no.f95 | N5, N4 | SIMD directive indicates vectorization of a loop on the accelerator; usage of reduction to ensure no data race. | New |
DRB166-taskdep4-orig-omp50-no.f95 | N1 | Use of takwait to avoid data race due to access before decrement operation. OpenMP 5.0 compliant. | OpenMP Official Example |
DRB167-taskdep5-orig-omp50-no.f95 | N1 | Dependency on two variables but defined only on one. Use of taskwait ensures no data race. OpenMP5.0 compliant. | OpenMP Official Example |
DRB170-workshare-orig-no.f95 | N3 | Workshare construct has an implicit barrier. | New |