The Binding Templates Task Force of the W3C Web of Things (WoT) wants to reach out to the WoT developers to get their feedback on the Binding Templates.
This initiative has been started in the GitHub Issue 221 of the WoT Binding Templates repository. For any feedback on the survey itself, you can comment there.
This section should be removed in the final survey sent to people.
- Tools for Collecting Answers: W3C Questionnaire, Google or Microsoft Forms, GitHub PRs or simply any tool that we seem fit. A single tool should be selected to make it easy to collect the results.
- Date for Sending the Survey: Once the "good enough to send state" is reached for the core document. TODO: Agree on a deadline
- Who to send to:
- Industry Stakeholders (Liaison SDOs)
- More discussion is needed in WG to complete this
- Where to send the survey to:
- [email protected] (Public WG Mailing List)
- [email protected] (Public IG Mailing List)
- [email protected] (Public WoT CG Mailing List)
- [email protected] (Public WoT Japanese CG Mailing List)
- [email protected] (Public Web Thing Protocol CG Mailing List)
- [email protected] (Invited Experts)
- W3C WoT Twitter
- Liaison contacts
- Visibility of the Survey: Public
- Visibility of the Results: Member list
- Collecting Emails: Optional
Do you usually produce (write or generate) TDs or do you mostly consume them in order to interact with devices? (Allow multiple answers)
- Produce
- Consume
Are you primarily interested in some of the current bindings? (A better question can be thought but we should do an interest check)
- Interested in general
- Interested in the following ones (allow checkboxes for each)
- CoAP
- Modbus
- (?) XML
- (?) JSON
We want to know if the overall binding mechanism clear. The following three questions address this.
- Do we provide enough information for you to start writing your own binding document?
- Yes
- No. Please provide details.
- (Empty Field)
- Do we provide enough information for you to start programming your own binding in a programming language of your choice?
- Yes
- No. Please provide details.
- (Empty Field)
- What can we do to improve the core document?
- (Empty Field)
- Do we provide enough information for you to start writing your own binding document?
Do the current bindings provide enough information to write TDs on your own, using the binding in question? Please provide details if the choice is "No" for a binding. (How the answers look like depend on the survey tool)
- HTTP: (Empty Field)
- CoAP: (Empty Field)
- MQTT: (Empty Field)
- Modbus: (Empty Field)
- (?) XML: (Empty Field)
- (?) JSON: (Empty Field)
What new bindings do you want to see developed by the WoT Working Group?
- (Empty Field)
Can we contact you regarding your answers?
- Yes
- No