Or tt
for short.
Project state: usable but WIP. I will implement what I need when I need it.
# Start working on a task:
$ tt start working on tt
Created task: "start working on tt"
# If no flag is given, the entire arguments list is interpreted as a task
# description, switching to another task is just a matter
# of calling start again:
$ tt writing documentation
Stopped task that had been running for 5s: "start working on tt"
Created task: "writing documentation"
# Done with the work, stop the task:
$ tt -stop
Stopped task that had been running for 5s: "writing documentation"
# The last task had no tags, let's create a task with tags:
$ tt foobaring @acme-corp @billable
Created task: "foobaring"
With tags: "@acme-corp @billable"
# It is assumed you want to keep the previous tags when switching tasks:
$ tt bazzing
Stopped task that had been running for 5s: "foobaring"
Created task: "bazzing"
With tags: "@acme-corp @billable"
# If you want to remove a tag, amend with a new tag list that will overwrite
# the previous one:
$ tt bazzing @acme-corp
Replaced tags from current task: @acme-corp
# You can also omit the task description to update tags:
$ tt @world-company
Replaced tags from current task: @world-company
# We're done for now.
$ tt -stop
Stopped task that had been running for 24s: "bazzing"
# Show a complete timesheet:
$ tt -report | tail -n14
Week #17 from 2021-04-26 to 2021-05-02
08:14 08:53 09:19 08:48 08:57
17:16 16:53 18:15 17:10 16:53
08h17m 07h21m 08h26m 07h53m 07h16m
+00h29m -00h26m +00h38m +00h05m -00h31m +00h15m (+00h22m)
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Total
Week #18 from 2021-05-03 to 2021-05-09
-00h18m -00h18m (+00h03m)
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Total