All notable changes to libre will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v1.1.0 - 2020-10-04
- tls: functions to get the certificate issuer and subject #18
- uri: Added path field to struct uri and its decode to uri_decode #22
- tcp: add tcp_connect_bind #24
- http: support bind to laddr in http_request #24
- sipreg: support Cisco REGISTER keep-alives #19
- sip: websocket support #26
- tls/openssl: fix X509_NAME win32/wincrypt.h conflict
- dns: listen on IPv4 and IPv6 socket #27
- main: fix/optimize windows file descriptors #25
- Alfred E. Heggestad
- Christian Spielberger
- Christoph Huber
- Franz Auernigg
- Juha Heinanen
- johnjuuljensen
- Sebastian Reimers
v1.0.0 - 2020-09-08
- sip: add trace
- sdp: sdp_media_disabled API function #2
- tls: add tls_set_selfsigned_rsa #6
- tls: add functions to verify server cert, purpose and hostname #10
- http: client should set SNI #10
- http: client should use tls functions to verify server certs, purpose and hostname #10
- sipreg: add proxy expires field and get function #13
- sipreg: make re-register interval configurable #13
- debian: Automatic cleanup after building debian package
- Set SDK path (SYSROOT) using xcrun (fix building on macOS 10.14)
- tcp: close socket on windows if connection is aborted or reset #1
- rtmp: Fix URL path parsing (creytiv#245)
- ice: various fixes [baresip/baresip#925]
- openssl/tls: replace deprecated openssl 1.1.0 functions #5
- Alfred E. Heggestad
- Christian Spielberger
- Christoph Huber
- Franz Auernigg
- juha-h
- Juha Heinanen
- Richard Aas
- Sebastian Reimers