diff --git a/en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/index.html b/en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/index.html index 378b79d..418d603 100644 --- a/en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/index.html +++ b/en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/index.html @@ -73,6 +73,11 @@
Under development
+In addition to these rules, all members are obliged to respect the Server Rules.
+Examples of language towards colleagues punishable with Faction Warn:
+Info note
+This language will only be penalized if the offended colleague files a complaint.
+Complaints against colleagues are made by contacting the leader through a private message, not on the RPG website.
Examples of language towards colleagues or other players punishable by dismissal:
+Language of this kind in the faction chat will always be penalized regardless of who it is addressed to.
+In addition to language towards colleagues, the following are prohibited:
+If the member does not cease even after receiving the second sanction, they will be dismissed.
+For the cases presented above, the language used is sanctioned regardless of the language used.
It is forbidden to DM or DB without justified reason (sanction: Faction Warn).
+If you are attacked, gather evidence first, then you can defend yourself.
+Members of official clans are allowed to attack members of other official clans inside or near clan areas only when they are involved in conquering/defending that area. If members of other clans have already initiated a battle for that area, the intervention of other individuals not belonging to those clans is prohibited.
+Info note
+DM/DB is allowed towards members of departments or players on the faction's blacklist.
+DM/DB is not allowed during meetings, events, training sessions, auctions, or other important actions.
+Members who do not make sufficient contributions to a faction and only occupy a spot will be considered inactive (sanction: dismissal).
+All requests for inactivity are made only on the website. A member is entitled to a maximum of 14 days of inactivity once every 45 days.
+Info note
+Members with approved inactivity requests are allowed to connect to the server and play. They will be exempt from the activity report.
+Inactivity requests cannot be made for the current reporting week, only for the following weeks.
Each member of rank 1-5 (excluding Subleaders) is obligated to fulfill an activity report.
+Admins and Helpers will have a reduced activity report compared to other members.
+Cheating or assisting a colleague to cheat the activity report is strictly prohibited (sanction: dismissal).
Info note
+Members with inactivity requests or newly joined members are exempt from fulfilling the report (except for those who join at the beginning of the week).
+players of rank 1 who fail to finish their activity report will be automatically dismissed from the faction with FP 60/60.
+players of at least rank 2 who fail to finish their activity report will initially enter recovery mode.
+if the player fails to finalize the report even during the recovery week, they will be sanctioned as follows:
+All faction members are required to have a minimum of real hours played within a month. The number of hours and sanctions for their absence can be found in Leader Rules -> Member Activity.
+Players with a minimum seniority of one year in the faction, who have shown seriousness and involvement, are eligible, upon their request, to be exempted from the requirement to accumulate real hours played in a specific month.
+This benefit can be used only once a year and will only exempt you from the requirement of played hours, not from submitting activity reports for that month. You still need to submit reports or opt for an inactivity request for the allowed period and use optional reports if you have them for the remaining period.
+Reporting colleagues or the leader directly on the website, even from secondary accounts, is prohibited, except for illegal businesses, account hacking, codes, prohibited mods, bug abuse, advertising, scams (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).
+Colleagues can be reported to the leader via a private message on the forum. The leader can be reported to the admins by opening a ticket on the website.
+Colleagues also include members of the same type of factions for taxi, instructors, and departments.
+All proofs from the server must include server markings with the date, time, player's name, and server name (invalid proofs).
+A proof is valid for a maximum of 3 days (invalid proofs). You have 24 hours to provide evidence in your defense, except when you have an inactivity request. In this case, you have 24 hours after the expiration of inactivity to present the evidence.
+For browser-based proofs, only videos are accepted where at least one page refresh is given to demonstrate that the proof is not falsified (invalid proofs).
+It is forbidden to severely insult or speak vulgarly in complaints (sanction: dismissal).
+Inappropriate comments in complaints, various offenses through evidence, inciting arguments without providing valid evidence for the reported issue and without being involved in the actions that led to the reported problem will be sanctioned as follows:
+Minor things: light teasing, links to soft songs, light jokes, sarcasm, etc.
+More serious matters: mockery, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc.
Info note
+The above rules also apply to deleted comments, witnesses added, and evidence posted in complaints.
+Sanctions such as Verbal Warning and Faction Warn can be manually removed by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum waiting period, or automatically by the server.
+The minimum durations for the removal of sanctions can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.
+Rank promotion can be done manually by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum periods, or automatically by the server.
+The minimum durations for rank promotion can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.
+The Subleader rank is assigned by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting Leader Rules -> Choosing Subleaders.
+Info note
+If you are demoted from Subleader, you will receive a rank based on your total seniority in the faction. For the next promotion, counting will start from the moment you lost the Subleader position.
+For further details about demotion from Subleader and subsequent promotion, you can access Leaders' Regulation -> Subleader Replacement.
+Faction Punish 0/60:
+Faction Punish 10/60:
+Any member who accumulates 3/3 Faction Warns will be dismissed with Faction Punish 10.
+Faction Punish 60/60:
+Any member who has less than 2 weeks in the faction will be dismissed with Faction Punish 60.
+Info note
+There may be certain exceptions where players can leave without Faction Punish, these exceptions being determined by the admins.
+In special cases, Faction Punish 60 may be granted to members who have been in the faction for over 2 weeks.
+If you have received a ban of 3 days or more, you will only be able to remain in the faction if you are unbanned through an unban request, not if you purchase an unban with gold.
+Info note
+Blacklisting will not be granted to departments for things that can be sanctioned with a wanted status. +One warning will be issued for each offense.
+This status is assigned by the leader to members of at least rank 4 when they deem it appropriate.
+Members with this status are obligated to respect Leader Rules -> Testing Candidates, and will be sanctioned accordingly for any violations.
+Members with multiple accounts (those who own more than one account) are not allowed to have more than one account in the same faction.
+Three different days (IN THE LAST 7 DAYS) of logs (SA:MP Login) are sufficient to determine that 2 members from the same faction frequently share their account. In this situation, we will consider them players with multiple accounts in the same faction and both accounts will be dismissed.
+For players who play from the same location and share a common IP, in order for both to be part of the same faction, it is necessary to open a ticket on the RPG website to perform some checks and allow this to happen.
+You can hold any type of legal or illegal job.
+The leader has the right to force members to use a certain job for a specific period of time in order to carry out faction work (sanction: Faction Warn).
+Wearing a skin other than the one corresponding to your rank/job without the leader's approval is sanctioned (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it persists).
+If a mandatory activity is organized within the faction, the only place where you can request absence is on the RPG website through an absence request.
+We reserve the right to make exceptions to these rules. In certain cases, the sanctions may be different.
+These exceptions can only be made with the permission of an Admin 6.
Membrii cu conturi multiple (cei care detin mai multe conturi) nu li se permite sa fie cu mai mult de un cont in aceeasi factiune.
Trei zile diferite (IN ULTIMELE 7 ZILE) de loguri (SA:MP Login) sunt suficiente ca sa deterinam ca 2 membri din aceeasi factiune isi impart contul frecvent. In aceasta situatie vom considera ca sunt jucatori cu conturi multiple in aceeasi factiune si vor fi demise ambele conturi.
+In cazul jucatorilor care joaca din aceeasi locatie si au IP comun, pentru a face parte amandoi din aceeasi factiune este necesara deschiderea unui ticket pe website-ul RPG pentru a efectua niste verificari si a va permite acest lucru.
+Se poate detine orice tip de job legal sau ilegal.
Liderul are dreptul de a forta membrii sa foloseasca un anumit job pentru o durata determinata de timp in scopul realizarii muncii din factiune (sanctiune: Faction Warn).
@@ -1564,7 +1568,7 @@In cazul in care se organizeaza o activitate obligatorie in cadrul factiunii, singurul loc in care puteti sa va invoiti este pe website-ul RPG printr-o cerere de invoire.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii de la aceste reguli. In anumite cazuri sanctiunile pot fi diferite. +
Ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii de la aceste reguli. In anumite cazuri sanctiunile pot fi diferite.
Aceste exceptii pot fi facute numai cu permisiunea unui Admin 6.
Proprietarul unui cont este considerat intotdeauna posesorul adresei de email inregistrate pe cont. Din motive de securitate asigurati-va ca nu pierdeti accesul la adresa de mail de pe cont, in caz contrar contul este pierdut.
Stafful ofera ajutor limitat numai prin intermediul cererilor de recuperare care pot fi facute pe website-ul RPG si nu garanteaza recuperarea unui cont pierdut. Ne rezervam dreptul de a respinge orice cerere fara a oferi un motiv.
Nota informativa
Toate sanctiunile vor fi acordate conform nivelului real al jucatorului (adica se calculeaza toate punctele de respect ale jucatorului pentru a-i determina nivelul real).
"},{"location":"#afaceri-cu-conturibunuri","title":"Afaceri cu Conturi/Bunuri","text":"Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri cu bunuri reale pe bunuri in joc (sanctiune: ban permanent).
Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri cu gold pe bunuri in joc (sanctiune: ban 30 de zile).
Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri care implica crearea mai multor clanuri \u0219i v\u00e2nzarea lor la suprapre\u021b dup\u0103 ce fac minim o lun\u0103 de zile vechime (sanctiune: ban 30 de zile).
Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri de conturi pe bunuri reale sau bunuri in joc (sanctiune: ban permanent fara a putea cumpara unban din shop).
A doua abatere se sanctioneaza direct cu ban permanent fara a putea cumpara unban din shop.
Datorita multitudinii de jucatori care incalca aceste reguli, ne rezervam dreptul de a trage la raspundere si a sanctiona transferurile sau afacerile care nu au niciun rationament logic sau justificare.
"},{"location":"#securitatea-contului","title":"Securitatea Contului","text":"Stafful nu se ocupa de problemele legate de conturi sparte, bunuri pierdute in timpul spargerii unui cont, sanctiuni primite in timpul spargerii unui cont si asa mai departe. Este datoria fiecarui jucator sa aiba grija de contul sau de emailul care e setat pe cont.
Impartirea contului cu alte persoane poate duce la astfel de probleme si riscati sa ramaneti fara cont, bunuri sau sa fiti sanctionati din cauza acestora.
Recuperarea unui cont pierdut se poate face numai printr-o cerere de recuperare pe website, facand click pe butonul Sign In iar mai apoi pe Lost your account. Cititi cu atentie regulamentul care va apare acolo atunci cand incercati sa recuperati un cont.
Nota informativa
Adminii de level 4+ isi rezerva dreptul de a sanctiona o persoana care se ocupa cu spargeri de conturi sau de a ajuta o persoana a carui cont a fost spart daca considera necesar.
Atentie, adminii nu au absolut nicio obligatie sa sanctioneze pe cineva sau sa va ajute in cazul in care v-a fost spart contul.
Exemple cum poate sa-ti fie spart contulPe scurt, 2FA-ul este o aplicatie suplimentara pe telefon care va genera un cod din 6 cifre care se schimba periodic. Acel cod va fi folosit la conectarea pe cont cand se schimba ziua calendaristica sau cand vi se schimba IP-ul.
Important de stiut: daca nu aveti 2FA-ul activat iar cineva va intra pe cont, acea persoana poate activa 2FA-ul si sa va blocheze in afara contului. Ce mai trebuie sa stiti este ca daca va este sparta adresa de email, cel care a spart-o se poate folosi de aceasta pentru a dobandi acces la 2FA-ul de pe serverul de sa-mp, asadar aveti grija de email si setati un email valid pe cont.
Pentru o protectie sporita, 2FA-ul este obligatoriu pentru persoanele care detin functii pe server (lider, helper, admin) si nu vor putea folosi conturile fara a-l avea activat.
Daca dezactivati 2FA-ul dupa ce l-ati activat, intrarea veche din aplicatie nu va mai functiona. Este obligatoriu sa folositi intrarea din aplicatie creata la momentul reactivarii 2FA-ului.
In cazul pierderii sau resetarii telefonului, ori a stergerii aplicatiei, cheia secreta cu care puteti redobandi acces la 2FA poate fi recuperata folosind sistemul de recuperare 2FA de pe website-ul nostru.
Activarea 2FA-ului se face de pe website-ul RPG, intrand la My Account si apoi la Security. Faceti click pe butonul de activare. Activare 2FA
Se va deschide un fereastra cu un cod QR si o cheie secreta. Cititi cu atentie instructiunile si descarcati aplicatia de 2FA dorita. Nu inchideti fereastra! Puteti folosi ca aplicatie Google Authenticator, Authy sau alta aplicatie pe care o preferati. Sfat: Salvati undeva acel cod lung (cheia secreta) pentru situatiile in care veti pierde accesul la emailul de pe cont. Fereastra de activare 2FA
Dupa instalarea aplicatiei dorite, cautati butonul de adaugare si selectati optiunea dorita: scanarea codului QR sau introducerea manuala a cheii secrete (acel cod lung). Adaugarea unei intrari noi
Daca ati optat pentru metoda de scanare QR, atunci tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa indreptati camera telefonului inspre codul QR de pe website-ul RPG. Telefonul va recunoaste automat QR-ul si o sa va adauge o intrare noua in aplicatie. Scanarea Codului QR
Daca ati optat pentru introducerea manuala, introduceti numele dorit pentru intrare, copiati cheia secreta (acel cod lung) in aplicatie respectand intocmai literele mari, mici si cifrele. De asemenea lasati bifata optiunea de \"Time Based\" deoarece codurile functioneaza doar in functie de asta. Introducerea manuala
Ultimul pas reprezinta adaugarea introducerea codului generat de noua intrare din aplicatie in fereastra de pe website-ul RPG. Introduceti codul acolo, fara spatii, si faceti click pe butonul Activate pentru a va activa 2FA-ul. Activarea finala
Dezactivarea 2FA-ului se face tot de la My Account, intrand la Security si facand click pe butonul de dezactivare. Nu veti putea dezactiva 2FA-ul fara acces la codul generat de aplicatia cu care a fost activat initial 2FA-ul. Dezactivarea 2FA-ului
In fereastra care se va deschide va trebui sa introduceti codul generat de aplicatie si sa faceti click pe butonul verde. Veti primi apoi un mesaj de succes si veti vedea 2FA-ul dezactivat. Dezactivarea finala
In acest moment 2FA-ul de pe cont este complet dezactivat, asadar si riscul de a fi spar este mai mare. Retineti ca este responsabilitatea voastra sa aveti grija de securizarea corecta a contului.
"},{"location":"#conturi-multiple","title":"Conturi Multiple","text":"Puteti detine mai multe conturi, insa incalcarea anumitor reguli precum: afaceri ilegale, spargeri de conturi, coduri, moduri interzise, bug abuse, reclama, inselatorii, limbaj, toxicitate, incalcari repetate ale regulamentului, alte incalcari grave de regulament poate fi sanctionata pe toate conturile detinute.
"},{"location":"#impartire-conturi","title":"Impartire Conturi","text":"Impartirea unui cont cu alte persoane este permisa, insa se va face numai pe propria voastra raspundere.
Pentru banurile de minim 14 zile se sanctioneaza conturile secundare cu level mai mare ca si cel banat atunci cand este indeplinita una dintre urmatoarele conditii:
In anumite situatii se pot bana conturi secundare si care nu se aplica in aceasta regula cu aprobarea unui admin 6.
Este strict interzis pentru membrii echipei RPG (lideri, helperi, admini) sa-si imparta conturile cu alte persoane fara a anunta si discuta situatia cu Supervisorul sau Managerul in prealabil. Consecinta incalcarii acestei reguli este inlaturarea din functie sau chiar banarea contului daca e nevoie.
"},{"location":"#activitatea-pe-server","title":"Activitatea pe Server","text":"Este strict interzisa orice metoda de a acumula ore jucate, de a iesi din stadiul de AFK, de a face actiuni in mod automat pentru voi, etc. (autoclickere, blocari de taste, moduri de tip route recording sau altele, plimbatul de conturi cu/pe masini, abuzarea sistemului de poker, etc.). Asta inseamna inclusiv controlarea conturilor secundare prin tot felul de modalitati, de obicei moduri.
Adminii vor interactiona cu voi direct sau indirect, unde este cazul, pentru a se asigura ca voi miscati cu adevarat caracterul in joc, iar in cazul in care se determina ca ati incalcat regula veti fi sanctionati cu ban 1 zi, sau mai mult cu aprobarea unui admin superior in caz de multiple abateri, plus stergerea anumitor premii pe care le-ati primit in urma acestui abuz.
In cazul folosirii modurilor avansate (cele care raspund automat, care trimit va avertizeaza ca un admin va verifica, care se misca automat, care fac actiuni automate in locul vostru, etc.) sanctiunea va fi mai mare deoarece si procesul de verificare e mai complicat. sanctiunea o vor stabili adminii, dupa caz.
Nu vom mai accepta raspunsuri oferite la misto adminilor cand acestia incearca sa determine daca activati pe cont. Scopul nostru este sa ne asiguram ca fiecare joaca corect si respecta functionalitatea sistemelor pe care vi le oferim, asadar nu complicati lucrurile.
Permitem totodata si jucatorilor sa verifice si sa raporteze jucatorii pe care-i prind folosind astfel de metode.
Atata timp cat jucati normal, va miscati voi contul, pe cate un cont odata si nu cautati in mod explicit metode de a va creste activitatea in mod abuziv, nu aveti de ce sa va temeti sau sa va intereseze regulile de mai sus. Ele vizeaza efectiv jucatorii care cauta in mod explicit sa abuzeze, nicidecum jucatorii care joaca normal.
"},{"location":"#inactivitate","title":"Inactivitate","text":"Jucatorii care nu au minim 20 de ore REALE jucate in ultimele 2 luni de joc risca pierderea casei sau a tuturor actiunilor bizrilor detinute (fara vehicule).
Jucatorii cu case cumparate de pe shop au nevoie de minim 10 ore REALE in ultimele 2 luni pentru a nu le pierde. Daca nu puteti juca, va sugeram sa vindeti proprietatile ca sa nu le pierdeti. Nu puteti recupera proprietatile pierdute din cauza inactivitatii.
Incercarile de ascundere a propritatilor de pe conturile inactive nu va vor scuti de pierderea acestora.
Nota informativa
Ultimele 2 luni de joc sunt considerate intotdeauna ultimele 2 luni de dinaintea lunii in care ne aflam.
Asadar daca acum este luna Aprilie, noi vom considera ultimele 2 luni de joc: Martie + Februarie.
Daca trecem in luna Mai, ultimele 2 luni de joc vor fi: Aprilie + Martie. Daca trecem in luna Iunie, ultimele 2 luni de joc vor fi: Mai + Aprilie si asa mai departe.
"},{"location":"#2-clientul-de-samp-coduri-moduri-buguri-si-reclama","title":"2. Clientul de SA:MP, Coduri, Moduri, Buguri \u0219i Reclama","text":""},{"location":"#clientul-de-samp","title":"Clientul de SA:MP","text":"Recomandam folosirea clientului oficial de SA:MP care poate fi luat de pe b-zone.ro/samp.
Folosirea altor clienti de SA:MP neoficiali este permisa pe proprie raspundere si nu raspundem de eventualele sanctiuni pe care le puteti primi din cauza bugurilor/optiunilor pe care acestia le au.
Nota informativa
Clientul de SA:MP pe Android prezinta astfel de buguri/optiuni. Atata timp cat nu va folositi de ele va puteti juca si de pe acesta.
"},{"location":"#coduri","title":"Coduri","text":"Folosirea codurilor sau conectarea cu ele pe serverele noastre este strict interzisa (sanctiune: ban 30 de zile).
A doua abatere se sanctioneaza cu ban permanent.
Conturile pana in level 5 inclusiv vor primi direct permanent ban. Vom acorda ban pe IP conturilor banate pentru trollhack si jucatorilor care-si creeaza multiple conturi pentru a folosi coduri sau pentru a strica jocul celorlalti.
Exemple de coduri:
Folosirea modurilor care-ti aduc un avantaj destul de mare fata de restul jucatorilor sau conectarea cu ele pe serverele noastre este interzisa (sanctiune: ban 3 zile).
Daca nu sunteti in totalitate siguri ca modul folosit este permis este indicat sa nu-l folositi.
Exemple de moduri permise:
Exemple de moduri nepermise:
Exploatarea anumitor greseli/erori ale jocului sau serverului este interzisa (sanctiune: warn).
Abuzurile grave precum buguri de facut bani, furat bunuri si asa mai departe se sanctioneaza cu ban 30 de zile.
Exemple de abuzuri sanctionabile cu warn din prima:
Alte abuzuri minore care nu se regasesc in lista de mai sus se vor sanctiona prin kick la prima abatere, apoi warn.
"},{"location":"#reclama","title":"Reclama","text":"Reclama intentionata facuta serverelor ce nu apartin de B-Zone este interzisa (sanctiune: ban 14 zile).
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu ban permanent.
Conturile pana in level 5 inclusiv vor primi direct ban permanent.
"},{"location":"#3-inselatorii","title":"3. Inselatorii","text":"Toate afacerile de pe server se vor face prin intermediul comenzii /trade. Afacerile facute fara aceasta comanda pot duce la inselatorii si la pierderea bunurilor.
Nota informativa
Adminii nu vor interveni in inselatoriile pe care le fac jucatorii decat in anumite circumstante stabilite doar de acestia. Asadar adminii de level 4+ isi rezerva dreptul de a interveni in anumite inselatorii si chiar si a sanctiona jucatorul care a facut inselatoria daca este cazul.
Atentie, adminii nu au absolut nicio obligatie sa sanctioneze pe cineva sau sa va ajute in cazul in care ati fost inselat.
"},{"location":"#4-limbaj","title":"4. Limbaj","text":"Permitem jucatorilor nostri sa se exprime liber, insa fara a folosi injuraturi sau insulte grave la adresa celorlalti jucatori, pe chaturi globale ori pe chaturile factiunilor.
Exemple de limbaj sanctionabil:
Exemple de limbaj nesanctionabil (exceptie fata de admini):
Limbajul pe chaturile clanurilor va fi sanctionat de catre ownerii de clan, mai putin atunci cand acesta este adresat de insusi clan owner, este adresat adminilor sau colegilor de factiune.
Pentru a asigura un joc cat mai placut si usor de administrat, singurele limbi permise pe chaturile globale sunt Romana si Engleza. Folosirea oricarei alte limbi pe chaturile publice (/ad, /gov, /live, /news, /f, /r, /d, /sx, /tx) este interzisa (sanctiune: warn). Pe privat (local, /sms, /call, /whisper, /carwhisper, /c, /ac) este permisa folosirea altor limbi.
"},{"location":"#civilii","title":"Civilii","text":"sanctiunea va creste cu 2 zile in plus la fiecare abatere suplimentara.
"},{"location":"#membrii-factiunilor","title":"Membrii factiunilor","text":"Vor fi sanctionati conform regulamentului factiunilor.
"},{"location":"#jignirile-insultele-sau-limbajul-vulgar-aduse-oricarui-admin-sau-serverului","title":"Jignirile, insultele sau limbajul vulgar aduse oricarui admin sau serverului","text":"Sanctiunea va creste cu 3 zile in plus la fiecare abatere suplimentara.
Sanctiunea se aplica doar pentru limbajul adresat in joc sau pe website.
Adminii pot solicita unui Admin 6 permisiune pentru a oferi sanctiuni mai mari ca acestea daca sunt necesare.
"},{"location":"#nume-proprietati","title":"Nume Proprietati","text":"Jucatorii care folosesc texte jignitoare, vulgare sau inselatoare pe proprietatile detinute (masini, bizuri, case) vor fi sanctionati cu warn.
In cazul vehiculelor, risca sa fie sanctionati inclusiv jucatorii de la bord care nu le detin, in functie de situatie. Daca refuza sa schimbe textul vor fi sanctionati cu ban 3 zile pana cand fac asta.
"},{"location":"#spamming","title":"Spamming","text":"Este interzis sa repetati acelasi mesaj de 6 ori sau sa umpleti chatul fara rost (sanctiune: mute 15 minute).
Se exclude de la aceasta regula spamul pe /sms, care poate fi gestionat din comanda /ignore. Cu toate acestea in cazul folosirii de moduri pentru a trimite spam masiv prin sms sau alte metode se va acorda ban pentru moduri ilegale.
"},{"location":"#5-comportament-non-rp","title":"5. Comportament NON-RP","text":"Prin comportament non roleplay se intelege o actiune sau un abuz de anumite comenzi care ofera jucatorului in cauza un avantaj nedrept sau altor jucatori un dezavantaj semnificativ in diverse situatii.
Exemple de comportament non-rp:
Chaturile globale sunt acele chaturi care pot fi vazute de catre toti jucatorii de pe server (/ad, /live, /e, /news, /gov etc.).
Nu sunt permise jignirile pe aceste chaturi (sanctiune: warn) si nici insultele grave/limbajul vulgar (sanctiune: ban 3 zile).
Sanctiunea va creste cu 3 zile in plus la fiecare abatere suplimentara.
Nu este permisa promovarea de continut social media (youtube, tiktok, facebook, etc) pe aceste chaturi (sanctiune: kick), cu exceptia canalelor care apartin celor din stafful jocului sau a YouTuberilor comunitatii (ex: b-zone.ro/bobo).
"},{"location":"#live-sau-event-chat","title":"Live sau Event chat","text":"Nu sunt permise glumele proaste, batjocura, caterinca excesiva, emoticoanele, semnele obscene, spamul (sanctiune: kick/stopevent).
Adminii pot solicita unui Admin 6 permisiune pentru a oferi sanctiuni mai mari ca acestea daca sunt necesare.
"},{"location":"#anunturi-publice","title":"Anunturi publice","text":"Nu sunt permise (sanctiune: kick):
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu warn.
"},{"location":"#7-reguli-suplimentare","title":"7. Reguli Suplimentare","text":""},{"location":"#nickname-jucatorclan-crest-clanuri","title":"Nickname jucator/clan, crest clanuri","text":"Este interzisa folosirea unui nume la misto, indecent, foarte asemanator cu al altor jucatori/admini, cu tag de clan oficial (sanctiune: rename).
Este interzisa folosirea unui clan name/tag indecent, vulgar, foarte asemanator cu al altui clan, etc. (sanctiune: rename clanului).
Daca se refuza schimbarea numelui ori aceasta nu este posibila se va acorda ban permanent.
Este interzisa folosirea unui clan crest indecent, vulgar, foarte asemanator cu al altui clan, etc. (sanctiune: remove crest, aplicare cooldown masiv si sanctionare owner unde e cazul).
"},{"location":"#functia-report","title":"Functia /report","text":"Se foloseste pentru a semnala incalcari ale regulilor sau pentru probleme pe un ton politicos si calm. Orice altceva este interzis (sanctiune: mute 30 de minute).
"},{"location":"#functia-n","title":"Functia /n","text":"Se foloseste pentru a cere ajutor informativ pe un ton politicos si calm. Orice altceva este interzis (sanctiune: mute 30 de minute).
Jignirile, insultele grave sau limbajul vulgar pe acest chat vor fi sanctionate ca si cum l-ati adresa unui admin.
"},{"location":"#cereri-de-unban","title":"Cereri de unban","text":"Orice cerere facuta in batjocura ori care contine un limbaj necorespunzator va fi sanctionata si ignorata (sanctiune: ban 14 zile).
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu ban permanent.
"},{"location":"#deranjul-jucatorilor-sau-a-staffului","title":"Deranjul jucatorilor sau a staffului","text":"Este interzis sa deranjati jucatorii la joburi, la raportul de activitate, la rob, examen auto, evenimente sau adminii cand au treaba (sanctiune: kick).
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu warn.
Nota informativa
In cazul membrilor din departamente, acestia pot folosi somatiile si sanctiona jucatorul direct cu wanted in functie de caz (neconformare, DB, DM, etc.).
"},{"location":"#folosirea-codatilor-pentru-zonele-de-clan","title":"Folosirea codatilor pentru zonele de clan","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a sterge un clan in care unul sau mai multi jucatori au fost prinsi folosind coduri pentru a ajuta la cucerirea zonelor de clan.
Clan ownerul este in mod direct raspunzator de persoanele pe care le invita in clan, in special de conturile de level mic invitate de pe care se folosesc coduri pentru a ajuta la cucerirea zonelor.
Clanul poate fi sters definitiv fara a returna Goldul cheltuit pentru crearea clanului.
"},{"location":"#cresterea-abuziva-a-nivelului-de-clan","title":"Cresterea abuziva a nivelului de clan","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica XP-ul clanului sau chiar de a sterge clanul acolo unde se determina ca s-a crescut nivelul clanului intr-un mod abuziv.
"},{"location":"#abuzul-de-functie","title":"Abuzul de functie","text":"Abuzul sever de functie ce implica modificari a mai multor conturi se sanctioneaza drastic (sanctiune: ban permanent fara a putea cumpara unban din shop).
"},{"location":"#distribuirea-de-date-personale","title":"Distribuirea de date personale","text":"Este interzis sa transmiti informatii personale ale altor jucatori fara acordul acestora (linkuri cu poze, videouri, numere de telefon, id-uri personale, emailuri personale, adrese personale si asa mai departe) (sanctiune: ban 7 zile SAU alta sanctiune cu aprobarea unui admin 6).
"},{"location":"#santajul","title":"Santajul","text":"Este interzisa santajarea sau tentativa de a santaja un jucator sa nu-i faci reclamatie/sa retragi reclamatia pe care i-ai facut-o cat si sa platesti pe cineva sa nu-ti faca reclamatie/sa retraga reclamatia (sanctiune: warn).
Nota informativa
Sanctiunea pentru santaj se aplica doar pe baza dovezilor din joc.
Va recomandam sa nu acceptati discutii in afara jocului cu jucatori pe care nu-i cunoasteti si care incearca sa va raporteze sau au facut-o deja.
"},{"location":"#8-website","title":"8. Website","text":""},{"location":"#dovezi","title":"Dovezi","text":"Dovezile de pe server trebuie sa includa marcajele serverului cu data, ora, numele jucatorului si al serverului, exceptie pentru abateri de regulament care se sanctioneaza cu ban 14 zile sau mai mare (reclamatie respinsa automat).
O dovada este valabila cel mult 3 zile si trebuie sa apartina persoanei care face reclamatia, exceptie pentru admini, coduri, afaceri ilegale, moduri interzise sau alte incalcari grave ale regulilor (reclamatie respinsa automat).
Falsificarea dovezilor este strict interzisa (sanctiune: ban permanent de la prima abatere, no unban de la a doua). Se vor bana si conturile de nivel mai mare ale jucatorului.
Dovezile trebuie de preferat facute fara page-up, pentru a se putea interpreta cat mai corect situatia. In functie de caz, aceste dovezi pot sa fie luate in considerare, dar exista si riscul sa fie ignorate daca sunt neclare.
Se accepta dovezi concrete din afara serverului, de preferat video, in cazul reclamatiilor pentru afaceri ilegale, spargeri de conturi, comentarii vulgare, martori vulgari, reclamatii adresate staffului (lider, helper, admin) sau alte incalcari grave ale regulamentului.\u200b
In cazul dovezilor de pe browser se accepta numai videouri in care sa se dea minim un refresh la pagina sa se vada ca dovada nu e falsificata (reclamatie respinsa automat).
"},{"location":"#continut","title":"Continut","text":"Este interzisa deschiderea reclamatiilor sau a ticketurilor fara motiv intemeiat (sanctiune: suspend website 3 zile).
Este interzis sa jignesti, sa hartuiesti oriunde in cadrul websiteului (sanctiune: suspend website 3 zile).
Este interzis sa insulti grav, sa publici continut vulgar (mesaje, poze, videouri) sau pornografic oriunde in cadrul websiteului (sanctiune: suspend website 7 zile SAU alta sanctiune cu aprobarea unui admin 6).
Este interzis sa postezi informatii personale ale altor jucatori fara acordul acestora (poze cu ei, numere de telefon, id-uri personale, emailuri personale, adrese personale si asa mai departe) (sanctiune: suspend website 7 zile si stergerea/editarea continutului SAU alta sanctiune cu aprobarea unui admin 6).
Este interzis sa faci reclama (servere, site-uri, pagini, canale, clipuri, etc.) (sanctiune: suspend website 3 zile sau ban 14 zile/permanent).
Ne rezervam dreptul de a oferi suspend pe website persoanelor care abuzeaza de sistemul de ticketing.
Nota informativa
Regulile de mai sus se aplica inclusiv comentariilor sterse, reclamatiilor retrase, martorilor adaugati, dovezilor postate in reclamatii, continutul extern (linkuri catre alte site-uri) si asa mai departe.
Reclamatiile aiurea si posthuntingul"},{"location":"#posthuntingul","title":"Posthuntingul","text":"Definim un posthunter ca fiind o persoana cu rea-vointa care cauta in mod intentionat pana si cele mai mici greseli sau pune un alt jucator in situatii foarte dificile, pentru a raporta jucatorul staffului, avand ca scop final sanctionarea acestuia.
Avand in vedere diversele situatii care pot aparea prin reclamatii, stafful serverului este singurul in masura sa decida atunci cand un jucator incearca sa faca posthunting.
Consecinte posthunting:
Ce nu se considera posthunting:
Ce se considera posthunting:
Reclamatiile la adresa staffului (lideri, helperi, admini) pot fi facute doar de persoanele implicate in mod direct (reclamatie respinsa automat).
"},{"location":"#9-exceptii","title":"9. Exceptii","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii de la regulile mentionate mai sus, cat si de la celelalte reguli pe care un jucator are obligatia de a le respecta (reguli factiuni, reguli staff, etc.), in cazurile in care situatia o cere fara a fi nevoiti sa oferim explicatii, incercand sa actualizam regulamentul si cu respectivele cazuri noi.
Jucatorii care: au prea multe sanctiuni, prea multe conturi creatoare de probleme, creaza conturi doar pentru a strica bunastarea serverului, sunt considerati ca incurca jocul prea mult vor fi banati permanent.
Aceste exceptii pot fi facute numai cu permisiunea unui admin de nivel 6.
Inregistrarea unui cont in cadrul serverului va obliga sa respectati regulamentele impuse.
Regulile au ca scop pastrarea unui joc placut pentru toata lumea si nu pot cuprinde toate situatiile in care cineva ar putea dezechilibra jocul, de aceea ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii.
Daca aveti intrebari despre situatii care nu se regasesc in mod explicit in regulament, puteti sa luati legatura cu noi deschizand un ticket. Interpretarea dupa bunul plac a regulamentului pentru a va aduce avantaje incorecte nu este permisa.
"},{"location":"factions/gang-rules/","title":"Gang General Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/gsb/","title":"Green Street Bloods Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/news-reporters/","title":"News Reporters Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/paramedics/","title":"Paramedics Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/","title":"Peaceful Faction General Rules","text":"Pe langa acest regulament, toti membrii au obligatia de a respecta inclusiv Regulamentul Serverului.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#1-comportament-si-limbaj","title":"1. Comportament si Limbaj","text":"Exemple de limbaj fata de colegi sanctionabil cu Faction Warn:
Nota informativa
Acest limbaj va fi sanctionat numai daca colegul jignit face reclamatie. Reclamatiile la adresa colegilor se fac contactand liderul printr-un mesaj privat, nu pe website-ul RPG.
Exemple de limbaj fata de colegi sau alti jucatori sanctionabil cu demitere:
Limbajul de acest gen pe chatul factiunii va fi mereu sanctionat indiferent cui este adresat.
Pe langa limbaj fata de colegi se interzic:
Daca membrul nu inceteaza nici dupa primirea celei de-a doua sanctiuni, acesta va fi demis. Pentru cazurile prezentate mai sus se sanctioneaza limbajul folosit indiferent de limba folosita.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#2-deathmatch-dm-si-drive-by-db","title":"2. Deathmatch (DM) si Drive-By (DB)","text":"Este interzis DM-ul sau DB-ul fara motiv intemeiat (sanctiune: Faction Warn). In cazul in care sunteti atacati strangeti mai intai dovezi, dupa care va puteti apara.
Membrii clanurilor oficiale au voie sa atace membrii altor clanuri oficiale in interiorul sau apropierea zonelor de clan doar atunci cand sunt implicati in cucerirea/apararea acelei zone. Daca membrii altor clanuri au initiat deja o lupta pentru acea zona, este interzisa interventia altor persoane care nu fac parte din respectivele clanuri.
Nota informativa
Se permite DM/DB asupra membrilor departamentelor sau jucatorilor aflati pe blacklistul factiunii. Nu se permite DM/DB la sedinte, evenimente, antrenamente, licitatii sau alte actiuni importante.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#3-organizarea-factiunii","title":"3. Organizarea Factiunii","text":"Important
Membrii care nu aduc suficiente contributii unei factiuni si tot ceea ce fac e sa tina un loc ocupat vor fi considerati inactivi (sanctiune: demitere).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#cereri-inactivitate","title":"Cereri Inactivitate","text":"Toate cererile de inactivitate se fac numai pe website. Un membru are dreptul la cel mult 14 zile de inactivitate o data la 45 de zile.
Nota informativa
Membrii cu cerere de inactivitate acceptata au voie sa se conecteze pe server si sa joace. Acestia vor fi scutiti de raportul de activitate. Cererile de inactivitate nu pot fi facute pentru saptamana de raport in curs, doar pentru saptamanile urmatoare.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#raport-de-activitate","title":"Raport de Activitate","text":"Fiecare membru de rank 1-5 (exceptie Subliderii) are obligatia de a efectua raport de activitate. Adminii si Helperii vor avea un raport de activitate redus fata de restul membrilor. Fraudarea sau ajutarea unui coleg sa fraudeze raportul de activitate este strict interzisa (sanctiune: demitere).
Nota informativa
Sunt scutiti de efectuarea raportului membrii cu cereri de inactivitate sau membrii nou intrati in factiune (mai putin cei care intra la inceput de saptamana).
Neefectuarea Raportului de Activitatejucatorii de rank 1 care nu reusesc sa-si efectueze raportul de activitate for fi demisi in mod automat din factiune cu FP 60/60.
jucatorii de minim rank 2 care nu reusesc sa-si efectueze raportul de activitate vor intra initial in modul de recuperare.
daca jucatorul nu reuseste nici in saptamana de recuperare sa finalizeze raportul acesta va fi sanctionat astfel:
Toti membrii factiunii au obligatia de a avea un minim de ore reale jucate in decursul unei luni de zile. Numarul de ore si sanctiunile pentru lipsa acestora pot fi regasite in Regulamentul Liderilor > Activitatea Membrilor.
Jucatorii cu o vechime minima de un an de zile in factiune, care au dat dovada de seriozitate si implicare, beneficiaza la cererea lor de a fi exclusi de la cerinta de acumulare a orelor reale jucate dintr-o anumita luna.
Acest beneficiu poate fi folosit o singura data pe an si va va scuti doar de necesitatea orelor jucate, nu si efectuarea rapoartelor de activitate din respectiva luna. Acestea trebuie sa le faceti in continuare sau sa optati pentru o cerere de inactivitate pentru perioada permisa si sa folositi rapoarte optionale daca aveti pentru perioada ramasa.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#5-reclamatii-website","title":"5. Reclamatii Website","text":""},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#raportarea-colegilorliderului","title":"Raportarea Colegilor/Liderului","text":"Este interzisa raportarea colegilor sau a liderului direct pe website chiar si de pe conturi secundare, exceptie pentru afaceri ilegale, spargeri de conturi, coduri, moduri interzise, bug abuse, reclama, inselatorii (sanctiune: Faction Warn prima abatere, demitere daca continua).
Colegii pot fi raportati liderului printr-un mesaj privat pe forum. Liderul poate fi raportat adminilor deschizand un ticket pe website.
Se considera colegi inclusiv membrii factiunilor de acelasi tip pentru taxi, instructori si departamente.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#dovezi","title":"Dovezi","text":"Toate dovezile de pe server trebuie sa includa marcajele serverului cu data, ora, numele jucatorului si al serverului (dovezi invalide).
O dovada este valabila cel mult 3 zile (dovezi invalide). Aveti la dispozitie 24 de ore sa aduceti dovezi in apararea voastra, exceptie atunci cand aveti cerere de inactivitate. In acest caz aveti la dispozitie 24 de ore dupa expirarea inactivitatii sa prezentati dovezile.
In cazul dovezilor de pe browser se accepta numai videouri in care sa se dea minim un refresh la pagina sa se vada ca dovada nu e falsificata (dovezi invalide).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#limbajul-si-martorii","title":"Limbajul si Martorii","text":"Este interzis sa insulti grav, sa vorbesti vulgar in reclamatii (sanctiune: demitere).
Comentariile aiurea in reclamatie, diverse ofense prin intermediul dovezilor, instigarea la cearta, fara a aduce dovezi valide pentru problema reclamata si fara a fi implicati in actiunile care au dus la problema reclamata, va fi sanctionata astfel:
Lucruri minore: mistouri usoare, linkuri cu melodii soft, glume usoare, ironii, etc. Lucruri mai serioase: bataie de joc, jigniri, linkuri cu melodii jignitoare/vulgare, etc.
Nota informativa
Regulile de mai sus se aplica inclusiv comentariilor sterse, martorilor adaugati cat si dovezilor postate in reclamatii.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#6-inlaturare-sanctiuni","title":"6. Inlaturare Sanctiuni","text":"Sanctiunile de tip Avertisment Verbal si Faction Warn pot fi inlaturate manual de catre lider atunci cand acesta considera ca meritati, respectand perioada minima de asteptare, sau automat de catre server.
Duratele minime pentru inlaturarea sanctiunilor pot fi vizualizate in Regulamentul Liderilor -> Promovare Membri si Locuri Factiuni.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#7-promovarea-in-rank","title":"7. Promovarea in Rank","text":"Promovarea in rank poate fi facuta manual de catre lider atunci cand acesta considera ca meritati, respectand perioadele minime, sau automat de catre server.
Duratele minime pentru promovarea in rank pot fi vizualizate in Regulamentul Liderilor -> Promovare Membri si Locuri Factiuni.
Rankul de Sublider este atribuit de catre lider atunci cand acesta considera ca meritati, respectand Regulamentul Liderilor -> Alegerea Subliderilor.
Nota informativa
In cazul in care sunteti degradat de la Sublider, veti primi rankul in functie de vechimea totala in factiune. Pentru urmatoarea promovare va incepe numaratoarea din momentul in care ati ramas fara Sublider.
Pentru detalii suplimentare despre degradarea de la Sublider si promovarea ulterioara, puteti accesa Regulamentul Liderilor -> Inlocuirea Subliderilor.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#8-demitere","title":"8. Demitere","text":"Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 10/60:
Orice membru care acumuleaza 3/3 Faction Warns va fi demis cu Faction Punish 10.
Faction Punish 60/60:
Orice membru care nu are minim 2 saptamani in factiune va fi demis cu Faction Punish 60.
Nota informativa
Pot exista anumite exceptii in care jucatorii pot iesi fara Faction Punish, aceste exceptii fiind stabilite de catre admini.
In cazuri speciale se poate acorda Faction Punish 60 si membrilor care au peste 2 saptamani in factiune.
In cazul in care ati primit ban 3 sau mai multe zile veti putea ramane in factiune doar daca sunteti debanati printr-o cerere de unban, nu si daca va cumparati unban cu gold.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#9-blacklist","title":"9. Blacklist","text":"Nota informativa
Nu se va acorda blacklist la departamente pentru lucruri care se pot sanctiona cu wanted. Se va acorda cate un avertisment pentru fiecare abatere.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#platirea-blacklistului","title":"Platirea Blacklistului","text":"Acest statut este atribuit de catre lider membrilor de minim rank 4 atunci cand acesta considera ca merita.
Membrii cu acest statut au obligatia de a respecta Regulamentul Liderilor -> Testarea Candidatilor, fiind sanctionati ca atare pentru incalcarea acestuia.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#conturi-multiple-si-ip-uri-comune","title":"Conturi Multiple si IP-uri Comune","text":"Membrii cu conturi multiple (cei care detin mai multe conturi) nu li se permite sa fie cu mai mult de un cont in aceeasi factiune.
Trei zile diferite (IN ULTIMELE 7 ZILE) de loguri (SA:MP Login) sunt suficiente ca sa deterinam ca 2 membri din aceeasi factiune isi impart contul frecvent. In aceasta situatie vom considera ca sunt jucatori cu conturi multiple in aceeasi factiune si vor fi demise ambele conturi.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#joburi","title":"Joburi","text":"Se poate detine orice tip de job legal sau ilegal.
Liderul are dreptul de a forta membrii sa foloseasca un anumit job pentru o durata determinata de timp in scopul realizarii muncii din factiune (sanctiune: Faction Warn).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#skinuri","title":"Skinuri","text":"Purtarea unui alt skin in afara de cel corespunzator rankului/jobului vostru fara aprobarea liderului se sanctioneaza (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Faction Warn daca continua).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#invoiri","title":"Invoiri","text":"In cazul in care se organizeaza o activitate obligatorie in cadrul factiunii, singurul loc in care puteti sa va invoiti este pe website-ul RPG printr-o cerere de invoire.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#exceptii","title":"Exceptii","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii de la aceste reguli. In anumite cazuri sanctiunile pot fi diferite. Aceste exceptii pot fi facute numai cu permisiunea unui Admin 6.
"},{"location":"factions/school-instructors/","title":"School Instructors Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/taxi/","title":"Taxi Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/","title":"Regulament Lideri","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#1-caracteristici-generale","title":"1. Caracteristici Generale","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#obtinerea-gradului-de-lider","title":"Obtinerea Gradului de Lider","text":"Adminii cu rol de Manager de Factiune (adminii 4+) vor intocmi o lista de candidati care ar merita o sansa la o astfel de functie, in functie de o lista de prioritati si anumite criterii de baza pe care dorim sa le vedem de la un candidat.
Prioritatea pe lista:
Criterii de baza cautate:
Nota informativa
In functie de caz lucrurile pot sa difere intr-o mica masura fata de ceea ce este enumerat mai sus. Sunt momente cand e lipsa de candidati si mai lasam de la noi asupra criteriilor. Sunt persoane care ne-au dovedit ca nu au ce cauta in staff, asadar le vom omite chiar daca par ca se incadreaza cerintelor de baza. In egala masura pot exista persoane care ne-au dovedit ca si-au invatat lectia si au avut contributii semnificative, care sa ne faca sa dorim sa le acordam o sansa.
Nimic nu este batut in cuie si totul se decide in functie de situatia aparuta la momentul respectiv. Stafful mereu va comunica si se va decide care ar fi cei mai buni candidati de la momentul respectiv.
De indata ce lista este finalizata si exista suficienti candidati, vor exista doua sondaje. Un prim sondaj in care vor vota toti adminii.
In functie de rezultat, primii 3 cei mai votati candidati vor ajunge la un sondaj secundar care va fi facut pentru membrii factiunii la care se cauta Lider.
Daca doar 2 candidati obtin majoritatea voturilor, sondajul va fi efectuat doar cu 2 candidati. Daca 4 candidati au un numar de vot apropiat, vom adauga pe cat posibil 4 candidati.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#durata-functiei","title":"Durata Functiei","text":"Perioada minima pe care trebuie sa o aveti ca Lider pentru a nu primi FP 300 este de 4 luni de zile.
Perioada este stabilita astfel deoarece dorim ca persoanele care-si asuma o astfel de functie sa inteleaga si importanta acesteia inca de dinainte sa o accepte. Nu va obliga nimeni sa acceptati functia de Lider, o faceti din propria voastra vointa, insa trebuie sa fiti constienti ca trebuie sa va implicati din momentul in care ati acceptat-o.
Functia de Lider este un privilegiu pe care vi-l oferim, nu un drept absolut. Noi decidem cine merita o sansa si tot noi decidem cine nu isi face treaba corespunzator si nu mai merita sa detina aceasta functie.
Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 60/60:
Faction Punish 300/60:
Nota informativa
Pot exista anumite exceptii de la regulile de mai sus cu aprobarea unui Admin 6.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#securitatea-contului","title":"Securitatea Contului","text":"In cazul in care o alta persoana dobandeste acces la contul de Lider, veti fi inlaturat din functie cu 3/3 Leader Warnuri + Faction Punish (in functie de vechime).
Daca se produc abuzuri de pe cont, indiferent ca au fost produse de o alta persoana sau de proprietarul contului, se va acorda ban 30 de zile + Faction Punish 300.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#comportamentul-de-lider","title":"Comportamentul de Lider","text":"Nota informativa
In cazul reclamatiilor de comporament in afara jocului, stafful va decide in functie de situatie si cine a inceput daca Liderul trebuie sau nu sanctionat.
Pentru situatiile in care Liderul a fost provocat sau e pur si simplu un context care nu are nicio legatura cu jocul, nu vom lua nicio masura cat timp Liderul nu exagereaza in ultimul hal.
Cu toate acestea sfatul nostru este sa pastrati un comportament decent peste tot. Daca cineva va deranjeaza, mai bine sa-i dati block/ignore si sa va vedeti de ale voastre decat sa ne complicam cu reclamatii care ar putea rezulta in sanctiuni nedorite.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#renuntarea-la-functie","title":"Renuntarea la Functie","text":"Renuntarea la functie se face prin crearea unei demisii in canalul dedicat de pe discordul staffului cu un minim de 3 zile inainte de a renunta permanent la orice activitate ce tine de functia de Lider.
In cererea de demisie puteti propune membri din factiune pe care ii considerati ca merita sa fie luati in considerare ca si candidati pentru Lider.
Gradul va fi inlaturat dupa 3 zile de la depunerea demisiei, timp in care trebuie sa va ocupati in continuare de factiune.
Ignorarea atributiilor de Lider pentru minimul de 3 zile poate fi sanctionata cu Faction Punish 300 indiferent de durata voastra ca Lider.
Chiar daca v-ati depus demisia, pana la inlaturarea din functie aveti obligatia de a respecta in continuare regulamentul si veti fi sanctionati daca-l incalcati.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#2-subliderii-factiunii","title":"2. Subliderii Factiunii","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#alegerea-subliderilor","title":"Alegerea Subliderilor","text":"O factiune poate avea simultan cel mult 2 sublideri (sanctiune: Leader Warn).
Puteti alege cel mult 3 sublideri in decurs de-o luna (sanctiune: Leader Warn).
Nota informativa
Luna de zile se calculeaza de la data din care ati promovat primul sublider.
De exemplu, ai promovat un sublider pe 01.10, unul in data de 04.10 si unul in data de 08.10. Urmatoarea data cand poti acorda un alt sublider este 01.11, al doilea pe 04.11 si al treilea pe 08.11.
Reguli alegere sublideri pentru factiuni pasnice, departamente, hitmen:
Reguli alegere sublideri pentru ganguri:
Nerespectarea regulilor de alegere a unui sublider se sanctioneaza cu Leader Warn + rank down jucatorului promovat.
Subliderul nu trebuie sa sustina test de intrare in factiune daca e adus din afara si nici sa fie trecut in topicul Evidenta Teste din moment ce nu sustine vreun test.
Daca subliderul a primit rank down acesta va putea obtine din nou gradul de sublider dupa minim o luna de zile de la degradare (sanctiune: Leader Warn + rank down jucatorului promovat).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#inlocuirea-subliderilor","title":"Inlocuirea Subliderilor","text":"Un Lider poate inlatura gradul subliderului atunci cand considera ca nu mai are nevoie de serviciile sale si-l va degrada acordandu-i rankul in functie de vechimea sa in factiune si de regulile cu privire la acordarea rankului unui membru.
Pentru urmatoarea promovare a fostului sublider la rank 2-5 va incepe numaratoarea de la ultima promovare inainte de-a primi sublider (asadar nu se reseteaza vechimea pentru rankul anterior detinut).
Exemple de degradare a subliderului
Incalcarea regulilor de mai sus va fi sanctionata cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
Nota informativa
Liderul nu se aduna la totalul de membrii ai factiunii. Asadar o factiune va avea intotdeauna maximul de membri + Liderul.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#inchiderea-aplicatiilor","title":"Inchiderea Aplicatiilor","text":"Aplicatiile pot fi inchise cand este indeplinita cel putin una din urmatoarele conditii:
Inchiderea incorecta a aplicatiilor va fi sanctionata cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#raspunsul-aplicatiilor","title":"Raspunsul Aplicatiilor","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#cerinte-minime-acceptare","title":"Cerinte Minime Acceptare","text":"Important
Daca un jucator aflat pe blacklist reuseste sa intre in factiune, va trebui sa plateasca blacklistul sau va fi demis.
Jucatorii care nu indeplinesc cerintele minime sau sunt acceptati in mod gresit vor fi demisi fara Faction Punish si Liderul sanctionat cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testele-competitive","title":"Testele Competitive","text":"Daca aplica MAI MULTI jucatori decat locuri libere iar acei jucatori merita acceptati, in ciuda faptului ca aveti mai putine locuri, atunci se vor sustine teste competitive (adica jucatorii cu punctajele cele mai mari la teste vor ramane in factiune).
Daca aplica MAI PUTINI jucatori decat locurile libere, nu sunt necesare testele competitive.
Jucatorii acceptati care urmeaza sa fie promovati direct ca Sublider nu vor sustine teste competitive.
Caz 1: o factiune are 6 locuri libere, se deschid aplicatiile pentru o ora si se acumuleaza 20 de aplicatii. Dupa analizarea aplicatiilor, se constata ca pot fi acceptati 10 jucatori. Deoarece sunt doar 6 locuri libere, toti 10 jucatorii vor sustine testul de intrare, iar primii 6 cu cel mai bun rezultat se vor alatura factiunii.
Caz 2: o factiune are 6 locuri libere, se deschid aplicatiile pentru o ora si se acumuleaza 20 de aplicatii. Dupa analizarea aplicatiilor, se constata ca pot fi acceptati 6 jucatori. Cum sunt 6 locuri libere si 6 jucatori acceptati, toti jucatorii vor ramane in factiune daca vor trece testele.
Incalcarea regulilor de mai sus va fi sanctionata cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#raspunsul-propriu-zis","title":"Raspunsul Propriu-Zis","text":"Nota informativa
Ex: Daca respingeti un jucator pentru aplicatie slaba si acceptati altul in aceeasi sesiune de recrutare cu o aplicatie la fel de slaba veti fi sanctionati.
Nu puneti la motiv de respingere lucruri neclare (nu-mi inspiri incredere, nu esti activ etc.) ci oferiti informatii concrete (ai primit 10 FW-uri recent pentru comportament, ai fost demis de multe ori pentru limbaj, ai prea multe sanctiuni primite de la admini, ai stat foarte putin in toate factiunile anterioare etc.).
Aplicatiile trebuie sa fie verificate daca sunt copiate inainte sa fie acceptate. Aveti aici un ghid care va explica cum sa verificati aplicatiile corect. Daca un Lider nu verifica aplicatiile cu atentie, risca sa primeasca Avertisment Verbal sau Leader Warn in functie de gravitatea problemei si numarul de aplicatii neverificate corespunzator.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testarea-candidatilor","title":"Testarea Candidatilor","text":"Doar membrii de minim rank 4 si statut de Tester pot sustine teste cu candidatii. Liderul are dreptul de a decide cui ofera statutul de Tester dintre membrii de minim rank 4.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reguli-testare-candidati","title":"Reguli Testare Candidati","text":"Cei acceptati pentru teste vor sustine un test de cunoastere a regulamentului general si a regulamentului intern.
In cazul in care testul este dat in mod incorect, testerul primeste faction warn iar cel testat trebuie sa redea testele cu un alt tester.
In situatiile in care candidatul este activ pe server dar nu reuseste sa gaseasca niciun tester pentru a sustine testele deoarece acestia sunt inactivi, i se va prelungi durata pentru testare iar Liderul va fi tras la raspundere.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testul-teoretic","title":"Testul Teoretic","text":"Testul contine 15 intrebari de complexitate medie din regulamentele generale si interne ale factiunii.
Candidatii au dreptul la cel mult 3/3 puncte gresite, astfel:
Candidatii care incearca sa fraudeze testele vor fi sanctionati (sanctiune: test picat + blacklist 3 luni + 2 x AV pe blacklist). Motivul pentru blacklist: \"Fraudare test - data expirare\".
Testerii care incearca sa fraudeze testele sau nu le sustin dar declara ca le-au sustinut vor fi sanctionati (sanctiune: demitere).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testul-practic","title":"Testul Practic","text":"Se va sustine si test practic in cazul in care se considera necesar, aici nefiind nevoie de o evidenta din partea testerului. In cazul in care jucatorul doreste sa raporteze proba practica trebuie sa aiba el singur dovezi.
Decizia de a sustine sau nu testele practice poate fi facuta doar de catre Lider, trebuind sa fie justificata unui manager de factiuni. Mai mult, trebuie sa fie aplicata in mod egal tuturor candidatilor din respectiva sesiune de recrutare. De exemplu daca Liderul decide sa nu se sustina test practic cu un candidat dintr-o sesiune, atunci toti candidatii acceptati in respectiva sesiune trebuie sa beneficieze si ei de acelasi tratament.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reaplicarea-in-aceeasi-factiune","title":"Reaplicarea in Aceeasi Factiune","text":"Un membru demis din factiune, voluntar sau nu, nu are voie sa fie invitat cu acelasi cont in aceeasi factiune din care a fost demis timp de minim 2 saptamani (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
Nota informatia
Jucatorul acceptat incorect va fi demis din factiune fara Faction Punish.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#5-sanctiuni-si-demiteri","title":"5. Sanctiuni si Demiteri","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#logurile-membrilor","title":"Logurile Membrilor","text":"Motivele tuturor logurilor de factiune create pe website trebuie sa fie concrete.
Incalcarea regulii de mai sus va fi sanctionata (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#sanctionarea-membrilor","title":"Sanctionarea Membrilor","text":"Toate sanctiunile pe care le poate aplica un Lider se gasesc in regulamentul general cat si cel intern al factiunii.
Un Lider are obligatia de a-si sanctiona membrii in mod corect atunci cand acestia incalca regulile serverului sau ale factiunii.
DM-ul se va sanctiona doar atunci cand exista dovezi clare (de preferat video / mai multe poze) care sa ateste ca jucatorul respectiv a facut DM. Mesajul informativ de daune nu este suficient pentru sanctionarea DM-ului (nici cel care specifica cine te-a omorat si de la ce distanta a facut asta).
Nota informativa
Inainte de a sanctiona cel mai bine este sa va consultati cu un admin de nivel 4+ daca nu sunteti siguri.
Sanctiunile pe care le oferiti membrilor trebuie postate pe forum in cel mult 48 de ore de cand ati sanctionat membrul.
Jucatorii cu conturi multiple (cei care detin mai multe conturi) nu li se permite sa fie cu mai mult de un cont in aceeasi factiune.
Trei zile diferite (IN ULTIMELE 7 ZILE) de loguri (SA:MP Login) sunt suficiente ca sa deterinam ca 2 membri din aceeasi factiune isi impart contul frecvent. In aceasta situatie vom considera ca sunt jucatori cu conturi multiple in aceeasi factiune.
Membrii promovati inainte de a fi sanctionati vor primi la loc rankul anterior.
Incalcarea tuturor regulilor de mai sus se sanctioneaza (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#6-reclamatii-si-raport-de-activitate","title":"6. Reclamatii si Raport de Activitate","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reclamatii-website","title":"Reclamatii Website","text":"Incalcarea tuturor regulilor de mai sus se sanctioneaza (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#raportul-de-activitate","title":"Raportul de Activitate","text":"Liderul este cel care stabileste punctajele minime pentru rapoartele de activitate cat si pe ce criterii se acorda punctele.
Punctele de raport sunt corectate in mod automat de catre server, astfel ca Liderul nu trebuie sa intervina la corectat, la acordat de sanctiuni pentru raport si asa mai departe.
In cazul gangurilor revine responsabilitatea Liderului sa faca evidenta prezentei la waruri si sa sanctioneze membrii (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
Liderul isi poate rezerva dreptul de a demite din factiune membrii care nu aduc suficiente contributii pentru respectiva factiune (nu sunt destul de activi, fac mereu raport minim, o tin in inactivitati, etc.).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#7-promovare-membri-si-locuri-factiuni","title":"7. Promovare Membri si Locuri Factiuni","text":"Duratele de mai jos sunt duratele minime care trebuiesc asteptate. Liderul decide cand un membru merita sa fie promovat.
Adminii vor face promovari doar atunci cand Liderul factiunii le cere asta.
Numarul de zile de promovare reprezinta numarul de zile pe care trebuie sa-l astepte un membru de la ultima promovare pentru a dobandi noul rank.
Membrii care acumuleaza vechimea de rank 2 si rank 3 trebuie sa primeasca la timp rank up daca Liderul acestora nu are dovezi in care comportamentul lor nu ar fi fost unul tocmai corespunzator sau acestia nu au fost destul de activi (sanctiune: Leader Warn prima abatere, Demitere la urmatoarea).
Factiuni Pasnice Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 21 14 7 2 21 14 21 14 7 3 21 14 21 14 7 4 - 21 21 14 7 5 - 30 21 14 7 6 0 - 21 14 7 Ganguri Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Departamente Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Hitmen Agency Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Sons of Anarchy Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7Important
Fiecare FW primit adauga 14 zile suplimentare de asteptare pentru a promova. La 2 Avertismentele Verbale (AV-uri) jucatorul va fi sanctionat cu 1 Faction Warn pentru acumularea a 2 AV-uri. AV-urile nu adauga zile suplimentare de asteptare pentru a promova. Evidenta acestora trebuie tinuta manual de catre Lider. Numarul total de locuri pentru fiecare factiune poate fi vizualizat pe websiteul RPG.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#8-reguli-suplimentare","title":"8. Reguli Suplimentare","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reguli-generale","title":"Reguli Generale","text":"Fiecare Lider are obligatia de a respecta Regulamentul Serverului, Regulamentul Liderilor, Regulamentele Factiunii sale cat si sa aplice sanctiunile corecte pentru incalcarea acestora.
Un Lider nu are voie sa faca reclamatie unui alt Lider, inclusiv de pe conturi cu care imparte IP comun (sanctiune: Leader Warn prima abatere, Demitere daca continua).
Nu este permis sa se dea Wipe la membri fara un motiv extrem de serios si ca o ultima solutie (sanctiune: Demitere FP 300).
Liderilor le este permis sa joace pe alte conturi pe acelasi server cu aprobare de la managerii de factiuni (adminii 4+).
Un avertisment la functia de Lider poate fi inlaturat dupa minim o luna de zile de la primirea acestuia in cazul in care n-ati mai primit alte avertismente intre timp.
Este strict interzis unui Lider sa ceara diverse compensatii pentru a accepta un jucator in factiune, a-l trece testul, a-l scuti de sanctiuni, a-l promova, etc (sanctiune: Leader Warn prima abatere, Demitere daca continua).
Liderii de Ganguri care au intr-o luna de zile cel putin 10 membri banati pentru coduri risca sanctiuni grave daca acest numar creste in continuare (sanctiune: Leader Warn sau Demitere).
Liderii de Ganguri au obligatia de a se prezenta la 3 din 5 zile de waruri pe saptamana (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn a doua abatere, Demitere daca continua).
Liderii de gang au obligatia de a avea minim 3 attack-uri in fiecare saptamana in care se desfasoara wars (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn a doua abatere).
La inceputul fiecarei luni trebuie sa va ocupati voi de verificarea activitatii membrilor pe luna anterioara si sanctionarea lor. Acest lucru poate fi facut pe website in Leader Panel, tabul Member Activity.
Membrii vor fi sanctionati in urmatorul fel:
Sanctiunile pentru activitate vor fi acordate doar membrilor care au cel putin 30 de zile in factiune.
Liderii care nu-si sanctioneaza membrii pana la finalul celei de-a doua zi din luna si incep sanctionarea lor din ziua urmatoare (de exemplu: 03.03.2021 sau mai tarziu) vor fi sanctionati cu Avertisment Verbal la functie fiind la prima abatere, urmand sa primeasca Leader Warn de la a doua abatere.
Liderii vor fi nevoiti sa posteze evidenta lunara a orelor pe forum in topicul specific de ore lunare creat la fiecare factiune in parte. In acel topic se va posta un tabel cu orele reale ale membrilor vostri.
Cel tarziu pana la finalul celei de-a doua zi a lunii va trebui postata evidenta (nu mai tarziu). Cine intarzie cu evidenta va fi sanctionat exact ca mai sus.
Pentru a nu se ajunge la situatii in care un membru a avut prima abatere in 2020 si a doua abatere in 2022, rezultand in rank down, abaterile se reseteaza mereu la 6 luni de la ultima sanctiune acordata pentru lipsa orelor.
Daca un membru a primit prima sanctiune pentru ore jucate in 1 Ianuarie 2023, adica un FW fiind prima abatere, si pana in luna August nu mai are nicio abatere iar atunci va trebui sa primeasca inca o sanctiune ca nu are 15 ore reale, acesta va primi din nou un FW fiind prima abatere deoarece s-au resetat, 6 luni de la 1 ianuarie considerandu-se 1 iulie 2023.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#activitatile-organizate","title":"Activitatile Organizate","text":"Micile greseli ce pot aparea in momentul in care un membru dintr-o factiune face o invoire (numarul invoirii, rank-ul detinut etc.) nu o sa se sanctioneze din prima cu respingerea invoirii.
La prima abatere membru va fi mustrat (adica ii aduceti la cunostinta greseala, fara sanctiune), la a doua abatere sanctionat cu Avertisment Verbal si de la a treia abatere sanctionat cu Faction Warn (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn urmatoarele)
Sanctiunile pentru intarziere sunt urmatoarele pentru toate factiunile:
O activitate cu prezenta obligatorie la care se aplica aceste sanctiuni trebuie sa tina intre 40 si 60 de minute.
Activitatile cu prezenta obligatorie trebuie sa fie anuntate cu minim o saptamana inainte (anunt pe forum, FMOTD) si singura modalitate ca membrii sa fie invoiti este printr-o invoire deschisa pe website din timp.
Daca un Lider doreste sa organizeze o activitate cu prezenta obligatorie, trebuie sa aiba un motiv bine intemeiat (ex: sedinta dupa ce un Lider nou a fost promovat, dupa schimbari majore de regulament, etc.) si sa ceara acordul unui manager de factiuni (admin 4+).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reguli-ganguri","title":"Reguli Ganguri","text":"Daca o cerere de interdictie se inchide in 3 zile fara sa existe un vot majoritar din partea voastra, veti fi sanctionati incepand cu mustrare verbala, urmand Avertisment Verbal, Leader Warn si Demitere.
Liderii care accepta in mod constient persoane care folosesc coduri o sa fie sanctionati cu Leader Warn sau Demitere, in functie de caz.
Liderii si subliderii au obligatia de a se prezenta la waruri. Subliderii pot folosi cele 2 invoiri saptamanale pentru a se invoi iar Liderii trebuie sa posteze in canalul specific de pe discordul Staffului (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn a doua abatere si Demitere daca continua).
Membrii care fac parte dintr-un gang si intre timp primesc interdictie, vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60. Jucatorii care au primit interdictie vor putea fi acceptati in alt gang dupa minim o luna de la primirea interdictiei. Liderii care vor accepta jucatori cu interdictie vor fi sanctionati cu Leader Warn, chiar si de la prima abatere.
In cazul in care exista reclamatii pentru fast c-bug facut de catre membri la waruri (atat obligatorii cat si optionale), unde sanctiunea este Faction Warn, se va aplica sanctiunea o singura data daca dovezile pe care este reclamat (din reclamatii diferite) sunt facute intr-un interval de 10 minute la acel moment. Daca diferenta dintre dovezi este mai mare de 10 minute, acesta va fi sanctionat pentru fiecare dovada.
In cazul in care subliderul primeste ban pentru coduri (Aimbot/Norecoil) o sa fiti sanctionati cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
La fiecare vot pe care-l aduceti jucatorului caruia i s-a facut cererea de interdictie sunteti obligati sa aduceti si un argument pentru votul respectiv.
Liderii NU au voie sa sanctioneze membrii la war pe motive precum \"cine moare fara kill are FW\" - \"cine moare are FW\". Va puteti sanctiona membrii pentru neascultare rank superior doar daca oferiti suficient timp sa ajunga la o pozitie de backup, iar acei membrii continua sa va ignore si sa nu vina la pozitia ceruta de voi (sanctiune: Leader Warn).
Toate invoirile se fac pe website.
Puteti accepta maxim 5 invoiri intr-o zi de war. (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn urmatoarele)
Liderii de gang pot stabili limita de secunde pentru prezenta in cadrul warurilor dupa urmatoarea formula:
Liderul poate decide sa nu tina cont de secunde pentru o anumita zi de war, fiind necesare 30 de secunde pe turf pentru prezenta.
In cazul in care exista abuzuri ce tin de aceasta regula se va acorda direct Leader Warn. Managerii de factiuni (adminii 4+) pot solicita dovezi Liderului prin care sa demonstreaza ca a anuntat numarul de secunde.
Nota informativa
The owner of an account is always considered to be the possessor of the email address registered on the account. For security reasons make sure you do not lose access to the account's email address, otherwise it is lost.
The staff offers limited help via the recovery system on the RPG website and does not guarantee the recovery of a lost account. We reserve our right to reject recoveries without offering any reason.
Info note
All punishments will be given depending on the real level of the player (meaning we will calculate the respect points of the player to determinate their real level).
"},{"location":"en/#accountsgoods-businesses","title":"Accounts/Goods Businesses","text":"We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses with real goods for game goods (punishment: permanent ban).
We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses with gold for game goods (punishment: ban 30 days).
We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses that involve creating multiple clans and selling them overpriced after they get older than a month (punishment: ban 30 days).
We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses with accounts for real or game goods (punishment: permanent ban without the right to buy shop unban).
The second offence is punished directly with permanent ban without the right to buy shop unban.
Due to the multitude of players who violate these rules, we reserve the right to hold accountable and sanction transfers or businesses that have no logical reasoning or justification.
"},{"location":"en/#account-security","title":"Account Security","text":"The staff does not handle problems regarding hacked accounts, stolen goods, punishments received while your account was hacked and so on. It is your duty to take care of your account or your email address. Sharing an account with other people may lead to such probems and you risk remaining without an account, goods or get punished because of this.
Recovering a lost account can only be done by a recovery request on the website, by clicking the Sign In button and then on Lost your account. Read the rules that show up carefully when trying to recover an account.
Info note
Level 4+ admins reserve their right to punish someone who hacks accounts or to help someone with a hacked account if they consider necessary.
Attention, admins have absolutely no obligation to punish someone or help you if your account got hacked.
Examples of ways your account can get hackedIn short, 2FA is an additional application on your phone that generates a 6-digit code that changes periodically. That code will be used to log in to your account when the calendar day changes or when your IP changes.
Important to know: if you do not have 2FA activated and someone logs into your account, that person can activate 2FA and lock you out of your account. Another thing you need to know is that if your email address is compromised, the person who compromised it can use it to gain access to 2FA on the sa-mp server, so be careful with your email and set a valid email on your account.
For enhanced protection, 2FA is mandatory for individuals holding positions on the server (leader, helper, admin) and they will not be able to use their accounts without having it activated.
If you deactivate 2FA after activating it, the old entry in the app will no longer work. You must use the entry from the app created at the time of 2FA reactivation.
In case of loss or reset of your phone, or deletion of the app, the secret key with which you can regain access to 2FA can be recovered using our 2FA recovery system on our website.
Activating 2FA is done on the RPG website, by going to My Account and then to Security. Click on the activation button. 2FA Activation
A window will open with a QR code and a secret key. Read the instructions carefully and download the desired 2FA application. Do not close the window! You can use Google Authenticator, Authy, or another preferred application. Tip: Save that long code (the secret key) somewhere in case you lose access to your account's email. 2FA Activation Window
After installing the desired application, look for the add button and select the desired option: scan the QR code or manually enter the secret key (that long code). Adding a New Entry
If you opted for the QR code scanning method, then all you have to do is point your phone's camera at the QR code on the RPG website. The phone will automatically recognize the QR code and add a new entry to the application. Scanning the QR Code
If you opted for manual entry, enter the desired name for the entry, copy the secret key (that long code) into the application exactly as it is, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers. Also, leave the \"Time Based\" option checked because the codes only work based on that. Manual Entry
The final step is to add the code generated by the new entry in the application to the window on the RPG website. Enter the code there, without spaces, and click the Activate button to activate your 2FA. Final Activation
Deactivating 2FA is also done from My Account, going to Security and clicking on the deactivation button. You will not be able to deactivate 2FA without access to the code generated by the application with which 2FA was initially activated. 2FA Deactivation
In the window that opens, you will need to enter the code generated by the application and click the green button. You will then receive a success message and see that 2FA is deactivated. Final Deactivation
At this point, 2FA on your account is completely deactivated, so the risk of compromise is higher. Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure the correct security of your account.
"},{"location":"en/#multiple-accounts","title":"Multiple Accounts","text":"You can own multiple accounts, but breaking some rules like: illegal businesses, stealing accounts, cheating, forbidden mods, bug abuse, advertising, scamming, language, toxicity, repeated rule breaking, other severe rule breaking can be punished on all accounts you own.
"},{"location":"en/#account-sharing","title":"Account Sharing","text":"Sharing an account with another person is allowed but will be done on your own accord.
For bans of at least 14 days we will punish secondary accounts with a higher level than the banned account when one of these conditions are met:
In certain situations the staff can ban secondary accounts that do not apply in this rule with the approval of a level 6 admin.
It is strictly forbidden for members of the RPG team (leaders, helpers, admins) to share their accounts with other people without informing and discussing with the Supervisor or Manager beforehand. The consequence for breaking this rule is removing you from your position or even banning your account if needed.
"},{"location":"en/#server-activity","title":"Server Activity","text":"Any method of accumulating hours played, leaving the AFK state, automizing actions for you, etc. (autoclickers, blocking keys, route recording mods or other mods, riding accounts in/on cars, abusing the poker system, etc.). This also means controlling secondary accounts in any way, usually by using mods.
Admins will interract with you directly or indirectly, where it is necessary, in order to ensure that you are actually moving the character in game, and if they determine you broke the rule you will get punished with ban 1 day, or more with the approval of a higher level admin for multiple offenses, as well as deleting certain prizes you might have received.
In case of advanced mods (that answer automatically, that send warnings when an admin checks, that auto moves the character, that automates actions in your place, etc.) will receive a higher punishment because the verification process is more complicated. The punishment will be etablished by the admins, depending on the case.
We will no longer accept mocking responses to admins who try to determine if you are active on the account. Our purpose is to make sure that you play fair and respect the systems we offer, so don't complicate things.
We also offer players to check and report other players if they catch them using such methods.
As long as you play normally, you move the account, one at a time and don't use methods to explicitly grow your activity abusively, you shouldn't have any fear and the rules above don't apply to you. They are intended for players that try to explicitly abuse, not players who play normally.
"},{"location":"en/#inactivity","title":"Inactivity","text":"Players that do not have at least 20 REAL hours played in the last 2 months risk losing their house or shares to all owned businesses (no vehicles).
Players with houses bought from the shop need at least 10 REAL hours in the last 2 months not to lose them.
If you cannot play we suggest selling your properties so you don't lose them. You cannot recover properties lost due to inactivity. Attempts of trying to hide properties from inactive accounts will not stop you from losing them.
Info note
The last 2 months of gameplay are always considered the last 2 months before the current month.
So if it is currently April, we will consider the last 2 months of gameplay to be: March + February.
If we move to May, the last 2 months of gameplay will be: April + March. If we move to June, the last 2 months of gameplay will be: May + April, and so on.
"},{"location":"en/#2-samp-client-cheats-mods-bugs-and-advertising","title":"2. SA:MP Client, Cheats, Mods, Bugs and Advertising","text":""},{"location":"en/#the-samp-client","title":"The SA:MP Client","text":"We recommend using the official SA:MP client for desktop available for download on b-zone.ro/samp.
Using third party unofficial clients is allowed on your own accord, but we are not responsible for the possible punishments you may receive because of certain bugs/options these may have.
Info note
The Android client has such bugs/options. As long as you don't use them you can also play using it.
"},{"location":"en/#cheats","title":"Cheats","text":"Using cheats or connecting with them on our servers is strictly forbidden (punishment: ban 30 days).
The second offence will be punished with permanent ban.
Accounts up to level 5 included will directly receive permanent ban. We will give ban IP on accounts banned for trollhack and to players that create multiple accounts for cheating or ruining the game of others.
Cheat examples:
Using mods that bring you an unfair advantage towards the rest of the players or connecting with them on our servers is forbidden (punishment: ban 3 days).
If you ar not entirely sure a mod is allowed it is indicated to not use it.
Examples of allowed mods:
Examples of unallowed mods:
Exploiting certain mistakes/errors of the game or server is forbidden (punishment: warn).
Severe abuses like bugs for making money, stealing goods and so on will be punished with ban 30 days.
Abuse examples punishable with warn from the first offence:
Other minor abuses not found in the list above will be punished with kick at the first offence, then warn.
"},{"location":"en/#advertising","title":"Advertising","text":"Intentional advertisement made to other servers that do not belong to the B-Zone community is forbidden (punishment: ban 14 days).
The second offence will be punished with permanent ban.
Accounts up to level 5 included will directly get permanent ban.
"},{"location":"en/#3-scamming","title":"3. Scamming","text":"All server deals will be made using the /trade command. Deals made without using this command may lead to scams and you risk remaining without your goods.
Info note
Admins will not intervene in scams that players do only in certain circumstances established by them. Thus level 4+ admins reserver their right to intervene in certain scams and even punish the player doing the scam if needed.
Attention, admins have no oblgation to punish someone or to help you if you got scammed.
"},{"location":"en/#4-language","title":"4. Language","text":"We allow our players to express themselves freely, but without using vulgar or hard language towards other players, on global chats or faction chats.
Examples of punishable language:
Examples of unpunishable language (exception towards admins):
Language on clan chats will be punished by clan owners, except when the language is done by the owner himself, is addressed to admins or faction colleagues.
To ensure a pleasant and easy to administrate game, the only allowed languages on public chats are Romanian and English. Using any other language on public chats (/ad, /gov, /live, /news, /f, /r, /d, /sx, /tx) is forbidden (punishment: warn). On private chats (local, /sms, /call, /whisper, /carwhisper, /c, /ac) you are allowed to use other languages.
"},{"location":"en/#civilians","title":"Civilians","text":"The punishment will grow with 2 extra days at each other offence.
"},{"location":"en/#faction-members","title":"Faction members","text":"Will get punished in accordance with the faction rules.
"},{"location":"en/#offences-insults-or-vulgar-language-to-admins-or-the-server","title":"Offences, insults or vulgar language to admins or the server","text":"The punishment will grow with 3 extra days for each extra offence.
The punishment will only be given for language used in game or on the website.
Admins can ask a Level 6 Admin permission to offer bigger punishments than these if necessary.
"},{"location":"en/#property-name","title":"Property Name","text":"Players that use offensive, vulgar or deceiving texts on owned properties (cars, businesses, houses) will be punished with warn.
In the case of vehicles, players on board who do not own them may also risk being sanctioned, depending on the situation. If they refuse to change the text they will get banned 3 days until they do so.
"},{"location":"en/#spamming","title":"Spamming","text":"It is forbidden to repeat the same message 6 times or fill the chat for no reason (punishment: mute 15 minutes).
We are excluding from this rule spam on /sms, which can be taken care of using /ignore. Even so, the use of mods that send massive spam via sms or other methods will be punished with ban for illegal mods.
"},{"location":"en/#5-non-rp-behavior","title":"5. NON-RP Behavior","text":"By non-rp behavior we understand an action or abuse of certain commands that ofer the given player an unfair advantage or other players a significant disadvantage in some situations.
Examples of non-rp behavior:
Global chats are those chats that can be seen by all the players of the server (/ad, /live, /e, /news, /gov etc.).
Offenses on such chats are forbidden (punishment: warn) as well as heavy insults/vulgar language (punishment: ban 3 days).
The punishment will grow with 3 extra days for each extra offence.
It is not allowed to promote social media channels (youtube, tiktok, facebook, etc) on such chats (punishment: kick), except for channels belonging to the game staff or community YouTubers (ex: b-zone.ro/bobo).
"},{"location":"en/#live-or-event-chat","title":"Live or Event chat","text":"It is forbidden to make bad jokes, mock, spam, use emoticons, use obscene signs (punishment: kick/stopevent).
Admins can ask a Level 6 Admin permission to offer bigger punishments than these if necessary.
"},{"location":"en/#public-announcements","title":"Public announcements","text":"Not allowed (punishment: kick):
The second offence will be punished directly with warn.
"},{"location":"en/#7-extra-rules","title":"7. Extra Rules","text":""},{"location":"en/#nickname-playerclan-clan-crests","title":"Nickname player/clan, clan crests","text":"It is forbidden to use a mocking, indecent, very similar name with other players/admins, with an official clan tag (punishment: rename).
It is forbidden to use an indecent, vulgar, very similar to others, etc. clan name/tag. (punishment: rename of the clan).
If the rename is refused or it is not possible we will give permanent ban.
The use of an indecent, vulgar, or highly similar clan crest to another clan's crest is strictly prohibited (punishment: removal of the crest, imposition of a significant cooldown, and possible sanctions for the owner, where applicable).
"},{"location":"en/#the-report-function","title":"The /report function","text":"It is used to signal rule breaking or for problems in a polite and calm manner. Anything else is forbidden (punishment: mute 30 minutes).
"},{"location":"en/#the-n-function","title":"The /n function","text":"It is used to ask for informative help in a polite and calm manner. Anything else is forbidden (punishment: mute 30 minutes).
Offences, heavy insults or vulgar language on this chat will be punished just like addressing them to admins.
"},{"location":"en/#unban-requests","title":"Unban requests","text":"Any request made in mockery or that contains inappropriate language will be punished and ignored (punishment: ban 14 days).
The second offence will be punished directly with permanent ban.
"},{"location":"en/#disturbing-players-or-the-staff","title":"Disturbing players or the staff","text":"It is forbidden to disturb players at jobs, at activity report, rob, auto exam, events or admins when they have work to do (punishment: kick).
The second offence will be directy punished with warn.
Info note
In the case of department members, they can use summons and directly sanction the player with a wanted level depending on the situation (non-compliance, DB, DM, etc.).
"},{"location":"en/#using-cheaters-in-clan-zones","title":"Using cheaters in clan zones","text":"We reserve our right to delete a clan where one or more players have been caught using cheats in order to help conquer clan zones.
The clan owner is directly responsible with the players he invites in the clan, especially low level accounts who use cheats to conquer clan zones.
The clan can be permanently deleted without returing the Gold spent on it to the clan owner.
"},{"location":"en/#abusive-clan-level-increase","title":"Abusive clan level increase","text":"We reserve the right to modify the clan's XP or even delete the clan where it is determined that the clan level has been increased abusively.
"},{"location":"en/#function-abuse","title":"Function abuse","text":"Severe function abuse which involves modifying several accounts will be severely punished (punishment: permanent ban without the right to buy shop unban).
"},{"location":"en/#distribution-of-personal-data","title":"Distribution of personal data","text":"It is forbidden to share personal information of other players without their consent (links with pictures, videos, phone numbers, personal IDs, personal emails, personal addresses, and so on) (punishment: ban for 7 days OR another penalty with the approval of an admin level 6).
"},{"location":"en/#blackmail","title":"Blackmail","text":"Blackmailing players to withdraw or not to create complaints and paying a player to withdraw or not to create complaints is not allowed (punishment: warn).
Nota informativa
The sanction for blackmail applies solely based on the evidence from the game.
We recommend not engaging in discussions outside of the game with players whom you do not know and who are attempting to report you or have already done so.
"},{"location":"en/#proofs","title":"Proofs","text":"Server proofs must include the server markings with the date, hours, name of the player and name of the server, except for rule breaking that consist of bans lasting 14 days or more (complaint automatically rejected).
A proof is valid for 3 days at most and must be owned by the person opening the complaint, exception for admins, cheats, illegal business, forbidden mods or other severe rule breaking (complaint automatically rejected).
Falsifying proofs is strictly forbidden (punishment: ban permanent from first offence, no unban at second offence). We will also ban the higher level accounts of the player.
Evidence should preferably be presented without using page-up, in order to accurately interpret the situation. Depending on the case, these pieces of evidence may be taken into consideration, but there is also a risk of them being ignored if they are unclear. We accept concrete evidence outside the server, video preferred, for complaints regarding illegal businesses, account hacking, vulgar comments, staff complaints (leader, helper, admin) or other severe rule breaking.\u200b
For browser proofs we accept only videos where there is a minimum of one refresh to the page to prove that there is nothing falsified (complaint automatically rejected).
"},{"location":"en/#content","title":"Content","text":"It is forbidden to open complaints or tickets for inproper reasons (punishment: suspend website 3 days).
It is forbidden to offend others anywhere on the website (punishment: suspend website 3 days).
It is forbidden to insult, publish vulgar content (messages, pictures, videos), or pornographic content anywhere on the website (punishment: website suspension for 7 days OR another penalty with the approval of an admin level 6).
It is forbidden to post personal information of other players without their consent (pictures of them, phone numbers, personal IDs, personal emails, personal addresses, and so on) (punishment: website suspension for 7 days and deletion/editing of content OR another penalty with the approval of an admin level 6).
It is forbidden to advertise (servers, websites, pages, channels, clips, etc.) (punishment: website suspension for 3 days or ban for 14 days/permanently).
We reserve our right to web suspend players that abuse the ticketing system.
Info note
The rules above apply also to deleted comments, withdrawn complaints, added witnesses, proofs posted in complaints, external content (links to other sites) and so on.
Pointless complaining and posthunting"},{"location":"en/#posthunting","title":"Posthunting","text":"We define a posthunter as a person with ill intent who intentionally seeks even the smallest mistakes or puts another player in very difficult situations in order to report them to the staff, with the ultimate goal of sanctioning them.
Considering the various situations that may arise through complaints, the server staff is the only authority capable of deciding when a player is attempting posthunting.
Consequences of posthunting:
What is not considered posthunting:
What is considered posthunting:
Complaints to staff members (leader, helper, admin) can be made just by people involved directly (complaint rejected automatically).
"},{"location":"en/#9-exceptions","title":"9. Exceptions","text":"We reserve our right to have exceptions to these rules. In some cases the punishments may be different.
Players that: have too many punishments, have too many trouble accounts, create accounts just to ruine the game, are considered to interfere too much with the game will get banned permanently.
These exceptions can be made only with the permission of a level 6 admin.
Registering an account within the server implies your obligation to adhere to the imposed regulations.
The rules aim to maintain an enjoyable game for everyone and cannot encompass all situations in which someone might disrupt the game, which is why we reserve the right to make exceptions.
If you have questions about situations not explicitly addressed in the regulations, you can contact us by opening a ticket. Arbitrary interpretation of the regulations to gain unfair advantages is not permitted.
"},{"location":"en/factions/gang-rules/","title":"Gang General Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/gsb/","title":"Green Street Bloods Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/news-reporters/","title":"News Reporters Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/paramedics/","title":"Paramedics Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/","title":"Peaceful Faction General Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/school-instructors/","title":"School Instructors Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/taxi/","title":"Taxi Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/","title":"Leader Rules","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#1-general-characteristics","title":"1. General Characteristics","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#obtaining-the-leader-function","title":"Obtaining the Leader Function","text":"Admins with the Faction Manager role (admins 4+) will compile a list of candidates who deserve a chance at such a position, based on a list of priorities and certain basic criteria we wish to see from a candidate.
List priority:
Base criteria we're looking for:
Info note
Depending on the case, things may vary slightly from what is listed above. There are times when there's a lack of candidates, and we may be more lenient with the criteria. There are individuals who have proven they have no place on the staff team, so we will omit them even if they seem to meet the basic requirements. Similarly, there may be individuals who have proven they've learned their lesson and have made significant contributions, making us want to give them a chance.
Nothing is set in stone, and everything is decided based on the situation at hand. The staff will always communicate and decide who the best candidates are at that time.
Once the list is finalized and there are enough candidates, there will be two polls. The first poll will be voted on by all admins.
Depending on the results, the top 3 most voted candidates will proceed to a secondary poll, which will be conducted for the members of the faction for which a Leader is sought.
If only 2 candidates obtain the majority of the votes, the poll will be conducted with only 2 candidates. If 4 candidates have a similar number of votes, we will add 4 candidates as much as possible.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#function-seniority","title":"Function Seniority","text":"The minimum period you must serve as a Leader to avoid receiving FP 300 is 4 months.
This period is set because we want individuals who take on such a role to understand its importance even before accepting it. No one is obligated to accept the leadership position, you do it of your own free will. However, you must be aware that you need to get involved from the moment you accept it.
The Leader position is a privilege we offer you, not an absolute right. We decide who deserves a chance and we also decide who is not performing their duties properly and no longer deserves to hold this position.
Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 60/60:
Faction Punish 300/60:
Info note
There can be exceptions to the rules above with the approval of an Admin 6.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#account-security","title":"Account Security","text":"In case another person gains access to the Leader account, you will be removed from the position with 3/3 Leader Warns + Faction Punish (depending on seniority).
If abuses occur on the account, whether they were caused by another person or the account owner, a 30-day ban + Faction Punish 300 will be issued.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#leader-behaviour","title":"Leader Behaviour","text":"Info note
In case of complaints about behavior outside the game, the staff will decide based on the situation and who initiated it whether the Leader should be sanctioned or not.
For situations where the Leader was provoked or it's simply a context unrelated to the game, we will not take any action as long as the Leader does not excessively escalate.
However, our advice is to maintain decent behavior everywhere. If someone bothers you, it's better to block/ignore them and focus on your own affairs rather than complicating matters with complaints that could result in unwanted sanctions.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#resigning-from-the-function","title":"Resigning from the Function","text":"Resigning from the position is done by creating a resignation in the dedicated channel on the staff's Discord with a minimum of 3 days before permanently resigning from any activity related to the Leader position.
In the resignation request, you can propose faction members whom you consider worthy of being considered as candidates for the Leader position.
The function will only be removed after 3 days from the resignation, during which time you must continue to fulfill your duties in the faction.
Neglecting Leader duties for the minimum of 3 days can be sanctioned with Faction Punish 300 regardless of your tenure as Leader.
Even if you have submitted your resignation, until you are removed from the position, you are obligated to continue to adhere to the rules, and you will be sanctioned if you violate them.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#2-faction-subleaders","title":"2. Faction Subleaders","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#choosing-subleaders","title":"Choosing Subleaders","text":"A faction can have a maximum of 2 subleaders at the same time (sanction: Leader Warn).
You can choose a maximum of 3 subleaders during a month (sanction: Leader Warn).
Info note
The month period is calculated from the date you promoted your first subleader.
For example, if you promoted a subleader on October 1st, another one on October 4th, and another one on October 8th, the next date you can appoint another subleader is November 1st, the second one on November 4th, and the third one on November 8th.
Rules for choosing subleaders for peaceful factions, departments, hitmen:
Rules for choosing subleaders for gangs:
Failure to comply with the rules for selecting a subleader will be sanctioned with Leader Warn + demotion of the promoted player's rank.
The subleader does not need to undergo an entry test for the faction if they are brought in from outside, nor should they be listed in the Test Record topic since they are not undergoing any test.
If the subleader has been demoted, they will be eligible to regain the subleader rank after a minimum of one month from the demotion (sanction: Leader Warn + demotion of the promoted player's rank).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#replacing-subleaders","title":"Replacing Subleaders","text":"A Leader can remove the subleader rank when they consider that they no longer need their services and will demote them, granting them a rank based on their seniority in the faction and the rules regarding the granting of ranks to a member.
For the next promotion of the former subleader to rank 2-5, the counting will start from the last promotion before receiving the subleader rank (thus, the seniority for the previously held rank is not reset).
Examples of demoting subleaders
Violation of the above rules will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
Info note
The Leader does not count towards the total number of faction members. Therefore, a faction will always have the maximum number of members + the Leader.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#closing-applications","title":"Closing Applications","text":"Applications can be closed when at least one of the following conditions is met:
Incorrect closure of applications will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#answering-applications","title":"Answering Applications","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#minimum-acceptance-requirements","title":"Minimum Acceptance Requirements","text":"Important
If a player on the blacklist manages to enter the faction, they will either have to pay off their blacklist or be dismissed.
Players who do not meet the minimum requirements or are accepted incorrectly will be dismissed without Faction Punish, and the Leader will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#competitive-testing","title":"Competitive Testing","text":"If MORE players apply than there are available slots, and those players deserve acceptance despite the fewer slots, competitive tests will be held (meaning players with the highest scores in tests will remain in the faction).
If FEWER players apply than there are available slots, competitive tests are not necessary.
Players accepted who are to be directly promoted as subleaders will not undergo competitive tests.
Case 1: a faction has 6 free slots, applications are open for one hour, and 20 applications are received. After analyzing the applications, it is found that 10 players can be accepted. Since there are only 6 free slots, all 10 players will undergo the entrance test, and the top 6 with the best results will join the faction.
Case 2: a faction has 6 free slots, applications are open for one hour, and 20 applications are received. After analyzing the applications, it is found that 6 players can be accepted. Since there are 6 free slots and 6 players accepted, all players will remain in the faction if they pass the tests.
Violation of the above rules will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#the-answer-itself","title":"The Answer Itself","text":"Info note
Example: If you reject a player for a weak application and accept another in the same recruitment session with an equally weak application, you will be sanctioned.
Do not cite vague reasons for rejection (such as \"I don't trust you,\" \"You're not active,\" etc.), but provide concrete information (such as \"You recently received 10 FWs for behavior,\" \"You have been dismissed multiple times for language,\" \"You have too many sanctions from admins,\" \"You have spent very little time in all previous factions,\" etc.).
Applications must be checked for plagiarism before acceptance. Here is a guide that explains how to check applications correctly. If a Leader does not carefully check applications, they risk receiving a Verbal Warning or Leader Warn depending on the severity of the issue and the number of unchecked applications accordingly.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#testing-candidates","title":"Testing Candidates","text":"Only members with a minimum rank of 4 and Tester status can conduct tests with candidates. The Leader has the right to decide who is granted Tester status among members with a minimum rank of 4.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#rules-for-testing-candidates","title":"Rules for Testing Candidates","text":"Those accepted for tests will undergo a knowledge test of the general rules and internal regulations.
In case the test is conducted incorrectly, the tester receives a faction warn and the candidate must retake the tests with another tester.
In situations where the candidate is active on the server but fails to find any tester to conduct the tests because they are inactive, the testing duration will be extended, and the Leader will be held accountable.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#theoretical-test","title":"Theoretical Test","text":"The test consists of 15 questions of medium complexity from the general and internal regulations of the faction.
Candidates are allowed a maximum of 3/3 wrong points, as follows:
Candidates attempting to cheat on the tests will be sanctioned (sanction: test failed + 3-month blacklist + 2x warnings on the blacklist). Reason for blacklist: \"Test Fraud - expiration date\".
Testers who attempt to cheat on the tests or do not conduct them but claim to have conducted them will be sanctioned (sanction: dismissal).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#practical-test","title":"Practical Test","text":"A practical test will be conducted if deemed necessary, with no need for evidence from the tester. If a player wishes to report the practical test, they must provide their own evidence.
The decision to conduct practical tests can only be made by the Leader and must be justified to a faction manager. Furthermore, it must be applied equally to all candidates in the respective recruitment session. For example, if the Leader decides not to conduct a practical test with a candidate from a session, then all candidates accepted in that session must also receive the same treatment.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#reapplying-in-the-same-faction","title":"Reapplying in the Same Faction","text":"A member dismissed from the faction, voluntarily or involuntarily, is not allowed to be invited with the same account to the same faction from which they were dismissed for a minimum of 2 weeks (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
Info note
The player accepted incorrectly will be dismissed from the faction without Faction Punish.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#5-punishments-and-dismissal","title":"5. Punishments and Dismissal","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#member-logs","title":"Member Logs","text":"The reasons for all faction logs created on the website must be specific.
Violation of the above rule will be sanctioned (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#sanctioning-members","title":"Sanctioning Members","text":"All sanctions that a Leader can apply are found in the general regulations as well as the internal regulations of the faction.
A Leader has the obligation to sanction their members correctly when they violate the server's or the faction's rules.
DM will be sanctioned only when there is clear evidence (preferably video / multiple screenshots) to prove that the player in question DMed. The informative damage message is not sufficient for dming sanctions (nor the one specifying who killed you and from what distance they did it).
Info note
Before sanctioning, it's best to consult with an admin of level 4+ if you're unsure.
Sanctions offered to members must be posted on the forum within 48 hours of the member being sanctioned.
Players with multiple accounts (those who own multiple accounts) are not allowed to have more than one account in the same faction.
Three different days (IN THE LAST 7 DAYS) of logs (SA:MP Login) are enough to determine that 2 members from the same faction frequently share their account. In this situation, we will consider them as players with multiple accounts in the same faction.
Members promoted before being sanctioned will revert to their previous rank.
Violation of all the above rules will be penalized (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#6-complaints-and-activity-report","title":"6. Complaints and Activity Report","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#website-complaints","title":"Website Complaints","text":"Violation of all the above rules will be penalized (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#activity-report","title":"Activity Report","text":"The Leader is the one who sets the minimum scores for activity reports and the criteria for awarding points.
The report points are automatically corrected by the server, so the Leader does not need to intervene in correcting them, assigning sanctions for reports, and so on.
In the case of gangs, the Leader is responsible for keeping track of attendance at wars and sanctioning members (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
The Leader reserves the right to dismiss members from the faction who do not contribute enough to the faction (are not active enough, always submit minimum reports, engage in inactivities, etc.).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#7-member-promotion-and-faction-slots","title":"7. Member Promotion and Faction Slots","text":"The durations below are the minimum durations to be awaited. The Leader decides when a member deserves to be promoted.
Admins will only make promotions when requested by the faction Leader.
The number of promotion days represents the number of days a member must wait from the last promotion to gain the new rank.
Members who accumulate the seniority of ranks 2 and 3 must receive timely rank-ups if their Leader does not have evidence that their behavior has not been quite appropriate or if they have not been active enough (sanction: Leader Warn for the first offense, Dismissal for subsequent offenses).
Peaceful Factions Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 21 14 7 2 21 14 21 14 7 3 21 14 21 14 7 4 - 21 21 14 7 5 - 30 21 14 7 6 0 - 21 14 7 Gangs Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Departments Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Hitmen Agency Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Sons of Anarchy Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7Important
Each FW received adds an additional 14 days of waiting time before promotion. At 2 Verbal Warnings (AVs), the player will be sanctioned with 1 Faction Warn for accumulating 2 AVs. AVs do not add extra waiting days for promotion. Their evidence must be manually kept by the Leader. The total number of slots for each faction can be viewed on the RPG website.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#8-extra-rules","title":"8. Extra Rules","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#general-rules","title":"General Rules","text":"Each Leader is obligated to respect the Server Rules, Leader Regulations, their Faction's regulations, and to apply the appropriate sanctions for their violation.
A Leader is not allowed to make a complaint against another Leader, including from accounts sharing the same IP address (sanction: Leader Warn first offense, Dismissal if repeated).
Wiping members without an extremely serious reason and as a last resort is not permitted (sanction: Dismissal FP 300).
Leaders are permitted to play on other accounts on the same server with approval from faction managers (admins 4+).
A Leader Warn in the Leader position can be removed after at least one month from receiving it if no further warnings have been issued in the meantime.
It is strictly forbidden for a Leader to request various compensations for accepting a player into the faction, passing their test, sparing them from sanctions, promoting them, etc. (sanction: Leader Warn first offense, Dismissal if repeated).
Gang Leaders who have at least 10 members banned for cheats in one month risk severe sanctions if this number continues to increase (sanction: Leader Warn or Dismissal).
Gang Leaders are obligated to participate in 3 out of 5 war days per week (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn second offense, Dismissal if repeated).
Gang Leaders are obligated to have a minimum of 3 attacks each week during war days (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn second offense).
At the beginning of each month, you must verify the activity of members for the previous month and sanction them. This can be done on the website in the Leader Panel, under the Member Activity tab.
Members will be sanctioned as follows:
Sanctions for activity will only be given to members who have at least 30 days in the faction.
Leaders who do not sanction their members by the end of the second day of the month and begin their sanctions from the following day (for example: 03.03.2021 or later) will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning at the first offense, followed by a Leader Warn at the second offense.
Leaders will be required to post monthly evidence of hours on the forum in the specific monthly hours topic created for each faction separately. In that topic, a table with the real hours of your members will be posted.
No later than the end of the second day of the month, evidence must be posted (not later). Anyone who is late with the evidence will be sanctioned exactly as mentioned above.
To avoid situations where a member had the first offense in 2020 and the second offense in 2022, resulting in a rank down, offenses are always reset 6 months from the last sanction given for lacking hours played.
If a member received their first sanction for played hours on January 1, 2023, which was an FW as the first offense, and until August they have no further offenses, but then they need to receive another sanction for not having 15 real hours, they will receive another FW as the first offense because the offenses reset. This reset occurs 6 months from January 1, considering July 1, 2023.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#organized-activities","title":"Organized Activities","text":"Small errors that may occur when a member of a faction makes an absence request (such as the absence number, rank held, etc.) will not be sanctioned with rejection of the absence request request from the first instance.
For the first offense, the member will be warned (meaning you inform them of the mistake without a sanction), for the second offense, they will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning, and from the third offense, they will be sanctioned with a Faction Warning (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
The sanctions for being late are as follows for all factions:
An activity with mandatory attendance to which these sanctions apply must last between 40 and 60 minutes.
Activities with mandatory attendance must be announced at least one week in advance (forum post, FMOTD), and the only way for members to be excused is through an open leave request on the website in advance.
If a Leader wants to organize an activity with mandatory attendance, they must have a well-founded reason (ex: a meeting after a new Leader has been promoted, after major rule changes, etc.) and request approval from a faction manager (admin 4+).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#gang-rules","title":"Gang Rules","text":"If an interdiction request is closed within 3 days without a majority vote from you, you will be sanctioned verbally, followed by a Verbal Warning, Leader Warn, and Dismissal.
Leaders who knowingly accept individuals using cheats will be sanctioned with Leader Warn or Dismissal, depending on the case.
Leaders and subleaders are obligated to attend wars. Subleaders can use their 2 weekly absences for exemption, while Leaders must post in the specific Staff discord channel for an absence request (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for the second offense, and dismissal if it continues).
Members who are part of a gang and meanwhile receive an interdiction will always be dismissed with FP 60/60. Players who receive an interdiction will be able to be accepted into another gang after a minimum of one month from receiving the ban. Leaders who accept players with interdictions will be sanctioned with Leader Warn, even for the first offense.
In case there are complaints about fast c-bug performed by members during wars (both mandatory and optional), where the sanction is Faction Warn, the sanction will be applied only once if the evidence being complained about (from different complaints) is made within a 10-minute interval at that time. If the difference between evidence is more than 10 minutes, they will be sanctioned for each piece of evidence.
In case the subleader receives a ban for cheats (Aimbot/Norecoil), you will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first offense, and a Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
With every vote you bring to the player whose interdiction request is made, you are obliged to bring an argument for that vote.
Leaders are NOT allowed to sanction members during wars for reasons such as \"who dies without a kill gets FW\" - \"who dies gets FW.\" You can sanction members for disobeying a higher rank only if you provide enough time to reach a backup position, and those members continue to ignore you and do not come to the position you requested (sanction: Leader Warn).
All absence requests are done through the website.
You can accept a maximum of 5 absence requests in one war day. (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses)
Gang Leaders can set the time limit for attendance at gang wars according to the following formula:
The Leader can decide not to consider seconds for a particular war day, requiring 30 seconds per turf for attendance.
In case of abuses related to this rule, a Leader Warn will be issued directly. Faction managers (admins 4+) can request evidence from the Leader to demonstrate that they have announced the number of seconds.
Info note
Proprietarul unui cont este considerat intotdeauna posesorul adresei de email inregistrate pe cont. Din motive de securitate asigurati-va ca nu pierdeti accesul la adresa de mail de pe cont, in caz contrar contul este pierdut.
Stafful ofera ajutor limitat numai prin intermediul cererilor de recuperare care pot fi facute pe website-ul RPG si nu garanteaza recuperarea unui cont pierdut. Ne rezervam dreptul de a respinge orice cerere fara a oferi un motiv.
Nota informativa
Toate sanctiunile vor fi acordate conform nivelului real al jucatorului (adica se calculeaza toate punctele de respect ale jucatorului pentru a-i determina nivelul real).
"},{"location":"#afaceri-cu-conturibunuri","title":"Afaceri cu Conturi/Bunuri","text":"Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri cu bunuri reale pe bunuri in joc (sanctiune: ban permanent).
Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri cu gold pe bunuri in joc (sanctiune: ban 30 de zile).
Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri care implica crearea mai multor clanuri \u0219i v\u00e2nzarea lor la suprapre\u021b dup\u0103 ce fac minim o lun\u0103 de zile vechime (sanctiune: ban 30 de zile).
Nu sunt permise afacerile sau tentativele de afaceri de conturi pe bunuri reale sau bunuri in joc (sanctiune: ban permanent fara a putea cumpara unban din shop).
A doua abatere se sanctioneaza direct cu ban permanent fara a putea cumpara unban din shop.
Datorita multitudinii de jucatori care incalca aceste reguli, ne rezervam dreptul de a trage la raspundere si a sanctiona transferurile sau afacerile care nu au niciun rationament logic sau justificare.
"},{"location":"#securitatea-contului","title":"Securitatea Contului","text":"Stafful nu se ocupa de problemele legate de conturi sparte, bunuri pierdute in timpul spargerii unui cont, sanctiuni primite in timpul spargerii unui cont si asa mai departe. Este datoria fiecarui jucator sa aiba grija de contul sau de emailul care e setat pe cont.
Impartirea contului cu alte persoane poate duce la astfel de probleme si riscati sa ramaneti fara cont, bunuri sau sa fiti sanctionati din cauza acestora.
Recuperarea unui cont pierdut se poate face numai printr-o cerere de recuperare pe website, facand click pe butonul Sign In iar mai apoi pe Lost your account. Cititi cu atentie regulamentul care va apare acolo atunci cand incercati sa recuperati un cont.
Nota informativa
Adminii de level 4+ isi rezerva dreptul de a sanctiona o persoana care se ocupa cu spargeri de conturi sau de a ajuta o persoana a carui cont a fost spart daca considera necesar.
Atentie, adminii nu au absolut nicio obligatie sa sanctioneze pe cineva sau sa va ajute in cazul in care v-a fost spart contul.
Exemple cum poate sa-ti fie spart contulPe scurt, 2FA-ul este o aplicatie suplimentara pe telefon care va genera un cod din 6 cifre care se schimba periodic. Acel cod va fi folosit la conectarea pe cont cand se schimba ziua calendaristica sau cand vi se schimba IP-ul.
Important de stiut: daca nu aveti 2FA-ul activat iar cineva va intra pe cont, acea persoana poate activa 2FA-ul si sa va blocheze in afara contului. Ce mai trebuie sa stiti este ca daca va este sparta adresa de email, cel care a spart-o se poate folosi de aceasta pentru a dobandi acces la 2FA-ul de pe serverul de sa-mp, asadar aveti grija de email si setati un email valid pe cont.
Pentru o protectie sporita, 2FA-ul este obligatoriu pentru persoanele care detin functii pe server (lider, helper, admin) si nu vor putea folosi conturile fara a-l avea activat.
Daca dezactivati 2FA-ul dupa ce l-ati activat, intrarea veche din aplicatie nu va mai functiona. Este obligatoriu sa folositi intrarea din aplicatie creata la momentul reactivarii 2FA-ului.
In cazul pierderii sau resetarii telefonului, ori a stergerii aplicatiei, cheia secreta cu care puteti redobandi acces la 2FA poate fi recuperata folosind sistemul de recuperare 2FA de pe website-ul nostru.
Activarea 2FA-ului se face de pe website-ul RPG, intrand la My Account si apoi la Security. Faceti click pe butonul de activare. Activare 2FA
Se va deschide un fereastra cu un cod QR si o cheie secreta. Cititi cu atentie instructiunile si descarcati aplicatia de 2FA dorita. Nu inchideti fereastra! Puteti folosi ca aplicatie Google Authenticator, Authy sau alta aplicatie pe care o preferati. Sfat: Salvati undeva acel cod lung (cheia secreta) pentru situatiile in care veti pierde accesul la emailul de pe cont. Fereastra de activare 2FA
Dupa instalarea aplicatiei dorite, cautati butonul de adaugare si selectati optiunea dorita: scanarea codului QR sau introducerea manuala a cheii secrete (acel cod lung). Adaugarea unei intrari noi
Daca ati optat pentru metoda de scanare QR, atunci tot ce trebuie sa faceti este sa indreptati camera telefonului inspre codul QR de pe website-ul RPG. Telefonul va recunoaste automat QR-ul si o sa va adauge o intrare noua in aplicatie. Scanarea Codului QR
Daca ati optat pentru introducerea manuala, introduceti numele dorit pentru intrare, copiati cheia secreta (acel cod lung) in aplicatie respectand intocmai literele mari, mici si cifrele. De asemenea lasati bifata optiunea de \"Time Based\" deoarece codurile functioneaza doar in functie de asta. Introducerea manuala
Ultimul pas reprezinta adaugarea introducerea codului generat de noua intrare din aplicatie in fereastra de pe website-ul RPG. Introduceti codul acolo, fara spatii, si faceti click pe butonul Activate pentru a va activa 2FA-ul. Activarea finala
Dezactivarea 2FA-ului se face tot de la My Account, intrand la Security si facand click pe butonul de dezactivare. Nu veti putea dezactiva 2FA-ul fara acces la codul generat de aplicatia cu care a fost activat initial 2FA-ul. Dezactivarea 2FA-ului
In fereastra care se va deschide va trebui sa introduceti codul generat de aplicatie si sa faceti click pe butonul verde. Veti primi apoi un mesaj de succes si veti vedea 2FA-ul dezactivat. Dezactivarea finala
In acest moment 2FA-ul de pe cont este complet dezactivat, asadar si riscul de a fi spar este mai mare. Retineti ca este responsabilitatea voastra sa aveti grija de securizarea corecta a contului.
"},{"location":"#conturi-multiple","title":"Conturi Multiple","text":"Puteti detine mai multe conturi, insa incalcarea anumitor reguli precum: afaceri ilegale, spargeri de conturi, coduri, moduri interzise, bug abuse, reclama, inselatorii, limbaj, toxicitate, incalcari repetate ale regulamentului, alte incalcari grave de regulament poate fi sanctionata pe toate conturile detinute.
"},{"location":"#impartire-conturi","title":"Impartire Conturi","text":"Impartirea unui cont cu alte persoane este permisa, insa se va face numai pe propria voastra raspundere.
Pentru banurile de minim 14 zile se sanctioneaza conturile secundare cu level mai mare ca si cel banat atunci cand este indeplinita una dintre urmatoarele conditii:
In anumite situatii se pot bana conturi secundare si care nu se aplica in aceasta regula cu aprobarea unui admin 6.
Este strict interzis pentru membrii echipei RPG (lideri, helperi, admini) sa-si imparta conturile cu alte persoane fara a anunta si discuta situatia cu Supervisorul sau Managerul in prealabil. Consecinta incalcarii acestei reguli este inlaturarea din functie sau chiar banarea contului daca e nevoie.
"},{"location":"#activitatea-pe-server","title":"Activitatea pe Server","text":"Este strict interzisa orice metoda de a acumula ore jucate, de a iesi din stadiul de AFK, de a face actiuni in mod automat pentru voi, etc. (autoclickere, blocari de taste, moduri de tip route recording sau altele, plimbatul de conturi cu/pe masini, abuzarea sistemului de poker, etc.). Asta inseamna inclusiv controlarea conturilor secundare prin tot felul de modalitati, de obicei moduri.
Adminii vor interactiona cu voi direct sau indirect, unde este cazul, pentru a se asigura ca voi miscati cu adevarat caracterul in joc, iar in cazul in care se determina ca ati incalcat regula veti fi sanctionati cu ban 1 zi, sau mai mult cu aprobarea unui admin superior in caz de multiple abateri, plus stergerea anumitor premii pe care le-ati primit in urma acestui abuz.
In cazul folosirii modurilor avansate (cele care raspund automat, care trimit va avertizeaza ca un admin va verifica, care se misca automat, care fac actiuni automate in locul vostru, etc.) sanctiunea va fi mai mare deoarece si procesul de verificare e mai complicat. sanctiunea o vor stabili adminii, dupa caz.
Nu vom mai accepta raspunsuri oferite la misto adminilor cand acestia incearca sa determine daca activati pe cont. Scopul nostru este sa ne asiguram ca fiecare joaca corect si respecta functionalitatea sistemelor pe care vi le oferim, asadar nu complicati lucrurile.
Permitem totodata si jucatorilor sa verifice si sa raporteze jucatorii pe care-i prind folosind astfel de metode.
Atata timp cat jucati normal, va miscati voi contul, pe cate un cont odata si nu cautati in mod explicit metode de a va creste activitatea in mod abuziv, nu aveti de ce sa va temeti sau sa va intereseze regulile de mai sus. Ele vizeaza efectiv jucatorii care cauta in mod explicit sa abuzeze, nicidecum jucatorii care joaca normal.
"},{"location":"#inactivitate","title":"Inactivitate","text":"Jucatorii care nu au minim 20 de ore REALE jucate in ultimele 2 luni de joc risca pierderea casei sau a tuturor actiunilor bizrilor detinute (fara vehicule).
Jucatorii cu case cumparate de pe shop au nevoie de minim 10 ore REALE in ultimele 2 luni pentru a nu le pierde. Daca nu puteti juca, va sugeram sa vindeti proprietatile ca sa nu le pierdeti. Nu puteti recupera proprietatile pierdute din cauza inactivitatii.
Incercarile de ascundere a propritatilor de pe conturile inactive nu va vor scuti de pierderea acestora.
Nota informativa
Ultimele 2 luni de joc sunt considerate intotdeauna ultimele 2 luni de dinaintea lunii in care ne aflam.
Asadar daca acum este luna Aprilie, noi vom considera ultimele 2 luni de joc: Martie + Februarie.
Daca trecem in luna Mai, ultimele 2 luni de joc vor fi: Aprilie + Martie. Daca trecem in luna Iunie, ultimele 2 luni de joc vor fi: Mai + Aprilie si asa mai departe.
"},{"location":"#2-clientul-de-samp-coduri-moduri-buguri-si-reclama","title":"2. Clientul de SA:MP, Coduri, Moduri, Buguri \u0219i Reclama","text":""},{"location":"#clientul-de-samp","title":"Clientul de SA:MP","text":"Recomandam folosirea clientului oficial de SA:MP care poate fi luat de pe b-zone.ro/samp.
Folosirea altor clienti de SA:MP neoficiali este permisa pe proprie raspundere si nu raspundem de eventualele sanctiuni pe care le puteti primi din cauza bugurilor/optiunilor pe care acestia le au.
Nota informativa
Clientul de SA:MP pe Android prezinta astfel de buguri/optiuni. Atata timp cat nu va folositi de ele va puteti juca si de pe acesta.
"},{"location":"#coduri","title":"Coduri","text":"Folosirea codurilor sau conectarea cu ele pe serverele noastre este strict interzisa (sanctiune: ban 30 de zile).
A doua abatere se sanctioneaza cu ban permanent.
Conturile pana in level 5 inclusiv vor primi direct permanent ban. Vom acorda ban pe IP conturilor banate pentru trollhack si jucatorilor care-si creeaza multiple conturi pentru a folosi coduri sau pentru a strica jocul celorlalti.
Exemple de coduri:
Folosirea modurilor care-ti aduc un avantaj destul de mare fata de restul jucatorilor sau conectarea cu ele pe serverele noastre este interzisa (sanctiune: ban 3 zile).
Daca nu sunteti in totalitate siguri ca modul folosit este permis este indicat sa nu-l folositi.
Exemple de moduri permise:
Exemple de moduri nepermise:
Exploatarea anumitor greseli/erori ale jocului sau serverului este interzisa (sanctiune: warn).
Abuzurile grave precum buguri de facut bani, furat bunuri si asa mai departe se sanctioneaza cu ban 30 de zile.
Exemple de abuzuri sanctionabile cu warn din prima:
Alte abuzuri minore care nu se regasesc in lista de mai sus se vor sanctiona prin kick la prima abatere, apoi warn.
"},{"location":"#reclama","title":"Reclama","text":"Reclama intentionata facuta serverelor ce nu apartin de B-Zone este interzisa (sanctiune: ban 14 zile).
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu ban permanent.
Conturile pana in level 5 inclusiv vor primi direct ban permanent.
"},{"location":"#3-inselatorii","title":"3. Inselatorii","text":"Toate afacerile de pe server se vor face prin intermediul comenzii /trade. Afacerile facute fara aceasta comanda pot duce la inselatorii si la pierderea bunurilor.
Nota informativa
Adminii nu vor interveni in inselatoriile pe care le fac jucatorii decat in anumite circumstante stabilite doar de acestia. Asadar adminii de level 4+ isi rezerva dreptul de a interveni in anumite inselatorii si chiar si a sanctiona jucatorul care a facut inselatoria daca este cazul.
Atentie, adminii nu au absolut nicio obligatie sa sanctioneze pe cineva sau sa va ajute in cazul in care ati fost inselat.
"},{"location":"#4-limbaj","title":"4. Limbaj","text":"Permitem jucatorilor nostri sa se exprime liber, insa fara a folosi injuraturi sau insulte grave la adresa celorlalti jucatori, pe chaturi globale ori pe chaturile factiunilor.
Exemple de limbaj sanctionabil:
Exemple de limbaj nesanctionabil (exceptie fata de admini):
Limbajul pe chaturile clanurilor va fi sanctionat de catre ownerii de clan, mai putin atunci cand acesta este adresat de insusi clan owner, este adresat adminilor sau colegilor de factiune.
Pentru a asigura un joc cat mai placut si usor de administrat, singurele limbi permise pe chaturile globale sunt Romana si Engleza. Folosirea oricarei alte limbi pe chaturile publice (/ad, /gov, /live, /news, /f, /r, /d, /sx, /tx) este interzisa (sanctiune: warn). Pe privat (local, /sms, /call, /whisper, /carwhisper, /c, /ac) este permisa folosirea altor limbi.
"},{"location":"#civilii","title":"Civilii","text":"sanctiunea va creste cu 2 zile in plus la fiecare abatere suplimentara.
"},{"location":"#membrii-factiunilor","title":"Membrii factiunilor","text":"Vor fi sanctionati conform regulamentului factiunilor.
"},{"location":"#jignirile-insultele-sau-limbajul-vulgar-aduse-oricarui-admin-sau-serverului","title":"Jignirile, insultele sau limbajul vulgar aduse oricarui admin sau serverului","text":"Sanctiunea va creste cu 3 zile in plus la fiecare abatere suplimentara.
Sanctiunea se aplica doar pentru limbajul adresat in joc sau pe website.
Adminii pot solicita unui Admin 6 permisiune pentru a oferi sanctiuni mai mari ca acestea daca sunt necesare.
"},{"location":"#nume-proprietati","title":"Nume Proprietati","text":"Jucatorii care folosesc texte jignitoare, vulgare sau inselatoare pe proprietatile detinute (masini, bizuri, case) vor fi sanctionati cu warn.
In cazul vehiculelor, risca sa fie sanctionati inclusiv jucatorii de la bord care nu le detin, in functie de situatie. Daca refuza sa schimbe textul vor fi sanctionati cu ban 3 zile pana cand fac asta.
"},{"location":"#spamming","title":"Spamming","text":"Este interzis sa repetati acelasi mesaj de 6 ori sau sa umpleti chatul fara rost (sanctiune: mute 15 minute).
Se exclude de la aceasta regula spamul pe /sms, care poate fi gestionat din comanda /ignore. Cu toate acestea in cazul folosirii de moduri pentru a trimite spam masiv prin sms sau alte metode se va acorda ban pentru moduri ilegale.
"},{"location":"#5-comportament-non-rp","title":"5. Comportament NON-RP","text":"Prin comportament non roleplay se intelege o actiune sau un abuz de anumite comenzi care ofera jucatorului in cauza un avantaj nedrept sau altor jucatori un dezavantaj semnificativ in diverse situatii.
Exemple de comportament non-rp:
Chaturile globale sunt acele chaturi care pot fi vazute de catre toti jucatorii de pe server (/ad, /live, /e, /news, /gov etc.).
Nu sunt permise jignirile pe aceste chaturi (sanctiune: warn) si nici insultele grave/limbajul vulgar (sanctiune: ban 3 zile).
Sanctiunea va creste cu 3 zile in plus la fiecare abatere suplimentara.
Nu este permisa promovarea de continut social media (youtube, tiktok, facebook, etc) pe aceste chaturi (sanctiune: kick), cu exceptia canalelor care apartin celor din stafful jocului sau a YouTuberilor comunitatii (ex: b-zone.ro/bobo).
"},{"location":"#live-sau-event-chat","title":"Live sau Event chat","text":"Nu sunt permise glumele proaste, batjocura, caterinca excesiva, emoticoanele, semnele obscene, spamul (sanctiune: kick/stopevent).
Adminii pot solicita unui Admin 6 permisiune pentru a oferi sanctiuni mai mari ca acestea daca sunt necesare.
"},{"location":"#anunturi-publice","title":"Anunturi publice","text":"Nu sunt permise (sanctiune: kick):
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu warn.
"},{"location":"#7-reguli-suplimentare","title":"7. Reguli Suplimentare","text":""},{"location":"#nickname-jucatorclan-crest-clanuri","title":"Nickname jucator/clan, crest clanuri","text":"Este interzisa folosirea unui nume la misto, indecent, foarte asemanator cu al altor jucatori/admini, cu tag de clan oficial (sanctiune: rename).
Este interzisa folosirea unui clan name/tag indecent, vulgar, foarte asemanator cu al altui clan, etc. (sanctiune: rename clanului).
Daca se refuza schimbarea numelui ori aceasta nu este posibila se va acorda ban permanent.
Este interzisa folosirea unui clan crest indecent, vulgar, foarte asemanator cu al altui clan, etc. (sanctiune: remove crest, aplicare cooldown masiv si sanctionare owner unde e cazul).
"},{"location":"#functia-report","title":"Functia /report","text":"Se foloseste pentru a semnala incalcari ale regulilor sau pentru probleme pe un ton politicos si calm. Orice altceva este interzis (sanctiune: mute 30 de minute).
"},{"location":"#functia-n","title":"Functia /n","text":"Se foloseste pentru a cere ajutor informativ pe un ton politicos si calm. Orice altceva este interzis (sanctiune: mute 30 de minute).
Jignirile, insultele grave sau limbajul vulgar pe acest chat vor fi sanctionate ca si cum l-ati adresa unui admin.
"},{"location":"#cereri-de-unban","title":"Cereri de unban","text":"Orice cerere facuta in batjocura ori care contine un limbaj necorespunzator va fi sanctionata si ignorata (sanctiune: ban 14 zile).
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu ban permanent.
"},{"location":"#deranjul-jucatorilor-sau-a-staffului","title":"Deranjul jucatorilor sau a staffului","text":"Este interzis sa deranjati jucatorii la joburi, la raportul de activitate, la rob, examen auto, evenimente sau adminii cand au treaba (sanctiune: kick).
A doua abatere va fi sanctionata direct cu warn.
Nota informativa
In cazul membrilor din departamente, acestia pot folosi somatiile si sanctiona jucatorul direct cu wanted in functie de caz (neconformare, DB, DM, etc.).
"},{"location":"#folosirea-codatilor-pentru-zonele-de-clan","title":"Folosirea codatilor pentru zonele de clan","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a sterge un clan in care unul sau mai multi jucatori au fost prinsi folosind coduri pentru a ajuta la cucerirea zonelor de clan.
Clan ownerul este in mod direct raspunzator de persoanele pe care le invita in clan, in special de conturile de level mic invitate de pe care se folosesc coduri pentru a ajuta la cucerirea zonelor.
Clanul poate fi sters definitiv fara a returna Goldul cheltuit pentru crearea clanului.
"},{"location":"#cresterea-abuziva-a-nivelului-de-clan","title":"Cresterea abuziva a nivelului de clan","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a modifica XP-ul clanului sau chiar de a sterge clanul acolo unde se determina ca s-a crescut nivelul clanului intr-un mod abuziv.
"},{"location":"#abuzul-de-functie","title":"Abuzul de functie","text":"Abuzul sever de functie ce implica modificari a mai multor conturi se sanctioneaza drastic (sanctiune: ban permanent fara a putea cumpara unban din shop).
"},{"location":"#distribuirea-de-date-personale","title":"Distribuirea de date personale","text":"Este interzis sa transmiti informatii personale ale altor jucatori fara acordul acestora (linkuri cu poze, videouri, numere de telefon, id-uri personale, emailuri personale, adrese personale si asa mai departe) (sanctiune: ban 7 zile SAU alta sanctiune cu aprobarea unui admin 6).
"},{"location":"#santajul","title":"Santajul","text":"Este interzisa santajarea sau tentativa de a santaja un jucator sa nu-i faci reclamatie/sa retragi reclamatia pe care i-ai facut-o cat si sa platesti pe cineva sa nu-ti faca reclamatie/sa retraga reclamatia (sanctiune: warn).
Nota informativa
Sanctiunea pentru santaj se aplica doar pe baza dovezilor din joc.
Va recomandam sa nu acceptati discutii in afara jocului cu jucatori pe care nu-i cunoasteti si care incearca sa va raporteze sau au facut-o deja.
"},{"location":"#8-website","title":"8. Website","text":""},{"location":"#dovezi","title":"Dovezi","text":"Dovezile de pe server trebuie sa includa marcajele serverului cu data, ora, numele jucatorului si al serverului, exceptie pentru abateri de regulament care se sanctioneaza cu ban 14 zile sau mai mare (reclamatie respinsa automat).
O dovada este valabila cel mult 3 zile si trebuie sa apartina persoanei care face reclamatia, exceptie pentru admini, coduri, afaceri ilegale, moduri interzise sau alte incalcari grave ale regulilor (reclamatie respinsa automat).
Falsificarea dovezilor este strict interzisa (sanctiune: ban permanent de la prima abatere, no unban de la a doua). Se vor bana si conturile de nivel mai mare ale jucatorului.
Dovezile trebuie de preferat facute fara page-up, pentru a se putea interpreta cat mai corect situatia. In functie de caz, aceste dovezi pot sa fie luate in considerare, dar exista si riscul sa fie ignorate daca sunt neclare.
Se accepta dovezi concrete din afara serverului, de preferat video, in cazul reclamatiilor pentru afaceri ilegale, spargeri de conturi, comentarii vulgare, martori vulgari, reclamatii adresate staffului (lider, helper, admin) sau alte incalcari grave ale regulamentului.\u200b
In cazul dovezilor de pe browser se accepta numai videouri in care sa se dea minim un refresh la pagina sa se vada ca dovada nu e falsificata (reclamatie respinsa automat).
"},{"location":"#continut","title":"Continut","text":"Este interzisa deschiderea reclamatiilor sau a ticketurilor fara motiv intemeiat (sanctiune: suspend website 3 zile).
Este interzis sa jignesti, sa hartuiesti oriunde in cadrul websiteului (sanctiune: suspend website 3 zile).
Este interzis sa insulti grav, sa publici continut vulgar (mesaje, poze, videouri) sau pornografic oriunde in cadrul websiteului (sanctiune: suspend website 7 zile SAU alta sanctiune cu aprobarea unui admin 6).
Este interzis sa postezi informatii personale ale altor jucatori fara acordul acestora (poze cu ei, numere de telefon, id-uri personale, emailuri personale, adrese personale si asa mai departe) (sanctiune: suspend website 7 zile si stergerea/editarea continutului SAU alta sanctiune cu aprobarea unui admin 6).
Este interzis sa faci reclama (servere, site-uri, pagini, canale, clipuri, etc.) (sanctiune: suspend website 3 zile sau ban 14 zile/permanent).
Ne rezervam dreptul de a oferi suspend pe website persoanelor care abuzeaza de sistemul de ticketing.
Nota informativa
Regulile de mai sus se aplica inclusiv comentariilor sterse, reclamatiilor retrase, martorilor adaugati, dovezilor postate in reclamatii, continutul extern (linkuri catre alte site-uri) si asa mai departe.
Reclamatiile aiurea si posthuntingul"},{"location":"#posthuntingul","title":"Posthuntingul","text":"Definim un posthunter ca fiind o persoana cu rea-vointa care cauta in mod intentionat pana si cele mai mici greseli sau pune un alt jucator in situatii foarte dificile, pentru a raporta jucatorul staffului, avand ca scop final sanctionarea acestuia.
Avand in vedere diversele situatii care pot aparea prin reclamatii, stafful serverului este singurul in masura sa decida atunci cand un jucator incearca sa faca posthunting.
Consecinte posthunting:
Ce nu se considera posthunting:
Ce se considera posthunting:
Reclamatiile la adresa staffului (lideri, helperi, admini) pot fi facute doar de persoanele implicate in mod direct (reclamatie respinsa automat).
"},{"location":"#9-exceptii","title":"9. Exceptii","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii de la regulile mentionate mai sus, cat si de la celelalte reguli pe care un jucator are obligatia de a le respecta (reguli factiuni, reguli staff, etc.), in cazurile in care situatia o cere fara a fi nevoiti sa oferim explicatii, incercand sa actualizam regulamentul si cu respectivele cazuri noi.
Jucatorii care: au prea multe sanctiuni, prea multe conturi creatoare de probleme, creaza conturi doar pentru a strica bunastarea serverului, sunt considerati ca incurca jocul prea mult vor fi banati permanent.
Aceste exceptii pot fi facute numai cu permisiunea unui admin de nivel 6.
Inregistrarea unui cont in cadrul serverului va obliga sa respectati regulamentele impuse.
Regulile au ca scop pastrarea unui joc placut pentru toata lumea si nu pot cuprinde toate situatiile in care cineva ar putea dezechilibra jocul, de aceea ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii.
Daca aveti intrebari despre situatii care nu se regasesc in mod explicit in regulament, puteti sa luati legatura cu noi deschizand un ticket. Interpretarea dupa bunul plac a regulamentului pentru a va aduce avantaje incorecte nu este permisa.
"},{"location":"factions/gang-rules/","title":"Gang General Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/gsb/","title":"Green Street Bloods Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/news-reporters/","title":"News Reporters Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/paramedics/","title":"Paramedics Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/","title":"Peaceful Faction General Rules","text":"Pe langa acest regulament, toti membrii au obligatia de a respecta inclusiv Regulamentul Serverului.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#1-comportament-si-limbaj","title":"1. Comportament si Limbaj","text":"Exemple de limbaj fata de colegi sanctionabil cu Faction Warn:
Nota informativa
Acest limbaj va fi sanctionat numai daca colegul jignit face reclamatie. Reclamatiile la adresa colegilor se fac contactand liderul printr-un mesaj privat, nu pe website-ul RPG.
Exemple de limbaj fata de colegi sau alti jucatori sanctionabil cu demitere:
Limbajul de acest gen pe chatul factiunii va fi mereu sanctionat indiferent cui este adresat.
Pe langa limbaj fata de colegi se interzic:
Daca membrul nu inceteaza nici dupa primirea celei de-a doua sanctiuni, acesta va fi demis. Pentru cazurile prezentate mai sus se sanctioneaza limbajul folosit indiferent de limba folosita.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#2-deathmatch-dm-si-drive-by-db","title":"2. Deathmatch (DM) si Drive-By (DB)","text":"Este interzis DM-ul sau DB-ul fara motiv intemeiat (sanctiune: Faction Warn). In cazul in care sunteti atacati strangeti mai intai dovezi, dupa care va puteti apara.
Membrii clanurilor oficiale au voie sa atace membrii altor clanuri oficiale in interiorul sau apropierea zonelor de clan doar atunci cand sunt implicati in cucerirea/apararea acelei zone. Daca membrii altor clanuri au initiat deja o lupta pentru acea zona, este interzisa interventia altor persoane care nu fac parte din respectivele clanuri.
Nota informativa
Se permite DM/DB asupra membrilor departamentelor sau jucatorilor aflati pe blacklistul factiunii. Nu se permite DM/DB la sedinte, evenimente, antrenamente, licitatii sau alte actiuni importante.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#3-organizarea-factiunii","title":"3. Organizarea Factiunii","text":"Important
Membrii care nu aduc suficiente contributii unei factiuni si tot ceea ce fac e sa tina un loc ocupat vor fi considerati inactivi (sanctiune: demitere).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#cereri-inactivitate","title":"Cereri Inactivitate","text":"Toate cererile de inactivitate se fac numai pe website. Un membru are dreptul la cel mult 14 zile de inactivitate o data la 45 de zile.
Nota informativa
Membrii cu cerere de inactivitate acceptata au voie sa se conecteze pe server si sa joace. Acestia vor fi scutiti de raportul de activitate. Cererile de inactivitate nu pot fi facute pentru saptamana de raport in curs, doar pentru saptamanile urmatoare.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#raport-de-activitate","title":"Raport de Activitate","text":"Fiecare membru de rank 1-5 (exceptie Subliderii) are obligatia de a efectua raport de activitate. Adminii si Helperii vor avea un raport de activitate redus fata de restul membrilor. Fraudarea sau ajutarea unui coleg sa fraudeze raportul de activitate este strict interzisa (sanctiune: demitere).
Nota informativa
Sunt scutiti de efectuarea raportului membrii cu cereri de inactivitate sau membrii nou intrati in factiune (mai putin cei care intra la inceput de saptamana).
Neefectuarea Raportului de Activitatejucatorii de rank 1 care nu reusesc sa-si efectueze raportul de activitate for fi demisi in mod automat din factiune cu FP 60/60.
jucatorii de minim rank 2 care nu reusesc sa-si efectueze raportul de activitate vor intra initial in modul de recuperare.
daca jucatorul nu reuseste nici in saptamana de recuperare sa finalizeze raportul acesta va fi sanctionat astfel:
Toti membrii factiunii au obligatia de a avea un minim de ore reale jucate in decursul unei luni de zile. Numarul de ore si sanctiunile pentru lipsa acestora pot fi regasite in Regulamentul Liderilor > Activitatea Membrilor.
Jucatorii cu o vechime minima de un an de zile in factiune, care au dat dovada de seriozitate si implicare, beneficiaza la cererea lor de a fi exclusi de la cerinta de acumulare a orelor reale jucate dintr-o anumita luna.
Acest beneficiu poate fi folosit o singura data pe an si va va scuti doar de necesitatea orelor jucate, nu si efectuarea rapoartelor de activitate din respectiva luna. Acestea trebuie sa le faceti in continuare sau sa optati pentru o cerere de inactivitate pentru perioada permisa si sa folositi rapoarte optionale daca aveti pentru perioada ramasa.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#5-reclamatii-website","title":"5. Reclamatii Website","text":""},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#raportarea-colegilorliderului","title":"Raportarea Colegilor/Liderului","text":"Este interzisa raportarea colegilor sau a liderului direct pe website chiar si de pe conturi secundare, exceptie pentru afaceri ilegale, spargeri de conturi, coduri, moduri interzise, bug abuse, reclama, inselatorii (sanctiune: Faction Warn prima abatere, demitere daca continua).
Colegii pot fi raportati liderului printr-un mesaj privat pe forum. Liderul poate fi raportat adminilor deschizand un ticket pe website.
Se considera colegi inclusiv membrii factiunilor de acelasi tip pentru taxi, instructori si departamente.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#dovezi","title":"Dovezi","text":"Toate dovezile de pe server trebuie sa includa marcajele serverului cu data, ora, numele jucatorului si al serverului (dovezi invalide).
O dovada este valabila cel mult 3 zile (dovezi invalide). Aveti la dispozitie 24 de ore sa aduceti dovezi in apararea voastra, exceptie atunci cand aveti cerere de inactivitate. In acest caz aveti la dispozitie 24 de ore dupa expirarea inactivitatii sa prezentati dovezile.
In cazul dovezilor de pe browser se accepta numai videouri in care sa se dea minim un refresh la pagina sa se vada ca dovada nu e falsificata (dovezi invalide).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#limbajul-si-martorii","title":"Limbajul si Martorii","text":"Este interzis sa insulti grav, sa vorbesti vulgar in reclamatii (sanctiune: demitere).
Comentariile aiurea in reclamatie, diverse ofense prin intermediul dovezilor, instigarea la cearta, fara a aduce dovezi valide pentru problema reclamata si fara a fi implicati in actiunile care au dus la problema reclamata, va fi sanctionata astfel:
Lucruri minore: mistouri usoare, linkuri cu melodii soft, glume usoare, ironii, etc. Lucruri mai serioase: bataie de joc, jigniri, linkuri cu melodii jignitoare/vulgare, etc.
Nota informativa
Regulile de mai sus se aplica inclusiv comentariilor sterse, martorilor adaugati cat si dovezilor postate in reclamatii.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#6-inlaturare-sanctiuni","title":"6. Inlaturare Sanctiuni","text":"Sanctiunile de tip Avertisment Verbal si Faction Warn pot fi inlaturate manual de catre lider atunci cand acesta considera ca meritati, respectand perioada minima de asteptare, sau automat de catre server.
Duratele minime pentru inlaturarea sanctiunilor pot fi vizualizate in Regulamentul Liderilor -> Promovare Membri si Locuri Factiuni.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#7-promovarea-in-rank","title":"7. Promovarea in Rank","text":"Promovarea in rank poate fi facuta manual de catre lider atunci cand acesta considera ca meritati, respectand perioadele minime, sau automat de catre server.
Duratele minime pentru promovarea in rank pot fi vizualizate in Regulamentul Liderilor -> Promovare Membri si Locuri Factiuni.
Rankul de Sublider este atribuit de catre lider atunci cand acesta considera ca meritati, respectand Regulamentul Liderilor -> Alegerea Subliderilor.
Nota informativa
In cazul in care sunteti degradat de la Sublider, veti primi rankul in functie de vechimea totala in factiune. Pentru urmatoarea promovare va incepe numaratoarea din momentul in care ati ramas fara Sublider.
Pentru detalii suplimentare despre degradarea de la Sublider si promovarea ulterioara, puteti accesa Regulamentul Liderilor -> Inlocuirea Subliderilor.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#8-demitere","title":"8. Demitere","text":"Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 10/60:
Orice membru care acumuleaza 3/3 Faction Warns va fi demis cu Faction Punish 10.
Faction Punish 60/60:
Orice membru care nu are minim 2 saptamani in factiune va fi demis cu Faction Punish 60.
Nota informativa
Pot exista anumite exceptii in care jucatorii pot iesi fara Faction Punish, aceste exceptii fiind stabilite de catre admini.
In cazuri speciale se poate acorda Faction Punish 60 si membrilor care au peste 2 saptamani in factiune.
In cazul in care ati primit ban 3 sau mai multe zile veti putea ramane in factiune doar daca sunteti debanati printr-o cerere de unban, nu si daca va cumparati unban cu gold.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#9-blacklist","title":"9. Blacklist","text":"Nota informativa
Nu se va acorda blacklist la departamente pentru lucruri care se pot sanctiona cu wanted. Se va acorda cate un avertisment pentru fiecare abatere.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#platirea-blacklistului","title":"Platirea Blacklistului","text":"Acest statut este atribuit de catre lider membrilor de minim rank 4 atunci cand acesta considera ca merita.
Membrii cu acest statut au obligatia de a respecta Regulamentul Liderilor -> Testarea Candidatilor, fiind sanctionati ca atare pentru incalcarea acestuia.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#conturi-multiple-si-ip-uri-comune","title":"Conturi Multiple si IP-uri Comune","text":"Membrii cu conturi multiple (cei care detin mai multe conturi) nu li se permite sa fie cu mai mult de un cont in aceeasi factiune.
Trei zile diferite (IN ULTIMELE 7 ZILE) de loguri (SA:MP Login) sunt suficiente ca sa deterinam ca 2 membri din aceeasi factiune isi impart contul frecvent. In aceasta situatie vom considera ca sunt jucatori cu conturi multiple in aceeasi factiune si vor fi demise ambele conturi.
In cazul jucatorilor care joaca din aceeasi locatie si au IP comun, pentru a face parte amandoi din aceeasi factiune este necesara deschiderea unui ticket pe website-ul RPG pentru a efectua niste verificari si a va permite acest lucru.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#joburi","title":"Joburi","text":"Se poate detine orice tip de job legal sau ilegal.
Liderul are dreptul de a forta membrii sa foloseasca un anumit job pentru o durata determinata de timp in scopul realizarii muncii din factiune (sanctiune: Faction Warn).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#skinuri","title":"Skinuri","text":"Purtarea unui alt skin in afara de cel corespunzator rankului/jobului vostru fara aprobarea liderului se sanctioneaza (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Faction Warn daca continua).
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#invoiri","title":"Invoiri","text":"In cazul in care se organizeaza o activitate obligatorie in cadrul factiunii, singurul loc in care puteti sa va invoiti este pe website-ul RPG printr-o cerere de invoire.
"},{"location":"factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#exceptii","title":"Exceptii","text":"Ne rezervam dreptul de a avea exceptii de la aceste reguli. In anumite cazuri sanctiunile pot fi diferite. Aceste exceptii pot fi facute numai cu permisiunea unui Admin 6.
"},{"location":"factions/school-instructors/","title":"School Instructors Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"factions/taxi/","title":"Taxi Rules","text":"In constructie
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/","title":"Regulament Lideri","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#1-caracteristici-generale","title":"1. Caracteristici Generale","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#obtinerea-gradului-de-lider","title":"Obtinerea Gradului de Lider","text":"Adminii cu rol de Manager de Factiune (adminii 4+) vor intocmi o lista de candidati care ar merita o sansa la o astfel de functie, in functie de o lista de prioritati si anumite criterii de baza pe care dorim sa le vedem de la un candidat.
Prioritatea pe lista:
Criterii de baza cautate:
Nota informativa
In functie de caz lucrurile pot sa difere intr-o mica masura fata de ceea ce este enumerat mai sus. Sunt momente cand e lipsa de candidati si mai lasam de la noi asupra criteriilor. Sunt persoane care ne-au dovedit ca nu au ce cauta in staff, asadar le vom omite chiar daca par ca se incadreaza cerintelor de baza. In egala masura pot exista persoane care ne-au dovedit ca si-au invatat lectia si au avut contributii semnificative, care sa ne faca sa dorim sa le acordam o sansa.
Nimic nu este batut in cuie si totul se decide in functie de situatia aparuta la momentul respectiv. Stafful mereu va comunica si se va decide care ar fi cei mai buni candidati de la momentul respectiv.
De indata ce lista este finalizata si exista suficienti candidati, vor exista doua sondaje. Un prim sondaj in care vor vota toti adminii.
In functie de rezultat, primii 3 cei mai votati candidati vor ajunge la un sondaj secundar care va fi facut pentru membrii factiunii la care se cauta Lider.
Daca doar 2 candidati obtin majoritatea voturilor, sondajul va fi efectuat doar cu 2 candidati. Daca 4 candidati au un numar de vot apropiat, vom adauga pe cat posibil 4 candidati.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#durata-functiei","title":"Durata Functiei","text":"Perioada minima pe care trebuie sa o aveti ca Lider pentru a nu primi FP 300 este de 4 luni de zile.
Perioada este stabilita astfel deoarece dorim ca persoanele care-si asuma o astfel de functie sa inteleaga si importanta acesteia inca de dinainte sa o accepte. Nu va obliga nimeni sa acceptati functia de Lider, o faceti din propria voastra vointa, insa trebuie sa fiti constienti ca trebuie sa va implicati din momentul in care ati acceptat-o.
Functia de Lider este un privilegiu pe care vi-l oferim, nu un drept absolut. Noi decidem cine merita o sansa si tot noi decidem cine nu isi face treaba corespunzator si nu mai merita sa detina aceasta functie.
Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 60/60:
Faction Punish 300/60:
Nota informativa
Pot exista anumite exceptii de la regulile de mai sus cu aprobarea unui Admin 6.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#securitatea-contului","title":"Securitatea Contului","text":"In cazul in care o alta persoana dobandeste acces la contul de Lider, veti fi inlaturat din functie cu 3/3 Leader Warnuri + Faction Punish (in functie de vechime).
Daca se produc abuzuri de pe cont, indiferent ca au fost produse de o alta persoana sau de proprietarul contului, se va acorda ban 30 de zile + Faction Punish 300.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#comportamentul-de-lider","title":"Comportamentul de Lider","text":"Nota informativa
In cazul reclamatiilor de comporament in afara jocului, stafful va decide in functie de situatie si cine a inceput daca Liderul trebuie sau nu sanctionat.
Pentru situatiile in care Liderul a fost provocat sau e pur si simplu un context care nu are nicio legatura cu jocul, nu vom lua nicio masura cat timp Liderul nu exagereaza in ultimul hal.
Cu toate acestea sfatul nostru este sa pastrati un comportament decent peste tot. Daca cineva va deranjeaza, mai bine sa-i dati block/ignore si sa va vedeti de ale voastre decat sa ne complicam cu reclamatii care ar putea rezulta in sanctiuni nedorite.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#renuntarea-la-functie","title":"Renuntarea la Functie","text":"Renuntarea la functie se face prin crearea unei demisii in canalul dedicat de pe discordul staffului cu un minim de 3 zile inainte de a renunta permanent la orice activitate ce tine de functia de Lider.
In cererea de demisie puteti propune membri din factiune pe care ii considerati ca merita sa fie luati in considerare ca si candidati pentru Lider.
Gradul va fi inlaturat dupa 3 zile de la depunerea demisiei, timp in care trebuie sa va ocupati in continuare de factiune.
Ignorarea atributiilor de Lider pentru minimul de 3 zile poate fi sanctionata cu Faction Punish 300 indiferent de durata voastra ca Lider.
Chiar daca v-ati depus demisia, pana la inlaturarea din functie aveti obligatia de a respecta in continuare regulamentul si veti fi sanctionati daca-l incalcati.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#2-subliderii-factiunii","title":"2. Subliderii Factiunii","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#alegerea-subliderilor","title":"Alegerea Subliderilor","text":"O factiune poate avea simultan cel mult 2 sublideri (sanctiune: Leader Warn).
Puteti alege cel mult 3 sublideri in decurs de-o luna (sanctiune: Leader Warn).
Nota informativa
Luna de zile se calculeaza de la data din care ati promovat primul sublider.
De exemplu, ai promovat un sublider pe 01.10, unul in data de 04.10 si unul in data de 08.10. Urmatoarea data cand poti acorda un alt sublider este 01.11, al doilea pe 04.11 si al treilea pe 08.11.
Reguli alegere sublideri pentru factiuni pasnice, departamente, hitmen:
Reguli alegere sublideri pentru ganguri:
Nerespectarea regulilor de alegere a unui sublider se sanctioneaza cu Leader Warn + rank down jucatorului promovat.
Subliderul nu trebuie sa sustina test de intrare in factiune daca e adus din afara si nici sa fie trecut in topicul Evidenta Teste din moment ce nu sustine vreun test.
Daca subliderul a primit rank down acesta va putea obtine din nou gradul de sublider dupa minim o luna de zile de la degradare (sanctiune: Leader Warn + rank down jucatorului promovat).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#inlocuirea-subliderilor","title":"Inlocuirea Subliderilor","text":"Un Lider poate inlatura gradul subliderului atunci cand considera ca nu mai are nevoie de serviciile sale si-l va degrada acordandu-i rankul in functie de vechimea sa in factiune si de regulile cu privire la acordarea rankului unui membru.
Pentru urmatoarea promovare a fostului sublider la rank 2-5 va incepe numaratoarea de la ultima promovare inainte de-a primi sublider (asadar nu se reseteaza vechimea pentru rankul anterior detinut).
Exemple de degradare a subliderului
Incalcarea regulilor de mai sus va fi sanctionata cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
Nota informativa
Liderul nu se aduna la totalul de membrii ai factiunii. Asadar o factiune va avea intotdeauna maximul de membri + Liderul.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#inchiderea-aplicatiilor","title":"Inchiderea Aplicatiilor","text":"Aplicatiile pot fi inchise cand este indeplinita cel putin una din urmatoarele conditii:
Inchiderea incorecta a aplicatiilor va fi sanctionata cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#raspunsul-aplicatiilor","title":"Raspunsul Aplicatiilor","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#cerinte-minime-acceptare","title":"Cerinte Minime Acceptare","text":"Important
Daca un jucator aflat pe blacklist reuseste sa intre in factiune, va trebui sa plateasca blacklistul sau va fi demis.
Jucatorii care nu indeplinesc cerintele minime sau sunt acceptati in mod gresit vor fi demisi fara Faction Punish si Liderul sanctionat cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testele-competitive","title":"Testele Competitive","text":"Daca aplica MAI MULTI jucatori decat locuri libere iar acei jucatori merita acceptati, in ciuda faptului ca aveti mai putine locuri, atunci se vor sustine teste competitive (adica jucatorii cu punctajele cele mai mari la teste vor ramane in factiune).
Daca aplica MAI PUTINI jucatori decat locurile libere, nu sunt necesare testele competitive.
Jucatorii acceptati care urmeaza sa fie promovati direct ca Sublider nu vor sustine teste competitive.
Caz 1: o factiune are 6 locuri libere, se deschid aplicatiile pentru o ora si se acumuleaza 20 de aplicatii. Dupa analizarea aplicatiilor, se constata ca pot fi acceptati 10 jucatori. Deoarece sunt doar 6 locuri libere, toti 10 jucatorii vor sustine testul de intrare, iar primii 6 cu cel mai bun rezultat se vor alatura factiunii.
Caz 2: o factiune are 6 locuri libere, se deschid aplicatiile pentru o ora si se acumuleaza 20 de aplicatii. Dupa analizarea aplicatiilor, se constata ca pot fi acceptati 6 jucatori. Cum sunt 6 locuri libere si 6 jucatori acceptati, toti jucatorii vor ramane in factiune daca vor trece testele.
Incalcarea regulilor de mai sus va fi sanctionata cu Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#raspunsul-propriu-zis","title":"Raspunsul Propriu-Zis","text":"Nota informativa
Ex: Daca respingeti un jucator pentru aplicatie slaba si acceptati altul in aceeasi sesiune de recrutare cu o aplicatie la fel de slaba veti fi sanctionati.
Nu puneti la motiv de respingere lucruri neclare (nu-mi inspiri incredere, nu esti activ etc.) ci oferiti informatii concrete (ai primit 10 FW-uri recent pentru comportament, ai fost demis de multe ori pentru limbaj, ai prea multe sanctiuni primite de la admini, ai stat foarte putin in toate factiunile anterioare etc.).
Aplicatiile trebuie sa fie verificate daca sunt copiate inainte sa fie acceptate. Aveti aici un ghid care va explica cum sa verificati aplicatiile corect. Daca un Lider nu verifica aplicatiile cu atentie, risca sa primeasca Avertisment Verbal sau Leader Warn in functie de gravitatea problemei si numarul de aplicatii neverificate corespunzator.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testarea-candidatilor","title":"Testarea Candidatilor","text":"Doar membrii de minim rank 4 si statut de Tester pot sustine teste cu candidatii. Liderul are dreptul de a decide cui ofera statutul de Tester dintre membrii de minim rank 4.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reguli-testare-candidati","title":"Reguli Testare Candidati","text":"Cei acceptati pentru teste vor sustine un test de cunoastere a regulamentului general si a regulamentului intern.
In cazul in care testul este dat in mod incorect, testerul primeste faction warn iar cel testat trebuie sa redea testele cu un alt tester.
In situatiile in care candidatul este activ pe server dar nu reuseste sa gaseasca niciun tester pentru a sustine testele deoarece acestia sunt inactivi, i se va prelungi durata pentru testare iar Liderul va fi tras la raspundere.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testul-teoretic","title":"Testul Teoretic","text":"Testul contine 15 intrebari de complexitate medie din regulamentele generale si interne ale factiunii.
Candidatii au dreptul la cel mult 3/3 puncte gresite, astfel:
Candidatii care incearca sa fraudeze testele vor fi sanctionati (sanctiune: test picat + blacklist 3 luni + 2 x AV pe blacklist). Motivul pentru blacklist: \"Fraudare test - data expirare\".
Testerii care incearca sa fraudeze testele sau nu le sustin dar declara ca le-au sustinut vor fi sanctionati (sanctiune: demitere).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#testul-practic","title":"Testul Practic","text":"Se va sustine si test practic in cazul in care se considera necesar, aici nefiind nevoie de o evidenta din partea testerului. In cazul in care jucatorul doreste sa raporteze proba practica trebuie sa aiba el singur dovezi.
Decizia de a sustine sau nu testele practice poate fi facuta doar de catre Lider, trebuind sa fie justificata unui manager de factiuni. Mai mult, trebuie sa fie aplicata in mod egal tuturor candidatilor din respectiva sesiune de recrutare. De exemplu daca Liderul decide sa nu se sustina test practic cu un candidat dintr-o sesiune, atunci toti candidatii acceptati in respectiva sesiune trebuie sa beneficieze si ei de acelasi tratament.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reaplicarea-in-aceeasi-factiune","title":"Reaplicarea in Aceeasi Factiune","text":"Un membru demis din factiune, voluntar sau nu, nu are voie sa fie invitat cu acelasi cont in aceeasi factiune din care a fost demis timp de minim 2 saptamani (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
Nota informatia
Jucatorul acceptat incorect va fi demis din factiune fara Faction Punish.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#5-sanctiuni-si-demiteri","title":"5. Sanctiuni si Demiteri","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#logurile-membrilor","title":"Logurile Membrilor","text":"Motivele tuturor logurilor de factiune create pe website trebuie sa fie concrete.
Incalcarea regulii de mai sus va fi sanctionata (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#sanctionarea-membrilor","title":"Sanctionarea Membrilor","text":"Toate sanctiunile pe care le poate aplica un Lider se gasesc in regulamentul general cat si cel intern al factiunii.
Un Lider are obligatia de a-si sanctiona membrii in mod corect atunci cand acestia incalca regulile serverului sau ale factiunii.
DM-ul se va sanctiona doar atunci cand exista dovezi clare (de preferat video / mai multe poze) care sa ateste ca jucatorul respectiv a facut DM. Mesajul informativ de daune nu este suficient pentru sanctionarea DM-ului (nici cel care specifica cine te-a omorat si de la ce distanta a facut asta).
Nota informativa
Inainte de a sanctiona cel mai bine este sa va consultati cu un admin de nivel 4+ daca nu sunteti siguri.
Sanctiunile pe care le oferiti membrilor trebuie postate pe forum in cel mult 48 de ore de cand ati sanctionat membrul.
Jucatorii cu conturi multiple (cei care detin mai multe conturi) nu li se permite sa fie cu mai mult de un cont in aceeasi factiune.
Trei zile diferite (IN ULTIMELE 7 ZILE) de loguri (SA:MP Login) sunt suficiente ca sa deterinam ca 2 membri din aceeasi factiune isi impart contul frecvent. In aceasta situatie vom considera ca sunt jucatori cu conturi multiple in aceeasi factiune.
Membrii promovati inainte de a fi sanctionati vor primi la loc rankul anterior.
Incalcarea tuturor regulilor de mai sus se sanctioneaza (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#6-reclamatii-si-raport-de-activitate","title":"6. Reclamatii si Raport de Activitate","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reclamatii-website","title":"Reclamatii Website","text":"Incalcarea tuturor regulilor de mai sus se sanctioneaza (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#raportul-de-activitate","title":"Raportul de Activitate","text":"Liderul este cel care stabileste punctajele minime pentru rapoartele de activitate cat si pe ce criterii se acorda punctele.
Punctele de raport sunt corectate in mod automat de catre server, astfel ca Liderul nu trebuie sa intervina la corectat, la acordat de sanctiuni pentru raport si asa mai departe.
In cazul gangurilor revine responsabilitatea Liderului sa faca evidenta prezentei la waruri si sa sanctioneze membrii (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele).
Liderul isi poate rezerva dreptul de a demite din factiune membrii care nu aduc suficiente contributii pentru respectiva factiune (nu sunt destul de activi, fac mereu raport minim, o tin in inactivitati, etc.).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#7-promovare-membri-si-locuri-factiuni","title":"7. Promovare Membri si Locuri Factiuni","text":"Duratele de mai jos sunt duratele minime care trebuiesc asteptate. Liderul decide cand un membru merita sa fie promovat.
Adminii vor face promovari doar atunci cand Liderul factiunii le cere asta.
Numarul de zile de promovare reprezinta numarul de zile pe care trebuie sa-l astepte un membru de la ultima promovare pentru a dobandi noul rank.
Membrii care acumuleaza vechimea de rank 2 si rank 3 trebuie sa primeasca la timp rank up daca Liderul acestora nu are dovezi in care comportamentul lor nu ar fi fost unul tocmai corespunzator sau acestia nu au fost destul de activi (sanctiune: Leader Warn prima abatere, Demitere la urmatoarea).
Factiuni Pasnice Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 21 14 7 2 21 14 21 14 7 3 21 14 21 14 7 4 - 21 21 14 7 5 - 30 21 14 7 6 0 - 21 14 7 Ganguri Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Departamente Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Hitmen Agency Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Sons of Anarchy Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7Important
Fiecare FW primit adauga 14 zile suplimentare de asteptare pentru a promova. La 2 Avertismentele Verbale (AV-uri) jucatorul va fi sanctionat cu 1 Faction Warn pentru acumularea a 2 AV-uri. AV-urile nu adauga zile suplimentare de asteptare pentru a promova. Evidenta acestora trebuie tinuta manual de catre Lider. Numarul total de locuri pentru fiecare factiune poate fi vizualizat pe websiteul RPG.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#8-reguli-suplimentare","title":"8. Reguli Suplimentare","text":""},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reguli-generale","title":"Reguli Generale","text":"Fiecare Lider are obligatia de a respecta Regulamentul Serverului, Regulamentul Liderilor, Regulamentele Factiunii sale cat si sa aplice sanctiunile corecte pentru incalcarea acestora.
Un Lider nu are voie sa faca reclamatie unui alt Lider, inclusiv de pe conturi cu care imparte IP comun (sanctiune: Leader Warn prima abatere, Demitere daca continua).
Nu este permis sa se dea Wipe la membri fara un motiv extrem de serios si ca o ultima solutie (sanctiune: Demitere FP 300).
Liderilor le este permis sa joace pe alte conturi pe acelasi server cu aprobare de la managerii de factiuni (adminii 4+).
Un avertisment la functia de Lider poate fi inlaturat dupa minim o luna de zile de la primirea acestuia in cazul in care n-ati mai primit alte avertismente intre timp.
Este strict interzis unui Lider sa ceara diverse compensatii pentru a accepta un jucator in factiune, a-l trece testul, a-l scuti de sanctiuni, a-l promova, etc (sanctiune: Leader Warn prima abatere, Demitere daca continua).
Liderii de Ganguri care au intr-o luna de zile cel putin 10 membri banati pentru coduri risca sanctiuni grave daca acest numar creste in continuare (sanctiune: Leader Warn sau Demitere).
Liderii de Ganguri au obligatia de a se prezenta la 3 din 5 zile de waruri pe saptamana (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn a doua abatere, Demitere daca continua).
Liderii de gang au obligatia de a avea minim 3 attack-uri in fiecare saptamana in care se desfasoara wars (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn a doua abatere).
La inceputul fiecarei luni trebuie sa va ocupati voi de verificarea activitatii membrilor pe luna anterioara si sanctionarea lor. Acest lucru poate fi facut pe website in Leader Panel, tabul Member Activity.
Membrii vor fi sanctionati in urmatorul fel:
Sanctiunile pentru activitate vor fi acordate doar membrilor care au cel putin 30 de zile in factiune.
Liderii care nu-si sanctioneaza membrii pana la finalul celei de-a doua zi din luna si incep sanctionarea lor din ziua urmatoare (de exemplu: 03.03.2021 sau mai tarziu) vor fi sanctionati cu Avertisment Verbal la functie fiind la prima abatere, urmand sa primeasca Leader Warn de la a doua abatere.
Liderii vor fi nevoiti sa posteze evidenta lunara a orelor pe forum in topicul specific de ore lunare creat la fiecare factiune in parte. In acel topic se va posta un tabel cu orele reale ale membrilor vostri.
Cel tarziu pana la finalul celei de-a doua zi a lunii va trebui postata evidenta (nu mai tarziu). Cine intarzie cu evidenta va fi sanctionat exact ca mai sus.
Pentru a nu se ajunge la situatii in care un membru a avut prima abatere in 2020 si a doua abatere in 2022, rezultand in rank down, abaterile se reseteaza mereu la 6 luni de la ultima sanctiune acordata pentru lipsa orelor.
Daca un membru a primit prima sanctiune pentru ore jucate in 1 Ianuarie 2023, adica un FW fiind prima abatere, si pana in luna August nu mai are nicio abatere iar atunci va trebui sa primeasca inca o sanctiune ca nu are 15 ore reale, acesta va primi din nou un FW fiind prima abatere deoarece s-au resetat, 6 luni de la 1 ianuarie considerandu-se 1 iulie 2023.
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#activitatile-organizate","title":"Activitatile Organizate","text":"Micile greseli ce pot aparea in momentul in care un membru dintr-o factiune face o invoire (numarul invoirii, rank-ul detinut etc.) nu o sa se sanctioneze din prima cu respingerea invoirii.
La prima abatere membru va fi mustrat (adica ii aduceti la cunostinta greseala, fara sanctiune), la a doua abatere sanctionat cu Avertisment Verbal si de la a treia abatere sanctionat cu Faction Warn (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn urmatoarele)
Sanctiunile pentru intarziere sunt urmatoarele pentru toate factiunile:
O activitate cu prezenta obligatorie la care se aplica aceste sanctiuni trebuie sa tina intre 40 si 60 de minute.
Activitatile cu prezenta obligatorie trebuie sa fie anuntate cu minim o saptamana inainte (anunt pe forum, FMOTD) si singura modalitate ca membrii sa fie invoiti este printr-o invoire deschisa pe website din timp.
Daca un Lider doreste sa organizeze o activitate cu prezenta obligatorie, trebuie sa aiba un motiv bine intemeiat (ex: sedinta dupa ce un Lider nou a fost promovat, dupa schimbari majore de regulament, etc.) si sa ceara acordul unui manager de factiuni (admin 4+).
"},{"location":"leaders/leader-rules/#reguli-ganguri","title":"Reguli Ganguri","text":"Daca o cerere de interdictie se inchide in 3 zile fara sa existe un vot majoritar din partea voastra, veti fi sanctionati incepand cu mustrare verbala, urmand Avertisment Verbal, Leader Warn si Demitere.
Liderii care accepta in mod constient persoane care folosesc coduri o sa fie sanctionati cu Leader Warn sau Demitere, in functie de caz.
Liderii si subliderii au obligatia de a se prezenta la waruri. Subliderii pot folosi cele 2 invoiri saptamanale pentru a se invoi iar Liderii trebuie sa posteze in canalul specific de pe discordul Staffului (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn a doua abatere si Demitere daca continua).
Membrii care fac parte dintr-un gang si intre timp primesc interdictie, vor fi demisi intotdeauna cu FP 60/60. Jucatorii care au primit interdictie vor putea fi acceptati in alt gang dupa minim o luna de la primirea interdictiei. Liderii care vor accepta jucatori cu interdictie vor fi sanctionati cu Leader Warn, chiar si de la prima abatere.
In cazul in care exista reclamatii pentru fast c-bug facut de catre membri la waruri (atat obligatorii cat si optionale), unde sanctiunea este Faction Warn, se va aplica sanctiunea o singura data daca dovezile pe care este reclamat (din reclamatii diferite) sunt facute intr-un interval de 10 minute la acel moment. Daca diferenta dintre dovezi este mai mare de 10 minute, acesta va fi sanctionat pentru fiecare dovada.
In cazul in care subliderul primeste ban pentru coduri (Aimbot/Norecoil) o sa fiti sanctionati cu Avertisment Verbal la prima abatere, Leader Warn la urmatoarele.
La fiecare vot pe care-l aduceti jucatorului caruia i s-a facut cererea de interdictie sunteti obligati sa aduceti si un argument pentru votul respectiv.
Liderii NU au voie sa sanctioneze membrii la war pe motive precum \"cine moare fara kill are FW\" - \"cine moare are FW\". Va puteti sanctiona membrii pentru neascultare rank superior doar daca oferiti suficient timp sa ajunga la o pozitie de backup, iar acei membrii continua sa va ignore si sa nu vina la pozitia ceruta de voi (sanctiune: Leader Warn).
Toate invoirile se fac pe website.
Puteti accepta maxim 5 invoiri intr-o zi de war. (sanctiune: Avertisment Verbal prima abatere, Leader Warn urmatoarele)
Liderii de gang pot stabili limita de secunde pentru prezenta in cadrul warurilor dupa urmatoarea formula:
Liderul poate decide sa nu tina cont de secunde pentru o anumita zi de war, fiind necesare 30 de secunde pe turf pentru prezenta.
In cazul in care exista abuzuri ce tin de aceasta regula se va acorda direct Leader Warn. Managerii de factiuni (adminii 4+) pot solicita dovezi Liderului prin care sa demonstreaza ca a anuntat numarul de secunde.
Nota informativa
The owner of an account is always considered to be the possessor of the email address registered on the account. For security reasons make sure you do not lose access to the account's email address, otherwise it is lost.
The staff offers limited help via the recovery system on the RPG website and does not guarantee the recovery of a lost account. We reserve our right to reject recoveries without offering any reason.
Info note
All punishments will be given depending on the real level of the player (meaning we will calculate the respect points of the player to determinate their real level).
"},{"location":"en/#accountsgoods-businesses","title":"Accounts/Goods Businesses","text":"We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses with real goods for game goods (punishment: permanent ban).
We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses with gold for game goods (punishment: ban 30 days).
We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses that involve creating multiple clans and selling them overpriced after they get older than a month (punishment: ban 30 days).
We do not allow businesses or attempts of businesses with accounts for real or game goods (punishment: permanent ban without the right to buy shop unban).
The second offence is punished directly with permanent ban without the right to buy shop unban.
Due to the multitude of players who violate these rules, we reserve the right to hold accountable and sanction transfers or businesses that have no logical reasoning or justification.
"},{"location":"en/#account-security","title":"Account Security","text":"The staff does not handle problems regarding hacked accounts, stolen goods, punishments received while your account was hacked and so on. It is your duty to take care of your account or your email address. Sharing an account with other people may lead to such probems and you risk remaining without an account, goods or get punished because of this.
Recovering a lost account can only be done by a recovery request on the website, by clicking the Sign In button and then on Lost your account. Read the rules that show up carefully when trying to recover an account.
Info note
Level 4+ admins reserve their right to punish someone who hacks accounts or to help someone with a hacked account if they consider necessary.
Attention, admins have absolutely no obligation to punish someone or help you if your account got hacked.
Examples of ways your account can get hackedIn short, 2FA is an additional application on your phone that generates a 6-digit code that changes periodically. That code will be used to log in to your account when the calendar day changes or when your IP changes.
Important to know: if you do not have 2FA activated and someone logs into your account, that person can activate 2FA and lock you out of your account. Another thing you need to know is that if your email address is compromised, the person who compromised it can use it to gain access to 2FA on the sa-mp server, so be careful with your email and set a valid email on your account.
For enhanced protection, 2FA is mandatory for individuals holding positions on the server (leader, helper, admin) and they will not be able to use their accounts without having it activated.
If you deactivate 2FA after activating it, the old entry in the app will no longer work. You must use the entry from the app created at the time of 2FA reactivation.
In case of loss or reset of your phone, or deletion of the app, the secret key with which you can regain access to 2FA can be recovered using our 2FA recovery system on our website.
Activating 2FA is done on the RPG website, by going to My Account and then to Security. Click on the activation button. 2FA Activation
A window will open with a QR code and a secret key. Read the instructions carefully and download the desired 2FA application. Do not close the window! You can use Google Authenticator, Authy, or another preferred application. Tip: Save that long code (the secret key) somewhere in case you lose access to your account's email. 2FA Activation Window
After installing the desired application, look for the add button and select the desired option: scan the QR code or manually enter the secret key (that long code). Adding a New Entry
If you opted for the QR code scanning method, then all you have to do is point your phone's camera at the QR code on the RPG website. The phone will automatically recognize the QR code and add a new entry to the application. Scanning the QR Code
If you opted for manual entry, enter the desired name for the entry, copy the secret key (that long code) into the application exactly as it is, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers. Also, leave the \"Time Based\" option checked because the codes only work based on that. Manual Entry
The final step is to add the code generated by the new entry in the application to the window on the RPG website. Enter the code there, without spaces, and click the Activate button to activate your 2FA. Final Activation
Deactivating 2FA is also done from My Account, going to Security and clicking on the deactivation button. You will not be able to deactivate 2FA without access to the code generated by the application with which 2FA was initially activated. 2FA Deactivation
In the window that opens, you will need to enter the code generated by the application and click the green button. You will then receive a success message and see that 2FA is deactivated. Final Deactivation
At this point, 2FA on your account is completely deactivated, so the risk of compromise is higher. Remember that it is your responsibility to ensure the correct security of your account.
"},{"location":"en/#multiple-accounts","title":"Multiple Accounts","text":"You can own multiple accounts, but breaking some rules like: illegal businesses, stealing accounts, cheating, forbidden mods, bug abuse, advertising, scamming, language, toxicity, repeated rule breaking, other severe rule breaking can be punished on all accounts you own.
"},{"location":"en/#account-sharing","title":"Account Sharing","text":"Sharing an account with another person is allowed but will be done on your own accord.
For bans of at least 14 days we will punish secondary accounts with a higher level than the banned account when one of these conditions are met:
In certain situations the staff can ban secondary accounts that do not apply in this rule with the approval of a level 6 admin.
It is strictly forbidden for members of the RPG team (leaders, helpers, admins) to share their accounts with other people without informing and discussing with the Supervisor or Manager beforehand. The consequence for breaking this rule is removing you from your position or even banning your account if needed.
"},{"location":"en/#server-activity","title":"Server Activity","text":"Any method of accumulating hours played, leaving the AFK state, automizing actions for you, etc. (autoclickers, blocking keys, route recording mods or other mods, riding accounts in/on cars, abusing the poker system, etc.). This also means controlling secondary accounts in any way, usually by using mods.
Admins will interract with you directly or indirectly, where it is necessary, in order to ensure that you are actually moving the character in game, and if they determine you broke the rule you will get punished with ban 1 day, or more with the approval of a higher level admin for multiple offenses, as well as deleting certain prizes you might have received.
In case of advanced mods (that answer automatically, that send warnings when an admin checks, that auto moves the character, that automates actions in your place, etc.) will receive a higher punishment because the verification process is more complicated. The punishment will be etablished by the admins, depending on the case.
We will no longer accept mocking responses to admins who try to determine if you are active on the account. Our purpose is to make sure that you play fair and respect the systems we offer, so don't complicate things.
We also offer players to check and report other players if they catch them using such methods.
As long as you play normally, you move the account, one at a time and don't use methods to explicitly grow your activity abusively, you shouldn't have any fear and the rules above don't apply to you. They are intended for players that try to explicitly abuse, not players who play normally.
"},{"location":"en/#inactivity","title":"Inactivity","text":"Players that do not have at least 20 REAL hours played in the last 2 months risk losing their house or shares to all owned businesses (no vehicles).
Players with houses bought from the shop need at least 10 REAL hours in the last 2 months not to lose them.
If you cannot play we suggest selling your properties so you don't lose them. You cannot recover properties lost due to inactivity. Attempts of trying to hide properties from inactive accounts will not stop you from losing them.
Info note
The last 2 months of gameplay are always considered the last 2 months before the current month.
So if it is currently April, we will consider the last 2 months of gameplay to be: March + February.
If we move to May, the last 2 months of gameplay will be: April + March. If we move to June, the last 2 months of gameplay will be: May + April, and so on.
"},{"location":"en/#2-samp-client-cheats-mods-bugs-and-advertising","title":"2. SA:MP Client, Cheats, Mods, Bugs and Advertising","text":""},{"location":"en/#the-samp-client","title":"The SA:MP Client","text":"We recommend using the official SA:MP client for desktop available for download on b-zone.ro/samp.
Using third party unofficial clients is allowed on your own accord, but we are not responsible for the possible punishments you may receive because of certain bugs/options these may have.
Info note
The Android client has such bugs/options. As long as you don't use them you can also play using it.
"},{"location":"en/#cheats","title":"Cheats","text":"Using cheats or connecting with them on our servers is strictly forbidden (punishment: ban 30 days).
The second offence will be punished with permanent ban.
Accounts up to level 5 included will directly receive permanent ban. We will give ban IP on accounts banned for trollhack and to players that create multiple accounts for cheating or ruining the game of others.
Cheat examples:
Using mods that bring you an unfair advantage towards the rest of the players or connecting with them on our servers is forbidden (punishment: ban 3 days).
If you ar not entirely sure a mod is allowed it is indicated to not use it.
Examples of allowed mods:
Examples of unallowed mods:
Exploiting certain mistakes/errors of the game or server is forbidden (punishment: warn).
Severe abuses like bugs for making money, stealing goods and so on will be punished with ban 30 days.
Abuse examples punishable with warn from the first offence:
Other minor abuses not found in the list above will be punished with kick at the first offence, then warn.
"},{"location":"en/#advertising","title":"Advertising","text":"Intentional advertisement made to other servers that do not belong to the B-Zone community is forbidden (punishment: ban 14 days).
The second offence will be punished with permanent ban.
Accounts up to level 5 included will directly get permanent ban.
"},{"location":"en/#3-scamming","title":"3. Scamming","text":"All server deals will be made using the /trade command. Deals made without using this command may lead to scams and you risk remaining without your goods.
Info note
Admins will not intervene in scams that players do only in certain circumstances established by them. Thus level 4+ admins reserver their right to intervene in certain scams and even punish the player doing the scam if needed.
Attention, admins have no oblgation to punish someone or to help you if you got scammed.
"},{"location":"en/#4-language","title":"4. Language","text":"We allow our players to express themselves freely, but without using vulgar or hard language towards other players, on global chats or faction chats.
Examples of punishable language:
Examples of unpunishable language (exception towards admins):
Language on clan chats will be punished by clan owners, except when the language is done by the owner himself, is addressed to admins or faction colleagues.
To ensure a pleasant and easy to administrate game, the only allowed languages on public chats are Romanian and English. Using any other language on public chats (/ad, /gov, /live, /news, /f, /r, /d, /sx, /tx) is forbidden (punishment: warn). On private chats (local, /sms, /call, /whisper, /carwhisper, /c, /ac) you are allowed to use other languages.
"},{"location":"en/#civilians","title":"Civilians","text":"The punishment will grow with 2 extra days at each other offence.
"},{"location":"en/#faction-members","title":"Faction members","text":"Will get punished in accordance with the faction rules.
"},{"location":"en/#offences-insults-or-vulgar-language-to-admins-or-the-server","title":"Offences, insults or vulgar language to admins or the server","text":"The punishment will grow with 3 extra days for each extra offence.
The punishment will only be given for language used in game or on the website.
Admins can ask a Level 6 Admin permission to offer bigger punishments than these if necessary.
"},{"location":"en/#property-name","title":"Property Name","text":"Players that use offensive, vulgar or deceiving texts on owned properties (cars, businesses, houses) will be punished with warn.
In the case of vehicles, players on board who do not own them may also risk being sanctioned, depending on the situation. If they refuse to change the text they will get banned 3 days until they do so.
"},{"location":"en/#spamming","title":"Spamming","text":"It is forbidden to repeat the same message 6 times or fill the chat for no reason (punishment: mute 15 minutes).
We are excluding from this rule spam on /sms, which can be taken care of using /ignore. Even so, the use of mods that send massive spam via sms or other methods will be punished with ban for illegal mods.
"},{"location":"en/#5-non-rp-behavior","title":"5. NON-RP Behavior","text":"By non-rp behavior we understand an action or abuse of certain commands that ofer the given player an unfair advantage or other players a significant disadvantage in some situations.
Examples of non-rp behavior:
Global chats are those chats that can be seen by all the players of the server (/ad, /live, /e, /news, /gov etc.).
Offenses on such chats are forbidden (punishment: warn) as well as heavy insults/vulgar language (punishment: ban 3 days).
The punishment will grow with 3 extra days for each extra offence.
It is not allowed to promote social media channels (youtube, tiktok, facebook, etc) on such chats (punishment: kick), except for channels belonging to the game staff or community YouTubers (ex: b-zone.ro/bobo).
"},{"location":"en/#live-or-event-chat","title":"Live or Event chat","text":"It is forbidden to make bad jokes, mock, spam, use emoticons, use obscene signs (punishment: kick/stopevent).
Admins can ask a Level 6 Admin permission to offer bigger punishments than these if necessary.
"},{"location":"en/#public-announcements","title":"Public announcements","text":"Not allowed (punishment: kick):
The second offence will be punished directly with warn.
"},{"location":"en/#7-extra-rules","title":"7. Extra Rules","text":""},{"location":"en/#nickname-playerclan-clan-crests","title":"Nickname player/clan, clan crests","text":"It is forbidden to use a mocking, indecent, very similar name with other players/admins, with an official clan tag (punishment: rename).
It is forbidden to use an indecent, vulgar, very similar to others, etc. clan name/tag. (punishment: rename of the clan).
If the rename is refused or it is not possible we will give permanent ban.
The use of an indecent, vulgar, or highly similar clan crest to another clan's crest is strictly prohibited (punishment: removal of the crest, imposition of a significant cooldown, and possible sanctions for the owner, where applicable).
"},{"location":"en/#the-report-function","title":"The /report function","text":"It is used to signal rule breaking or for problems in a polite and calm manner. Anything else is forbidden (punishment: mute 30 minutes).
"},{"location":"en/#the-n-function","title":"The /n function","text":"It is used to ask for informative help in a polite and calm manner. Anything else is forbidden (punishment: mute 30 minutes).
Offences, heavy insults or vulgar language on this chat will be punished just like addressing them to admins.
"},{"location":"en/#unban-requests","title":"Unban requests","text":"Any request made in mockery or that contains inappropriate language will be punished and ignored (punishment: ban 14 days).
The second offence will be punished directly with permanent ban.
"},{"location":"en/#disturbing-players-or-the-staff","title":"Disturbing players or the staff","text":"It is forbidden to disturb players at jobs, at activity report, rob, auto exam, events or admins when they have work to do (punishment: kick).
The second offence will be directy punished with warn.
Info note
In the case of department members, they can use summons and directly sanction the player with a wanted level depending on the situation (non-compliance, DB, DM, etc.).
"},{"location":"en/#using-cheaters-in-clan-zones","title":"Using cheaters in clan zones","text":"We reserve our right to delete a clan where one or more players have been caught using cheats in order to help conquer clan zones.
The clan owner is directly responsible with the players he invites in the clan, especially low level accounts who use cheats to conquer clan zones.
The clan can be permanently deleted without returing the Gold spent on it to the clan owner.
"},{"location":"en/#abusive-clan-level-increase","title":"Abusive clan level increase","text":"We reserve the right to modify the clan's XP or even delete the clan where it is determined that the clan level has been increased abusively.
"},{"location":"en/#function-abuse","title":"Function abuse","text":"Severe function abuse which involves modifying several accounts will be severely punished (punishment: permanent ban without the right to buy shop unban).
"},{"location":"en/#distribution-of-personal-data","title":"Distribution of personal data","text":"It is forbidden to share personal information of other players without their consent (links with pictures, videos, phone numbers, personal IDs, personal emails, personal addresses, and so on) (punishment: ban for 7 days OR another penalty with the approval of an admin level 6).
"},{"location":"en/#blackmail","title":"Blackmail","text":"Blackmailing players to withdraw or not to create complaints and paying a player to withdraw or not to create complaints is not allowed (punishment: warn).
Nota informativa
The sanction for blackmail applies solely based on the evidence from the game.
We recommend not engaging in discussions outside of the game with players whom you do not know and who are attempting to report you or have already done so.
"},{"location":"en/#proofs","title":"Proofs","text":"Server proofs must include the server markings with the date, hours, name of the player and name of the server, except for rule breaking that consist of bans lasting 14 days or more (complaint automatically rejected).
A proof is valid for 3 days at most and must be owned by the person opening the complaint, exception for admins, cheats, illegal business, forbidden mods or other severe rule breaking (complaint automatically rejected).
Falsifying proofs is strictly forbidden (punishment: ban permanent from first offence, no unban at second offence). We will also ban the higher level accounts of the player.
Evidence should preferably be presented without using page-up, in order to accurately interpret the situation. Depending on the case, these pieces of evidence may be taken into consideration, but there is also a risk of them being ignored if they are unclear. We accept concrete evidence outside the server, video preferred, for complaints regarding illegal businesses, account hacking, vulgar comments, staff complaints (leader, helper, admin) or other severe rule breaking.\u200b
For browser proofs we accept only videos where there is a minimum of one refresh to the page to prove that there is nothing falsified (complaint automatically rejected).
"},{"location":"en/#content","title":"Content","text":"It is forbidden to open complaints or tickets for inproper reasons (punishment: suspend website 3 days).
It is forbidden to offend others anywhere on the website (punishment: suspend website 3 days).
It is forbidden to insult, publish vulgar content (messages, pictures, videos), or pornographic content anywhere on the website (punishment: website suspension for 7 days OR another penalty with the approval of an admin level 6).
It is forbidden to post personal information of other players without their consent (pictures of them, phone numbers, personal IDs, personal emails, personal addresses, and so on) (punishment: website suspension for 7 days and deletion/editing of content OR another penalty with the approval of an admin level 6).
It is forbidden to advertise (servers, websites, pages, channels, clips, etc.) (punishment: website suspension for 3 days or ban for 14 days/permanently).
We reserve our right to web suspend players that abuse the ticketing system.
Info note
The rules above apply also to deleted comments, withdrawn complaints, added witnesses, proofs posted in complaints, external content (links to other sites) and so on.
Pointless complaining and posthunting"},{"location":"en/#posthunting","title":"Posthunting","text":"We define a posthunter as a person with ill intent who intentionally seeks even the smallest mistakes or puts another player in very difficult situations in order to report them to the staff, with the ultimate goal of sanctioning them.
Considering the various situations that may arise through complaints, the server staff is the only authority capable of deciding when a player is attempting posthunting.
Consequences of posthunting:
What is not considered posthunting:
What is considered posthunting:
Complaints to staff members (leader, helper, admin) can be made just by people involved directly (complaint rejected automatically).
"},{"location":"en/#9-exceptions","title":"9. Exceptions","text":"We reserve our right to have exceptions to these rules. In some cases the punishments may be different.
Players that: have too many punishments, have too many trouble accounts, create accounts just to ruine the game, are considered to interfere too much with the game will get banned permanently.
These exceptions can be made only with the permission of a level 6 admin.
Registering an account within the server implies your obligation to adhere to the imposed regulations.
The rules aim to maintain an enjoyable game for everyone and cannot encompass all situations in which someone might disrupt the game, which is why we reserve the right to make exceptions.
If you have questions about situations not explicitly addressed in the regulations, you can contact us by opening a ticket. Arbitrary interpretation of the regulations to gain unfair advantages is not permitted.
"},{"location":"en/factions/gang-rules/","title":"Gang General Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/gsb/","title":"Green Street Bloods Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/news-reporters/","title":"News Reporters Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/paramedics/","title":"Paramedics Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/","title":"Peaceful Faction General Rules","text":"In addition to these rules, all members are obliged to respect the Server Rules.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#1-behaviour-and-language","title":"1. Behaviour and Language","text":"Examples of language towards colleagues punishable with Faction Warn:
Info note
This language will only be penalized if the offended colleague files a complaint. Complaints against colleagues are made by contacting the leader through a private message, not on the RPG website.
Examples of language towards colleagues or other players punishable by dismissal:
Language of this kind in the faction chat will always be penalized regardless of who it is addressed to.
In addition to language towards colleagues, the following are prohibited:
If the member does not cease even after receiving the second sanction, they will be dismissed. For the cases presented above, the language used is sanctioned regardless of the language used.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#2-deathmatch-dm-and-drive-by-db","title":"2. Deathmatch (DM) and Drive-By (DB)","text":"It is forbidden to DM or DB without justified reason (sanction: Faction Warn). If you are attacked, gather evidence first, then you can defend yourself.
Members of official clans are allowed to attack members of other official clans inside or near clan areas only when they are involved in conquering/defending that area. If members of other clans have already initiated a battle for that area, the intervention of other individuals not belonging to those clans is prohibited.
Info note
DM/DB is allowed towards members of departments or players on the faction's blacklist. DM/DB is not allowed during meetings, events, training sessions, auctions, or other important actions.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#3-faction-organization","title":"3. Faction Organization","text":"Important
Members who do not make sufficient contributions to a faction and only occupy a spot will be considered inactive (sanction: dismissal).
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#inactivity-requests","title":"Inactivity Requests","text":"All requests for inactivity are made only on the website. A member is entitled to a maximum of 14 days of inactivity once every 45 days.
Info note
Members with approved inactivity requests are allowed to connect to the server and play. They will be exempt from the activity report. Inactivity requests cannot be made for the current reporting week, only for the following weeks.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#activity-report","title":"Activity Report","text":"Each member of rank 1-5 (excluding Subleaders) is obligated to fulfill an activity report. Admins and Helpers will have a reduced activity report compared to other members. Cheating or assisting a colleague to cheat the activity report is strictly prohibited (sanction: dismissal).
Info note
Members with inactivity requests or newly joined members are exempt from fulfilling the report (except for those who join at the beginning of the week).
Failing to Finish the Activity Reportplayers of rank 1 who fail to finish their activity report will be automatically dismissed from the faction with FP 60/60.
players of at least rank 2 who fail to finish their activity report will initially enter recovery mode.
if the player fails to finalize the report even during the recovery week, they will be sanctioned as follows:
All faction members are required to have a minimum of real hours played within a month. The number of hours and sanctions for their absence can be found in Leader Rules -> Member Activity.
Players with a minimum seniority of one year in the faction, who have shown seriousness and involvement, are eligible, upon their request, to be exempted from the requirement to accumulate real hours played in a specific month.
This benefit can be used only once a year and will only exempt you from the requirement of played hours, not from submitting activity reports for that month. You still need to submit reports or opt for an inactivity request for the allowed period and use optional reports if you have them for the remaining period.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#5-website-complaints","title":"5. Website Complaints","text":""},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#reporting-colleaguesyour-leader","title":"Reporting Colleagues/Your Leader","text":"Reporting colleagues or the leader directly on the website, even from secondary accounts, is prohibited, except for illegal businesses, account hacking, codes, prohibited mods, bug abuse, advertising, scams (sanction: Faction Warn for the first offense, dismissal if it continues).
Colleagues can be reported to the leader via a private message on the forum. The leader can be reported to the admins by opening a ticket on the website.
Colleagues also include members of the same type of factions for taxi, instructors, and departments.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#proofs","title":"Proofs","text":"All proofs from the server must include server markings with the date, time, player's name, and server name (invalid proofs).
A proof is valid for a maximum of 3 days (invalid proofs). You have 24 hours to provide evidence in your defense, except when you have an inactivity request. In this case, you have 24 hours after the expiration of inactivity to present the evidence.
For browser-based proofs, only videos are accepted where at least one page refresh is given to demonstrate that the proof is not falsified (invalid proofs).
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#language-and-witnesses","title":"Language and Witnesses","text":"It is forbidden to severely insult or speak vulgarly in complaints (sanction: dismissal).
Inappropriate comments in complaints, various offenses through evidence, inciting arguments without providing valid evidence for the reported issue and without being involved in the actions that led to the reported problem will be sanctioned as follows:
Minor things: light teasing, links to soft songs, light jokes, sarcasm, etc. More serious matters: mockery, insults, links to insulting/vulgar songs, etc.
Info note
The above rules also apply to deleted comments, witnesses added, and evidence posted in complaints.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#6-removing-sanctions","title":"6. Removing Sanctions","text":"Sanctions such as Verbal Warning and Faction Warn can be manually removed by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum waiting period, or automatically by the server.
The minimum durations for the removal of sanctions can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#7-rank-promotion","title":"7. Rank Promotion","text":"Rank promotion can be done manually by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting the minimum periods, or automatically by the server.
The minimum durations for rank promotion can be viewed in Leader Rules -> Member Promotion and Faction Slots.
The Subleader rank is assigned by the leader when they deem it appropriate, respecting Leader Rules -> Choosing Subleaders.
Info note
If you are demoted from Subleader, you will receive a rank based on your total seniority in the faction. For the next promotion, counting will start from the moment you lost the Subleader position.
For further details about demotion from Subleader and subsequent promotion, you can access Leaders' Regulation -> Subleader Replacement.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#8-dismissal","title":"8. Dismissal","text":"Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 10/60:
Any member who accumulates 3/3 Faction Warns will be dismissed with Faction Punish 10.
Faction Punish 60/60:
Any member who has less than 2 weeks in the faction will be dismissed with Faction Punish 60.
Info note
There may be certain exceptions where players can leave without Faction Punish, these exceptions being determined by the admins.
In special cases, Faction Punish 60 may be granted to members who have been in the faction for over 2 weeks.
If you have received a ban of 3 days or more, you will only be able to remain in the faction if you are unbanned through an unban request, not if you purchase an unban with gold.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#9-blacklist","title":"9. Blacklist","text":"Info note
Blacklisting will not be granted to departments for things that can be sanctioned with a wanted status. One warning will be issued for each offense.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#paying-the-blacklist","title":"Paying the Blacklist","text":"This status is assigned by the leader to members of at least rank 4 when they deem it appropriate.
Members with this status are obligated to respect Leader Rules -> Testing Candidates, and will be sanctioned accordingly for any violations.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#multiple-accounts-and-shared-ip","title":"Multiple Accounts and Shared IP","text":"Members with multiple accounts (those who own more than one account) are not allowed to have more than one account in the same faction.
Three different days (IN THE LAST 7 DAYS) of logs (SA:MP Login) are sufficient to determine that 2 members from the same faction frequently share their account. In this situation, we will consider them players with multiple accounts in the same faction and both accounts will be dismissed.
For players who play from the same location and share a common IP, in order for both to be part of the same faction, it is necessary to open a ticket on the RPG website to perform some checks and allow this to happen.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#jobs","title":"Jobs","text":"You can hold any type of legal or illegal job.
The leader has the right to force members to use a certain job for a specific period of time in order to carry out faction work (sanction: Faction Warn).
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#skins","title":"Skins","text":"Wearing a skin other than the one corresponding to your rank/job without the leader's approval is sanctioned (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Faction Warn if it persists).
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#absences","title":"Absences","text":"If a mandatory activity is organized within the faction, the only place where you can request absence is on the RPG website through an absence request.
"},{"location":"en/factions/peaceful-faction-rules/#exceptions","title":"Exceptions","text":"We reserve the right to make exceptions to these rules. In certain cases, the sanctions may be different. These exceptions can only be made with the permission of an Admin 6.
"},{"location":"en/factions/school-instructors/","title":"School Instructors Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/factions/taxi/","title":"Taxi Rules","text":"Under development
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/","title":"Leader Rules","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#1-general-characteristics","title":"1. General Characteristics","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#obtaining-the-leader-function","title":"Obtaining the Leader Function","text":"Admins with the Faction Manager role (admins 4+) will compile a list of candidates who deserve a chance at such a position, based on a list of priorities and certain basic criteria we wish to see from a candidate.
List priority:
Base criteria we're looking for:
Info note
Depending on the case, things may vary slightly from what is listed above. There are times when there's a lack of candidates, and we may be more lenient with the criteria. There are individuals who have proven they have no place on the staff team, so we will omit them even if they seem to meet the basic requirements. Similarly, there may be individuals who have proven they've learned their lesson and have made significant contributions, making us want to give them a chance.
Nothing is set in stone, and everything is decided based on the situation at hand. The staff will always communicate and decide who the best candidates are at that time.
Once the list is finalized and there are enough candidates, there will be two polls. The first poll will be voted on by all admins.
Depending on the results, the top 3 most voted candidates will proceed to a secondary poll, which will be conducted for the members of the faction for which a Leader is sought.
If only 2 candidates obtain the majority of the votes, the poll will be conducted with only 2 candidates. If 4 candidates have a similar number of votes, we will add 4 candidates as much as possible.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#function-seniority","title":"Function Seniority","text":"The minimum period you must serve as a Leader to avoid receiving FP 300 is 4 months.
This period is set because we want individuals who take on such a role to understand its importance even before accepting it. No one is obligated to accept the leadership position, you do it of your own free will. However, you must be aware that you need to get involved from the moment you accept it.
The Leader position is a privilege we offer you, not an absolute right. We decide who deserves a chance and we also decide who is not performing their duties properly and no longer deserves to hold this position.
Faction Punish 0/60:
Faction Punish 60/60:
Faction Punish 300/60:
Info note
There can be exceptions to the rules above with the approval of an Admin 6.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#account-security","title":"Account Security","text":"In case another person gains access to the Leader account, you will be removed from the position with 3/3 Leader Warns + Faction Punish (depending on seniority).
If abuses occur on the account, whether they were caused by another person or the account owner, a 30-day ban + Faction Punish 300 will be issued.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#leader-behaviour","title":"Leader Behaviour","text":"Info note
In case of complaints about behavior outside the game, the staff will decide based on the situation and who initiated it whether the Leader should be sanctioned or not.
For situations where the Leader was provoked or it's simply a context unrelated to the game, we will not take any action as long as the Leader does not excessively escalate.
However, our advice is to maintain decent behavior everywhere. If someone bothers you, it's better to block/ignore them and focus on your own affairs rather than complicating matters with complaints that could result in unwanted sanctions.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#resigning-from-the-function","title":"Resigning from the Function","text":"Resigning from the position is done by creating a resignation in the dedicated channel on the staff's Discord with a minimum of 3 days before permanently resigning from any activity related to the Leader position.
In the resignation request, you can propose faction members whom you consider worthy of being considered as candidates for the Leader position.
The function will only be removed after 3 days from the resignation, during which time you must continue to fulfill your duties in the faction.
Neglecting Leader duties for the minimum of 3 days can be sanctioned with Faction Punish 300 regardless of your tenure as Leader.
Even if you have submitted your resignation, until you are removed from the position, you are obligated to continue to adhere to the rules, and you will be sanctioned if you violate them.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#2-faction-subleaders","title":"2. Faction Subleaders","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#choosing-subleaders","title":"Choosing Subleaders","text":"A faction can have a maximum of 2 subleaders at the same time (sanction: Leader Warn).
You can choose a maximum of 3 subleaders during a month (sanction: Leader Warn).
Info note
The month period is calculated from the date you promoted your first subleader.
For example, if you promoted a subleader on October 1st, another one on October 4th, and another one on October 8th, the next date you can appoint another subleader is November 1st, the second one on November 4th, and the third one on November 8th.
Rules for choosing subleaders for peaceful factions, departments, hitmen:
Rules for choosing subleaders for gangs:
Failure to comply with the rules for selecting a subleader will be sanctioned with Leader Warn + demotion of the promoted player's rank.
The subleader does not need to undergo an entry test for the faction if they are brought in from outside, nor should they be listed in the Test Record topic since they are not undergoing any test.
If the subleader has been demoted, they will be eligible to regain the subleader rank after a minimum of one month from the demotion (sanction: Leader Warn + demotion of the promoted player's rank).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#replacing-subleaders","title":"Replacing Subleaders","text":"A Leader can remove the subleader rank when they consider that they no longer need their services and will demote them, granting them a rank based on their seniority in the faction and the rules regarding the granting of ranks to a member.
For the next promotion of the former subleader to rank 2-5, the counting will start from the last promotion before receiving the subleader rank (thus, the seniority for the previously held rank is not reset).
Examples of demoting subleaders
Violation of the above rules will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
Info note
The Leader does not count towards the total number of faction members. Therefore, a faction will always have the maximum number of members + the Leader.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#closing-applications","title":"Closing Applications","text":"Applications can be closed when at least one of the following conditions is met:
Incorrect closure of applications will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#answering-applications","title":"Answering Applications","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#minimum-acceptance-requirements","title":"Minimum Acceptance Requirements","text":"Important
If a player on the blacklist manages to enter the faction, they will either have to pay off their blacklist or be dismissed.
Players who do not meet the minimum requirements or are accepted incorrectly will be dismissed without Faction Punish, and the Leader will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#competitive-testing","title":"Competitive Testing","text":"If MORE players apply than there are available slots, and those players deserve acceptance despite the fewer slots, competitive tests will be held (meaning players with the highest scores in tests will remain in the faction).
If FEWER players apply than there are available slots, competitive tests are not necessary.
Players accepted who are to be directly promoted as subleaders will not undergo competitive tests.
Case 1: a faction has 6 free slots, applications are open for one hour, and 20 applications are received. After analyzing the applications, it is found that 10 players can be accepted. Since there are only 6 free slots, all 10 players will undergo the entrance test, and the top 6 with the best results will join the faction.
Case 2: a faction has 6 free slots, applications are open for one hour, and 20 applications are received. After analyzing the applications, it is found that 6 players can be accepted. Since there are 6 free slots and 6 players accepted, all players will remain in the faction if they pass the tests.
Violation of the above rules will be sanctioned with Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#the-answer-itself","title":"The Answer Itself","text":"Info note
Example: If you reject a player for a weak application and accept another in the same recruitment session with an equally weak application, you will be sanctioned.
Do not cite vague reasons for rejection (such as \"I don't trust you,\" \"You're not active,\" etc.), but provide concrete information (such as \"You recently received 10 FWs for behavior,\" \"You have been dismissed multiple times for language,\" \"You have too many sanctions from admins,\" \"You have spent very little time in all previous factions,\" etc.).
Applications must be checked for plagiarism before acceptance. Here is a guide that explains how to check applications correctly. If a Leader does not carefully check applications, they risk receiving a Verbal Warning or Leader Warn depending on the severity of the issue and the number of unchecked applications accordingly.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#testing-candidates","title":"Testing Candidates","text":"Only members with a minimum rank of 4 and Tester status can conduct tests with candidates. The Leader has the right to decide who is granted Tester status among members with a minimum rank of 4.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#rules-for-testing-candidates","title":"Rules for Testing Candidates","text":"Those accepted for tests will undergo a knowledge test of the general rules and internal regulations.
In case the test is conducted incorrectly, the tester receives a faction warn and the candidate must retake the tests with another tester.
In situations where the candidate is active on the server but fails to find any tester to conduct the tests because they are inactive, the testing duration will be extended, and the Leader will be held accountable.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#theoretical-test","title":"Theoretical Test","text":"The test consists of 15 questions of medium complexity from the general and internal regulations of the faction.
Candidates are allowed a maximum of 3/3 wrong points, as follows:
Candidates attempting to cheat on the tests will be sanctioned (sanction: test failed + 3-month blacklist + 2x warnings on the blacklist). Reason for blacklist: \"Test Fraud - expiration date\".
Testers who attempt to cheat on the tests or do not conduct them but claim to have conducted them will be sanctioned (sanction: dismissal).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#practical-test","title":"Practical Test","text":"A practical test will be conducted if deemed necessary, with no need for evidence from the tester. If a player wishes to report the practical test, they must provide their own evidence.
The decision to conduct practical tests can only be made by the Leader and must be justified to a faction manager. Furthermore, it must be applied equally to all candidates in the respective recruitment session. For example, if the Leader decides not to conduct a practical test with a candidate from a session, then all candidates accepted in that session must also receive the same treatment.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#reapplying-in-the-same-faction","title":"Reapplying in the Same Faction","text":"A member dismissed from the faction, voluntarily or involuntarily, is not allowed to be invited with the same account to the same faction from which they were dismissed for a minimum of 2 weeks (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
Info note
The player accepted incorrectly will be dismissed from the faction without Faction Punish.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#5-punishments-and-dismissal","title":"5. Punishments and Dismissal","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#member-logs","title":"Member Logs","text":"The reasons for all faction logs created on the website must be specific.
Violation of the above rule will be sanctioned (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#sanctioning-members","title":"Sanctioning Members","text":"All sanctions that a Leader can apply are found in the general regulations as well as the internal regulations of the faction.
A Leader has the obligation to sanction their members correctly when they violate the server's or the faction's rules.
DM will be sanctioned only when there is clear evidence (preferably video / multiple screenshots) to prove that the player in question DMed. The informative damage message is not sufficient for dming sanctions (nor the one specifying who killed you and from what distance they did it).
Info note
Before sanctioning, it's best to consult with an admin of level 4+ if you're unsure.
Sanctions offered to members must be posted on the forum within 48 hours of the member being sanctioned.
Players with multiple accounts (those who own multiple accounts) are not allowed to have more than one account in the same faction.
Three different days (IN THE LAST 7 DAYS) of logs (SA:MP Login) are enough to determine that 2 members from the same faction frequently share their account. In this situation, we will consider them as players with multiple accounts in the same faction.
Members promoted before being sanctioned will revert to their previous rank.
Violation of all the above rules will be penalized (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#6-complaints-and-activity-report","title":"6. Complaints and Activity Report","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#website-complaints","title":"Website Complaints","text":"Violation of all the above rules will be penalized (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#activity-report","title":"Activity Report","text":"The Leader is the one who sets the minimum scores for activity reports and the criteria for awarding points.
The report points are automatically corrected by the server, so the Leader does not need to intervene in correcting them, assigning sanctions for reports, and so on.
In the case of gangs, the Leader is responsible for keeping track of attendance at wars and sanctioning members (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
The Leader reserves the right to dismiss members from the faction who do not contribute enough to the faction (are not active enough, always submit minimum reports, engage in inactivities, etc.).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#7-member-promotion-and-faction-slots","title":"7. Member Promotion and Faction Slots","text":"The durations below are the minimum durations to be awaited. The Leader decides when a member deserves to be promoted.
Admins will only make promotions when requested by the faction Leader.
The number of promotion days represents the number of days a member must wait from the last promotion to gain the new rank.
Members who accumulate the seniority of ranks 2 and 3 must receive timely rank-ups if their Leader does not have evidence that their behavior has not been quite appropriate or if they have not been active enough (sanction: Leader Warn for the first offense, Dismissal for subsequent offenses).
Peaceful Factions Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 21 14 7 2 21 14 21 14 7 3 21 14 21 14 7 4 - 21 21 14 7 5 - 30 21 14 7 6 0 - 21 14 7 Gangs Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Departments Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Hitmen Agency Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7 Sons of Anarchy Rank Auto Rank Manual Rank Auto FW-Clear Manual FW-Clear Manual AV-Clear 1 - - 30 21 7 2 21 14 30 21 7 3 28 21 30 21 7 4 - 30 30 21 7 5 - 44 30 21 7 6 - - 30 21 7Important
Each FW received adds an additional 14 days of waiting time before promotion. At 2 Verbal Warnings (AVs), the player will be sanctioned with 1 Faction Warn for accumulating 2 AVs. AVs do not add extra waiting days for promotion. Their evidence must be manually kept by the Leader. The total number of slots for each faction can be viewed on the RPG website.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#8-extra-rules","title":"8. Extra Rules","text":""},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#general-rules","title":"General Rules","text":"Each Leader is obligated to respect the Server Rules, Leader Regulations, their Faction's regulations, and to apply the appropriate sanctions for their violation.
A Leader is not allowed to make a complaint against another Leader, including from accounts sharing the same IP address (sanction: Leader Warn first offense, Dismissal if repeated).
Wiping members without an extremely serious reason and as a last resort is not permitted (sanction: Dismissal FP 300).
Leaders are permitted to play on other accounts on the same server with approval from faction managers (admins 4+).
A Leader Warn in the Leader position can be removed after at least one month from receiving it if no further warnings have been issued in the meantime.
It is strictly forbidden for a Leader to request various compensations for accepting a player into the faction, passing their test, sparing them from sanctions, promoting them, etc. (sanction: Leader Warn first offense, Dismissal if repeated).
Gang Leaders who have at least 10 members banned for cheats in one month risk severe sanctions if this number continues to increase (sanction: Leader Warn or Dismissal).
Gang Leaders are obligated to participate in 3 out of 5 war days per week (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn second offense, Dismissal if repeated).
Gang Leaders are obligated to have a minimum of 3 attacks each week during war days (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn second offense).
At the beginning of each month, you must verify the activity of members for the previous month and sanction them. This can be done on the website in the Leader Panel, under the Member Activity tab.
Members will be sanctioned as follows:
Sanctions for activity will only be given to members who have at least 30 days in the faction.
Leaders who do not sanction their members by the end of the second day of the month and begin their sanctions from the following day (for example: 03.03.2021 or later) will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning at the first offense, followed by a Leader Warn at the second offense.
Leaders will be required to post monthly evidence of hours on the forum in the specific monthly hours topic created for each faction separately. In that topic, a table with the real hours of your members will be posted.
No later than the end of the second day of the month, evidence must be posted (not later). Anyone who is late with the evidence will be sanctioned exactly as mentioned above.
To avoid situations where a member had the first offense in 2020 and the second offense in 2022, resulting in a rank down, offenses are always reset 6 months from the last sanction given for lacking hours played.
If a member received their first sanction for played hours on January 1, 2023, which was an FW as the first offense, and until August they have no further offenses, but then they need to receive another sanction for not having 15 real hours, they will receive another FW as the first offense because the offenses reset. This reset occurs 6 months from January 1, considering July 1, 2023.
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#organized-activities","title":"Organized Activities","text":"Small errors that may occur when a member of a faction makes an absence request (such as the absence number, rank held, etc.) will not be sanctioned with rejection of the absence request request from the first instance.
For the first offense, the member will be warned (meaning you inform them of the mistake without a sanction), for the second offense, they will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning, and from the third offense, they will be sanctioned with a Faction Warning (sanction: Verbal Warning first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses).
The sanctions for being late are as follows for all factions:
An activity with mandatory attendance to which these sanctions apply must last between 40 and 60 minutes.
Activities with mandatory attendance must be announced at least one week in advance (forum post, FMOTD), and the only way for members to be excused is through an open leave request on the website in advance.
If a Leader wants to organize an activity with mandatory attendance, they must have a well-founded reason (ex: a meeting after a new Leader has been promoted, after major rule changes, etc.) and request approval from a faction manager (admin 4+).
"},{"location":"en/leaders/leader-rules/#gang-rules","title":"Gang Rules","text":"If an interdiction request is closed within 3 days without a majority vote from you, you will be sanctioned verbally, followed by a Verbal Warning, Leader Warn, and Dismissal.
Leaders who knowingly accept individuals using cheats will be sanctioned with Leader Warn or Dismissal, depending on the case.
Leaders and subleaders are obligated to attend wars. Subleaders can use their 2 weekly absences for exemption, while Leaders must post in the specific Staff discord channel for an absence request (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for the second offense, and dismissal if it continues).
Members who are part of a gang and meanwhile receive an interdiction will always be dismissed with FP 60/60. Players who receive an interdiction will be able to be accepted into another gang after a minimum of one month from receiving the ban. Leaders who accept players with interdictions will be sanctioned with Leader Warn, even for the first offense.
In case there are complaints about fast c-bug performed by members during wars (both mandatory and optional), where the sanction is Faction Warn, the sanction will be applied only once if the evidence being complained about (from different complaints) is made within a 10-minute interval at that time. If the difference between evidence is more than 10 minutes, they will be sanctioned for each piece of evidence.
In case the subleader receives a ban for cheats (Aimbot/Norecoil), you will be sanctioned with a Verbal Warning for the first offense, and a Leader Warn for subsequent offenses.
With every vote you bring to the player whose interdiction request is made, you are obliged to bring an argument for that vote.
Leaders are NOT allowed to sanction members during wars for reasons such as \"who dies without a kill gets FW\" - \"who dies gets FW.\" You can sanction members for disobeying a higher rank only if you provide enough time to reach a backup position, and those members continue to ignore you and do not come to the position you requested (sanction: Leader Warn).
All absence requests are done through the website.
You can accept a maximum of 5 absence requests in one war day. (sanction: Verbal Warning for the first offense, Leader Warn for subsequent offenses)
Gang Leaders can set the time limit for attendance at gang wars according to the following formula:
The Leader can decide not to consider seconds for a particular war day, requiring 30 seconds per turf for attendance.
In case of abuses related to this rule, a Leader Warn will be issued directly. Faction managers (admins 4+) can request evidence from the Leader to demonstrate that they have announced the number of seconds.
Info note