diff --git a/docs/factions/gang-rules.en.md b/docs/factions/gang-rules.en.md index 68fccd8..5f6bd45 100644 --- a/docs/factions/gang-rules.en.md +++ b/docs/factions/gang-rules.en.md @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ For more details, visit the section on [War Rules](#10-war-rules). 4.3.2 Players with a minimum seniority of one year in the faction, who have shown seriousness and involvement, are eligible, upon their request, to be exempted from the requirement to accumulate real hours played in a specific month. -4.3.3 This benefit can be used only once a year and will only exempt you from the requirement of played hours, not from submitting activity reports for that month. You still need to submit reports or opt for an inactivity request for the allowed period and use optional reports if you have them for the remaining period. +4.3.3 This benefit can be used only once a year and will only exempt you from the requirement of played hours, not from war presence for that month. ## 5. Website Complaints @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ More serious matters: mockery, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc. - members banned for cheats or mods with a duration of 30 days will always be dismissed with FP 60/60. - members with bans who somehow manage to enter a faction will always be dismissed with FP 60/60. -- members who abuse their position (granting licenses to themselves before being dismissed, intentionally providing multiple false news, etc.) will always be dismissed with FP 60/60 and banned for 14 days for this. +- members who abuse their position (excessive and unjustified fines, completely random multiple attacks, changing the status of multiple candidates without justification, theft from the faction's safe, etc.) will always be dismissed with FP 60/60 and banned for 14 days for this. !!! danger "Important" If you have received a ban of 3 days or more, you will only be able to remain in the faction if you are unbanned through an unban request, not if you purchase an unban with gold. @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ More serious matters: mockery, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc. 10.1.2 The schedule for mandatory wars during the summer period is from Monday to Friday within a time frame determined annually by vote. -10.1.3 The schedule for optional wars is on Saturday at 20:00 and Sunday at 21:00. +10.1.3 The schedule for optional wars is on Saturday at 20:00 and Sunday at 20:00. 10.1.4 Attacks are initiated on the RPG website in the [Wars -> Turfs](https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/turfs) section by a rank 4+ member, starting from 5 minutes after the war schedule ends and lasting up to one hour after its completion (ex: 22:05 - 22:59) @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ When the gang has 1 war: - every member is entitled to 2 accepted requests per week. - the first 5 absence requests for wars are accepted, the rest will be rejected. For other activities, a limit will be announced if necessary. -- if a member requests absence and is present at the activity, the request will be rejected. +- if a member requests absence and is present at the activity or all wars during that day, the request will be rejected. - for 2 or more requests on consecutive days, faction leadership reserves the right to reject the request. - requests made during wars will be rejected. diff --git a/docs/factions/gang-rules.md b/docs/factions/gang-rules.md index 511c275..2b50f45 100644 --- a/docs/factions/gang-rules.md +++ b/docs/factions/gang-rules.md @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitati rubrica de [Regulament Waruri](#10-regulament 4.3.2 Jucatorii cu o vechime minima de un an de zile in factiune, care au dat dovada de seriozitate si implicare, beneficiaza la cererea lor de a fi exclusi de la cerinta de acumulare a orelor reale jucate dintr-o anumita luna. -4.3.3 Acest beneficiu poate fi folosit o singura data pe an si va va scuti doar de necesitatea orelor jucate, nu si efectuarea rapoartelor de activitate din respectiva luna. Acestea trebuie sa le faceti in continuare sau sa optati pentru o cerere de inactivitate pentru perioada permisa si sa folositi rapoarte optionale daca aveti pentru perioada ramasa. +4.3.3 Acest beneficiu poate fi folosit o singura data pe an si va va scuti doar de necesitatea orelor jucate, nu si de warurile din respectiva luna. ## 5. Reclamatii Website @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ Lucruri mai serioase: bataie de joc, jigniri, linkuri cu melodii jignitoare/vulg - membrii banati pentru coduri sau moduri grave interzise a caror durata e de 30 de zile, vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60. - membrii cu interdictie care reusesc cumva sa intre intr-o factiune vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60. -- membrii care abuzeaza de functie (isi ofera singuri licentele inainte de-a fi demisi, dau multiple news-uri intentionat aiurea, etc.) vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60 cat si banati 14 zile pentru acest lucru. +- membrii care abuzeaza de functie (amenzi excesive si nejustificate, atacuri multiple complet aiurea, schimbarea statusului la multipli candidati fara justificare, furtul din seiful factiunii, etc.) vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60 cat si banati 14 zile pentru acest lucru. !!! danger "Important" In cazul in care ati primit ban 3 sau mai multe zile veti putea ramane in factiune doar daca sunteti debanati printr-o cerere de unban, nu si daca va cumparati unban cu gold. @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ Lucruri mai serioase: bataie de joc, jigniri, linkuri cu melodii jignitoare/vulg 10.1.2 Programul warurilor obligatorii in perioada de vara este de Luni pana Vineri intre un interval stabilit prin vot anual. -10.1.3 Programul warurilor optionale este Sambata de la ora 20:00 si Duminica de la ora 21:00. +10.1.3 Programul warurilor optionale este Sambata de la ora 20:00 si Duminica de la ora 20:00. 10.1.4 Atacurile se dau pe website-ul RPG in sectiunea [Wars -> Turfs](https://www.rpg.b-zone.ro/wars/turfs), de catre un rank 4+, intre incepand cu 5 minute dupa finalizarea programului de waruri si pana la cel mult o ora dupa finalizarea acestuia (ex: 22:05 - 22:59) @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ Cand gangul are 1 war: - orice membru are dreptul la 2 invoiri pe saptamana. - primele 5 invoiri la waruri sunt acceptate, restul vor fi respinse. La alte activitati se va anunta daca se impune o limita. -- daca un membru face invoire si este prezent la activitate, invoirea va fi respinsa. +- daca un membru face invoire si este prezent la activitate sau la toate warurile din acea zi, invoirea va fi respinsa. - la 2 sau mai multe invoiri in zile consecutive conducerea factiunii isi rezerva dreptul de a respinge invoirea. - invoirile facute in timpul warurilor vor fi respinse. diff --git a/docs/index.en.md b/docs/index.en.md index 26eb0ef..f2bd1eb 100644 --- a/docs/index.en.md +++ b/docs/index.en.md @@ -242,6 +242,7 @@ Abuse examples punishable with warn from the first offe - using certain texture bugs when you have wanted (or not) and hiding from the police or hitmen. - bugs that allow you to get unfreeze/untie. - bugs that allow you to kill other players. +- using fireworks to kill other players. ​- bugging war vehicles in textures. 2.4.3 Other minor abuses not found in the list above will be punished with kick at the first offence, then warn. @@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ Abuse examples punishable with warn from the first offe Examples of punishable language: -- suck my dick, fmm, cocksucker, fuck you etc. +- suck my dick, fmm, cocksucker, fuck you, piss on your mother, piss on your family, piss in your mouth, your bitch mom etc. - different inventions to modify cursing like: di_ck, fememe, fuc y0u etc. - censored insults or censored vulgar language used in an exagerated manner. @@ -320,11 +321,11 @@ Examples of non-rp behavior: - throwing yourself intentionally in front of passing vehicles to give the drivers wanted. - pushing job vehicles, faction vehicles or personal vehicles in an abusive way (for example to respawn them, move them from the owner/driver etc.). -- intentional drive-by with Monster Truck, Sandking or vehicles with no collison (those from jobs). +- intentional drive-by with: large vehicles (Monster Truck, Sandking, etc.), helicopter propeller or vehicles with no collison (those from jobs). - staying AFK with wanted in air. - /sleep when you are followed by a police officer/hitman. - blocking access points using parked vehicles. -- diverse abusive actions of disconnecting or respawning in order to escape the punishments you need to receive from police officers. +- diverse abusive actions of disconnecting or respawning in order to escape the punishments you need to receive from police officers (if the player got punished automatically with wanted, admins will not punish them). - attacking other players, as a clan member, inside or near clan zones without being directly involved in the conquest/defense of that area; if members of other clans have already initiated a battle for that area, it is prohibited for other individuals who are not part of those clans to intervene (punishment: kick for the first offense, ajail for subsequent offenses). ## 6. Global Chats @@ -454,6 +455,8 @@ Examples of non-rp behavior: 8.2.6 We reserve our right to web suspend players that abuse the ticketing system. +8.2.7 Complaints opened with an incorrectly selected complaint reasons will be closed without imposing any sanctions, except for serious rule violations. + !!! example "Info note" The rules above apply also to deleted comments, withdrawn complaints, added witnesses, proofs posted in complaints, external content (links to other sites) and so on. diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md index 0b3591a..5d886d5 100644 --- a/docs/index.md +++ b/docs/index.md @@ -243,6 +243,7 @@ Exemple de abuzuri sanctionabile cu warn din prima:2.4.3 Alte abuzuri minore care nu se regasesc in lista de mai sus se vor sanctiona prin kick la prima abatere, apoi warn. @@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ Exemple de abuzuri sanctionabile cu warn din prima:sanctiune: kick prima abatere, ajail la urmatoarele). ## 6. Chaturi Globale @@ -455,6 +456,8 @@ Exemple de comportament non-rp: 8.2.6 Ne rezervam dreptul de a oferi suspend pe website persoanelor care abuzeaza de sistemul de ticketing. +8.2.7 Reclamatiile deschise cu motiv de reclamare selectat incorect vor fi inchise fara a acorda vreo sanctiune, exceptie pentru incalcari grave de regulament. + !!! example "Nota informativa" Regulile de mai sus se aplica inclusiv comentariilor sterse, reclamatiilor retrase, martorilor adaugati, dovezilor postate in reclamatii, continutul extern (linkuri catre alte site-uri) si asa mai departe.