For .net core Umbraco is now using the Microsoft logging libraries/patterns (underneath its still Serilog)
Previously, you would inject the logger into your class.
public MySampleService {
private readonly ILogger _logger;
public MySampleService(ILogger logger)
_logger = logger;
public bool SomeSampleMethod(int number)
_logger.Debug<MySampleService>("Doing something with {number}", number);
See this in DoStuff.Core/Services/DoStuffService.cs
in UniCore you now inject the ILogger typed to your service/class and create the logger to then call it.
public MySampleService {
private readonly ILogger<MySampleService> _logger;
public MySampleService(ILogger<MySampleService> logger)
_logger = logger;
public bool SomeSampleMethod(int number)
_logger.LogDebug("Doing something with {number}", number);