diff --git a/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.en.md b/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.en.md index 777d8c0..cca5899 100644 --- a/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.en.md +++ b/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.en.md @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ Besides these rules, all members are obligated to respect both the [Server Rules 3.5 Members with personal vehicles are asked to drive, and even try to sell licenses with their personal vehicles, as the faction does not have too many vehicles for all members. +3.6 Before using [/fvr], each member must announce on [/sx] at least 5 seconds in advance. + ## 4. Licenses 4.1 You are not allowed to issue licenses without the appropriate tests (except for players above level 50+) (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal for the next). diff --git a/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.md b/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.md index cf7a0df..de48511 100644 --- a/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.md +++ b/docs/factions/peaceful/school-instructors.md @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ Pe langa acest regulament, toti membrii au obligatia de a respecta inclusiv [Reg 3.5 Membrii ce dispun de masini personale sunt rugati sa circule, ba chiar sa incerce sa vanda licente cu masinile lor personale, deoarece factiunea nu dispune de prea multe masini, pentru toti membrii. +3.6 Inainte de a folosi comanda [/fvr], fiecare membru trebuie sa anunte pe chatul [/sx] cu minim 5 secunde in avans. + ## 4. Licentele 4.1 Nu aveti voie sa dati licente fara testele corespunzatoare (exceptie facand la jucatorii de level mai mare de 50+) (sanctiune: Faction Warn la prima abatere, demitere la urmatoarea).