Monitor OpenStack virtual machine age and kill it if the bail expire
box# easy_install pip
box# yum install gcc python-devel openldap-devel memcached httpd mod_wsgi mod_ssl git
box# systemctl enable memcached httpd
box# systemctl start memcached httpd
box# cd /opt
box# git clone
box# cd openstack-lease-it
box# pip install -r requirements.txt
box# mkdir -p /etc/openstack-lease-it
box# cp lease-it.cfg.example /etc/openstack-lease-it/config.ini
Modify /etc/openstack-lease-it/config.ini to match your configuration. You must also need to disabled selinux to allow apache to read /etc/openstack-lease-it/config.ini or configure it to allow that.
You must modify /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/openstack_lease_it/
to change
By default, we use sqlite3 database. to populate it
box# cd /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it
box# python makemigrations
box# python migrate
box# chown -R apache:apache .
We put apache config on /etc/httpd/conf.d/lease-it.conf
WSGIScriptAlias / /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/openstack_lease_it/
#WSGIPythonHome /path/to/venv
WSGIPythonPath /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it
Alias /static/ /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/lease_it/static/
Alias /media/ /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/lease_it/media/
<Directory /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/openstack_lease_it/>
Require all granted
<Directory /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/lease_it/static/>
Require all granted
<Directory /opt/openstack-lease-it/openstack_lease_it/lease_it/media/>
Require all granted
After apache configuration you must restart httpd service with the following command
box# systemctl restart httpd