diff --git a/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.en.md b/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.en.md index f472ff6..27aa4cd 100644 --- a/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.en.md +++ b/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.en.md @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the [Server Rules 5.7 Faction and secondary job vehicles, planes, and helicopters require [/dl] under 1000HP to be towed and entered into the checkpoint. These vehicles have special regulations and can be towed from any location, excluding HQs or specially designated areas. -5.8 Civilian planes and helicopters can be towed from any location, except airports or specially designated areas for these types of vehicles. +5.8 Planes and helicopters can be towed from any location, except airports or specially designated areas for these types of vehicles. 5.9 Large vehicles (buses, trucks, planes, etc.) cannot be towed normally, you will need to grab them from the middle for them to fit into the hook. diff --git a/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.md b/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.md index 726c1ad..7e2f9f9 100644 --- a/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.md +++ b/docs/factions/peaceful/ttc.md @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ Pe langa acest regulament, toti membrii au obligatia de a respecta inclusiv [Reg 5.7 Autovehiculele, avioanele si elicopterele factiunilor sau a joburilor secundare necesita [/dl] sub 1000HP pentru a putea fi tractate si introduse in checkpoint. Aceste vehicule au regim special si se pot tracta din orice loc, excluse sunt HQ-urile sau locurile special amenajate. -5.8 Avioanele si elicopterele civile pot fi tractate din orice loc, in afara de aeroporturi sau locuri special amenajate pentru acest tip de vehicule. +5.8 Avioanele si elicopterele pot fi tractate din orice loc, in afara de aeroporturi sau locuri special amenajate pentru acest tip de vehicule. 5.9 Masinile mari (autobuze, camioane, avioane etc.) nu le veti putea tracta normal, ci va trebui sa le apucati de la mijloc pentru ca acestea sa poata intra in carlig.