calculate_LD(snpdata, min.r2=0.2, inter.chrom=FALSE, chroms=NULL)
calculate_LD is a function that is used to calculate LD R^2 between pairs of loci using the vcftools program.
snpdata: an object of class SNPdata
min.r2: the minimum R^2 value below which the LD value is not reported
inter.chrom: whether to calculate inter-chromosomal LD
chroms: a vector of chromosome names for which LD should be calculated
a SNPdata object with an additional field: LD. this is a data frame with 6 columns:
1. CHR1: the chromosome of the first SNP
2. POS1: the position of the first SNP in the chromosome
3. CHR2: the chromosome of the second SNP
4. POS2: the position of the second SNP in the chromosome
5. N_INDV: the number of samples used to calculate the R^2
6. R^2: the resulting R^2 values